i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 7:47:03 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]MURDER AT MAPLE MANOR



N's Room - PKMN BW 2


There is one last, loud boom of thunder overhead. You all realize that the storm seems to be finally dying down...[break][break]

Your detour here is almost over. Soon, you will be back in the Hoenn you know, reunited with Pokemon and family alike. As time draws close, you feel a restless energy. It's almost time to go back. You don't have enough time to help the investigation further.[break][break]

This is the last round.


Inside of the secret room, you all get to work. Like ants devouring a dropped lollipop, you swarm. There will be nothing left to uncover in this room when done.[break][break]

Unanimously, you all decide that can investigate the body of Hensley. The Detective kneels down and pokes at him a bit, hemming and hawing and muttering to himself as he does so. With a final nod, he stands up and tells you what he's found.[break][break]

"It appears out friend is a Flying type. There are scorch marks on his front. A pokemon killed him."[break][break]

Clue uncovered! Hensley is FLYING TYPE!

and work on calming down the panicking pokemon in the vault. A flutter of feathers, it staring between the two of you. It is clearly in high distress; having been trapped in this room with it's Trainer's body, lacking food or water for who knows how long... but the two do, eventually, get it to calm down. At least enough to step outside.[break][break]

The Xatu approaches slowly, cornered and still slightly scared, but it does peep softly as it starts to calm.[break][break]

Clue uncovered! Hensely's pokemon is a Xatu!


, , and start to pick through the suitcase. While Kouji's dumping of the contents will reveal little, it does help Ambrose and Elise sort through the things inside. It's most what one might expect, a lot of stuffy papers full of legal jargon, some ink pens, white out, and the remains of the man's lunch. However, something interesting is inside of the case.[break][break]

First, they would realize a few of the papers were missing. Two, it seemed that Madam Peacock was revising her Will.[break][break]

The revised Will leaves the house and most of the inheritance to her son, as is expected. However, it seems she specifically was adding that all of her staff were to receive hefty sums as well. Madam Peacock even left a heartfelt message to all of her staff, saying how much she appreciated them for when the Will would be read.[break][break]

The missing papers, from their best guess, seems to be more Will documentation. However, you have no idea where that might be hiding or why.[break][break]

Clue Uncovered! You have found Madam Peacock's Will!


The papers on the desk do seem important, which is why , , , and decide to riffle through them. It's not anything that interesting when they first start to look through them. Collected tax documents, receipts, and other such boring things one needed to keep up with in adult life. However, they would start to find a pattern of discrepancy between a few of the written checks between the amount actually leaving Madam Peacock's account.[break][break]

For whatever reason, Madam Peacock seemed to have been giving Grace extra money under the table every month for... at least the last year. You can't even begin to guess why, that clue elsewhere in the house. You do note that Madam Peacock was writing off this fudge on her taxes as 'Medical Expenses'.[break][break]

Clue Uncovered! Madam Peacock has been paying Grace extra under the table.


With the antsy Xatu cleared out of the vault, and now have a chance to take a closer look. The vault is large, big enough for you to walk inside of, but not as deep as expected. The walls are lined with various smaller metal boxes. The organization on the wall shows them labeled as things like "Grass, Water, Electric, Fire" and so on.[break][break]

Picking around, they find that inside are a few scattered Elemental Evolution Stones. You don't know much about Peacock's life, but this might have something to do with why she's so rich to start with. However, while the two of them do find a few stones they are scattered. Most of the boxes are empty, as if the place has been robbed.[break][break]

The oddest part, aside from the robbery, is that the outside of the vault has cracks on the edge to show it was broken into. These cracks are similar to the ones that had been found in the Kitchen and demonstrate great force was used.[break][break]

Clue uncovered! The vault was broken and the contents stolen. The inside held a large amount of Elemental Evolution Stones.



The five pokemon that have been found are all gathered together in the entrance. The officers running around have provided them with food and water. The Snubbul in particular seems bothered by the other pokemon, sticking away from the group.[break][break]

, , , , and decide to take up the task of scanning the pokemon. The process is quick; the device is shaped like a gun with some twisting knobs. A screen on the front reveals the information. The pokemon themselves don't seem bothered by the process, only staring at the people around them curiously.[break][break]

Clues Uncovered![break][break]

The Snubbul's fine breeding shows it can use a Fighting Type move.[break][break]

The Vivillion doesn't know any unusual moves.[break][break]

The Ferrothorn doesn't know any unusual moves.[break][break]

The Infernape has had a TR used on it recently. It can use a Poison Type move.[break][break]

The Breloom has had a TR used on it recently. It can use an Electric Type move.



There are still a few who linger in other parts of the manor, uncovering secrets. A few areas will forever hide one or two last Clues; but that's alright. By working together, you have all done well to pick the manor clean.[break][break]

In Andrew's Bedroom, , , and begin the arduous task of searching the drawers. There isn't any rhyme or reason to how Andrew had shoved his things in his dresser; it looks as if he simply opened drawers and used his arm to swipe everything inside in one go.[break][break]

Messy, but altogether harmless. It seems Andrew is a big sports fanatic, works out, and has a hobby of stamp collecting. The little things you can discover about someone when picking their belongings apart. However, half hidden under an empty water-bottle, they find a TR.[break][break]

It looks damaged, scratched to hell and back on the bottom. That's a problem, since that means you can't tell at a glance if it's been used or not. However, if one of the men decided to test it out, they would find it matched the missing TR from the Gym.[break][break]

Clue uncovered! The missing TR is in Andrew's room.


In the Gym, , @albrecht, and all decide to endure the great stink for more clues.[break][break]

The pile of clothes is rank. The deeper they go, the smellier it seems to get. Grigori is right about there almost being visible stink lines. When was the last time any of this was washed?[break][break]

Either way, the three of them do manage to find another paper. This one is more concise, a threat directed at Andrea. It seems like the spartan lifestyle she leads isn't by choice; Andrew has a gambling problem, and her debts are catching up with her. Whoever wrote this wants their money. Now.[break][break]

Clue uncovered! Andrea is being threatened to pay back gambling debts she owes.



As the storm slowly drags to a halt, Detective Declan calls you all back into the entrance. He rubs his chin as he ruminates over the clues you have uncovered. A glance out of the window sees one final flash of lighting light up his face before he turns to address you all.[break][break]

"It seems you will be leaving me soon. I thank you for the help." When Declan turns to face you, the man gives you a quick, grateful smile. While dour, the sourness that surrounds the of your world is not present. "I think I've got this all figured out... but since we have some more time to kill, why not play a little game?"

Detective Declan uncrosses his arms, sliding his eyes over all of you to make sure he has your attention.[break][break]

"What are your theories on who committed this crime? The more details you get, and the closer you are, the more I'll reward you before you leave. A bonus for paying attention." His smile turns to a playful smirk.[break][break]


For this round, you won't be finding clues! Instead, fill out the form below and put in the Notes of your post:[break][break]

Murder Method:[break]
Motive: [break][break]

The more right answers you get, the more rewards you will receive when they're given! You don't have to be exact; as long as you're close enough you'll get credit. I'll reveal all the info and rewards on the 31st with the final mod post!



  • To uncover a CLUE, it must be investigated so many times. The amount is listed in 0/0 format, reading times investigated/needed investigations.
  • Investigation carries over between rounds. You can investigate the same clue multiple times if it's available.
  • You can only investigate once per round.
  • Certain Clues being uncovered could unlock new places to search!
  • You have a limited amount of time to search, so it is advised to work together OOC to find out where you might need to look next!

Tea Room - CLEARED

A stately room filled with bookshelves and a plush chairs. It looks like a wreck in here, with various liquids and stains on the once pristine floor. This is where the body was discovered.[break][break]
There is a strange whimpering under the table... 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
The decorations might provide insight. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
The stains on the floor are suspicious and sticky. 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
A teacup lays broken in pieces. 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break][break]

Hallway - CLEARED!

The connecting hallway between all the points of interest. While it seems very plain, someone with keen eyes might be able to sniff out more.[break][break]
Something smells really bad out here. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
The table here is a skewed. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
The rug by the door feels loose. 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Search for the hidden entrance. 5/5 CLUE UNCOVERED![break][break]


A large kitchen loaded down with all the most modern appliances. Grace works in here as the personal chef of the manor. It's connected to the greenhouse through a special backdoor.[break][break]
What's that on the oven's hood? 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Maybe some personal effects of Grace's are in here. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
This spice rack is off somehow. 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
The only place left to look is the pantry. 0/2 [break]
The cleaning closet door is cracked. 4/4 CLUE UNCOVERED![break][break]

Greenhouse - CLEARED!

A large greenhouse connected to the kitchen. It has a few flowers but mostly seems full of fresh veggies and fruits. Walter works out here as the Gardener.[break][break]
Above the door is...? 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Maybe some personal effects of Walter's are in here. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
You can hear the occasional, muffled ding. 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Maybe the plants are hiding clues. 5/5 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Do the tools seem off to you? 4/4 CLUE UNCOVERED![break][break]

Andrew's Bedroom - CLEARED!

Andrew, the son of the victim, claims he was in his room all night. Maybe peeking around in his room could prove if that was true or not.[break][break]
Something's asleep on his bed. 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Going through Andrew's things might help. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Searching the dresser couldn't hurt. 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
There are boxes hidden in the back of the closet. 4/4 CLUE UNCOVERED![break][break]


The personal in-home Gym of Andrew. Andrew works in here as his personal trainer. It's filled with typical gym equipment. Oddly enough, it looks like a TM/TR case is stored in here as well.[break][break]
What's that in the corner? 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Maybe Andrea left some of her things in here. 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Why not look at the TM case? 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Something is weird about the pile of TMs on the floor. 5/5 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Ugh, a pile of sweaty gym clothes! 5/5 CLUE UNCOVERED![break][break]

Secret Room - CLEARED!

A secret room hidden in the hallway behind a false wall. There is a large vault in the back of the room, standing open, and a body on the floor.[break][break]
Idenify the bird in the room 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Search Henley's body 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
A suitcase is open is rifled through 3/3 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
What are all these papers on the desk? 4/4 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
What happened to the vault? 2/2 CLUE UNCOVERED![break][break]

Pokemon - CLEARED!

The Pokemon scattered around the mansion have all been brought back to the entrance. Declan has given you a machine to help test if any of them have had a TR used on them recently.[break][break]
Use on Snubbull 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Use on Vivillion 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Use on Ferrothorn 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Use on Infernape 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break]
Use on Breloom 1/1 CLUE UNCOVERED![break][break]


POST BY[break][break]OCTOBER 30TH, 11:59PM EST.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 8:13:36 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

While he doesn't crave Declan's approval like he does that of the Rocket Boss in their real world, Cillian's competitive spirit rears its head.[break][break]

Utterly oblivious to the existential terror he's instilled in poor , Cil considers all he's learned from listening to idle chatter.[break][break]

"Two dead. One poisoned, the other electrocuted, judging by the scorch marks. Couldn't have been a fire move, after all." Flying-type weren't weak to that, and in this world's strange logic that rendered it impossible. "Breloom's learned an Electric-move recently. Thunder Punch, perhaps? Its Effect Spore would explain the yellow residue on the cup."[break][break]

He folds his arms, leaning against the wall.[break][break]

"The cup was too far away from Peacock. Maybe it wasn't the tea that killed her; that could've been an attempt by the real killer to frame Grace, using the poisoned cinnamon in the kitchen. Breloom's Toxic could've done the job just as well."[break][break]

Of course, indicating the Breloom meant that...[break][break]

"It was Andrea. Her gambling problems caught up to her. I bet she broke into Walter's toolbox looking for some way to frame him, and his affair with Andrew was the perfect excuse. That's why she shoved all the cleaning supplies into the Greenhouse. I don't think the lawyer was meant to die. Wrong place, wrong time. Caught her breaking into the vault, where she intended to steal the stones."




Killer: Andrea[break]
Motive: Money, to pay back her debt[break]
Method: Toxic on Peacock, Thunder Punch on Dayton.


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2023 21:03:20 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]No matter what, will have her back. That much she believes in even though her body can't quite stop shaking. Looking through the vault with his help uncovers many, many empty boxes. All that had once contained precious elemental evolution stones. But her eyes are hooked by the jagged cracks on the edges -[break][break]

"The cupboard..."[break][break]

The same culprit or method used.[break][break]

Time runs out, but she sure doesn't. Instead, she's constantly sticking by Isaac and 's side, even as they are all shepherded back into the main entrance. Her brain is working through the many clues present, that have been collected through everyone doing their best to search this house.[break][break]

If she'd figured out who the killer was in that murder mystery contest years back, she could most definitely do it again.[break][break]

So she scrounges together a few papers of paper and begins scribbling it all down, before turning it around and showing it to Declan Walsh like some kind of show-and-tell.[break][break]

img link if u want it BIGGER[break]
✧ Killer: Andrea[break]
✧ Murder Method: THUNDER PUNCH on Dayton first, then TOXIC on Peacock days later[break]
✧ Motive: Money, cos she needed to pay her gambling debts off
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || electric

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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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robin coello DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @robin
robin coello
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2023 18:02:23 GMT
robin coello Avatar
The secret room and individual pokemon investigations cinched the investigation. Robin was positive the water stone she'd uncovered in the greenhouse was a part of it all, but she didn't connect the dots until everything came to light. There was a lot to be said for the black market operating in Hoenn, and it wasn't too hard to imagine how much a series of ill-gotten stones could go for. People were desperate for power. And money.

The killer's attacks were spaced out, things were intentionally placed where they hadn't been before, and everything spelled out maliciousness. She didn't think the poison was so well-thought out. Breloom felt like the culprit for that poisoning more than anything found in the kitchen, but more importantly, Breloom could have done the other attack with the recently-learned electric move. The grass type lined up with both attacks. Robin waited for a moment to quietly grab Declan's ear, telling him her thoughts softly in case she influenced anyone else and was wrong the entire time. Her usual bravado was subdued in the face of the reality of this unnecessary loss due to greed.

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #d49736; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font: 800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2023 23:05:08 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

The voice of snaps the ambassador to attention when he asks her if she found anything in the suitcase and some papers fall out. “Yes, I did find something now.” Stooping down to pick up the papers after she responds, it appears that these were Madame Peacock’s will. When wills were papers that gave out the assets to the people involved, there was definitely a motive of greed there if the culprit killed the poor old lady for the money. [break][break]

Detective Declan’s deduction when he checks the body turns out that the body belonged to the lawyer hired to figure out the distribution of the will’s contents.[break][break]

A little while after the detective would lead the group back to the entrance, he talks about playing a little game over who murdered both the old lady and the lawyer gentleman. Elise gives her thoughts to the detective with considering the evidence she had found as a junior detective. “Given the evidence we have gotten so far, I believe that Andrea is the culprit as well. I thought she would have an accomplice to help with the second murder from the love letters, but it would appear that both murders were committed by the same person. The poisoned tea was a red herring to make us think it was the murder method…” [break][break]

She continues with her own deduction after trailing off a bit. “Then the actual murder weapon must have been their Pokemon’s moves. The motive for her to commit the heinous crime of murder is greed since she wanted to pay off her debt.”

@murdermystery [break][break]


Killer: Andrea[break]
Murder Method: Toxic on Madame Peacock, Thunder Punch on Dayton[break]
Motive: Andrea wanted the money to pay her gambling debts off, so she killed both Peacock and Dayton!



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,877 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 2:06:33 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Assembling in the main hall at Declan's request, Josh listened carefully to what , , and had to say. The Gym Leader presented the missing TR to those in front of him. " , , and I found this in the bedroom's drawers," he said before setting the dirty device on a nearby table with other evidence piled on it. From what was being discussed, it didn't seem as though the record had any relevance to the case.

The Harbinger's explanation was consistent and almost comprehensive. "That's a... very interesting possible scenario," Josh nodded once was done with her flowchart. "And a sad one, too. What people will do for money. I've been vouching for betting on Pokémon races to be outlawed. Everything lines up, though." He didn't want to admit it, but Cillian's sleuthing was top notch.

"So many plants, too... but with people as smart as you around, there really is nothing that can be done to hide the truth." His words made him shudder; though Josh himself had put his own heinous crimes past him, it was only a matter of time before the public found out what he had done. And when that happened, it may have been a fallout he never recovered from.

{WC: 210}
{PC: 5}

Killer: Andrea
Murder Method: Toxic -> Peacock; Thunderpunch -> Dayton
Motive: Money (gambling debts)
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Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 9:27:23 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar

ah, so the pokemon is a xatu, after all. mika discovers this together with tsubaki, and the rest of the manor is in a whirlwind as they gather the last of the clues. while it seems like the storm might dissipate soon, the mysterious detective declan walsh doesn't let the event end without a little fanfare. [break][break]

his use of the words game and rewards rub mika the wrong way, however. even if this is a distortion, dream, or what have you, that doesn't justify making light of someone's very real death. she doesn't voice her opinions, but her mouth twitches somewhat before returning to its neutral expression. well, just because she doesn't agree with how everything's proceeded thus far, doesn't mean that she has to make a big fuss about it. [break][break]

quite the opposite, actually. at walsh's insistence that everyone come up with their own theory as to what happened, mika wonders if the truth is as simple as it seems. ranger she may be, she's certainly no officer or detective, and this sort of foresight is a little bit beyond her ken. but she supposes that, at the end of the day, there's no harm in a little playful conjecture. [break][break]

(part of her will always doubt herself, however. part of her will never believe in her own abilities, or think she's in the right, and that if she does find herself among the majority for once, then something must be wrong with her, because how could she have put together the same conclusions as these people — far more capable than her — did? maybe she's wrong about this whole thing, to start with, but as always, she will never voice her true feelings aloud. she'll swallow her pride, go with the flow, follow the crowd, and return to their own self at the end of the day, when everything's been said and done. [break][break]

same as always.)



✚ KILLER: Andrea Applegate [break]
✚ MURDER METHOD: Using an electric-type move (thunder punch) on Dayton Hensley, then using a poison-type move (toxic) on Maple Peacock. [break]
✚ MOTIVE: Money (stole the evolutionary stones) to pay off her gambling debts. [break]



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,691 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 18:03:32 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

They are all summoned back to the entrance by this DETECTIVE DECLAN. Remiel wonders what the others had found while he was away and, thankfully, all of this information is divulged shortly after that. Though the fact that he can feel the flash of lightning outside makes him realize they likely don't have much time to solve this mystery. The veil was thinning.

Standing in a circle with the likes of an UNDERBOSS, and who knows how many TEAM ROCKET members, felt like a FIRE-TYPE standing out in the open at the precipice of rain. But the royal bears it and places himself strategically beside before casting a look. Be careful, it says, and be ready for anything when this is over.

He doesn't quite like the look Detective Walsh gives him. The former ADMIN does realize, however, that it is void of the same wickedness the one from his reality bears. So, like the others, he decides to play along with this one's little game. And, lo and behold, it seems they've all reached the same conclusion.

"I'd recognize scorch marks like that anywhere." Considering he'd caused plenty of his own with his LIGHTNING STILETTO. "It is apparent that MR. DAYTON was struck with a THUNDER PUNCH. Why? Because he knew too much regarding Madame Peacock's will. I'd be interested in reading the missing papers from it, and why our suspected KILLER might have taken them."

There was no doubt in his mind that the missing papers from the will somehow took away from the bounty the killer wished to obtain. Nevertheless, he continues. "Speaking of said killer, she used the same BRELOOM from MR. DAYTON's murder to poison MADAME PEACOCK with TOXIC as well. The residue on the cup is clearly from its EFFECT SPORE. And who, exactly, is partnered with this BRELOOM?"

Suddenly, and dramatically, the sharp-eyed prince points a finger at her. "ANDREA APPLEGATE: who recently used a TR to teach said BRELOOM an ELECTRIC-TYPE move. The letter we have in our possession proves that she needed MONEY fast to pay off her GAMBLING DEBTS. She wished to obtain this money by STEALING MADAME PEACOCK'S EVOLUTIONARY STONES and MANIPULATING THE CONTENTS OF THE WILL."






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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,087 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 18:52:02 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"I've cracked the code, everyone!" The door slams open as Howard walks in, a detective hat on his head. "I've been thinking about it looooooooooooooong and hard while in the bathroom, and I think I've got it. I'm an archaeologist, after all. We're supposed to piece together truth from little."

Smiling to himself, Howard stands next to , , and for protection. If it turns out that Declan Walsh is secretly a serial killer, Howard can likely run faster than at least one of those people. Besides, if wanted him dead, Navy could protect him. That'd be a fight for the ages, like Tyranitar v. Rillaboom or something.


"As someone with financial issues myself, I can clearly tell when someone is poor. Detective, I can tell you this:"

"That gym rat stinks of poverty."

How could someone so shameless somehow be so confident?

"And now, allow for me to explain the motive behind this dastardly crime, you see, it all starts with this SECRET ro—" Howard stops, and looks at Eris's drawing.


After peering at it closely, the color drains from his face and he goes quiet for several seconds, his mouth opening and closing as he reads the graph. Impossible...! These lines, these circles... Was that a small detective Eris Halla in the corner? She was ripping on his style!


Killer: ANDREA
Method: Thunderpunching Dayton, leaving his body to rot for a few days and locking him in the secret room, Toxicing Peacock later on.
Motive: Gambling debts, rushed murder jobs. Planned to sell evolutionary stones to pay those off, unaware of the ironic twist that she'd eventually get money from Peacock following the change to her will.
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Forty Five
March 26
Castelia City, Unova
Musical Artist
I'm just a holy fool
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TAG WITH @ambrosia
Ambrose Hendrix
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 19:22:42 GMT
Ambrose Hendrix Avatar
The suitcase had little in value, but it did shed some more light on the circumstances of this poor old man's murder. If only Ambrose cared! He threw the papers aside and got up, dusting himself off as he huffed with disappointment. What a let down, oh well there was still a lot of time to explore! Scratch that, there was actually no more time to explore.

Everyone was called into the entry hall where they had initially arrived so long ago. The kind detective seemed to have solved the case, but he challenged everyone else to guess so he could feel superior or something. Ambrose listened to a few of them, but he would just shake his head. They were all wrong of course, and only Ambrose himself knew the real answer.

He shook his head and chuckled to capture the room's attention. "Amateurs, every one of you. The culprit has been obvious from the start. Who else could orchestrate such a sinister crime but the very detective assigned to solve it!" Ambrose pointed to Declan Walsh dramatically, "That's right, Mister Walsh himself is the killer! You see, Madame Peacock had a type alright--Mister Walsh was her type! She could not resist his rugged detective charm, nor could Walsh resist her money! The two had a secret affair, hidden from the rest of the staff! It had to stay a secret to protect Walsh's career, because his sex-symbol reputation would be ruined if he was caught canoodling with an old rich lady! Of course Walsh was not worried, Madame Peacock was ancient and on death's door! Surely she would soon die and all of her money would be his!"

"Of course it would turn out to be not so easy! Madame Peacock was resilient, and Walsh would be forced to take matters into his own evil hands! Her fairy nature made her especially vulnerable to poison, so Walsh mixed some into her cinnamon! That afternoon, when Madame Peacock enjoyed her afternoon tea, she would ingest the tainted powder and drop dead shortly after! With the lady of the house dead, Walsh would quickly call in her lawyer to discuss her will. He hid her away, not willing to reveal the body until his fortune was secure. Being a senile asshole, Mister Hensley did not question Walsh's summons and gladly discussed Peacock's will with him."

Ambrose abruptly clapped his hands, his mouth twisted into a knowing sneer. "That's when the biggest twist of all occurred! Walsh was not in the will! Peacock was just using him as a cheap piece of ass, a measly toy to use to make her twilight years more bearable. She had no intention of giving Walsh anything! Walsh was enraged, and quickly improvised! He pulled out a water stone Madame Peacock had given him as a gift! Walsh is a water type you see, so Madame Peacock gave him a water stone to be cute! Walsh used this stone to smash Hensley's skull in! He would then steal the most vital parts of Peacock's will to rewrite himself and hide Hensley's body in the secret room that he and Peacock used to fornicate! HENCE THE SMELL! It was not the rotting corpse, but the scent of secret love making!"

"With little time remaining, Walsh set up the crime scenes to make it as difficult as possible to follow his tracks. He had planned on only having his own bumbling team being present to investigate, but that's when we appeared. At first Walsh was panicking, how could he hide his crime from this many people!? Yet when it became clear that we would soon fade away, he instead saw an opportunity! He would send all of us out to gather every shred of evidence we could, and once we had it all he would bullshit a reason to blame one of the staff members as the culprit! Then when we faded away, he would be able to arrest the red herring and get away scot-free! It's the perfect crime! He would have surely gotten away with it, if I weren't in attendance that is!"

Ambrose put his hands on his hips, looking smug as he awaited the well deserved praise from his peers.

I mean, there was no way that he got exactly nothing correct and made a fool of himself--right?

--Ambrose has not been paying as much attention as he thinks he has.
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 21:55:54 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]" 'Course she did. She's brilliant." With a proud hand on ' shoulder, and a somewhat smug grin aimed 's way, it was clear Isaac was proud as could be of his master detective of a sis. It wasn't just the bad times he'd have her back through. Why just focus on the tragedies, when the triumphs were just as important?[break][break]

He couldn't see a flaw in her method. Neither could , who had given the same account with a lot more clinical explanation and a lot less whiteboard scribbling. He liked Eris' presentation better, but he'd never say it outright. It'd be a one way ticket to getting killed the second this was all over.[break][break]

When met his eyes, he met them back with a nod of understanding. If this rift spat them all out in one place, he'd have to be ready for anything. A part of him wished he could tell Remiel about all his new abilities, about how he was so much more capable than he was before, but he knew this was neither the time nor the place.[break][break]

Cil was likely wondering why he didn't look like some desiccated corpse, anyway.[break][break]

"Far as I can tell, all our stories are lining up," he said. There were no devil's advocates present. Nobody was out to prove Andrea innocent. Every facet revealed of the story was just more confirmation of the same truth, viewed under a hundred differing lenses. "If anyone's got another angle, say it while you can. This one's looking pretty open and shut otherwise."[break][break]

Cue , who, uh, certainly had a dissenting opinion alright. ". . . Well. There's the exception that proves the rule," he remarked, torn between being baffled by Ambrose's conclusion and wanting to laugh his ass off. It may not've been the truth, but he sure as hell wished it was. "Pretty sure we got this."

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — Andrea, for debt money, with Toxic on Peacock and Thunderpunch on Dayton.

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 22:06:09 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Just here alone.

Gwyar stared, eyes wide yet smile unshaken, as his good dimension hopping... acquaintance slowly ended his investigative diatribe.

He then proceeded to very politely point at the personal trainer, Andrea— and what else was there to be said on his part? So many folk had gone over the incriminatory evidence already, in great detail, that it would've been redundant for him to repeat it all.

If somehow pressed, he somehow managed to mime his way through the evidence pointing towards Andrea, the personal trainer, killing madam Peacock and Lawyer Dayton. Though...

While he generally agreed with everyone on thunder punch being the move utilized to eliminate the lawyer, as it was the only electric type move a Breloom could learn—

He leaned more towards Breloom utilizing Poison Powder on the Madame of the house.

Killer: Andrea the Personal Trainer
Murder Method: Poison Powder on Madame Peacock & Thunder Punch on Lawyer Dayton
Motive: lady got gambling debt collectors on her ass lmao

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Adel or Della
February 21
Ballonlea City
18 height
18 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Adelaide Whiteley
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2023 1:26:26 GMT
Adelaide Whiteley Avatar
lead or be led
template by Punki of Pixel Perfect
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Everything was starting to make sense. In all honesty playing the role of detective was rather fun even she was off on her own for quite some time. The clues were almost like pieces to a large puzzles. She thought about long and hard. Using all the fact given and what others have been saying about it. With the exception of because that man wasn't even close and rambling nonsense she could hardly understand or even care too. "After looking through all the clues there is no doubt in my mind who the real killer is. Using Toxic on Madame Peacock and Thunder Punch on Dayton Andrea Applegate killed them both in order to get enough wealth to pay off het gambling debts."

Killer: Andrea Applegate
Murder Method: Toxic on Peacock and Thunderpunch on Dayton
Motive: Money to pay off her debts
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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,637 posts
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ollie morales
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2023 3:27:00 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

Eventually, the night ends.

[break][break] Ollie follows and the rest of them into the main corridor, spilling through with the rest of the inhabitants of the manor. It's been a while since Ollie saw all of them, so he spends a few brief moments waving hello or smiling at them, most notably and .

[break][break] Back to business.

[break][break] He nods as he watches Josh hand over the rest of their clues to , or at least the person that's supposed to be him, and his head tilts to the side in thought as he considers everyone's words. Ollie's never been very book smart or solving mysteries, so he leaves it up to the real braniacs of the group to slide the clues together. By the end of it, he's pretty confident in his own understanding of the night's events too.

[break][break] "Yeah, I don't think it's Andrew or Walter." From his suspicions, they seemed too busy with other things than to be bothered with murder. Or maybe that was just wishful thinking. "Andrea seems like a likely choice, given that she has the most motive for it."

[break][break] His flicker with surprise at 's theory, which sounds compelling if... a little far-fetched. He laughs. "Detective Walsh wouldn't do something like that... right?" He glances at the man, as if to be completely sure.

[break][break] "Anyways, looks like we got this guys!"

[attr="class","ooc"] @everyone [break]
KILLER: Andrea [break]
MURDER METHOD: Money, to pay back up her debt [break]
MOTIVE: Toxic on Peacock, Thunder Punch on Dayton

[attr="class","milkcredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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August 29th
5'11'' height
5'11'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kouji Matsubara
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2023 4:36:20 GMT
Kouji Matsubara Avatar

The final moment was here, wasn’t it?
Where you gathered everything together, but Kouji wasn’t sure that he agreed with everyone else either. ”Are we really gonna forget about that sleeping Infernape, that darn pokemon can learn both a thunder punch as well as that poison jab, little fuckers are annoying. Bet he was sleeping to rest after his brutal murders.”
”Ain’t that Andrea either, for money, it can only come from Andrew, I know people who hate their parents at a first glance.” He said as he crossed his arms over his chest, but why? He couldn’t really figure out the last step.
He remembered a story he’d read a long time ago, it felt like a book didn’ it? ”Because he’s madly in love with Andrea! To save her from her debts, and to run away with her in love!”
Murder Method: Infernape used poison jab and thunder punch
Motive: Madly in love with Andrea, wants to inherit early, hates momma.



Aliquam malesuada bibendum arcu vitae elementum curabitur vitae nunc sed.[break]
Leo integer malesuada nunc vel. Consectetur a erat nam at lectus urna duis convallis convallis.[break]
Sem viverra aliquet eget sit amet tellus cras.




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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP