i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,890 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 2:34:54 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Despite her scream, no one came to Shalin's aid. Slumping in Sandy's saddle, she had little feeling in all four of her limbs. While her suit protected her from the noise and dulled the vibration some, its sheer intensity was beyond the limits of her suit to repress. But was it the limits of the suit, or was it the limits of her skill and experience with the suit? Either she had a lot more training and practice to do with her suit, or the bond with her Flygon was not strong enough for her to withstand that kind of power.

She came to during Calyrex's announcement through . It seemed she would be able to ask the royal one question. As much as she would have loved to see whether the King Pokémon knew of Keldeo's whereabouts, she had her home to worry about. The one destroyed much of. With trepidation and twitchiness, she asked as she reined Sandy toward the light leading to BALLONLEA:

"You are not the only one that has lost their home to a calamitous Pokémon. I, too, have lost Petalburg Woods, my home, to ruination at the hands of a malefic god. What is the key to reversing the ruination?"


- Shalin, after quite some time, arouses to Calyrex's plight.
- Shalin guides her Flygon toward Ballonlea's light.
- Shalin's question: "What is the key to reversing the ruination?"

{WC: 209}
{PC: 3}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Shalin          Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Flit            Yanmega           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good
Queen Zing      Beedrill**        Good
Treble          Kommo-o           Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Levy            Milotic           Good

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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,902 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 3:36:54 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Onto the private channel with Remiel talking about their current location being in Wyndon Stadium, but wondered why they were transported there. Looking over to the high king that would be telling the others to ask it a question and told them that heroic acts in this strange looking Galar would give anyone dominion over the four cities still standing. Hearing the voice of a blonde girl saying that this wasn’t the Galar she knew, this would possibly make a lot more sense if people could ask what was this place.[break][break]

“If I had to surmise a little onto this ‘Galar’, the Ruination caused by that deer Pokemon could be the cause of everything we’re seeing in Wyndon Stadium and outside of the building being in deterioration.” Her response to the other ranger came with some worry though she didn’t have to protect Vanilla for a bit since the younger girl was being fretted over by what she may assume was a family member who came for her.[break][break]

To the king with the bulbous crown on its head when she joins up with the group talking with the king of the bountiful harvest, she begins to ask her question and curtsies towards him with respect as a fellow royal. “Your royal majesty, am I to assume that Hammerlocke will share the same state like Wyndon? I am very concerned.” Her mind wondered if Hammerlocke was going to be in the same deteriorated appearance like the stadium was, but she went on to say her choice, looking over to her cousin, , and to if they would follow. “I’ve made my decision to go to Hammerlocke if that may be a choice you two are making.”[break][break]


@rustedsword [break][break]


- Talks to Adelaide and joins up with the others talking to Calyrex.[break]
- asks the king of the bountiful harvest a question: Am I to assume that Hammerlocke will share the same state like Wyndon?[break]
- chooses Hammerlocke as her destination of choice.[break]
- using 2x salac berries



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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
890 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 8:42:49 GMT
Shred Avatar
Unbeknownst to you, you’ve wandered into a veritable who’s who of the enemy’s top brass. There’s councillors to your left, ranger captains and gym leaders to your right, and then there’s you, right in the middle, the deceptive slice of Rocket ham amidst the bread of this League sandwich. In this case, your startling ignorance of Hoenn’s politics is more of a boon than it is a bane.

Well, okay, that’s not quite true. Besides , you do know one other person among this crowd.

, that blight upon music. You’d recognise that stain upon sound anywhere, especially with how her scourge of an album has taken the radio hostage. And you’re stuck here with her? Tch. Oh well. You suppose you can play nice and keep quiet, as long as she doesn’t get any funny ideas about singing.

You stand there for a minute, listening to those gathered chatting amongst themselves. Seems like they have some kind of telephonetic system you’re not clued in on, but that’s hardly your top concern right now. No, right now, your main priority is to just act natural and blend in, and that remains your top priority for about a few seconds, until a spectral steed and its mysterious rider make their dramatic introduction.

You turn to look upon the High King with something between respect and contempt.

It’s strange, isn’t it? You’ve never liked royalty, and especially not the royal family of Galar. No, you’ve never liked the kings and queens and princes and princesses that loomed large over your country. You always heard about how noble they were, how they exude elegance and majesty, how they always looked so dignified during their ceremonies and parades. But you wouldn’t know anything about that, because you know for damn sure that they never visited Spikemunth. No, they wouldn’t want to sully their million-dollar gowns by visiting your little slum, would they? Bastards, the lot of them.

But when you look upon the one that called itself Calyrex, you struggle to summon up that same hatred, but you can’t exactly bring forth any kind of admiration, either. You suppose that this ersatz intrigue is the best you can do.

But that’s enough about Shred Zeppelin. What does Jack Sabbath think about this new development?

”Well, well, well…” You glance between the various bodies being psychically puppeteered by Calyrex, before your gaze settles on the source of the sound itself. The whole thing is more than a little unnerving, and you count yourself lucky that he didn’t decide to pull that stunt on you, too. This whole situation just keeps getting weirder and weirder by the second. ”Ain’t this a kick in the head?”

And as you quickly find out, yes, it really is a kick in the head.

”Spikemunth’s gone…?”

You can’t rightly describe how it makes you feel, knowing that your hometown no longer exists. Make no mistake, you held no love for the place, but for it to just be gone? Just like that? Without pomp or circumstance, gone, full stop? A kick to the head is truly the only way you can conceptualise it, because you feel like you’ve been hit hard.

You don’t think you’re going to throw up, but you won’t make any promises.

You shift gears to distract yourself. Calyrex has given you a mission. Restore the Hero of Many Battles by performing feats of heroism. Really, you like to think of yourself as more of an Anti-Hero, but you’re in no position to be picky. If that’s what you need to do to get out of here, and you sincerely hope it is, then you’ll do it. And, you know just the place to start.

”Take me to Hammerlocke, bud.” You ask the creature, punctuating your request with a snap of your fingers. If you can’t go home, then you might as well go to the closest place to home left. Yet, it’s at that same moment that a thought intrudes into your mind, a horrible, horrible thought. It would be sensible to discard it, to forget about it, yet you can’t very well leave it unasked. ”But, before I go, I gotta ask just one thing…”

You shuffle awkwardly on the spot, glancing over your shoulder as you do, before you ask your one question. You’re almost a little hesitant to mention it, like it’s some kind of boogeyman that’ll pop out of the shadows the moment you mention it. Still, better safe than sorry, right?

”You, uh… You wouldn’t happen to have seen a moose with a bowl on its head kicking around in here, would you?”

TL:DR - Shred Zeppelin Jack Sabbath acts natural, blends in, has a lot of bloated internal dialogue that I REFUSE to edit and you CANNOT make me, caps it off with going to Hammerlocke and inquiring about the whereabouts of Iconic Character Bowl Moose.


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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 9:17:47 GMT
Ettie Avatar
As Ettie places the berries on the trough, she blinks at the sight of a feather clinging to the trough. Carefully, she picks it up by the quill - gently twirling it. It makes her think of Astus or Adrae, looking at it - though she isn't sure what to make of it quite yet. For now though, she carefully puts it away - with the other miscellaneous trinkets she sometimes picks up along the way in her travels.

But after some fighting amongst some of the other trainers (during which, the still-hurting Anne protectively sticks close to her size, letting out a soft growl of unease) two pokemon would appear - a Calyrex, and a Spectrier.

The psychic-type would speak through the mouths of a few trainers - something that Ettie couldn't help but find unsettling, and something that has her packmates drawing closer to her. The Calyrex would introduce itself, all the while making a request. A request for... Stories of heroism? All the while, the Spectrier partook in the water and treats offered - noisily drinking from the trough.

Of the four locations that they were asked to choose from, only one really caught Ettie's attention. "Ettie go... Ball-on-le-a?" She spoke - slowly, carefully, trying her best to pronounce the town's name. The surrounding woods seemed similar to the woods she once called home.

At the offer of answers though, the wildchild perked up. "He-ro-ism... What-mean? What-kind friend-want?" She asked, tilting her head. She didn't exactly understand what heroism was - or what what Calyrex wanted would look like - but maybe it would clarify for her..? It'd surely make going home easier, right?
- Ettie picks up the feather, it makes her think about her honchkrow and murkrow, carefully puts it away.
- Chooses to go to Ballonlea
- Ettie asks what heroism means - and what sort Calyrex wants.
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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 9:19:06 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Combat continues to fly across the stadium unimpeded. The central location seemed to be somewhat safe, for now.

Callan's gaze darted around, attempting to place their bearings. His eyes briefly lingered on a spot of churned earth, has a sudden eruption of toxic sludge erupted, saved gracefully by 's Urshifu.

A grim neigh disrupts the rhythm. An absurd spectacle unfolded - a rabbit, crowned by a colossal garlic clove, proudly perched atop a Spectrier, proclaimed itself as the High King of Galar. Callan suppressed a smile, he had been ready to laugh, until it began to control the people around him.

Callan instinctively jerked back as , standing close by, suddenly lifted off the ground. In one swift motion, he returned Yukianesa, and sent out Bowie, his Toxtricity, preparing to defend. Across the field, the Spectrier dipped its head to feast from a filled trough, clearly starving. The speech abated his concerns for combat. While the danger had not passed, and Callan did not trust Calyrex, Callan tuned his senses to the words through its proxy humans.

"I see." He replies. There was not enough context to know about the situation. Nor to get out. Nor the nature of this location. His understanding of their predicament was a puzzle with too many missing pieces.

When suggested they split up, Callan offered a curt nod. "Okay, I agree." Splitting experienced trainers across the locations was probably a good idea.

He makes a mental count of the people who have voted. Those he could see, at any rate.

"Seems like Motostoke needs the most help right now, so that's where I'll go." As for questions, there were so many that he had. And all of them were of high importance.

But his was going to be more specific. He had a hunch. The poison was not of physical nature, they had entered into some sort of dreamscape. The question was, what was the dreamscape? The question was already asked by another, and so instead, he asked something more specific.

"What is the cause of that poison? It seems like it is pervasive here." He asks, pointing towards the spout of poisonous sludge that spews from the land. Hopefully, this would elucidate both the nature of this place, and more importantly, how to get out.


+ Sends out TOXTRICITY and returns A!NINETALES
+ Agrees with Greyson's plan to split up.
+ Chooses MOTOSTOKE.
+ Callan asks: "What is the cause of the poison?"


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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 16:26:23 GMT
Navy Avatar


Hattori breathes a sigh of relief when he finds Tsubaki. A shinobi must be in tune with his lord’s wishes. His lord wishes this girl’s safe return. Ergo, keeping her safe is tantamount to keeping his lord safe. The little frog grabs her as she screams out her warning, jumping down with her towards safety. Their descent is guided by a stream of water left in his wake.[break][break]

Navy, meanwhile, is dragged over to a set of familiar faces. There’s no time for introductions. Events move themselves forward, and he is ever caught in the tide. Once more, the detective resolves to test his strength against the water.[break][break]

I’m glad you’re alright, Melody.” Navy’s stomach is in knots over Tsubaki, but seeing the songstress of the elite four puts him at ease. , , and are a trio of people he’d like to have a conversation with, but dealing with the high king is much more important.[break][break]

People ask their questions. He holds his tongue, for a time. Tries as best he can to mind his manners while people from both sides stop fighting for long enough to try and pull information out of the king.[break][break]

Eventually, holding his tongue proves impossible. It’s his turn to talk to the king. Someone has to guide this conversation. Before he addresses the king, he speaks to the crowd at large.[break][break]

You know, before over there made me a gym leader, I was a detective. Pretty alright one, I’d like to say. I hate to be the one to say it, but most of you are asking the wrong questions.” There are exceptions. He nods to , , and .[break][break]

Connors is on the right track. Young, too.” He only knows these men from the news, but their words earn them some respect. “So, uh. Guess I’ll go, then.”[break][break]

Turning to the king, he gives him an awkward bow. The great detective tries as best he can to obey the laws of courtesy and respect. may be a princess, but he’s never treated her like one. She’s just like anyone else in Hoenn.[break][break]

Your majesty, I’d like to make a deal with you. I’m not some knight, but I know a thing or two about keeping my word. I promise I’ll do what I can to help out your hero. Let me explain our situation. Sorry if you already know it. We’re from a place called Hoenn. Don’t know if you know about it, or if it even existed as a country when you were really alive and not just a memory. Either way, your two heroes showed up out of the blue defending this place we call the ancient tomb from these other two Pokemon. A brown deer-like Pokemon with a bowl on its head and a white feline Pokemon with swords for teeth. Now…”[break][break]

The detective takes a moment to clear his throat.[break][break]

…as far as I understand it, your heroes haven’t ever really left Galar. It begs the question: what’s so important about that tomb that they’d cross the sea to come defend it? Put another way, what are the aims of the two heroes?” While Navy’s saying his piece to the high king of Galar, Hattori has arrived. He’s poking Navy to grab his attention, holding up a carrot.[break][break]

Thoughtlessly, in sight of Calyrex, he takes the carrot and looks at the half-eaten vegetable.[break][break]

…what’s the deal with this carrot?” Although still addressing the king, he says this more to himself than anyone around him.[break][break]

Either way…send me wherever the toughest fight is going to be, your majesty. That’s the least I can do.


+ tl;dr[break]
Greninja helps Tsubaki down.[break]
Briefly speaks to Melody before Calyrex shows up.[break]
Listens to people ask Calyrex questions.[break]
Decides they're not asking the right questions.[break]
Addresses Calyrex, doing an awkward bow to show respect.[break]
Informs him they are from Hoenn. Explains the hero duo were fighting the ruinous beasts outside the tomb. [break]
Doesn't know the ruinous beasts by name, so he gives a description.[break]
Vows to do as the king asks and help restore the land.[break]
Asks this question: what’s so important about that tomb that they’d cross the sea to come defend it? Put another way, what are the goals of the two heroes?[break]
Greninja shows up, pokes Navy, gives him the carrot.[break]
Not really getting it, Navy asks more to himself than Calyrex, "what's the deal with this carrot?"[break]
Asks the king to send him wherever the toughest fight is going to be.[break]
x4 Salacs used. Entire stock. Will it be worth it? Who can say?



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April 29
103 height
103 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
377 posts
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TAG WITH @lime2
Megan Whitmore
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 17:53:39 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

Two pieces of good news. One was that Jo was decently fine, given the situation. The other was that apparently, people seemingly stopped fighting, if only because something new had appeared. Something big and powerful. “I am fine. Though I have a feeling this has just begun,” she replied to her friend, deciding to stick to the other for the time being. Her Swampert gave her a curious glance, as if trying to convey something, before gesturing towards the statue, then their surroundings. It took a bit until she made the connection, but a lot of it fell into what was being explained along the way. However, his urgency did contrast the big Pokemon’s relative calm on display.
Then again, calm was relative when someone went around possessing people to communicate a message. Megan did briefly glance over toward Johanna again, as if to make sure she was not among the possessed. Jo apparently did the same – and already made a decision. That girl certainly had come a good ways since their little meeting in the distortion. If only Megan had also managed to become better at making decisions…
She shook her head. Not the time and place to do that. Instead, she would for now simply decide to follow another’s lead. Not much, but it just made sense. But she did pick a question of her own, too: “I take it this has got to happen. As for the question: How much time will we have to resolve this? And I will go Ballonlea as well.” It wasn’t exactly a grand question. But this was a bad place to be in. They had to make sure they understood what would have to happen how and until when if they wanted out, so she had to be pragmatic for once.


+ Checks up further on , asks how much time they have, chooses ballonlea as well kD9sjUCF



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• Lucario Male Steadfast Aura Sphere | Rock Smash | Meteor Mash | Close Combat | Swords Dance | Extreme Speed
• Arcanine Male Intimidate Extreme Speed | Roar | Flare Blitz | Flame Wheel | Crunch | Play Rough
• Swampert Male Torrent Bide | Foresight | Muddy Water | Mud Shot | Wide Guard | Hammer Arm
• Hydreigon Male Levitate Tri Attack, Dragon Rush, Crunch, Work Up, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice
• Gligar Female Sandveil slash / acrobatics / u-turn / knock off / substitute / night slash
• Breloom Male Effect Spore Mach Punch, Stun Spore, Leech Seed, Counter, Mind Reader, Sky Uppercut
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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
591 posts
aaron faust DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @aaron
aaron faust
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 18:25:28 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
possession comes over him before he can comment about how goofy calyrex looks. it feels like he's being pushed out of his own head, forced to take a backseat as the psychic-type assumes control of his faculties. he can hear himself — and , and some other people — talk, but it's not really him. [break][break]at his side, his xatu remains motionless throughout the monologue. her eyes flash as she tries to regain control of her trainer with psychic, but her own power is nothing more than an annoying gnat compared to the
pokemon astride its spectrier, easily swatted away by the compelling energy channeled by the rabbit.[break][break]
aaron is dropped unceremoniously, legs giving out beneath him when his feet hit the ground. he crumples to the floor with a groan, hand reaching for his throat and the formerly-possessed vocal cords beneath his skin. there's an experimental cough, punctuated by a quiet "not fucking cool, man". [break][break]as people start asking questions, he gets back up, looking almost as pouty and agitated as has for the past two months.
"yo, how the hell do we get home from here?"
he leaves the complicated questions to others. a glance is stolen towards , conceding to his choice without much (or any) thought. aaron couldn't even point to ballonlea on a map, but he trusts in his roommate's supreme nerdiness to get them to a good place.
"i'm gonna go to ballonlea, too, yeah."
[attr="class","annalooc"] + possessed then falls to the ground pog[break]+ question: how do we get home?
[break]+ choice: ballonlea

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 19:24:29 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
In a world of ruin their eyes are drawn to pillars of light, magenta peeking through the darkness like beacons.

Before Angelo has a chance to urge Latios closer however, he feels his body back in the stadium suddenly jolt. Mental whiplash disconnecting his sight sharing as he's pushed into a wall with a startled grunt.

He's all but prepared to be faced with a fight when he turns, hand snatching a pokéball.

Instead, all Angelo sees is a hole gurgling with poisonous, purple ooze and the source of 's vexation.

Angelo fixes with an unimpressed stare and clips the capsule back on his belt. “Smart move, kid.

Here's hoping she dug up her lost braincells while she was at it, he thinks before giving Johnny a grateful arm pat. A quick glance confirms was still kicking before Angelo's attention redirects.

You can't not be drawn to the Calyrex and its fanfare. Its pumpkin head is far too large to ignore.

When will the calamity reach Hoenn? How can we defeat it?

Angelo forcefully swallows those questions. For there's no use asking about the future, when they've got this to overcome first.

And if our 'acts of heroism' aren't enough to bring her back, what happens to us then?

He leaves the rabbit king to mull over the questions, turning to .

Admittedly, Angelo hadn't had the chance to research much of Galar. He knew where Circhester was on the map and that there was a historical landmark there, at least...

Circhester it is. But I pick next time.” He smiles, blissfully unaware of what he'd signed himself up for in blind wanderlust.



- latios is invisible
- question: and if our 'acts of heroism' aren't enough to bring her back, what happens to us then?
- choosing circhester
- using 2 salac

angelo is wearing a sygna suit (deactivated)

with and  

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
1,109 posts
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON May 25, 2023 19:51:37 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Gunfire. Fuck. Which meant that Landon () Asshole Cassidy was here. He had to be careful now, he was in the frying pan, and as shined a light on him, he could feel himself scowl as the heat turns on. "Always did want to be in the spotlight." Not like this though.[break][break]

Haku, his Dragonite, sensing the danger his trainer was in, made touchdown right in front of him, intent to take any attacks, holding something in their hand. The Dragonite gave a tiny roar, as if to intimidate any oncoming attackers... but she didn't have to. 's Milotic from afar, came over to keep him safe... but he wonders, will Theo be fine?[break][break]

Theo can handle himself. It was he was worried about, and seeing that Gunk Shot make headway, he's about to charge in in desperation, when[break][break]


Ashley moved to grab that 'something', and eyed what Haku had found, the Dragonite pulling Ashley into a small, tight, enclosed hug. "... the skeleton burrowed chasm deep... seeping rot upon our fields. Holes bore into the heavens, beckoning a knight of pure light who shone brighter than our traveling lamp..." He takes a second, reads it over, eyes towards Haku, and back to the paper.[break][break]

What the fuck?[break][break]

Pocketed for now. He'd bring it up later. For now... he needs to get over there. He's almost certain he knows who is there. He can feel it burning in him. If Landon is on the field, Ashley would have to run. Beginning a light job now, Haku follows right behind, and his eyes shine with conviction, and he's about to shove his foot somewhere between Landon's ass and colon, when he's stopped.[break][break]


A king?[break][break]

"Today just keeps getting weirder..."[break][break]

The little man is a pompous dick, lifting up two people he doesn't know, and two he does. Kind of. One of them was from that phone app (), and the other... he gets an inkling on, but he isn't too sure. But suddenly, the little man speaks. Set aside their differences? Feats of heroism? Ashley's brow raises, and he looks away. What are you... a child? That was the initial thing in his mind, but he shakes it off, only to look at the beast.[break][break]

He's still a decent bit away from Kep. If they were making a ceasefire, he'd have a minute to react. Haku floated nearby, preparing to smite down anyone who dared to oppose them.[break][break]

So he moves to ask the little king one question.[break][break]

"The hero you speak of is the knight of pure light, isn't it? They got a name?"[break][break]

The moment he hears Landon shouting not too far away, Ashley makes up his mind.[break][break]

"Hammerlocke." He didn't want revenge anymore. But... he wasn't risking it. Landon was his fight.[break][break]




- Ashley got spotlighted. OH SHI. Haku grabs that paper, and comes down. Ashley reads, and just...what?[break]
- They begin a light jog into the field towards Kep, the Conjuring possession scene happens. Calyrex appears.[break]
- Tells them to ceasefire, and Ashley asks: "The hero you speak of is the knight of pure light, isn't it? They got a name?"[break]
- Makes the choice upon hearing Paxton. Hammerlocke.



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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 3:32:33 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

Aidan still wasn't sure what was even happening, no time was taken to even gather any information about his own whereabouts, the only thing he could feel was all of the death around him, a feeling he had sadly been way too used to. His long lost good-natured side had taken over even before his mind would fully react. Another person () had also shown themselves to help . Aidan would take a step back from the group not wanting to give his Rocket status out that quickly. He trusted his gengar enough, along with the ones that were risking their lives by helping someone else in an unknown environment. [break][break]

Taking a few seconds to fully scan the area around them and not understanding a single thing about what had transpired, he was sure they had been transported to somewhere, he just had no idea where this place was. Placing his attention back to once he spoke up to thank them all. "Don't scare us like that ever again, mud boy." Aidan would say with a slight smile filled with relief. Before Aidan could even fathom the concept of introducing himself to and , something strange and unpleasant happened. [break][break]

As the strange and haunting synchronized voices rang through the air, Aidan couldn't help but watch as the horrific vision of four people being puppeteer-ed by a very... Strange looking pokemon. Aiden would look around himself as soon as Calyrex spoke of everyone putting their differences aside, as if the world had been lifted from his shoulders. He'd continue to listen to the pokemon's request. Not exactly understanding the full context behind the said "hero". Once again, he'd listen as everyone shot their own questions towards the King before he'd raise his own voice to ask something. "Something terrible clearly happened here... That much is obvious. What on Hoenn will we be facing once we arrive at these cities?" Engaging an unknown enemy in a possibly unknown territory could simply be as efficient as suicide[break][break]

After speaking out his mind, Aidan would step closer to the group once more. "I'm with Rowan on this one. I have no information about this place, staying as a group seems like the best plan." Agreeing to follow Rowan to Circhester. Hoping more would join them.[break][break]





  • Outfit: One Masky Boi
  • Relieved that Rowan came to his senses.
  • Intrigued and shocked at what Calyrex just did.
  • Relieved Calyrex told them to work together.
  • Aidan asks "What on Hoenn will we be facing once we arrive at these cities?"
  • Picks Circhester.


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[newclass=.aidan4 .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 8:44:26 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Memory? Feeling? Was that the true foundation from which this 'Galar' had been built upon? The DARKEST DAY had traumatized his people, no doubt. He'd heard, read, and personally helped many try and process that trauma— and his place seemed like a direct manifestation of it. The only force he could imagine conjuring it was the INTERDREAM MIST...

Though there was still much he didn't know about the RUINATION that he had personally witnessed.

Remiel had spotted the statue dedicated to the KING OF BOUNTIFUL HARVESTS from afar. He was well-versed in its legends and history. To see CALYREX itself appear before them, however, was nonetheless a startling revelation.

The LUCARIO belonging to is kind enough to alert them to its arrival as it glides onto the scene atop a SPECTRIER. The GRIM NEIGH reflects the dread in the crown prince's heart as he sees lifted into the sky with others. Though his first instinct is to intervene, however, it soon becomes clear that Calyrex means her no harm.

Thereafter, they are given a quest. Well-versed in tales of heroism as an ARCHAEOLOGIST— and frankly, by growing up in a palace where the walls were adorned with the great heroes of House Calcifet and Galar— Remiel is confident that he can help. He returns his HATTERENE to her Luxury Ball before summoning ZEKROM in a flash of golden light and mounting the Black Yin's shoulder seamlessly.


We've been tasked with restoring the hero of many battles, Remiel responds through his telepathic link with Zekrom. A terrible RUINATION threatens the IDEAL WORLD we hope to foster. He adds, taking note as the Dark Black makes eye contact with CALYREX and huffs for some reason.

Will you aid me in this endeavor?

Zekrom shifts his attention back to Remiel and nods.


With that said and done, the crown prince turns to and speaks out. "I'm headed to HAMMERLOCKE, my friend. You're free to ride with me if you so wish. And the same goes for you, cousin." He adds, shifting his gaze towards next. Regarding , , and (possibly) , however, the royal nods. "I suppose this is where we part ways then. Duty bids me to finally come home." In a sense. "I hope you understand... take care, and let's reconvene after."

Zekrom takes flight afterward, drawing closer to CALYREX so that may conjure his question and state his intention. On the way, however, he casts a fleeting glance at and to visually inspect if they were okay. Even if he didn't know the former, the young lad had been possessed longest. Thankfully, both seemed well.

Once they reach CALYREX, Remiel takes a moment to find stable footing on Zekrom's shoulder again before issuing a proper bow. "High King..." Shame fills the empty well of his heart like a poisoned wellspring once more. For nearly a year, he'd carried the guilt of not being there for Galar when it needed him most. And now here he was, standing before the High King of legend and paying witness to the consequences of his absence. "I... I apologize for allowing this to happen to our great kingdom. Zekrom and I will do our best to restore the great hero in HAMMERLOCKE."

Looking up at the legendary with great humility in his eyes, Remiel continues. "If I may ask, Your Royal Highness... what is your purpose for existing in this reminiscence, and do you continue to exist outside of it?"


HATTERENE is swapped out for SHINY ZEKROM!
apologizes to CALYREX for being an ABSENTEE PRINCE, essentially
states his intention to go to HAMMERLOCKE
asks CALYREX: "What is your purpose for existing in this reminiscence, and do you continue to exist outside of it?"


🍒 using X0 SALAC BERRY
🧥 is wearing a black ensemble with reinforced padding and a knightly sword

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 15:30:59 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Dross is here.[break][break]
Nomi's chest constricted, a strange feeling that wasn't quite jealousy, wasn't quite fear, wasn't quite anger. Some new emotion she could not name and had absolutely no idea what to do with.[break][break]
- friends with that guy -[break][break]
Nomi followed 's gaze, and when she found who her bodyguard was looking at, her blood ran cold. Whatever stupidly confusing feeling 's presence was giving her, it was immediately superseded by the dread that filled her heart as her eyes found .[break][break]
"Oh no, not again," she moaned softly. A wave of déjà vu hit her square in the chest as she pictured her professor bleeding and battered in the Ultra Deep Sea. Why was he here? Why was he always showing up at these sorts of conflicts?[break][break]
And wait - how did Parker know him?[break][break]
She opened her mouth to ask that exact question, but then Parker asserted that she would stay by Nomi's side and Nomi was momentarily stunned back into silence. She'd been steeling herself for abandonment, but Parker was giving her the sort of eyes that burned down buildings with their tenacity, which Nomi recognized as - coming from Parker - something akin to devotion.[break][break]
"We'll get through this," Nomi found herself saying, eyes flashing gratitude. And maybe a little swooning.[break][break]
A bone-cold wind blew through the stadium at that moment, nearly knocking Nomi off of her feet. The Unown-N floated down to her, as if in concern. As far as she could tell, it had not detected any portals - if it had, it would have been bobbing up and down with urgent excitement. But then it did turn, as if drawn to something in the distance, and Nomi was shocked to see a completely unrecognizable Pokémon riding into the stadium on the back of a Spectrier. When it spoke through the bodies of four different people via an extraordinary powerful psychic connection, Nomi listened with rapt attention.[break][break]
Somber reminiscence? High king of Galar? Nomi's heart hammered as she tried to make sense of everything this new obviously-legendary Pokémon was saying. This was beyond anything she had ever studied. One thing was clear, however: this was not the DRK Triad's doing. She had been wrong about that, which troubled her.[break][break]
It seemed all they could really do was play along with whatever this was. A memory? But whose? She had seen no signs of dream mist back at the Ancient Tomb, before they had all been sucked into this Galar-that-wasn't-Galar.[break][break]
Four cities, one question. Nomi glanced at the Unown-N beside her.[break][break]
"What do you know of Arceus and how we can find it?" Nomi found herself asking the Calyrex. It was worth a shot. She felt shaken, no longer in control. It was a strange sensation to realize just how helpless she was when lacking insight. But didn't Parker follow her without knowing a goddamn thing about any of this?[break][break]
Stupidly courageous, indeed.[break][break]
"Take us to CIRCHESTER," Nomi asserted. Then she grinned at Parker and winked.[break][break]
"If worse comes to worse, there's an amazing hot spring there."[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SWORD


Nomi is wearing black tactical gear with a black mask, her pink hair tied up under a hat[break]
Nomi is shook: being here complicates things. being here REALLY complicates things[break]
Nomi hates not knowing things...but she will persevere! Parker being with her helps...[break]
Asks the Calyrex what it knows about Arceus and how they can find it[break]
Nomi chooses CIRCHESTER. Even if they're fucked, she and Parker can at least hang out at a bomb hot spring...



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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 19:33:48 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Upon getting a response Kazimir, Thomas closed in on him, meeting him in the middle. "Glad you made it!", he told Kazimir.

"I'm wondering if this is all some sort of illusion, generated by the strange creature with the bowl, a reaction from its clash with Zaican, or something else entirely.", he'd tell Kazimir. "But I can say for sure, that we're looking at the aftermath of Necrozma's handiwork in Galar."

Calyrex would awaken, thanks to the offerings of the others. The Spectrier would greedily eat at the offerings given to it. He couldn't blame the steed, given the state of Galar.

As it introduced itself by name, Thomas blinked in shock. This was Calyrex, the great King of Galar? He had heard the name, but never thought it'd be a Pokemon. If a human was thought to have been Calyrex in the past, perhaps it was a puppet to the real thing, like the humans found themselves being?

Finally, when it was his turn to ask a question, Thomas sighed. "Oh King Calyrex, what do the pillars of light represent?", he'd ask.

Upon seeing that Hammerlocke was still up, he practically jumped. That was 's home. Maybe this realm had some clues for him to find? He could only hope.

"Hammerlocke!", he called out.


notes: Thomas reunites with Kazimir
Thomas watches as Calyrex takes possession of the trainers.
Thomas asks his question
Thomas chooses Hammerlocke

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON May 26, 2023 19:42:08 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

It seems that despite being teleported to a different location, fights and brawls between rivals or different factored teams continued to break out all around him. Crimson colored orbs lifted to see some flee on flying mounts or running mounts, they were more interested in investigating than fighting for domination over another. And while some flee and some fought, others healed each other and regrouped to form a strategic of some sort. Maverick, being the lone wolf he was, didn’t join anyone. He was a lone switzerlandian, not picking sides or actions other than attempt to figure out what was going on.[break][break]

The brunt scarred man leaned heavily on his creature, pain still riddled his hip as his massive six foot hell hound provided the aid he needed to stand and walk. Of course, this didn’t mean she wasn’t injured as well. Looking pass her own battle worn scars, the houndoom’s own back left leg had a sizable slash and warm red colored liquid oozed from it with each step she took.[break][break]

While others tried to examine the statue and look for clues or hints as to what it could mean, the ex gym leader was too trans on the fact that his former steed was carved into wood. A curious brow rose, unfamiliar with whatever or who ever hit upon his old ghostly steed. What could it mean? Suddenly, the familiar haunting neigh filled his ears. It caused the man to quickly turn and search for the source. Has his steed returned to him?[break][break]

Crimson colored orbs widen at the sight of he spectrier, a pokemon known to him riding on the back of the creature. It gallops towards them, only to stop and face them with a grim expression. Azula, the houndoom, barks her teeth, unsure of who or what this new arrival wants. A moment of silence filled the air before the calyrex makes a move. Unable to communicate, it uses its assuming psychic power to gain control of four trainers and begins to speak.[break][break]

It was when the creature spoke did the man learn of its name, Calyrex. And as it continues, it offers an opportunity to help it restore something in the galar region. Calyrex then releases several of its talking puppets, giving everyone an opportunity to asked a question and state where they would like to go.[break][break]

Shouts of question began to called out to the legendary creature, Maverick grimacing as everyone speaks. He took a moment to think about what he wanted to ask. He had more questions than he cared to ask. Yet, only one came to him and one he was sure didn’t matter. Crimson orbs fell upon the creature, a serious expression over his facial features. “Where is zacian?”[break][break]

Several teams or pairs began to form all around him. Again, the lone wolf stood alone. Unless someone invited him to with their party, Maverick stood proud with his Houndoom by his side. “I’ll take Hammerlocke.”[break][break]


[attr="class","bottom"]@teamzacian at route 120.[break]
maverick picks hammerlocke but if needed to be put somewhere else, do so.[break]

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing