i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 0:31:04 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]Rowan was sure that this wouldn't lead to anything particularly useful, but it'd be a waste of time if he were to quit searching the toolbox now. "Give me a few of them, I'll skim." [break][break]

Unfolding the letters, Rowan did his best to gleam information from the words as quickly as possible. The contents were as expected, romance put to paper. While not entirely exciting, perhaps there was something here between the lines.

[attr="class","rowwttag"]@maplemanor [break][break]

- Do the tools seem off to you? 4/4


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 1:27:44 GMT
mint frost Avatar




"Seriously- you guys can hear that too right? There's a phone...somewhere around here." he said after finished speaking. He looked around, trying not to sink his cute shoes in the dirt before moving out of the plants and closer to the source. [break][break]

"C'mon, c'mon. Something with data on it baby!" he said as he followed close, knife at the ready should he encounter something more suspicious. Even then he's reluctant to go alone. "I wanna keep going but...I'm not about to end up another victim if the killer is still around here!" he declared.

tagged ▸ ooc @greenhouse crew! | You can hear the occasional, muffled ding. 2/3 [break][break]
- holds out a knife for self defense [break]
- gonna find that fucking MOBILE DATA BAYBEEE!!! or at least the wifi password [break]




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Adel or Della
February 21
Ballonlea City
18 height
18 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @adelaide
Adelaide Whiteley
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 1:55:15 GMT
Adelaide Whiteley Avatar

Adelina nodded in agreement the other in the greenhouse. It seems pretty much cleared up now so they was making some serious progress for sure. "If that's the case the others have likely found more clues maybe clean up the rest of rooms or are least close. I doubt the killer would attack with two of you here and least one of you armed. Too risky if there trying to cover their tracks." [break][break] It was just her honesty opinions here. If she was the killer than she would for when others least expected it and pick them off. Although playing in something fears could work too but was think into that a bit too much. "I will leave the greenhouse to you both. Good luck and stay safe!" [break][break] She decided to go elsewhere in search of the others clues. There could be might something out here that could twisted the murder mystery one it's head. Adelina heads down the hallway where she discovered the rug it seemed a bit too loose for her likely so she decided to take a a closer took at it.

[attr="class","ooc"] The rug by the door feels loose. 2/3 [break]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".Adela"]--accent:#87CEEB; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".Adela .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 2:05:04 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Ms. Calcifet,” Grigori nodded back. How proper. Curiously so. He had absolutely no basis for the claim, but it’s what he imagined a fancy, proper person acting like. It’s what they did in all those movies he watched for hours on end as a young adult. Harmless enough.

But Mrs. Peacock seemed anything but. Fairy? People always assumed those downright passive and nice, but they were anything but. He’d like to see some people get on the wrong side of a Granbull, or Azumarill. They’d kill you without a moment’s hesitation, if the need arose. It was pure bias talking, but things felt off.

Especially after that scream from the hallway. He followed into the hall soon after that shriek sounded out, only to find at least half the people stuck in the mansion present. No one was injured, at least. This did include one Howard Slayte. How convenient. And inconvenient. There’s no way he’d get anything done with so little people.

Mr. Howard,” he quickly approached him as soon as he saw his hat sticking out from the new crowd. “I won’t stay long; there’s enough people here as is. I was in the Tea Room, and I think Ms. Peacock has a fancy for Fairy types. Take that for what you will.

Best not to inform him on the terrors of Grimmsnarl, either. Tricky little things. So, he left the general area to explore. Yes, not the best idea in the middle of a MURDER INVESTIGATION, but when said MURDER INVESTIGATION was being overwatched by DECLAN WALSH, it was hard to take things seriously. That or this was some random test and he’d been shoved into a Darkrai nightmare.

But at that point, he’d be the murderer and he’d have killed half the people here by now.

Eventually, he found himself in the gym. There were a few others that currently poked and prodded at a Technical Machine case, but otherwise it looked relatively barren.

All except for a pile of gym clothes that immediately intruded his nostrils with their acrid odor. Ugh. Had no one bothered to look at this? Maybe the heightened storm had also disrupted their sense of smell. Grigori plugged his nose with one hand and started to sift through the clothes with the other.

Ugh, a pile of sweaty gym clothes! (1/5)

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Forty Five
March 26
Castelia City, Unova
Musical Artist
I'm just a holy fool
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TAG WITH @ambrosia
Ambrose Hendrix
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 2:06:22 GMT
Ambrose Hendrix Avatar
This PUTRID stench was driving Ambrose mad! I mean it was not that bad, but the fact that he could not find a source while walking down the hall was quickly pissing him off. This was a class-a stink, there was no way its source would be able to hide! If it came from one of the other rooms, surely everyone would know about it by now. Something was not adding up.

Ambrose was briefly distracted by a rather large group that had also begun searching the hall. A child among them had yelled out something about another body, the idea of which made Ambrose scoff. What a droll idea, hiding another body where it could be sniffed out. Then again--


Ambrose nearly tripped on what seemed to be a loose rug. As he regained his balance, Ambrose would stomp his foot in aggravation. "This entire house is a travesty, who leaves a rug like this?" Ambrose decided to bend down and straighten it out...

-- Examining the rug 3/3
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 3:31:33 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

The revelation about the poison in the tea stain was not all that shocking to the royal prince. But he knew there was more to it than just that. Even so, despite his interest in the shattered teacup pieces, seems to have things covered. Remiel nods at her before straightening in posture and departing.

He wanders through the mansion on a solitary search for more clues. In what seems like a disjointed blur, the black-haired prince suddenly finds himself in the GREENHOUSE with and a strange DING. He raises his hands when their eyes meet. "I'm not here to fight you or have some sort of philosophical debate about TEAM ROCKET, I assure you. There are more pressing matters to attend to."

Hues of cobalt-blue shift as he searches for the source of the strange muffled dinging. Perhaps there's something in the bags of mulch nearby? Or beneath the canopy of a giant monstera? Remiel gets to looking.



You can hear the occasional, muffled ding. 3/3

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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 3:59:22 GMT
ollie morales Avatar


[break][break] Ollie's curiosity is peaked. He wondered how much of the contents of these letters would differ from what a normal teenage boy might talk about. Come to think of it — how old was Andrew?

[break][break] He wondered how much, if any, would detail his fire-type Monferno...

[break][break] "That's a good idea!" he said, looking over at . Ollie walked over to the bed, following after the Gym Leader, to pool the rest of the letters on the bed. He skimmed through them, looking to organize them.

[break][break] "Man, this guy writes a lot of letters!"

[break][break] Maybe after, they could go see where that other guy went (.)

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
CLUE: There are boxes hidden in the back of the closet. 4/4 [break]

[attr="class","milkcredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".ollie3"]--accent:#FFB546; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".ollie3 .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".ollie3 .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

[newclass=".ollie3 .milkcredits"]font-size:15px; position:absolute; z-index:99; right:115px; bottom:10px; border-radius:100px; color:var(--accent); opacity:0.6; } .ollie3 .milkcredits a { transition:0.5s all } .ollie3 .milkcredits a:hover { transition:0.5s all; color:var(--accent)!important; [/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,087 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 4:23:27 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Eheheheheheheheh..." Howard nodded as he scrunched up his nose. Was there a secret passage here? Probably. Not like it mattered, or anything. It was probably the serial killer's super secret hideout that was laced with explosives. As soon as they opened up the hallway's secret entrance, they would all probably explode. Not ideal.

"Thanks for the insight, Grigori." Howard allowed the enforcer a smile. Fairy-types? Classic. What was it with old women and Fairy-type Pokemon? It didn't make them any more appealing. Howard would rather choke on a Slowpoke Tail than be caught in public with one. Except Cleffa. He liked those.

Carbink, too.

Wait. Carbink?


"OH SHIT I RAN AWAY FROM MY BOSS GOTTA GO GRIGORIIIIII!" Howard shouted as he ran back towards the gym, almost stepping on 's hands. "I'M SORRY!" Howard cried out as he disappeared out of the hall.

While Cillian and Friends inspected the TM case, Howard suddenly appeared in the doorway, breathing heavily. He took a firm step towards , eyes wide and alert. He looked vastly more mature than he had a few moments before. Was he actually capable of being a proper grunt? Would he finally redeem himself in the Rocket Beast's eyes?

SLAM! Howard's head smashed into the floor as he bowed.

"Please forgive my rudeness! I will do better in the future! It wasn't right to make you all clean up the TMs." Howard raised his head as blood began to trickle from the wound. Then he frowned and turned towards the gym clothes.

What was that fucking stench?

These gym clothes fucking STINK
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 7:37:41 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]MURDER AT MAPLE MANOR



N's Room - PKMN BW 2


Even as the wind howls discordant outside, you can all feel a shift in the air. The storm is starting to die down now, having tore and worn itself out through the long night you've been together.[break][break]

Your time is growing shorter and shorter. You know you will leave soon.[break][break]

Better make the most of it if you want the real killer behind bars.[break][break]

This is the last round you can search for clues.


is left alone in the Tea Room to finish up her investigations.[break][break]

The fuzz on the teacup is strange, but after a quick examination Yuina is able to figure out a few things. It is natural, like something from a plant or insect. There is a slightly sweet scent that makes the nose tingle. While natural, the concentration is odd - something only a pokemon could do. Yes, what Yuina figures out is...[break][break]

Clue uncovered! The broken tea cup is covered in some type of EFFECT SPORE from a pokemon! Which one, exactly, do you don't know.


With the discovery of a potentially hidden body, the Hallway is abuzz with footfall. The people who were already there may feel crowded, but thankfully the manor's halls are grand enough for the sudden traffic.[break][break]

crashes into one of the decorative tables in the rush. It draws the attention of , who decides something is off about the whole thing- the location doesn't really line up with the rest of the decor. He picks up the piece of furniture, a pot on top wobbling as it's moved out of the way.[break][break]

The carpet here is marked, much like Kouji suspected, with a few brown stains. It looks like someone tried to clean them up- actually, the other stains were also poor attempts at cleaning. These ones are just more obvious.[break][break]

Clue uncovered! There were bloodstains hidden under the table! Someone tried to clean them.

and take up point in trying to figure out the rest of what's up with the rug. The stains have been identified but there are still suspicious track marks hidden underneath it. In the middle of Ambrose's fussing and Adelaide's searching, they find it's easier just to roll the thing up. This gives them a peek underneath.[break][break]


While there are certainly the deep gouging marks of something opening and closing, as suspected, there is actually something more hidden under the rumpled up rug. Thinner, fainter scratch marks on the ground. It looks like something was dragged away.[break][break]

Clue Uncovered! Something was dragged from the Hallway and into the Tea Room!

With those four busy, that leaves , , , , and to sniff out just exactly where this body is hiding.[break][break]

Eris' scream draws forth more footfall. Soon, they are picking the hallway over closely. No smell, stone, or dust bunny will be unturned in this search.[break][break]

So hard to notice if so many of them hadn't been looking for it, one of the decorative wooden panels of the wall is the very slightest different shade from the rest. A knot in the wood, what most would just see as normal, now stands out. A small button to press, hidden away in plain sight.[break][break]


With a click, the door swings open and the smell grows stronger. A startled Confuse Ray is thrown out of the room with an accompanying caw.[break][break]

Clue Uncovered! The hidden room has been discovered![break][break]

The MAP has been updated.


The Kitchen is abandoned in the recent exodus. However, some loyal to the Greenhouse remain.[break][break]

and have a reunion as they hunt for the phone. It is hard to track down but they do eventually find it- behind a desk, wedged between it and the wall. From the way it looks, it was probably dropped here and not intentionally hidden. The lock screen shows Walter, the Gardener, with a woman you don't recognize.[break][break]

Mint is able to use his technological prowess to unlock the phone and get a peek inside. There isn't too much you can find in such a short amount of time, he and Remiel do discover a few things: Walter is married. He is planning to file for divorce. He was struggling for come up with the money for the divorce.[break][break]

Clue uncovered! Walter is planning on divorcing his wife but doesn't have the money to pay for a lawyer.


doesn't give up on the plants, the bits and pieces enough to fuel her along for the last of the search. She is right, though- she probably should have worn gloves. One last upheaval of a strangely raised plant bed unearths a mound of bloody towels as well as the rest of the missing cleaning supplies. Oddly enough, a Water Stone falls from the bundle when it's picked up.[break][break]

Clue Uncovered! Bloody, missing supplies have been found. A Water Stone was mixed up with the towels.


and decide to give the letters a good look over in case they can gleam anything important. The contents are typically romantic- but a few of them are saucy enough to heat the ears with the details. The letters are intentionally vague and do their best to hide details of the sender and receiver. But, they do eventually manage to parse out who it might be. Given what Mint and Remiel uncovered, it certainly makes sense why it might be such a secret....[break][break]

Clue uncovered! Walter is cheating on his wife and having an affair with someone else in the Manor.


and find stacks and stacks of letters all from the same person. The contents seem almost shy, but as the two read over them they see the evolution of a sordid and secret romance taking place. It seems that whoever sent them is genuinely in love with Andrew. There is exactly one letter in what they assume was Andrew's own hand, unsent as of yet, which paints the whole thing with a full picture. However, there is something else that can be read between the lines.[break][break]

Clue uncovered! Andrew is having an affair with someone else in the house. He was also not alone in his room on the night of the murder.

Given what is known about Walter in the Greenhouse, if Josh, Ollie, Gwyar, and Rowan were to cross reference the letters they would find a match. So, it is safe to assume that Andrew and Walter are having an affair. Walter was also most likely in Andrew's room at the time of the murder given the evidence found.[break][break]


The traction in the Gym picks back up, more people filtering inside.[break][break]

and decide the best course of action is to rifle around in sweaty, stinky, unwashed clothes. While absolutely disgusting, and somehow almost smelling as bad as the dead bodies, nothing really seems too out of the ordinary... at first.[break][break]


This clothes seems to mostly belong to Andrew, but a few of Andrea's things are in here as well. A note falls out of a pocket on shorts belonging to her. Grigori is the first to pick it up, unfurling it to read- while not specific, it seems to be a threat. Time is drawing short, so if the two of them want to finish looking into this they'll need some help.[break][break]

, , and @albrecht finally finish picking up the mess that Howard made. Many interesting points are raised as they chat- could someone be planting evidence?[break][break]

But the TR Case buzzes in error as Hazel tries to slide the last TR inside.[break][break]


The noise would draw their attention. Trying to swipe the TR again would give the same error noise. A red, flashing X on the small screen showing the type. Flipping over the TR, the three of them would get to have a good, close look. While hard to see, small fissures of cracks were on the back of the disc. Subtle, but clear with intent. Hazel is still able to slide the TR inside, but they all sit with the knowledge that...[break][break]

Clue Uncovered! One of the TRs in the case was already used.

This, along with the missing TR, complicate things greatly.


The inside of the Secret Room looks to be some type of office. There are papers scattered everywhere, mostly all over the desk and littering the floor. Blood is tacky and dry in a pool around a body.[break][break]

The body is of a man around Madam Peacock's age. None of you recognize him from the case dossier. He is laying face down in a pool of his own blood, the edges dry and tacky by now. He is well dressed in a suit, a suitcase sitting tipped over next to him.[break][break]


The strangest part of the room, aside from the body of course, is the back wall seems to be a large vault. The vault door is open but cracked, so you can't see inside from the entrance. There is, however, something all staring out back at you. In the shadow of the vault you can make out a large pokemon. It pants in distress, eyes glowing in the darkness, and some type of beak is visible. However, you can't actually make out what the pokemon is. Maybe you should calm it down first.[break][break]

"I knew something wasn't right." pushes into the room before anyone else can, appearing like a shadow behind you all. His boots click on the floor as he kneels down next to the body and gives it a quick examination. A few officers rush around at his beck and call, whispered words between all of them, before he nods and stand back up. He addresses everyone in the Hallway- but what he says will surely be passed to anyone not present.[break][break]

"This is Dayton Hensley. He is the Peacock Family's lawyer and financial adviser." Declan hums and rubs his chin, deep in thought.[break][break]

"The pokemon you all have uncovered are suspicious, as well. We have a device with us that can determine if a pokemon has special breeding or had artificial movesets implanted. Please, use it as you wish."[break][break]


It seems that Detective Declan isn't done with you, though. He seems thoughtful, glancing through you all as he stares into the distance. With a shake of his head, he addresses you all once again.[break][break]

"I still don't have all the pieces yet to solve this. I implore you all to continue the search for the real killer."[break][break]

Declan steps past you all now, arms folded behind his back.[break][break]

"The duties delaying me are dealt with. If you need my assistance, I will lend it."[break][break]

For this round, Detective Declan will search one CLUE. Declan's search will count as THREE points instead of just one.[break][break]

To determine where he goes, please add your vote to the notes of your post. The place with the most votes will be the Clue he searches. Declan's points can not be used toward multiple Clues, so pick and choose wisely! It is recommended to chat OOC about where the best place to 'use' him might be!




  • To uncover a CLUE, it must be investigated so many times. The amount is listed in 0/0 format, reading times investigated/needed investigations.
  • Investigation carries over between rounds. You can investigate the same clue multiple times if it's available.
  • You can only investigate once per round.
  • Certain Clues being uncovered could unlock new places to search!
  • You have a limited amount of time to search, so it is advised to work together OOC to find out where you might need to look next!

Tea Room - CLEARED

A stately room filled with bookshelves and a plush chairs. It looks like a wreck in here, with various liquids and stains on the once pristine floor. This is where the body was discovered.[break][break]
There is a strange whimpering under the table... 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
The decorations might provide insight. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
The stains on the floor are suspicious and sticky. 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
A teacup lays broken in pieces. 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED!

Hallway - CLEARED!

The connecting hallway between all the points of interest. While it seems very plain, someone with keen eyes might be able to sniff out more.[break][break]
Something smells really bad out here. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
The table here is a skewed. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
The rug by the door feels loose. 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Search for the hidden entrance. 5/5 CLUE UNCOVERED!


A large kitchen loaded down with all the most modern appliances. Grace works in here as the personal chef of the manor. It's connected to the greenhouse through a special backdoor.[break][break]
What's that on the oven's hood? 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Maybe some personal effects of Grace's are in here. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
This spice rack is off somehow. 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
The only place left to look is the pantry. 0/2 [break]
The cleaning closet door is cracked. 4/4 CLUE UNCOVERED![break][break]

Greenhouse - CLEARED!

A large greenhouse connected to the kitchen. It has a few flowers but mostly seems full of fresh veggies and fruits. Walter works out here as the Gardener.[break][break]
Above the door is...? 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Maybe some personal effects of Walter's are in here. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
You can hear the occasional, muffled ding. 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Maybe the plants are hiding clues. 5/5 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Do the tools seem off to you? 4/4 CLUE UNCOVERED!

Andrew's Bedroom

Andrew, the son of the victim, claims he was in his room all night. Maybe peeking around in his room could prove if that was true or not.[break][break]
Something's asleep on his bed. 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Going through Andrew's things might help. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Searching the dresser couldn't hurt. 0/3 [break]
There are boxes hidden in the back of the closet. 4/4 CLUE UNCOVERED![break][break]


The personal in-home Gym of Andrew. Andrew works in here as his personal trainer. It's filled with typical gym equipment. Oddly enough, it looks like a TM/TR case is stored in here as well.[break][break]
What's that in the corner? 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Maybe Andrea left some of her things in here. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Why not look at the TM case? 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Something is weird about the pile of TMs on the floor. 5/5 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Ugh, a pile of sweaty gym clothes! 2/5 [break][break]

Secret Room

A secret room hidden in the hallway behind a false wall. There is a large vault in the back of the room, standing open, and a body on the floor.[break][break]
Idenify the bird in the room 0/2 [break]
Search Henley's body 0/3 [break]
A suitcase is open is rifled through 0/3 [break]
What are all these papers on the desk? 0/4 [break]
What happened to the vault? 0/2[break][break]


The Pokemon scattered around the mansion have all been brought back to the entrance. Declan has given you a machine to help test if any of them have had a TR used on them recently.[break][break]
Use on Snubbull 0/1 [break]
Use on Vivillion 0/1 [break]
Use on Ferrothorn 0/1 [break]
Use on Infernape 0/1 [break]
Use on Breloom 0/1 [break][break]


POST BY[break][break]OCTOBER 24TH, 11:59PM EST.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 0:56:57 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Mint doesn't expect the ex Admin Fox to be here. More so, he doesn't expect him to talk to him, having been content ignoring the traitors he could see in this distortion. He pauses his recording, yelping at a lightning strike just outside their GREENHOUSE. It seems to shake the glass. [break][break]

The prior excited expression drops for a moment, eyes going cold as he stared hard at the prince. "I don't know you. The fuck are you taking about, weirdo?" he asked, the knife in his grasp shining under the artificial light. A lightning strike drops as if on cue, and the thunder booms overhead. [break][break]

Under the cover of the noise he added, low and serious. "How's THE EXACTING feeling without his babysitter to call on." there's emphasis as he effortlessly spins the knife in his hand. "Don't talk too much shit. I hear you have a lot of family on the continent. They really don't try to keep a low profile either." The threat is obvious, especially coming from someone so entrenched in Rocket's intelligence corps. Much louder, more chipper, he added, "I'm not afraid to defend myself from crazies." there's a bright laugh as they continue their work. [break][break]

Despite it all, he's content with working with Remiel, mostly ignoring the defector in favor of finding that phone. With a bit of prompting from him, Mint happily tears into the first piece of tech he's seen since his own cellphone. And of course, he's back to filming it, taking clips of what he sees every so often. The long form chopped up more due to Remiel's presence. He had reason to be more alert now. [break][break]

"Motive?" he asked , as he dug through the phone after reading out loud some of what he found. He pockets it for Declan. "Suspicious, but not enough to hold up in court." he sighed. They were still looking he supposed. [break][break]

He announces tis information to the rest of the GREENHOUSE, calling out for , , and to get them up to speed. He stays with Remiel just a touch longer to explain and show with him what they'd uncovered ( and also to make sure he keeps quiet ). Though by now Mint notices most had left the kitchen that used to be full of activity. [break][break]

"Where's everyone go?" he asked, again thinking out loud before moving towards the inside once more. He pauses, noting the mess made in the kitchen before briefly looking aorund. The commotion is still going on but he decides there's enough people to help. He'd rather explore further. Wielding the knife protectively now that he was alone, he stumbles into ANDREW'S ROOM. He perks up spotting familiar League faces. Its a relief. " ? ? How're you guys?! I didn't see you beforehand." he greeted, waving the knife excitedly. "What're you up to?"

tagged ▸ ooc @greenhouse crew! | Searching the dresser couldn't hurt. 0/3 [break][break]
- threatens remiel during a private convo with him while they work together lmao [break]
- shares what he and remi found with everyone inside the GREENHOUSE [break]
- wanders into ANDREW'S ROOM to search with ollie, and josh [break]
- declan should search HENLEY'S BODY [break][break]




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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 2:09:03 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Attempting to slide the last TR back into its case, Cillian frowns as the error message alerts others in the room. He tries again, to the same result, then flips the disc over in his hand and runs his fingers over its smooth surface.[break][break]

Only it's not so smooth as he expects. Tiny, nigh invisible cracks they'd easily missed in the chaos of clean-up.[break][break]

"This one's been used up."[break][break]

No data is returned as to its typing or name, and so Cillian merely slots it in, error be damned, and turns to and @albrecht with a shrug.[break][break]

"Guess that's sorted. Maybe we should see what all that shouting was about?"[break][break]

He has no desire to join and in picking through sweaty gym clothes, even if it does seem like they'd found something interesting after all. Feeling safer with the strength in Rocket numbers he's seen since starting the investigation, the underboss makes his way out into the hall.[break][break]

It's hard to miss the secret room now, with all the traffic coming in and out; one of the officers briefs him on what's been going on, as well as Declan's offer of aid.[break][break]

"I'd imagine Officer Walsh," Cillian maintains an impressively straight face, "will have his hands full with the BODY. I'm familiar enough with Steel-types. I'll go take a look at that Ferrothorn."




Use on Ferrothorn 0/1[break]
Voting for Declan to Search Henley's body


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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,931 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2023 0:50:13 GMT
Navy Avatar







Oh, Arceus.” Another dead body. An older man’s. Navy questions the nature of this world. Is this place truly a figment of a distortion, or did they slip into another timeline? Either way, another person’s dead. Another piece of the puzzle.[break][break]
Arceus…” Seeing that and the others are alright, he loiters about in the secret room. There’s papers on the desk. Resolving to not think too hardly about this until he has to, he busies himself with the first task he can find: looking through those letters.[break][break]
Hope someone can put two and two together here.” He says like that wasn’t his job, once upon a time.


notes about this post

Searching: Papers on the desk [1/4][BREAK]
Vote: Have Declan search Henley's body.

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,086 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2023 5:19:19 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu"]This is far from the first extravagantly useless table she's tripped on. She wasn't made for stuffy environments like these, memories of her childhood making her curse aloud as she complains.[break][break]

"Fuck these... useless tables! What's the hell is this even for!?"[break][break]

She almost kicks it, but she freezes at the sight of...[break][break]

"... blood."[break][break]

Tsubaki glances up at the man who lifted the table, seeing a face she rather wouldn't. It's just a dream, some strange space-time distortion that should solve itself, she figures. It only makes sense it would be populated by faces from her distant past. She pulls her cap down over her eyes, avoids making eye contact with as she slips into the next room, where everyone seems to be congregating.[break][break]

"... Huh. You weren't lying, Eris. Knew somethin' smelled off, and I don't just mean Navy's sandwich." [break][break]

and aside, Tsubaki shuffles along the wall of the office and lets the cops inspect the crime scene, watching at a distance. It isn't until she hears the strange sound of panting that she locks eyes with something in the vault, and a chill runs down her spine realizing she was being watched.[break][break]

"What're... you doing in here?"[break][break]

She takes a step closer, trying to see the avian shape more clearly in the dark...[break][break]

+ [break]
+ Secret Room, identify the bird in the room.


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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,827 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2023 14:29:49 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar



It came to be that the fragments of the teacup were covered in a spore of some kind, and leaving the pieces there on the floor Yuina moved out to the main portion of the mansion where the Detective had started to lay out the pieces of what was going on and everything that they knew so far. There was a secret room with another body, things were escalating quickly and they needed to solve what was going on and who was the cause of all of this before it was too late, before someone else was killed.[break]
The various Pokemon that had been found throughout the mansion, the pink Pokemon that Yuina had found included, were gathered at the front of the mansion, and any one of them could be the culprit potentially for having provided the poison or the spores that were in the Tea Room. While the other body was pressing, and the secret room was distressing, Yuina wanted to know if they could at least first put together the pieces for what took place in the Tea Room.[break][break]
"Those spores could have come from maybe only two of these Pokemon... I'm going to see about this one," Yuina commented, thankful that the Detective had a machine to offer, and she moved towards the green Pokemon with a mushroom on its head, using the machine to scan over it to see what readings it would give.

Yuina has moved to the front of the mansion[break]
Investigating the Breloom for TRs used recently 1/1[break]
Voting for Declan to search... Hensley's body[break]


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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,871 posts
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Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2023 18:37:51 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

With help from the others that came into the hallway in searching for the hidden entrance, that entrance showed itself to the way to the secret room. Along with the others who were entering said room, the royal ambassador moves inside to find that there was a large vault, the second body of a white tailored suited gentleman, a suitcase, and another clue one could look at. Detective Declan comes over to offer his assistance over any clue that they needed to look over and the others in the secret room were doing their own examinations.[break][break]

A look over to the suitcase would tell her that this could be a major clue to look into. She kneels down to investigate the open suitcase that is rifled through. Though she doubted that the poison she found out from the tea stain was the real method for Madame Peacock’s murder, the royal thought there may be another murder weapon somewhere that the murderer could’ve used. Like the first body, the Galarian princess doesn’t get fazed by being near the second body of the gentleman and only tried to help investigate the clue in front of her.

@murdermystery [break][break]


- Location: Secret Room[break]
- Investigating: A suitcase is open is rifled through. 1/3[break]
- Declan should search the body!



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