i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
531 posts
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 19:11:24 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar

Roy jolts awake, as if fleeing from a nightmare only to find himself trapped within it. The mask covering his face amplifies his heavy breaths, and he instinctively reaches for it, grasping at any part he can find. The toxic chain tightens with each tug, adding further dread to the scenario. Ignoring the discomfort until it becomes unbearable, he uses one hand to pull at the chain while the other struggles with the mask, which ultimately does nothing.

The familiar texture of the chain beneath his fingers sends a shiver of dread down his spine. It's the same toxic chain that brought havoc across the region, now binding him with its grip. He wonders if the pokémon he faced encountered a similar situation. The thought of being forced to commit the same atrocities as those influenced by the chain keeps him from examining his surroundings. That's when he suddenly realizes he's defenseless; all of his pokemon are gone. There are no pockets. There are no poke balls.

Rising from the cold floor, a surge of frustration propels him to lash out, kicking the cot against the wall in a burst of anger. "Dammit," he coughs, consumed by his own breath behind the mask. He still doesn't understand where he is or why he's there, but his surroundings suggest a prison cell of some kind. The cries from the other prisoners across the darkness make it obvious.

Amidst the chaos, he notices another figure in the room, their features obscured by a mask mirroring his own. Despite their history, he does not recognize her. "Wake up," he orders, rushing to the woman in his cell. Grasping her arms, he starts his interrogation.

"Where are we?"

[attr="class","pkmnlgndsdice"]no roll

[attr="class","pkmnlgndsnote"]roy woke up, kicked a cot and is now interrogating .


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November 17th
Opelucid City
5'11" height
5'11" height
Days fade into a watercolour blur / Memories swim and haunt you
315 posts
Alba Evovae DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @alba
Alba Evovae
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 19:30:47 GMT
Alba Evovae Avatar



When Alba wakes up, he feels like he’s buried six feet under. The chain locked around his neck cuts off his breath, only giving him the last dying gasps of a corpse. It affixes a coffin lid to his cadaver, gripping it tightly enough that he can barely feel his face.[break][break]

At first, he assumes it to be one of Musharna’s borrowed nightmares; a harmless thing that would slip from memory as soon as he woke up in that cold sweat. As he slowly rouses to full consciousness, as his stay in this dismal dungeon continues, he comes to realise this has nothing to do with his Pokémon. His Pokémon aren’t even here.[break][break]

The first stage of panic sets in. His body tries to hyperventilate, but the Chain doesn’t let all the air through; all the Rocket scientist is cough and splutter until his mind clears. In the next cell over, a girl howls into the empty air.[break][break]

And outside the cell… it’s them. Of course it’s them. The aliens from Route 119…[break][break]

“So this is where you went.” What even was this place? Some dilapidated prison they’d taken and turned into a base of operations? A glorified butchery for them to keep their prey? And the Chains: shackles to some, badges of honour to others. Something had to have been brewing in the shadows of Hoenn for months, now.[break][break]

Finally, Alba’s attention properly turns to the inside of his cell — something he really should have done before now — though there’s not much of note except for the other guy in the same mask and foreign clothes.[break][break]

…He should probably talk to him.[break][break]

“Hey, do you remember anything from before you woke up here?” His tone of voice suggests he isn’t expecting much, or anything at all. Still, it’s worth a shot, right?



In the Dummy Ward![break]
Wow this sucks. This really sucks.[break]
Hears next door[break]
Takes in his surroundings before finally talking to




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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
816 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 19:48:44 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

The stirring awake Genevieve tried her best to get some extra shut-eye before work. She'd worked herself to the bone last month with training and Ranger duty. Just a little longer, five more minutes. The noises from , from the neighboring apartments... they're loud. She tries to turn on her side, when she feels it. Her breath is hot. It feels constricting.[break][break]

Only moments later, does she feel what's on her face. A familiar feeling wakes Genny harder than smelling salts, as she bolts upwards from her cot, seated now with a panicked hazel gaze. Eyes bolt around the entire place, which she surmises a holding cell. And outside-[break][break]

"Megapolans," she laments. Letting them go was a mistake. Her eyes fiercely shift with loathing, first downwards towards the self, but soon the aliens outside.[break][break]

Gritting her teeth, she gets up. Her attire, unique and not something from her own wardrobe. Hands move to her sides. No bag, so no Pokeballs. She felt alone, but hearing someone nearby, she perks up. A cellmate? That's awfully fortunate, isn't it? "Hey," she calls out, getting herself to her feet. The best thing she can do right now, is stay calm. Search the cell, look around. Keep her cellmate calm. "-what's your name?" she says, weakly beginning to comb around the cell, feeling with her hands. Distracting them from the situation keeps them level-headed. "I'm Elite Ranger Cromwell. A Pokemon Ranger."[break][break]

She tries to pull on the chain, beginning to constrict around her neck, as she coughs. 'Yup. That confirms that.' She continues her search of the cell, looking under the cots, getting a general understanding of the cell in terms of dimensions, size, scope.[break][break]

No windows? 'No idea where we are, huh?' That's concerning. For all they know, if these Megapolans moved them to space, these masks might be their only way to breathe.[break][break]

Well. She's getting nowhere just theorizing. Only one thing to do while she trades small talk.[break][break]

Find a way out.



- Waking up, Genny realizes what's going on. Loathing the fact that they let the Megapolans go. Threats have to be dealt with. Removed.[break]
- Checking herself, and then her cellmate, she introduces herself, as she searches the cell for anything to help signify things they can do.[break]
- Fully 'Zero Escape'-ing this post.



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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
736 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 20:05:24 GMT



Was this a divine curse? A curse befell for all the wretched things that cut daggers, plaguing reminiscence on the once innocent life she called her own?[break][break]

Starry eyes cloaked in tears peered from behind a mask, one that constricted breath near as much as the toxic chain that quivered upon her pharynx. In moments like these, where the flight or fight response had been initiated, she froze instead; confined not only by the toxic chain but the shell of a body each mortal possessed. It was natural to want to flee, to want to fight the hold it had on her neck, just as it was to slam on the bars of the dingy cell that separated her from the loud others and the.. megalopolans? But teeth, one of the few natural weapons of the body, could not be bore behind the masquerade.[break][break]

And it would take her soul manifesting outside her body to break through the numbness and interior panic that took root. Shaky hands moved down her body only to realize that not only had she been stripped of vicarious freedom, but she had been stripped of her vanity- and most importantly, her blossoming guardians. It was a gruesome reality that she, along with all the others, had been made to live inside.. but it was so triggering as it reminded her of the last acquaintance she had with her father. At least, if he had taken up the sword of torture rather than the sword of 'unwarranted' violence.[break][break]

Her first and only kill- was this the punishment for that, or the punishment for interfering with the unfurling of the chain? Or for depriving the Megalopolans of food back in the swamps that day? She wanted to scream, but the numbness led her simply to weep instead. She wanted to hide, to not draw unwanted attention from those that perused on the other side of the cells. The captors, by the looks of it; grudges already ran deep, but now, they sunk in their hooks.[break][break]

A cough and a glimpse of a cannibal eye led her to flinch, looking inward of the decrepit room- and she wasn't alone. At the first glance, due to the effects of the toxic chain and the dampened confusion of darkness, she mistook her cellmate as her lover. He was the last person to see her, or at least, the most recent eyes she had looked into that she could remember. It was as if her soul pushed out of her body with the haphazard fling she took to come to the unknowingly stranger's side, raising her cold, sweaty hands to rest upon his chest in sheer panic.[break][break]

"Are you okay..? Are you.. hurt, at all?" She said within a toxic coughing fit, heavy, restrained breaths barely escaping. "Where did they take us..? How.. did they take us..?"[break][break]

But then she realized how different the skin felt- how peculiar the person she believed to be felt, almost as if it was their aura. Flinching, gasping, she tumbled and tried to book it to the other side of the room; but stumbled and fell into the slosh of the ground instead. It was not him, but another.[break][break]

Had she not been consuming shroomies for so long, maybe she would have recognized the features of the man from the depths of the swamp where the toxic chain had emerged for the first. No, probably not. And she didn't, not in the slightest. With her luck, he could have been anything- a serial killer, a man with dark fantasies, the list was endless.[break][break]

".. Are you why we're in here..?" she sniffled, ".. Or are you just another one slighted by bliss, too?"[break][break]

Her mind was running wild.



wakey wakey eggs and bakey![break]
peers out the cell and freezes at the sight of the captors and the voices o'plenty.[break]
and they jacked all her shit!! is kinda triggered bc of the panicked reminiscence of killer father + killing him ofc.. bc this stuff is dark bro!![break]
cries, flinches when eye contact happens with megalopolan. then scans the cell..[break]
sees cellmate . thinks bc of the bad lighting and panic it could be her lover, mistakes happen![break]
rushes too him and asks if he's okay, where they are, yadda yadda[break]
but why his skin feel different? oh hell naw that's not HIM that's a stranger![break]
tries to run to the other side of the cell but trips and falls. panics some more.[break]
a lil accusatory remark bc her mind is going CRAZY

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september 12
hammerlocke, galar
but you know
that you're toxic
5'5" height
5'5" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
238 posts
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TAG WITH @diana
Diana Cavendish
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 20:07:59 GMT
Diana Cavendish Avatar
[attr="class","diana"]She jolted awake, laying on a hard, flat surface that was all too uncomfortable to a royal back like hers. She groaned, sitting up slowly as if it required effort to. There was a feeling of fullness in her head, leaving it aching and her dizzy. There was something heavy on her face.

Her fingertips brushed across it, expected to touch her features. Instead, there was a mask.

Instinct told her to rip it off, but the chain wrapped around her head and neck only tightened, strangling her and choking her. She gasped, releasing her grip on the mask to cling to air and life itself. Only then did she get a good look at her surroundings.

Rusty, bolted table. An open toilet to be seen by everyone. Prison bars. A dripping sound. Shouts of anger off in the distance by someone she didn't recognize.

"What's going on here?" Diana asked.

Standing, she rushed to the bars, shaking them as if they'd magically open. They refused to budge. Her fleeting thoughts went to .

"Remiel? Are you there?" No answer.

Instead, a voice came from behind her. Diana turned, looking to see a female figure with a mask she was sure she similarly donned. "I can't say I'm used to this..."

[attr="class","dianatag"] & | prismatic penitentiary
- UGLY ward
- attempted to rip the mask off
- nearly suffocated
- calls for
- speaks to
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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,435 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 20:46:04 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
Greyson wakes with a start, entire body flinching as if he'd been violently awakened before a nightmarish death. A weight settles over his head and with it a fogginess that dulls his senses. Blinking once, then twice, he swallows thickly, eyes wide as the realization hits.

This wasn't his bedroom.

Turning quickly against the sound of footsteps his movement clashes against the TOXIC CHAIN AND MASK. Greyson hisses from beneath the intertwined duo, but the discomfort fades to a droning numbness as his eyes spot the other person sharing the cell with him.

Adrenaline surges, fight or flight clashing in the silent twitching of his fingers, but he remains where he is, unsure of just who is in the room with him. A quick pat of his hips confirm the terrifying truth — he was utterly alone. No Pokémon could help him here.

"Who are you? Where am I?"

Distantly in the back of his mind he hopes that wasn't caught up in this. She wasn't ready to face this again.

Weak Ward | In a cell with | Extremely freaked out


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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 21:20:26 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar



[attr="class","oocnotes"]> WEAK WARD[break][break]✦ Nomi is freaking out because she can't feel her connection to the Unown!


Does love make us weak, Isaac?[break][break]
Nomi's eyes snapped open.[break][break]
The first thing she noticed was the pressure. Something horribly constricting had been placed over her head - a mask? It seemed to softly thrum with power, sinister and enigmatic, and when she brought her hands up to rip it off, she found that she couldn't: for it was attached to her by some kind of chain wrapped around her neck.[break][break]
The metal - if that's what it was? - seemed to burn her fingertips, the skin tingling as she tugged on it. Attempting to keep calm, she soon realized the futility in trying to remove the entire contraption. She could still breath, so she wasn't in any immediate danger. Where am I? came her next thought, curiosity mixed with anxiety.[break][break]
The room was dark, cramped, and unfamiliar. Most importantly, was missing. Their bed was missing. Their everything was missing. As her eyes adjusted to the dim light, all Nomi could see was a dingy space, sparse save for a single depressing cot, a metal desk and stool, and - [break][break]
Someone. Someone else. They, too, seemed to be wearing a mask and chain.[break][break]
Parker - !?[break][break]
But it wasn't. The voice that addressed her was deeper, more masculine. Familiar, too, she realized. But who?[break][break]
Choosing caution, she reached for Kallistatus with her mind. "Kal, I need you to - "[break][break]
Nothing. Emptiness. A terrible, heart-breaking void where the Unown should have been. The constant rhythm of their network - always present, always watching, always protecting - was missing.[break][break]
Mir? She extended her awareness, frantically searching. Alpha? Beta? Diomedes? KALLISTATUS?[break][break]
Panic gripped her, then, its chokehold far more deadly than any TOXIC CHAIN. Logic gave way to a cold dread, the fear a vortex sucking her in, and with a sudden, jerking motion, she stood - ignoring the way her limbs groaned from the effort, body fatigued, as if being drained of all strength.[break][break]
"Where are they!?" She yelled at the man, voice shaking. "What did you do with them!?"[break][break]
Her heart hammered, and she took several steps towards him. He towered over her, but she didn't care. She grabbed his shirt with sweat-soaked palms.[break][break]
"Where are the Unown!?"



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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,435 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 21:33:31 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
Something about seeing their — her he now realizes — explosive anger and shock cools his own.

"Keep it down," he hisses through clenched teeth. He reaches out and grabs her by the bicep, stabilizing the woman from potentially striking out in distraught.

"Is this how the Visionary acts when things don't go her way?" She can't see it but beneath the mask his eyes are narrow, disappointed slits.

"Get it together. We're both trapped here. Is this a Rocket ploy? Have they finally turned on you?"

He wouldn't put it past the terrorists to do anything in their power to win — siding with MEGALOPOLANS included.

Cell with
Weak Ward | Believes Rocket to behind this

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 21:44:58 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Awakening to the sensation of being drenched in sweat and smothered in stifling heat, Aurelie first thought that she must have nodded off inside her workshop with the forge turned on to full blast again. She leaped to her feet frantically to switch off the forge, knowing it was a fire hazard that could set her shop and home aflame. But instead of her familiar glowing forge, she saw only murky dimness around her.

"What the hell? Where am I?" she blurted out. Then she added wryly, "This time?"

Her own voice startled her, emerging from a parched throat as a rough, scratchy croak with a strangely muffled timbre. It could've been a stranger's voice, or even the voice of something inhuman. Aurelie felt wildly at her face and mouth, gasping in shock when she felt the hard mask encasing her head.

"What is this? Get it off me!" she cried out, tearing futilely at the mask. Then her heart dropped when she caught sight of the TOXIC CHAIN holding it in place, shining with an unhealthy purple-grey glow.

"No, no, no," Aurelie whispered in wrenching panic, remembering not only the dozens of infected people and Pokemon she'd encountered recently but also the TOXIC CHAIN that had sprouted from her own chest in the hidden tera caves under Route 119, where they'd found the Megalopolan spaceship. "Not again…"

It was all happening again, wasn't it? The poisoning, the possession, the madness. Had she been locked away in this—Aurelie craned her head to peer around at her surroundings—in this tiny, dark cell for her own protection? Had she been put away for everyone's safety, lest she lash out again at random strangers in a mindless frenzy?

Straining her ears, she heard shouting, raving, groaning, and pleading reverberating off the stony walls and metal bars. If she truly was in some kind of asylum, she certainly didn't lack for company. Some of them sounded even more maddened than she was.

And speaking of company... Out of the corner of her eye, Aurelie caught a startling glimpse of silvery-white hair, as pristine as an Alolan Vulpix's fur and as luminous as a cascade of moonlight. Her hands trembled in sudden terror, and she found herself backing away against the wall. Who had she been locked in here with? Another madwoman?

"H-hello?" she ventured aloud, the simple word sounding like the dry rustling of fallen autumn leaves. "Wh-who are you? Where are we?"


- Wakes up in the Ugly Ward and panics at the sight of the Toxic Chain
- Thinks she must have been put away in an insane asylum, because she still remembers all too well what happened the last time she was infected by a toxic chain (specifically, going crazy and attacking for no reason)
- Glimpses her cellmate and backs away, scared by what she might be locked in with

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
882 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 22:12:55 GMT
Shred Avatar
It takes you longer than most to wake up.

That's not unusual. At least, not to you, anyway. You already slept like a brick at the best of times, and these... Well, they haven't been the best of times, have they? Every time you drag yourself out of bed, it's like a dead man rising from the grave. A miracle. A wonder. A blessing. Every day that your feet hit the bedroom floor and stand up straight is a gift from Arceus himself.

Doesn't feel like it, though. Used to be that you dreaded going to sleep. Now? You've started to dread waking up.

Still, after much screaming and crying and panicking and raging, you finally stir. A long groan escapes your lips as your arm stretches out, reaching for a tub of ointment or a roll of bandages. Instead, all you touch is the cold, hard floor. Huh. Asleep on the floor, huh? Been a while since you done that. You reach upward, searching for a couch or table to pull yourself up with, but all you find is cold, hard wall. This isn't your house. Where the fuck are you? 's house? Or, maybe 's? Finally, your hand comes to rest upon your aching head, but all it finds is a cold, hard mask.

From there, your fingers trickle like water down from your false face to your collared neck, and rest upon the bloated shackle around your neck.

And then, you shoot upright.



You don't even need to look down. You can tell what's happened. You've spent the last month worrying that it would happen. Ever since November, you've been trying to stop this. And yet, despite everything, it's happened.

You failed. Your skin is peeling.


You didn't do enough. Your flesh is breaking.


It's all your fault. Your blood is burning.


You throw yourself against the bars of your cage like a rabid dog, snarling at your captors. Megalopolans, bearing the same Toxic Chain as you. The same ones from Route 119? The same ones as before? That makes sense. That checks out. That only makes you angrier.

"I'LL KILL YOU!" You snarl out, rattling your cell as hard as you can, as though that might somehow break it. But nothing changes. The bars remain whole. All you're left to do is rage, to scream and howl and hear it echo throughout this prison and come back to you unheeded. "YOU HEAR ME? I'LL FUCKING KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU! YOU BASTARDS! JUST YOU FUCKIN' WAIT! I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET EVER FUCKING WITH ME! I'LL HURT YOU SO BAD YOU'LL WISH YOU'D NEVER CAME HERE! I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL KILL YOU ALL!"

You're so furious, so consumed by your anger, that you don't even notice your fellow prisoner cowering behind you...

TL;DR - Shred wakes up, realises what horrible event premise has occured to him, and immediately begins screaming threats at his captors as loud as he can.
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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 22:26:24 GMT

The resounding echo of screams bounding off solid brick roused awake. Was that ? ?[break][break]

At first he jolted upright from where he'd been relegated to the floor, his masked face snapping in all directions in order to acclimate to what he'd soon realize was his new normal. [break][break]

Dark, damp, cold. Rough stone, heavy air, putrid smells. [break][break]

A prison.[break][break]

Panic welled inwardly, but controlled the uprising that threated to compromise his composure. He took stock of what he could see: two figures slumped in the cell with him, the sickly blue skin of MEGALOPOLAN jailers outside the bars, other prisoners in a circular ward.[break][break]

The suffocating feeling of being trapped and isolated continued to rise, burning into fear in his throat. Probing fingers lifted to touch at the mask clamped around his face, slid down the TOXIC CHAIN binding it to him. [break][break]

Could he cut himself free? With an open palm, Barnaby willed the darkness to coalescence into a blade. Instead of freedom, however, he was only met with more restriction — the TOXIC CHAIN dug into his throat, warning of eventual asphyxiation if he continued to try and use his powers.[break][break]

He needed time to think. To take stock of what was available to him. Turning, approached the two bodies on the floor and shook them both by their shoulders — roughly, to make sure they were awake.[break][break]

Then, he'd claim the single cot in the cell. [break][break]

Sitting on the edge of its dilapidated frame, he'd call out to his cellmates with a haggard sigh, "It's time to get up. We need to talk."


UGLY WARD [break][break]


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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 23:00:10 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


Dizziness, confusion, panic. It all sinks into Noel's mind as soon as he awakens. How did he end up here? Last he remembered, he was safe and sound, but where? That didn't matter for the time being, he was locked up now with strange clothes and an even stranger mask locked tight onto his face. Try all he like, but the thing would not come off, not even an inch. All his belongings were gone, his trusted Pokemon companions missing, he felt naked without them.[break][break]

As his senses fully come back, Noel rushes to the bars keeping him from whatever was outside and yells, "Hey! Is there anyone out there!" His cries are slightly muffled from the mask, it would be a surprise if anyone was able to hear him at all.[break][break]

After his yells for help, a faint whisper could be heard from behind him. In his haste, he didn't even notice that there was someone else in the cell with him. After taking a step forward and examining the woman, he deduces that it was none other than . The Galarian princess was muttering to herself, barely conscious and fighting to stay awake. Noel kneels down before her, sitting her up straight and grabbing hold of her shoulders with both hands tightly, giving her a shake.[break][break]

"Elise? Elise! Are you all right? Are you hurt? How'd you end up here?"[break][break]

From a glance, she seemed to have no injuries, just wearing the same clothes and mask as he was, both of them dirtied by the cell floors and by whoever dragged them in here.

[attr="class","notes"]Weakling Ward[break][break]
Wakes up in his cell[break][break]
Shouts out to see if anyone can hear him[break][break]
Notices Elise and tries to help wake her up while also asking questions

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 23:12:15 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The first time his cellmate spoke, Hideo attributed it to just background noise, someone from a different cell saying something indistinct. He continued his search, moving around anything he could, trying to feel out for any Pokeballs.

It was only when he heard the voice again that he realized it was coming from behind him. It took a moment for him to process he wasn't alone here, coming from a voice he didn't recognize. Even when it gave him a name, he didn't know who it was - he didn't know many Rangers.

"Hideo Kino, Littleroot Gym Leader." His words were quick, strained; it wasn't easy to breathe in this mask, and he was pushing himself searching every nook and cranny of this cell. He'd even check the same spots he'd checked before, in case what he was looking for suddenly popped in like he was looking through a refrigerator.

It'd take a few moments before he'd go another route.

"Hey, you see any Pokeballs in here? Or any Pokemon?" Maybe someone with functioning eyes would have a better chance at finding something in this place.

Maybe he could even get some context here.

"And you got any idea where we are?"

Hideo doesn't immediately notice talking until she addresses him
Introduces self, still searching the cell for his Pokeballs/Pokemon
Asks her if she's seen them

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,169 posts
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 23:59:46 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

it's not uncommon for her nightmares to follow her into the waking world. there are fractures, sometimes - slivers of another present bisecting this one. the bic pen in her hand is a feathered quill, the stones around her not stone at all but plaster. worse are the times when she flutters her lashes awake and expects to see honey locks spilled across the pillow adjacent to her, warm green eyes still heavy with sleep. 

always, the bed is empty.

this time, she does not howl. she does not struggle. she wakes to the thrashing of her cellmate and she holds her breath and slowly, carefully, she opens her eyes. the light is wan, but she can make out the shape of the bulbous chain around her neck.

she's near the bars themselves. one tilt of her head and she glimpses the rest of the scene - masked others are in their cells. someone to their immediate left () demands a change of clothes.

her own pockets are empty. fingers tug experimentally on her chain, grasp roughly against the mask. nothing gives. when her cellmate talks to her, freya tries to place the voice. 

"as trapped as you are," she says. her throat isn't very dry. her stomach doesn't growl. "i don't know what this is. what can you do? skills? anything to get us out of here?"

she glances outside the bars, listening for allies. 
ugly ward
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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 0:07:51 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar


Imprisoned Investigator--Prison Sucks

"Hey you, are you okay?"

"Mmm...Twelve more hours please..." Elaine Highland could not have felt more at ease as she found her consciousness being roused for the first time in what felt like forever. Even the worst of nightmares could hardly fade her when she was in deep slumber. Sure, her neck felt a bit sore and that pain was making its way straight to the back of her head and maybe she was feeling a tad too sweaty for comfort, but she could honestly sleep sprawled out like this forever.

But perhaps after uttering those words, the reality of the situation finally hit her.

Something was clearly not right here. After all, a stranger was clearly talking to her. Not to mention the shouts and yells in the background.

All while she knew that the last thing she did was fall asleep sprawled on the long couch in her office space.

That she left locked.

Forcing herself out of the comfortable sprawl, she sat up to see the source of the voice--a masked young man who was wearing a strange mask and outfit. On close inspection, it looked Johtian in origin. Why he was wearing an outfit like that, she could not tell.

But it was at that moment that she had come to notice the odd feeling of her own clothes. Upon her face, too, was a mask strapped by a toxic chain around her neck. Upon her outfit were near identical clothes as the young man.

She had clearly been stripped to the skin and re-dressed considering she couldn't even feel any underwear between her skin and the fabric. She was lucky it was somewhat loose or the chafing would have been enough to drive her up the wall.

"I could be better, I guess," she replied to the young man before quickly grabbing the mask but trying to pull it off. But, no matter how much she tugged, she only made that neck soreness worse and worse. It wouldn't budge. Not yet at least. After a deep sigh, she addressed the young man once again. "Well, could be much better."

Turning her head around and standing up, she finally took stock of the room and herself. "Considering we're in some...jail cell, I think, I could be much better."

She threw her hands across her whole body, feeling across as much she could until she had also come to realize that her clothes were not the only thing. Her Pokeballs. Her notebook. Her phone and motorcycle keys. Even the hair ornaments she normally sported were all gone. She took one moment to frown before focusing on the problem at hand.

While continuing to talk, she began to examine as much of the area as she could.

"So, what do you think brought you here?"

She looked under every location she could think of to see anything that could be hidden until she walked towards the bars themselves. Beyond them, she could see little more than the aliens who were also wearing similar chains to them.

"Considering I don't remember being read my rights before being led here in shackles, can I assume you're the same?"

She could hardly see much outside. She had hoped to hear some familiar voices from beyond the veil of the darkness, but this was to no avail.

"In that case..." She muttered as she rested her hand on the chin of her mask. It was not the best substitute for her usual thinking pose, but the usual was obstructed so she had to make do with what she could. "...maybe we should try announcing our presence too. Maybe someone doing that will calm everyone else."

It was hardly the most optimal solution, but it was a start. She turned to face the other young man.

"So, what's your name? Mine is..."

And at that moment, she began to knock her knuckles onto one of the bars behind her in a rhythmic fashion.

- .... .. ... / .. ... / . .-.. .- .. -. . / .... .. --. .... .-.. .- -. -.. / ... .--. . .- -.- .. -. --. .-.-.- / .. ... / .- -. -.-- --- -. . / . .-.. ... . / --- ..- - ... .. -.. . / .- -... .-.. . / - --- / .... . .- .-. / -- . ..--..

  • Elaine wakes up in the Weakling Ward
  • Elaine quickly begins investigating the room while talking to her cellmate
  • She's a bit disturbed at the fact that someone stripped her
  • While talking, she knocks on the cell door in morse code three times with the following message: "THIS IS ELAINE HIGHLAND SPEAKING. IS ANYONE ELSE OUTSIDE ABLE TO HEAR ME?"
  • She hopes someone attempting to communicate will calm people down and hopes her cellmate will understand her name in the morse code

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP