i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
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you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 2:04:52 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]MURDER AT MAPLE MANOR



N's Room - PKMN BW 2


THE CRISP AUTUMN AIR IS CLEAN AND CALM NEXT TO VERDANTURF. As the last dregs of summer fade, cool winds blows down the peaceful and idyllic route. As the calendar shifts to October, many will find their thoughts on pumpkin spice, candy, and thrills...[break][break]

You, however, happen to be there when the Distortion starts.[break][break]

Whirlwinds whip as powerful pokemon corner you- eventually forcing you take shelter in a large manor you could have swore was never there before.[break][break]

But something else is amiss.[break][break]

It seems you've stumbled right into... a murder.



The twenty of your stream inside. Be it together or one at a time, you all find yourselves led into a large entryway. The mansion you've found yourselves in is massive and ornate; a grand staircase loops around and leads upstairs. You're given blankets to fight off the distortion's chill. It is not well meaning maids or butlers who give you these; it is police officers.[break][break]

It is about this time you all notice your pokemon are missing. No pokeballs, no friendly companions who hang around on your shoulders. The officers also don't seem to recognize any of you, no matter of what your publicity status might be. If you happen to have a special connection to a pokemon, like an Avatar or Sygna Suit or similar, you can also feel it is null.[break][break]

About that time, a man strides down from the staircase. Many of you might recognize him.[break][break]


stands at the top of the stairs. He looks younger than any public image of him has shown, the scars on his face missing. He's also wearing a detective uniform, the police offers around him deferring to his command. He gives you all a curious once over before sighing.[break][break]

"You got caught in the storm, too, I assume." He looks vaguely put out, like you've made his job harder, but he then gives you all another once over. His lips twitch into almost a smile as he descends.[break][break]

"My officers are running thin trying to keep the vicious pokemon at bay. Until you can leave, I'm recruiting you all as Junior Detectives. If you can help me solve the murder than happened here yesterday night, I'll see you be rewarded."[break][break]

With that, he offers you some of the information on the case. You all can still feel the storm whirling outside... it will be a while before it's over. So what does it hurt to help look for a few clues while you're trapped here?



    Each human only has ONE type.[break][break]

    A person can be killed by being 'attacked with a move they are weak against.[break][break]

    You can always assume a Pokemon can use ANY of it's most recent game's LEVEL UP moves. Special moves like TM/TRs and Egg moves are also applicable to be used and known, but without evidence you can't prove any particular pokemon knows them.

    The murder victim is a woman by the name of Madam Maple Peacock. She was the owner of this manor and was found early this morning. She was killed in the Tea Room, with signs pointing to foul play.[break][break]

    There are four suspects. Detective Declan has given you their information as well as their statements:[break][break]

    Andrew Peacock. He claims he was in his room all night. He claims he did not see or hear anything.[break][break]

    Grace Suzette. Personnel chef who works for the estate. She says she was in the greenhouse collecting fruit for breakfast; when she came inside, she found the body and called the authorities. She says she never saw anyone else in the greenhouse.[break][break]

    Andrea Applegate. Andrew's personal trainer. She says she was in the Gym cleaning up the equipment. Says she was alone and didn't hear or see anything.[break][break]

    Walter Waterthyme. The Gardener of the estate. He claims he was in the Greenhouse. Says he didn't see or here anything, but also claims he never saw anyone else in the greenhouse.

    All four suspects have been hard to get talk and they all four seem to be hiding something.[break][break]

    The places that you've been assigned to investigate are The Tea Room, The Kitchen, The Gym, The Greenhouse, Andrew's Bedroom, and the Hallway connecting them all. Here is a rudimentary MAP.[break][break]



    • To uncover a CLUE, it must be investigated so many times. The amount is listed in 0/0 format, reading times investigated/needed investigations.
    • Investigation carries over between rounds. You can investigate the same clue multiple times if it's available.
    • You can only investigate once per round.
    • Certain Clues being uncovered could unlock new places to search!
    • You have a limited amount of time to search, so it is advised to work together OOC to find out where you might need to look next!

    Tea Room

    A stately room filled with bookshelves and a plush chairs. It looks like a wreck in here, with various liquids and stains on the once pristine floor. This is where the body was discovered.[break][break]
    There is a strange whimpering under the table... 0/1 [break]
    The decorations might provide insight. 0/2 [break]
    The stains on the floor are suspicious and sticky. 0/3 [break]
    A teacup lays broken in pieces. 0/3 [break][break]


    The connecting hallway between all the points of interest. While it seems very plain, someone with keen eyes might be able to sniff out more.[break][break]
    Something smells really bad out here. 0/2 [break]
    The table here is a skewed. 0/2 [break]
    The rug by the door feels loose. 0/3 [break]
    ? ? ? [break][break]


    A large kitchen loaded down with all the most modern appliances. Grace works in here as the personal chef of the manor. It's connected to the greenhouse through a special backdoor.[break][break]
    What's that on the oven's hood? 0/1 [break]
    Maybe some personal effects of Grace's are in here. 0/2 [break]
    This spice rack is off somehow. 0/3 [break]
    ? ? ? [break]
    The cleaning closet door is cracked. 0/4 [break][break]


    A large greenhouse connected to the kitchen. It has a few flowers but mostly seems full of fresh veggies and fruits. Walter works out here as the Gardener.[break][break]
    Above the door is...? 0/1 [break]
    Maybe some personal effects of Walter's are in here. 0/2 [break]
    You can hear the occasional, muffled ding. 0/3 [break]
    Maybe the plants are hiding clues. 0/5 [break]
    ? ? ? [break][break]

    Andrew's Bedroom

    Andrew, the son of the victim, claims he was in his room all night. Maybe peeking around in his room could prove if that was true or not.[break][break]
    Something's asleep on his bed. 0/1 [break]
    Going through Andrew's things might help. 0/2 [break]
    Searching the dresser couldn't hurt. 0/3 [break]
    ? ? ? [break][break]


    The personal in-home Gym of Andrew. Andrew works in here as his personal trainer. It's filled with typical gym equipment. Oddly enough, it looks like a TM/TR case is stored in here as well.[break][break]
    What's that in the corner? 0/1 [break]
    Maybe Andrea left some of her things in here. 0/2 [break]
    Why not look at the TM case? 0/3 [break]
    ? ? ? [break]
    Ugh, a pile of sweaty gym clothes! 0/5 [break][break]


    POST BY[break][break]OCTOBER 6TH, 11:59PM EST.

    [newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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    January 5
    Elite Ranger (ooc)
    5'4 height
    5'4 height
    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
    858 posts
    robin coello DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @robin
    robin coello
    POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 21:41:26 GMT
    robin coello Avatar

    Sleepwalking was commonplace for the Ranger, but nightmares were far and few between. It made it all the more upsetting to dream of being trapped by vines and poisoned by the bulbasaur line and vileplumes. A heavy weight sat at the base of her throat where she had choked on the poison powder. She was struggling to shake off the feeling, so she had to get some fresh air. And so, she had opted to go for a walk to clear her head.

    The Distortion forced Robin to think on her feet. She scurried into some large manor and found herself surrounded by over a dozen others who must've taken shelter in the sudden storm. There were sure a lot of officers. "What is-?" An officer hands her a blanket to fight the chill. The unsettling feeling crawling up her throat reaches a climax as she realizes her Munchlax is gone. She looks at the floor around her, but he's clearly not around. She doesn't even have her pokeballs.

    And then they explained the murder.

    When they laid out the suspects, no internal alarm went off for her. But as they explained the areas of the house, she found herself instantly drawn to the greenhouse. Perhaps the psychic abilities of her family were finally coming to her if she had had such a vivid experience in her dream only to be met with further disaster that, possibly, took place in a literal greenhouse. "Dibs on greenhouse," she said quietly and quickly, moving through the house (careful of the officers doing their work) and kitchen like a blur until she found herself at the greenhouse.

    She began her investigation with the door.

    INVESTIGATING: Above the door is...? 0/1
    [newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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    Elly, El
    December 24
    Hammerlocke, Galar
    Galarian Ambassador
    Rustboro Captain
    darling, so share with me
    or pain if that's what it is
    5'7" / 170 cm height
    5'7" / 170 cm height
    i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
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    Elise Calcifet
    POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 22:12:35 GMT
    Elise Calcifet Avatar

    Her Misdreavus and Litwick were playing with each other while her Mismagius watches out for their trainer’s safety, but the Distortion causes the royal to call out for her Pokemon before she escapes to the safety of the manor’s grounds. Her head turns to find that her Pokemon and Pokeballs were gone with a little wave of panic making her think her Pokemon were taken somewhere. Feeling a chill come on, she opens the door to take shelter from the storm and finds an officer wrapping a blanket around her to help with the rain.[break][break]

    “What is going on…?” Her voice wonders aloud when the grey-haired detective says there’s a storm, his officers were keeping the vicious Pokemon at bay, and the other people here would be recruited as junior detectives to solve a murder that happened yesterday night. Although she worries about her Pokemon, she had no choice, but to follow what the man says in helping to gather clues on the murder.[break][break]

    A sigh comes from the royal ambassador as she gives the detective a nod after he explains the murder and the suspects. “I’ll be heading to the tea room.” She makes her way towards the door leading to the tea room as she is greeted with the opulent flooring and wallpaper along with a bookcase. Various iquids and stains were on the floor with the china tea set’s remnants being broken.[break][break]

    The dead body of the elderly female owner of the manor doesn’t faze her. She’s helped with a murder case on the Dells’ relative with Sheriff Navidson of Dewford Town before, so Elise gets to work with investigating the stains on the floor that are suspicious and sticky.

    @murdermystery [break][break]


    - Location: Tea Room[break]
    - Investigating: The stains on the floor are suspicious and sticky. 0/3



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    she / her
    October 14
    Vermilion City, Kanto
    demolition expert
    But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
    5,211 posts
    Eris Halla DOLLARS
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    Eris Halla
    POSTED ON Oct 2, 2023 4:07:09 GMT
    Eris Halla Avatar
    [attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
    [attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
    [attr="class","inner-finally"]Darkness eats the sky like a ravenous beast, the air tingling with a strange energy that sends shivers down her spine. When she looks back, all she hears is the groan of rocks and sand, all in the fleeting few seconds of the ground crumbling under Isaac's feet before he falls.[break][break]

    In the moment, she doesn't think, she acts. Reiner yowls behind her but she's already thrown herself off the edge as if hoping to reach out and somehow catch him. What does she hope to achieve? Without the slightest bit of help from her pokemon, they're simply fall-[break][break]

    Why can't she call any of her pokemon?[break][break]

    The tumble that ensues is sure to hurt but at the very least, the fall isn't enough to seriously injure or kill. Little cuts and scrapes bleed red, dirt haphazardly brushed off broken skin as she winces from the stinging touch. [break][break]

    "Reiner?" Her calls, her whistles all go unanswered. Is he still trying to find his way down the cliff? Her eyes flick over to Isaac as he carries her through these woods, but a part of her remains hung on the lack of response from the Luxray.[break][break]

    Beady eyes glare at them from the shadowy brushes, wet growls echo through the tree and threaten to chomp down on their ankles - Any sane person can tell that staying in the open is a bad idea. But if not for Isaac holding onto her, she might just have risked it all anyways in her wish to reunite with her dearest companion. Perhaps, that's why he takes them straight towards the large manor peeking just over the treeline, only daring to set her down once they've slipped right through the doors.[break][break]

    And yet, the act of seeking shelter in the midst of a distortion quickly reveals itself to be some kind of sick joke. Footsteps click sharp against sprawling steps, well-defined features lit only by the dimmest of lights as recognition causes memories to flicker through her brain.[break][break]

    Walsh... What is Walsh doing here? That voice, that face, that confidence and stride - It's clearly him but also not him at the very same time. To be talking so calmly about a murder, and to say that he's part of the police force working to crack the case? Despite how many differences she might be able to spot, the sigh he gives makes her tense up, and she can't help but take tentative steps as she moves and cowers behind him.[break][break]

    Where's Reiner? Where's Mesprit? Are they okay with that horrible storm and all those wild pokemon out there? Chilled fingers grasp at Isaac's sleeve, a quiet whimper swallowed as she tries to pull him away from the foyer. Who are all these people? Are they real or apparitions that she can apparently touch? What is this place? Who is to say that the so-called murder being investigated isn't one committed by Walsh himself?[break][break]

    Slow down, take a second to give this more thought. Would Rocket really go to such lengths just to torment them? What about the coincidental timing with the appearance of the distortion? If anything, the peculiarity of the situation points more towards to the DRK Triad and their otherworldly interference.[break][break]

    "Isaac... I don't like this."[break][break]

    The hallways twist and turn, various figures pass them in the corridors without sparing so much as a word. Still she keeps close, cautiously eyeing each and every person but sharply turning her attention to the ground when they attempt to match her gaze.[break][break]

    Further and further from the entrance they'll get, the door at the end of the corridor leading right into what seems to be a quaint, little kitchen. It looks used: Spices displayed on the racks, pots and pans stacked all around. Even the cupboard seem to creak with anyone simply walking past. Cracks line a strange door in a corner of the room, instincts telling her to keep her distance even if curiosity begs her to take a look.

    ✧ Heading towards Kitchen[break]
    ✧ The cleaning closet door is cracked
    [attr="class","adrie-note"] || electric

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    Mimi (Julie Only)
    August 29th
    Fortree City, Hoenn
    Pokemon Ranger
    you were the sunshine
    of my lifetime
    5'10" height
    5'10" height
    what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
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    Mika Nakayama
    POSTED ON Oct 2, 2023 5:07:28 GMT
    Mika Nakayama Avatar

    what had started as a beautiful autumnal day near verdanturf ends in a strange, mysterious situation in an entirely different place. there are many thoughts running through mika's head, but the first one rings true: this particular matter is above her pay grade. solving a murder that's better left to experienced league officials is one thing, but being grouped together with some notable trainers, gym leaders, and rangers, too? that, and the fact that mika's pokemon are nowhere to be found, lead the blue-haired ranger to think that this is some kind of dream. [break][break]

    isn't that what distortions pretty much are in their essence? perhaps she should've kept more up-to-date with these things, but too late to regret it now. on the bright side, they aren't the only one stuck in this strange manor. after detective declan walsh's officers get everyone settled, mika's natural curiosity gets the better of her. she gravitates towards the kitchen where a few others are also gathering, and she looks more into this grace character, and her going-ons in the kitchen. [break][break]

    after all, both grace suzette and walter waterthyme both claimed to be in the greenhouse around the same time, yet neither of them saw anyone else at that particular location. so might as well investigate one person to find answers about the other, and vice versa. [break][break]

    as a result, mika checks the kitchen thoroughly for anything that looks like it could belong to grace. it's not much, but it's a start.



    ✚ LOCATION: Kitchen [break]
    ✚ INVESTIGATING: Maybe some personal effects of Grace's are in here. 1/2 [break][break]


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    the Harbinger
    october 28th
    circhester, galar
    the harbinger
    I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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    Cillian Quinn
    POSTED ON Oct 2, 2023 16:17:23 GMT
    Cillian Quinn Avatar

    He does not like to feel powerless.[break][break]

    Fear and desperation drive him to the manor, intent upon temporary shelter under which he might summon his Dhelmise to spirit him away from this accursed place. But when his fingers ghost along his belt... nothing.[break][break]

    His heart jumps into his throat. Someone presses a blanket on him.[break][break]

    He hadn't even noticed the cold.[break][break]

    Alarmed by the appearance of the fucking police, he makes to hastily retreat... but none of them seem to recognize him. He is not disguised, yet they don't react to one of Hoenn's most wanted in their midst.[break][break]

    He realises things have gone very, very wrong when walks down the stairs.[break][break]

    Only it's not the Rocket Boss he knows.[break][break]

    Wanting nothing more than to be away from the League members surrounding him, Cillian is quick to retreat to the current solitude of the GYM. The gleam of the TM CASE draws his eye, and he wanders over.




    Undisguised, Cil is mostly sticking to himself considering he's a wanted criminal.[break]
    Why not look at the TM case? 1/3


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    Michael Navidson
    October 13th
    E4; Gym Leader
    5'10" / 177.8 cm height
    5'10" / 177.8 cm height
    In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
    3,931 posts
    Navy DOLLARS
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    TAG WITH @teddie
    POSTED ON Oct 4, 2023 2:09:03 GMT
    Navy Avatar







    Caught in the storm, he’s left with no choice but to take shelter. Turning towards , he manages a wet smile. They tumble inside, dripping from the rain.[break][break]
    So much for me introducing you to Kyle.” Merry though his words may be, he finds it odd how fate always conspires to keep Tsubaki and from meeting properly. “I’ll get you to his place one of these days.”[break][break]
    Not, it seems, today. They’re surrounded by cops. On paper, they’re his people. Always there will be some part of him that remains a street kid. That part sees them as the enemy, so he moves forward to protect Tsubaki. When they drape him in blankets and explain there’s been a murder, the detective-turned sheriff musters up the capacity to blink.[break][break]
    Well now…” Hoenn is rife with strange distractions. This, it seems, is one of them. Declan Walsh talks to them like he’s not Rocket’s boss. None of the twenty who stumble in from the rain seem to be recognized.[break][break]
    Alright, we’ll help.” Without skipping a beat, he volunteers Tsubaki and himself. “Not like we’ve got anything better to do. Baki, come on. Let’s check out the kitchen.” He turns to leave, but not before leaving a few words for others in their midst.[break][break]
    Hey, Quinn. You didn't kill her, did you?" Laughing at his own joke, he leaves to his own investigation. There'll be time for them to kill each other later. [break][break]
    And as for you, Yellow, figure out who killed Miss Peacock and I’ll meet you in the boxing ring. We can ride out the storm in style.” With a wave at , he’s off to the kitchens.[break][break]
    So, here’s the real trick.” There’s an air of mischief in his voice as he speaks to Tsubaki and Tsubaki alone. “There’s twenty of us, yeah? That means we can trust at least five of them to be smart enough to solve this. Gives us time. Let me show you my favorite part of the job.”[break][break]
    Channeling the spirit of the slacker he would be in another where, another when, he takes her to the kitchen. There he sees , , and someone he's never met. Nodding at , he addresses all three of his fellow investigators.[break][break]
    Yo, you three get the same idea? Raiding the pantry?” With astounding speed, he makes a sandwich for himself that is comically oversized. “…you want some help looking in there?


    notes about this post

    Investigating: The cleaning closet door is cracked.

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    December 21
    Saffron City
    Gym Leader
    dead flowers
    pressed against my lips
    156 cm // 5'1" height
    156 cm // 5'1" height
    oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
    1,086 posts
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    TAG WITH @2baki
    Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
    POSTED ON Oct 4, 2023 4:58:42 GMT
    Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


    [attr="class","star2tsu"]"It's like clockwork. Every time you try and get me to meet your friend something bad happens." [break][break]

    An autumn storm, a mansion with a bunch of strangers and police, they're all well and good and interesting, but she gives him a crestfallen look. She figured she'd finally get a chance to stop Navy from nagging her about visiting Kyle. Tsubaki shakes her head like a wet dog, getting everyone around her wet before she grabs a towel from a cop and starts drying herself off. She lingers on a glance of suspicion and moves away from the cop, nearer to Navy, before she continues.[break][break]

    "Almost like it wasn't meant to be."[break][break]

    She clicks her tongue with a smile.[break][break]

    There's time to calm down and get situated in a corner of the room before anyone informs them of the situation. Tsubaki scrolls away on her Rotom Phone, seemingly uninterested, but on hearing the words 'murder', she tenses up and looks up at the crowd with suspicion, scanning for weapons.[break][break]

    Though this was just gonna be an ordinary day out, it's turned to something sinister with the storm, and they've been pulled into something dangerous. Tailing Navy, carefully watching the faces in the crowd, she turns on her detective mode like that, slipping into it like a warm bath. It reminds her of her time at Navidson Solutions LLC, strangely nostalgic.[break][break]

    ... But it looks like the eponymous has other ideas.[break][break]

    "I suppose it's starting to get cold out, huh... that time of year..."[break][break]

    The disdain in her voice is palpable. Tsubaki eyes his sandwich skeptically, stacked higher than anything she's eaten in her entire life. [break][break]

    No wonder he's been packing on the pounds lately.[break][break]

    Tsubaki's eyes flit about the kitchen, looking for anything out of place. Any signs of something odd. But it's not long before she's distracted by what Navy starts piling on his sandwiches, and stops dead in her tracks.[break][break]

    "Is that... pickles and peanut butter?"[break][break]

    + [break]
    + Kitchen, the cleaning closet door is cracked.


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    Master of Faster
    December 12
    Goldenrod, Johto
    Mauville Gym Leader
    Single; Not Looking
    6'1" height
    6'1" height
    "With great speed comes great responsibility."
    6,875 posts
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    Josh Devlin
    POSTED ON Oct 4, 2023 6:28:40 GMT
    Josh Devlin Avatar
    Detective work was not Josh's strong point; there was a reason that Mauville's Spare Tire typically only aided Law Enforcement with police chases. With a large number of staff busy with other cases, they pleaded with the Leader to help out. Having too soft of a heart to say no, Josh agreed to head out to the manor. Riding his Manectric to the assigned coordinates, he gasped at the size of the property. It was beyond lavish, beyond extravagant. Whoever lived here was making some serious lettuce. Slicing off Saber's back, Josh withdrew the Pokémon and followed and inside.

    "You two, too?" Josh asked the Minor League Leader and Ranger he knew well by now. He didn't have much time to converse with them before the briefing began. The twenty gumshoes started to spread throughout the manor. "I'm headed up to the bedroom. Something doesn't add up about Andrew," he called out to and before disappearing up the stairs. When he arrived, Josh noticed there was a big lump on the bed. Tensing up, he made his footsteps as quiet as possible, used to it from his childhood days of sneaking around the house on sleepless nights. It was in that moment Josh felt naked.

    His belt of Poké Balls was gone.

    His heart thumped; without Saber and the rest of his Pokémon, he would be helpless if something jumped him. This required a change of plans. Though it was difficult to see in the low-light conditions, he felt the best way to start was to search what was lying in the open; one squeak of a dresser drawer could wake whatever was in that bed. If it was hostile, he was a goner. Best not risk it.

    {WC: 294}
    {PC: 1}

    Location: ANDREW'S BEDROOM
    Going through Andrew's things might help.
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    The Liberator
    April 10
    Lavaridge Town
    Figuring it Out
    I've got a, I've got a
    Pocket fulla sunshine
    Short King height
    Short King height
    Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
    4,401 posts
    Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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    Isaac Merlo
    POSTED ON Oct 5, 2023 0:57:33 GMT
    Isaac Merlo Avatar


    [attr="class","textbox"]The nice thing about being the first to fall was that he could catch those to come after.[break][break]

    In Eris' case, that was every bit as literal as it was metaphorical. By the time she came tumbling out of the rift, he was able to scramble to his feet and catch her on the way down. She still got a few bumps and scratches along the way, but he'd spared her quite the nasty landing.[break][break]

    "You all good, kid?" he asked, but she wasn't concerned about herself. Not while Reiner was still missing. Isaac knew he'd never get a peep out of her with him still missing. "Alright, alright. We'll go looking, okay?"[break][break]

    A manor in the middle of the rift seemed like as good of a place to check as any. Reiner was a smart Pokemon. He'd know the signs of civilization when he saw them. Even if he hadn't been there, the manor's denizens would know the lay of the land better than them. They'd be able to help make a search party, or at least give them some directions. It was perfect.[break][break]

    At least, it seemed perfect. Then the mansion's occupant turned out to be Walsh.[break][break]

    Isaac was all too ready to baja blast the guy upside the head. However, all trying to focus on the waters accomplished was giving himself a headache. Fear, genuine fear, shuddered through his spine. Had something messed with the veil of calm over his mind? No. It was worse. The veil was nowhere to be found.[break][break]

    "No, yeah. These vibes are rancid," he whispered to Eris. He'd at least wait until Walsh was out of eyeshot before setting her down, and even then he'd keep a protective hold on her hand. Somehow, he got the sense neither of them wanted to be caught unawares by Walsh. "But . . . it's a distortion, yeah? Maybe we lucked out and found a timeline where he doesn't suck eggs."[break][break]

    Speaking of eggs, the terrified girl lead him to the kitchen. "Maybe if we don't find any clues, I can whip you up a sandwich," Isaac said, hoping at least a little bit of bribery could calm her down. "No crusts, yeah? And I'll make sure you can't see any of the vegetables."[break][break]

    Okay. He had to sneak a little tease in.[break][break]

    He wasn't alone. from the Cicatrice was there. So, too, was a girl () he'd never seen before. He shot them both a grin and a nod. , on the other hand, he'd just been through hell beside. How could he not head over there and say hi? "What can I say? Being an amateur detective's hungry work," he said, shooting his friend a cheeky grin.[break][break]

    Said cheeky grin dropped as he noticed the cracks spreading along the closet door. ". . . And this mystery's so close, I can almost taste it . . ."[break]

    The cleaning closet is cracked.

    TAG [break]
    NOTES — notes go here

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    Epic BugCatcher

    He, him, his
    March 31
    Freezington, Galar
    Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
    Lieutenant Officer
    Feels like
    I've known you for a lifetime.
    119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
    119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
    Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
    1,485 posts
    Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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    Gwyar Wledig
    POSTED ON Oct 5, 2023 21:23:56 GMT
    Gwyar Wledig Avatar


    Just here alone.

    He hadn't thought things could get any more shameful, after getting caught up in a distortion and chased into a small, seemingly abandoned manor, but...

    "This is embarrassing." He muttered, brow furrowing as he patted himself for pokeballs that should have been there, but weren't.

    Gawain and Galatine could look after one another, but Raki was another matter. He hoped they were all together.

    In the meanwhile, he and several others, some familiar, some not so much, had to deal with... this.

    Curious that, though Gwyar was policeman himself— he didn't really recognize any of the uniformed men around them. Definitely not Verdanturf's local force, he surmised...

    "That, is a lot of nonsense to throw at a man in short order." He said to himself dryly after... Declan(?) Walsh finished conscripting all of them into emergency police service.

    Lots of things didn't add up to the blonde with the current set up— starting with 's presence... but. He had neither pokemon nor weapons on him. A rare, alien feeling.

    Confident though he was in his size and his ability to use it, he didn't fancy fighting an avatar unarmed if it wasn't absolutely necessary.

    So... he supposed he could put his own meager detective skills to the test while the storm raged outside.

    Preliminary interviews with those living in the manor didn't reveal much, though it gave him one place to look into:

    The Greenhouse.

    Both the Gardener as well as the Chef claimed to have been in the Greenhouse when the murder ocurred— furthermore: they both claimed no one else had been present at the time.

    An contradiction that couldn't be explained unless on of them was being dishonest. With that in mind...

    He tugged at his gloves as he stepped into the greenhouse, stepping past as he took a look around.

    He needed clues... clues that could either prove or disprove the Gardener's or Chef's alibi.

    "Hmm... Let's see..."

    -Maybe some personal effects of Walter's are in here. 1/2
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    played by


    Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
    February 21
    Petalburg City (?)
    Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
    Elite Ranger
    I don't want
    To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
    120 lbs. | 5'8" height
    120 lbs. | 5'8" height
    To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
    1,827 posts
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    Yuina Higashi
    POSTED ON Oct 6, 2023 1:26:09 GMT
    Yuina Higashi Avatar



    First she was traveling like normal, or... at least she thought? And then there was some terrible, awful storm that started to rage around outside, and there was a group of them that sought cover, she didn't know where they came from? Then they were inside a mansion, a glorious mansion that... Was it here before, in this woods that she was traveling through? It was all so strange... But for whatever reason, Yuina didn't feel the need to question anything, it was as if all of this was so... Normal? That they were here to wait out the storm, and there were some terrible Pokemon outside that they couldn't risk getting caught by...[break]
    Pokemon? She had... Where were her Pokemon at? Yuina hardly traveled without any one of her Pokemon... But, no one else seemed to be too terribly concerned, maybe that was normal too? And then, now there was a murder in the house, and they were sent off to investigate the rooms of the mansion to see what happened![break][break]
    "Oh... This... I guess we could do that," Yuina stammered after a moment, she kept drifting between this was where she was supposed to be this whole time, and how did she actually end up here in the first place...?[break]
    "Hmm... Well, I'm here anyway, and the storm outside sounds terrible... This family needs help to figure out what happened," she thought aloud, though the thought she didn't finish... Any one of them could be the murderer, and they were there in the house with them without knowing who...? A little unsettling...[break][break]
    Moving into the Tea Room, Yuina figured that starting at the scene of the crime would be best, and fanning out from there, she moved towards the tea table when she heard something strange, a whimpering sound? Was it a Pokemon that got scared about the attack on the lady of the mansion?

    Yuina is moving into the Tea Room[break]
    There is a strange whimpering under the table? 1/1[break]


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    April 14th
    Wyndon, Galar
    Ex-Rocket Beast
    from the storm
    5'10 height
    5'10 height
    It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
    1,753 posts
    Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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    Rowan Wrynn
    POSTED ON Oct 6, 2023 3:49:59 GMT
    Rowan Wrynn Avatar
    [attr="class","rowwtw"]The presence of was disconcerting, but there was something off about the man. Where he'd only known the cruel and calculating underboss prior, a new persona stood before them. Was this even the same man? Surely he'd be dead by now, otherwise. [break][break]

    "Going to be hard to investigate while I'm busy growing eyes in the back of my head." The blond muttered to himself as he stepped through the kitchen, headed toward the GREENHOUSE, offering a small wave to both and as he passed by.[break][break]

    "Looks like you all could use a hand." A friendly smile crossed Rowan's lips as he addressed and . "Kitchen was about to burst with 'investigators', surprised none spilled over into here." The woman seemed to have a grasp on whatever she was looking at concerning the door, while his fellow Galarian seemed to be needing some assistance scouring the dense greenery for clues.

    "I'll look too, mate."
    [attr="class","rowwttag"]@maplemanor [break][break]

    Investigating: Maybe some personal effects of Walter's are in here. 2/2


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    the crown prince
    may 20
    hammerlocke, galar
    born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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    Remiel Calcifet
    POSTED ON Oct 6, 2023 3:56:52 GMT
    Remiel Calcifet Avatar

    Remiel had been investigating rumors of a haunted ruin somewhere in the valley near VERDANTURF. Both as an archaeologist and as a newly minted local, the exiled prince felt it was his duty to do so. What he certainly hadn't expected, however, was a SPACE-TIME DISTORTION to send him looking for refuge within an old manor.

    A strange chill runs down his spine as he walks past its groaning wooden doors. Down the hall, he spots a familiar face: his cousin amongst some others. As he enters the large entryway, he spots as well. Just as he's about to approach her, however, and ask what all the police are doing here, his eyes also catch sight of from the periphery of his vision.

    He spares little time to think. The police, after all, were either distracted or simply didn't recognize the TEAM ROCKET underboss. So, practically on instinct, he summons a LIGHTNING STILETTO in his hands and casts it to try and debilitate the man—

    And that's when he realizes he's powerless.

    His next go-to, his Pokémon, were also absent from his belt. As he checks the rest of his pack and the ground he'd treaded on the way here, however, a third and final oddity (for now) descends the grand staircase.

    Remiel, of course, is reluctant to place any trust in this version of or the setting itself. But, if he'd learned anything from previous ventures into unknown worlds, sometimes it was better to play along for a while until more information inevitably came forth.

    After going over the documents and other related information pertaining to the case, the black-haired royal spots heading into the TEA ROOM and catches up with her. "Be a dear and tell me something only you and I would know." He says, entering the murder scene behind her. "Just for peace of mind."

    He, too, remains unfazed by the dead body on the ground. At least they had covered it with a sheet, he thinks. When he hears a STRANGE WHIMPERING UNDER THE TABLE, however, he walks past his cousin and peeks beneath it. "Now what do we have here?"



    There is a strange whimpering under the table... 0/1

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    Forty Five
    March 26
    Castelia City, Unova
    Musical Artist
    I'm just a holy fool
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    TAG WITH @ambrosia
    Ambrose Hendrix
    POSTED ON Oct 7, 2023 1:47:08 GMT
    Ambrose Hendrix Avatar
    Well this was different, and Ambrose was PUMPED that his aiess exploration had lead him to something interesting. Here he was in an entirely new timeline, surrounded by strangers in a spooky mansion where someone he did not know had been murdered. What an adventure!

    Of course Ambrose had no interest in solving the murder himself, he would much rather observe the events of the night at his own leisure until a way out was found. Then he would--I dunno jump into another time-hole kr whatever.

    Nothing really piqued his interest at first, but when he heard the manor had a gym he would find himself unable to focus on anything else. He slapped his bare chest and adjusted his slacks, he could really go for some reps if nothing else seemed exciting.

    Ambrose merrily made his way to the gym, letting himself in with a bit of a flourish. Ambrose took a moment to take on the room, whistling as he noted how top of the line all the equipment was. There was another man here, but Ambrose ignored him and explored the room more thoroughly.

    Ambrose was about to help himself to the weights, when he noticed something odd in the corner. Now what could that be?

    --In the gym with
    --What's that in the corner? 1/1
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