i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 13:14:39 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilots eddiepp"]

alive with love tonight




Something was coming. [break][break]

Eddie had become aware that something was shifting in the dynamic of the prison when he stared into the Wellspring mask one last time and was confronted by a vision far removed from his own desires. A sprawling city of light, more luminous than the landscape of his dreams. Masks now fixed upon the towering architecture, thrumming with power that practically crackled through the air like static electricity. The dreamer themself, a Megalopolan who had no wish for their own desires to be prodded into. When he had been shunted from that dream, dizzy and disoriented, Eddie wasn't quite sure what to make of it, except, perhaps, that some unfathomable unknown was looming on the horizon. [break][break]

When he woke up the next day with tears pooled in the corners of his eyes, Eddie felt not the looming despair that had so often threatened to destroy him, but something unexpectedly defiant. Hope. He couldn't quite place where his newfound optimism came from, but it made the work all the easier as he took to his daily rock-bashing. Maybe this was the thing that the strange vision had been a portent of? [break][break]

Perhaps his fellow inmates of the Weakling Ward had felt it too, because as the platform lowered and a strange cry rang out through the prison, all hell broke loose. [break][break]

Some prisoners took up arms, striking back against the warden and their guards. Others still fled toward the platform; that, it seemed, was their ticket to freedom, [break][break]

“C'mon, Beau; we're getting the fuck outta here!” [break][break]

Without thinking, Eddie grabbed his cellmate's hand and began to dash towards the platform as fast as his legs could carry him. In his periphery, a guard rushed forward to tackle the fleeing inmates; before he could think to maneuver away, the TOXIC CHAIN that had long been a source of pain and frustration for Eddie whipped forward to strike at the Megalopolan before they could get too close, cracking like a whip. [break][break]

Eddie couldn't help but grin at this newfound victory as they drew ever closer to the platform. These fuckers were never going to lay a hand on him or those that he loved ever again. [break][break]

KBolKYvx [break]
*Salac berry GO![break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] [break]
NOTES: [break]
+ Eddie sees the Meglapolan dream, isn't sure what to make of it [break]
+ Books it the moment people start rioting, dragging Beau w/him [break]
+ TOXIC CHAIN ABILITY: Riposte [break]
Eddie's Toxic Chain whips out to strike at any oncoming melee [break]
attackers, parrying a melee blow made against himself [break]
and any ONE other person he's touching and counter-attacking


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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
292 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 13:31:50 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



One day bled into another.
He dreamed, woke up, and did whatever task was set for the ward. Which basically stayed the same. The only changes would be rather that they were sent to the feeding pit to be punished for some slight he was sure no one did or if they got to visit the chamber of desires.
If he had to choose between the two, he would choose the feeding pit. At least he didn’t feel like he was being fed false information. Nothing about the chamber of desires could be trusted. Someone could actually get something if they desired it enough.
He didn’t believe that for an instance. No matter what strange feelings the chamber of desires might’ve brought up,.
As another day arrived, he would be told to get to work again. However, something the Megalopolans said caught his attention.
Last day?
That could either be very bad or very good. Were they reaching the end of their usefulness? He hoped not. He knew exactly what that would mean. Making it through this was a must. What would his grandparents do if something happened to him?
Mentally shaking himself to clear his mind, he got to work. As he worked, he allowed his mind to wonder. He had barely become wrapped up in his own thoughts when a voice broke through his thoughts, speaking of escape.
Keeping his expression blank, he allowed his gaze to sweep the area around him, but nothing stood out. There wasn’t anyone close enough to have a conversation without drawing attention to themselves. Had that voice only been in his head?
Before he could think too much about it, he noticed his chain felt different.
Frowning, he looked down to see that it didn’t seem as restrictive as before. In fact, he would say he had more room to move around than before.
What was going on?
Sudden exclamations caused him to jerk his head up in surprise. His eyes widen briefly as he notices his wardmates rallying against the megalopolans and wardens. For a minute, he’s frozen to the spot, though movement from his peripheral vision causes him to dodge on instinct as one of the Megalopolans swipes at him.
As the Megalopolan makes another attempt, his chain shoots up to deflect the hit, making the Megalopolan stumble back. Before the Megalopolan could recover, the chain would hook the Magalopolan’s feet out from under him, causing him to fall to the ground.
Not waiting for him to get up, he would make his way towards the platform. On the way, he would keep an eye on the fighting around him, mostly so he could make sure those around him didn’t need help.
Most seemed to be doing fairly well. seemed to be holding her own well enough, and no one he saw seemed to be struggling too poorly. However, if anyone needed help, he was prepared to throw himself forward to protect them.
Speaking of protection, he would look specifically for certain people. People like , , , and were his top priorities due to having met them previously or getting to know them here, even if he wasn’t entirely sure was here due to having not seen her physically.
Others, like and other kids, were also his top priorities due to their age. So if anyone needed protection, he would look to them first. Because he knew what it was like to suffer as a child, and he wouldn’t wish that on anyone.
Not even on his worse enemies.
Even if it meant him getting more hurt in the long run,.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL;DR: Dream, wake up, eat, work repeat [break] Toxic Chain Ability: Chains acts like another extension of his body. Acting like another limb, a more durable one. Mostly used as a shield of sorts to deflect hits but can be used to hit opponents if he so wishes but due to his dislike of violence the most he’ll do is knock the other person’s feet out from under them. [break] Keeps and on and the the others around [break] Worries specially for , , , though still hopes the latter isn’t really here (basically pulling a sewing is believing here since he hasn’t personally seen her yet) [break] Also worries about and other kid caught up in this mess



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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,063 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 13:37:40 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


Something welled up inside him, nourishing the struggling remains of his will power.

His body creaked. It sizzled, welled up, cracked and snapped into places.

A familiar sensation touched from an alien, uncomfortable source, the discomfort and limitation of injury fading away.

The fogginess of mind, too, dissipated, if just enough.

They had endured everything, physically and psychologically, for this moment.

From the moment they had arrived, perhaps the reason his anger at their warden had turned murderous, their conditions had been the most disturbing and frustrating part of their circumstances to him.

All around him, people were afflicted with sickness and injury, forced to toil whilst their bodies broke down a little more each day. He was a doctor, and yet there was nothing he could do to help.

He would not be allowed to bandage a single wound, cover for a single exhausted person— without the interference of their captors.




His words tore through the ward as his arms spread wide, his chain bursting into pieces. A single, thin cord remained tight around his neck, the rest of its pieces hovering all about, healing the wounds and weakness of all they touched.

Joining , , , and even , he fought against their guards and wardens while spreading more healing chain pieces, struggling mightily for their freedom as they trampled towards the elevator.



-Doug's desire is to KILL THAT BIR—
-Rewind that
-Doug's actual desire is to save lives, as ever.
-Doug's healing power resembles his abilities under Lele, because he wants to heal everyone.
-Doug is healing everyone in the ward, and if given the chance, will try to heal everyone in the other wards too. But, if this is too much, he'll focus his efforts on folk like , , , , , , , and who're either well and truly screwed— or subjects to nepotism.
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,047 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 15:03:50 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

Over the course of what felt like a week, the wardens ran them to the ground through toil, punishment, and laughter. The execution and resuscitation of one served as a cruel reminder of their fate: They would work for their captors, bleed for them, entertain them, and only be allowed a merciful death when their usefulness had expired.
The Oni was likewise overworked to the point of exhaustion, forcibly kept awake through seeds of worry. That explained why she had been curiously absent from the dream world, at least. Andrea’s heart bled for the poor, sleep-deprived ogress, while at the same time losing the last iota of forgiveness she might have had towards the wardens.
The spark of rebellion was kept alive through dreamlike visions, magical tears, and the guiding voice of their guardian angel. On the last day, she did not eat her mochi. She instead stored it inside her cleavage for later use. The spark became a full-blown bonfire, triggering a domino reaction that threw the heinous trio’s plans into complete disarray.
As the riots began, the PokéManiac’s surging WILLPOWER caused her magenta tethers to split into a pair of TOXIC CHAIN WINGS. Although she could barely walk in her broken, emaciated state, those wings allowed her to fly as if she wore her Sygna Suit. They were a manifestation of her desire to become a Pokémon combined with the desire for freedom.
“Eat your mochi!” The dragon enthusiast yelled, tossing mochi in Munkidori’s eyes to temporarily blind him. “Take my hand, Johanna! We’re flying to the basement!” She then urged her cellmate, . With her newfound flight ability, she attempted to reach the feeding pit, while doing her best to dodge the monkey’s psychic projectiles.
“Chomper, everyone, hold on just a little longer… We’re coming to save you!”



- Dummy ward[break]
- No Pokémon, no Sygna Suit[break]
- Despairing disadvantage (roll three times; the lowest roll is used)[break]
- ABILITY: TOXIC CHAIN WINGS (gives Andrea limited flight)[break]
- On the last day, she stores the mochi inside her cleavage instead of eating it[break]
- Attempts to temporarily blind Munkidori by tossing mochi in his eyes[break]
- Attempts to fly towards the feeding pit with while dodging Munkidori's attacks[break]
(endeavor cleared: use the idiomatic noun "run (something/someone) to the ground" in an ic-post.)



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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,873 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 16:10:20 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","calcifet elise"]


The holy sword only protects the king,[break]
It is the king's power that protects the country.




A vision of the revitalized Megalopolis is shown from the mask that she peers inside, but Elise doesn’t know what it means. That could be a sign of something in some future, but she has to focus on her predicament. Through the course of the “week”, she’s forced to get to work on sorting the shards inside the cart like a mine worker after she eats her plate of mochi.[break][break]

But today was different. The noise came from the elevator when it descends into the ward she and her cellmate were in. Elise hears the prisoners begin to riot with the elevator’s sound and she now has a new goal: to get to the bottom. “We should go, Noel.” The Galarian ambassador urges when she takes her mask off.[break][break]

Megalopolan guards come to deal with her while the warden of the Weakling Ward, Okidogi, is dealing with the other rioting prisoners with his brute strength. Her toxic chain turns into a glowing sword of golden light as she’ll use the newfound power the toxic chain gives her in fending those guards off as bursts of burning blue petals knock them back to the ground. [break][break]

Reaching their path to the platform, the ambassador had made sure that Noel would be there with her before they’ll head closer to freedom.



♔ Weakling Ward[break]
Toxic Chain Ability (Chastiefol): Elise's Toxic Chain turns into a sword of golden light. Strikes from this glowing sword of golden light cause bursts of burning blue petals[break]
♔ sees the revitalized Ultra Megalopolis, but wasn't sure what it means.[break]
♔ Takes Noel with her when prisoners start to riot


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 17:43:02 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
Johanna worked through the week, struggling as best she could, bleeding as best she could for the wardens, keeping her head down as much as she needed to, to not become another target of their vile wardens' whims.

And when the hell of the waking world ended, she dreamt of Ultra Megalopolis. She walked its streets and talked with its people, learned information that others had gathered. Kindled hope alongside friends, and readied herself for what was to come as Azelf’s dreaming voice reached her.

The day arrived. Johanna ate the mochi not noticing that did not. She figured she would need the energy.


Her heart beat like a drum as her rebellious desire for freedom had been rekindled by sparks of hope. She was ready to fight. But most importantly, she was ready to help Andrea and that creature in the feeding pit with escaping.

The riot began, and for all of her fire she knew not what to make of herself. Should she lounge at the Wardens or run? Neither choice was picked as Andrea urged her to join her in flying down to the basement.

And in that moment Johanna was reminded of what she fervently desired not only in here but out in the world. Unity, Understanding, Compassion, helpfulness. And in that moment her WILLPOWER manifested a TOXIC CHAIN ANTENNA, an antenna that would allow herself and those around her to willingly share their thoughts, feelings and Willpower to empower each other.

Though others could join in on this public channel shared between all willing minds in the vicinity, Andrea may be the first to feel Johanna’s fervent desire to help her succeed in not only freedom but saving that creature in the feeding pit, alongside feeling its boosting effects as Johanna’s Toxic Antenna attempted to empower the dragon-enthusiast.

- Johanna survives through the week.
- Johanna accepts 's hand of rebellion, and tries to fly with her down to the basement.
- Johanna awakens her Toxic Ability.
Toxic Chain Antenna

"The Toxic Chain Antenna boosts the power and effectiveness of the Toxic Chain abilities of willing allies within a "Narratively fitting" radius around her by sharing thoughts, feelings and willpower"

(Author's Note: Allies = anyone or anything Johanna desires to work with/alongside)

- Attempts to boost Andrea by projecting her desire to see Andrea Succeed in all her endeavors.

qNPHWOxE (Salacc'ing)
(Salacc'ing nr 2)

Punished Pokemon:

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,436 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 18:07:52 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
Greyson leans against the wall of his cell, stirring in the cot nearby, and simply exists. He doesn't even have the energy to lick dry lips.

When sleep takes him once more, he's visited by small, floating Pokémon. It warns him of what's to come; a glimmer of hope that, when he surges away hours later, gives him the energy to stand.

There was a chance. That's all he needed.

The day continues with little difference and, despite newfound optimism, he begins to worry.

Then all hell breaks loose.

DESIRES MANIFEST all around him as the wishes of the confined are brought forth into reality. His own bubbles in the back of his mind, and taking a moment to investigate it, Greyson understands.

For months now he'd be suppressing everything. His anger, his grief, his fear — everything. And for what reason? Why shouldn't he embrace the maelstrom that spun in his chest? Why shouldn't his enemies? It made him weaker, doubting his own abilities, suppressing his confidence and experience.

It stood to reason it affect them the same.

AN AMETHYST SPHERE OF POWER ERUPTS AROUND HIM. It suppresses, it siphons, it consumes. He was an void; an endless chasm; an unquenchable hunger.

Let his enemies strength be his — all the more satisfying to crush them with it.

"We should leave," he tells , already moving to the lower floors.


Weak Ward.
A New Hope glimmers in Azelf's voice.
Months of suppressing his emotions, doubting himself, faltering and tripping, comes to a head.
POWER: Siphoning Sphere: An Amethyst sphere, easily transversable, surrounds him. It will suppress the thoughts and emotions of enemies, and siphon strength/power from his enemies, empowering him even as his enemies become husks.
Begins to make his way to the lower floors, all enemies in his path potentially susceptible to the sphere.


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 19:19:15 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
a nostalgic feminine voice from the back of his head reminds him of his true desires: to do what priam conrad, himself, wants.

who is priam conrad?

the person that hid behind a mask for so long he ceased to be, or the persona played by the actor that has taken over the reins a long time ago-- everything blurs out. what remains is a guy who just wants all eyes on him, if even for a moment, like the fleeting bloom of fireworks at the night sky.

the feeling of the power spot evokes a feeling close to home, back when he had but a single audience willing to clap their hands for his performance.

"yeah, i can do that."

azelf's message is received and taken, and like most other prisoners of the penitentiary, priam joins the ranks of the break out when the signal comes.

others busied themselves with revenge. others attempted to solidify the entire ward as one big group. priam, however, was an obedient grunt at the end of the day, and once the order was given, it was his job to make sure it was taken care off.

his chain resembles as a string of firecrackers, ignited by the singeing heat of his mark that reacts to multiple sources at the same time. plucked off, they function as dynamite sticks.

explosives were dropped en masse, down to the feeding pit. he would say it's to mine for a nonexistent lake that azelf claims to be at the bottom, but it was just an excuse to make the biggest show he can ever do within the confines of their prison.

whatever remains of his ammo would be scattered around the ward itself, ready to detonate to a beautiful explosion of colorful lights that would reflect against the prismatic ceiling overhead, shaking the entire structure in whatever ways he can.

it doesn't need to end well. it just needs to be noticeable.

  • toxic chain evolves to a string of fireworks! (dynamite sticks, rly)
  • azelf says bottom of the lake, priam obliges
  • drops explosives to the feeding pit
  • leaves explosives on random areas to detonate for when they make their exit
  • logic goes no lake = mine for lake



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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
144 posts
part of
TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 19:36:25 GMT
throughout the week, maki collects as much information from the others in her ward as she can. she stores as many tears as possible, and when the time comes to break free, she's right there alongside her "comrades". she doesn't really consider them as such, finding many of them oafish and slow, but regardless she's still made an effort to play nice whenever she could without giving away her identity. for now, it's important that they work together. maki begrudgingly realizes she's not getting out of this on her own.

her toxic chain has grown sharp, with spikes on it. though the spikes hurt her as well, she uses her own toxic chain as a whip to try and corral munkidori away from the escaping inmates, going for an up-close approach as she's noticed how it tends to attack from a distance. despite her injuries and her general exhaustion, her form is airtight, reflecting many hours of training with various combat implements. out of spite, she attempts to hurt the opposing pokemon as much as possible.

and then she's crowding onto the platform with the others, her hands broken and bleeding. more annoyed than anything at how long it's taken to get this far, maki wipes her hands on her clothes. then she grabs at the hem of her top, tearing some of it into strips and winding them around her hands to staunch the flow of blood. finally, she ties her makeshift bandages into a knot.

she wonders, briefly, if they can all take their masks off now. she doesn't attempt it, instead opting to keep it on. she's silent, not even the tapping of a foot or a shifting of her stance indicating impatience.


maki's TOXIC CHAIN grows spikes on it!
though she injures her hands with the spikes as well, she uses her toxic chain to try and beat down munkidori.
she bandages her hands as she gets on the platform with the others.

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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
part of
TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 19:51:35 GMT

megalopolis is beautiful. [break][break]

but that's it. [break][break]

the week passes - though if you asked her, she wouldn't be able to tell you what happened. she works, she showers, sometimes she's rewarded in the chamber of desires. unfortunately, there's a distinct lack of it by the end of the week. she's tired, and alive (and the person sitting in her mind isn't h--)[break][break]

but then something changes - changes in her and changes in the other prisoners. something wells up, though she thought that the tears she shed were in vain. she thought that if she shed them enough in the dream, she would have no need to shed them in the waking world - it seemed like she was wrong when warm tears finally fall down her cheeks. [break][break]

get to the bottom of your prison.[break][break]

the voice echoes in her head, and it looked like this resolve extended to the other prisoners. when she awakens, the glisten of crystals both above and in her hand catch her attention. they're gems she's used before - gems she's given her shedinja, a pokemon who was free from this rotten hell. followed by this, a brief moment of stinging pain comes from the chain. it's worse than all the other times, bringing her to her knees with a cough and a hack. [break][break]

it reminds her of old times, where she would disappear into the crevices of her mind to escape and to run. it reminds her of old times where she would be scared, unable to fight back, and quietly comply with what's told to her. follow instructions, keep your head down, and no harm will befall you. it's what she's taught by mother and father alike, and it's so embarrassing that she's thinking about them now. she, who's so ready to lay down her life in this hell-forsaken world was tired, yet didn't want to feel pain. [break][break]

something sprouts - a seed, however slight. darkness surrounds her, and yet she wants to go home. she wants to go back to that hell-forsaken place that's hoenn, back to her every day life, back to what freedom she had - back to when she had a fighting chance. unlike before, there are people waiting for her and people who needed her - there are people who need sav-[break][break]

there's research to be done.[break][break]

she's silent as another day's work begins, then a riot breaks out. there's chaos, everywhere. there's blood, bones, screams and cries. the doctor is quick too duck throughout the chaos, her desires hadn't quite manifested - until a body is hurled her direction, splattering on the wall behind her. it crunches and writhes behind her, and the doctor pauses. [break][break]

what did she really want?[break][break]

it hits her hard - hard enough to make her stagger with a smile unlike her (one she hasn't worn in years). marisol doesn't want much - she only wants to heal, and treat, and restore. the nurse only wants to save, but is it worth saving? [break][break]

maybe oblivion was the better choice. [break][break]

and marisol is a hypocrite.[break][break]

her chain slithers around her neck, coiling tighter, tighter, as though wringing her of the poison that's welled up in her body. it stops, at one point, and its glow becomes similar to the deep violet hue of her other eye. it expands, parting and sliding from her neck down to her arms, then split into numerous, thorny tendrils towards the closest deceased body. the chains wrap around the dead, defiling them with eerie violet - yet the thorns meticulously dig themselves into the veins and arteries, like a snake sinking fangs into the prey. [break][break]

a miracle happens. [break][break]

the body swells - uncomfortable bubbling and sloshing aside - and grows. muscle is formed, purple agent fills the veins of the dead. the putrid smell of decay fills the area around it, but it doesn't care when the chains finally pull away from the corpse, and latch onto another; like an unsatiable beast. this time, however, as marisol briefly stares at her grotesque creation, reason returns to her decrepit mind. she isn't a monster yet (or maybe she's too far gone). [break][break]

the smile hidden under the mask says otherwise. [break][break]

the doctor quickly makes it to the platform, using the newly formed.. zombie.. golems(?) to clear her path. there are only two, however, and their power is near tenfold their original capabilities. it's a shame she can't think about it, even after reaching the elevator platform where stands , and others. [break][break]

there are still others fighting by the time she reaches the elevator, and there's a moment of peace as violence continues around them. the two undead stand stationary, with only the command to protect their raiser. it's then where she barks out a command - what expression was she wearing under the mask? whose voice was it barking out the commands?[break][break]

"protect them." she's pointing to the other prisoners, her mind is fuzzy and she tries to recover. it's so odd, feeling the spark of life ignite when you were moments away from despairing death. though her lips speak to protect, her duo raised take the command that resounded, so loudly, in her mind as they turn to the other guards and, eventually, the dog-like warden.[break][break]

kill them all.



- rolling for disadvantage[break]
- marisol isn't okay (what's new)[break]
- uses her power to create two zombie.. golem things. they protect her and fight off guards on her way[break]
- zombie golems are used to protect the platform, and others within the WEAKLING WARD.[break]
- one zombie moves with to attack okidogi[break]
- feel free to use them to protect you!

toxic chain ability: void; stemming from her desire to heal and buried obsession for power, marisol can ensnare dead beings within her toxic chains, injecting an agent that makes them subservient to her. this agent drastically enhances the physical abilities and increases the size of the victim, however she can only control two corpses at any given time, and the agent causes them to rapidly decay (3 posts max).





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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 23:05:03 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The days drag on, and so do the dreams. For many nights, Hideo got no answer. Even then, he remained determined - he had already drowned many times for this in the RKS system.

He wouldn't give up on getting an answer. He couldn't give up. Hope for an answer was keeping him going - to give that up, would mean to surrender himself to this hellish prison.

He received an answer, after so many nights of trying. It didn't tell him much…but it was an answer.

He'd share it with , , and . He could find them (or rather, be found by them) within the dream. He'd tell them he'd finally gotten an answer. For and , he'd be a bit more vague - telling them to hold out just a bit longer.

As far as he knew, he was the only one Azelf spoke to. And even after he got his answer, he'd return once again. Asking Azelf again where it was, in hope it would give him more to work with.

The answer he received, he shared once more - telling Genevieve and Lucia that they would be escaping once more, without saying how. "You guys need to trust me," he'd tell them, "and follow my lead."

And once that day came - Hideo was ready. Though he never found a way around the routine they were stuck in, he felt more determined than ever. He could feel a strange sensation - he knew where people were, even where Okidogi was.

Once their cue started, the riot began - and Hideo was quick to try and find Cromwell and Lucia. "Follow me!" he announced, charging his way towards the elevator; that urge to get his frustrations out on the guards and that Pokemon tormenting them was there, but his focus was on the goal of his search, the one he'd spent so much time seeking.

And eluding the guards (and Okidogi) was easy, when he could sense their approach. It was almost a sixth sense (fifth in his case), his Toxic Chain resonating with theirs, warning when they got close. He made a beeline for the elevator (it was easy to remember where he had to go to find it), aiming to get down and find his way over to where Azelf may be - wherever this "lake" was.


Thanks for answering my DMs, Azelf
Determination rises
Tells , , what Azelf tells him.
Encourages and , but doesn't tell he heard from Azelf
Toxic Chain Ability: Toxic Resonance; lets Hideo sense other Toxic Chains around him.
Tries to get Genevieve and Lucia to follow him before beelining for the elevator
Trying to get down to Azelf asap

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 23:55:00 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

"To the Battlefield" - Damien Salançon | TRAILER Vol. 8: Surviving Evil

had the right idea of soaking the tears up in a hair tie—or so Zev thought, until later that night, when the Megalopolans confiscated every scrap of fabric on their bodies and gave them new uniforms. [break][break]

The pair conferred in the dream world later and agreed on another method. The next morning, Zev found a long groove in the floor of their cell, where they stored the rest of their tears for the next several days. [break][break]

Over time, an image began to form on the surface of the gathered tears. He didn't recognize the Pokémon, but strangely enough, he could hear its voice. In the dream world, he talked with others, eventually understanding the plan: break free from the prison by breaching the basement level. [break][break]

Zev's WILLPOWER burned inside him like a flame rekindled. It reflected in the dazzling gleam of the Tera Crystals in the ceiling, shining even brighter than before. "Today's the day. Get ready," he murmured to before guards ushered them from their cells to begin their usual work. [break][break]

Eventually, in the midst of polishing shards of crystal, that sound chimed. Zev surged to his feet. Explosions rocked the ward as dropped what looked like dynamite through the hole in the floor. Murky tendrils snaked out from ; one reached for Zev, reminding the assassin of someone else's vision. [break][break]

He hesitated for only a second, calculating the odds of survival in his head, then snatched the tendril out of the air. It snaked around his forearm, securing itself. A boost of vitality flowed through the tendril into his body, and around his neck, his own Toxic Chain activated. [break][break]

The end of it twisted, morphing into a familiar set of claws, but in miniature. Glowing energy gathered between them, bright and hot, before a THIN BEAM OF SEARING LIGHT fired right at Fezandipiti. [break][break]

"Go! Now!" Zev roared at the others, roughly grabbing Nenet's arm. Shoving her ahead of him, he dashed for the platform in the center of the chamber. [break][break]


TAGS & ugly ward[break]
– Zev is in the UGLY WARD.[break]
– After Nenet's tear-soaked hair tie is confiscated, she and Zev store their tears in a groove in their cell's floor.[break]
– Notices and hears Azelf. Learns from others in the dream world about the plan to escape.[break]
TOXIC CHAIN ABILITY: LASER ARM. Zev's Toxic Chain forms a claw-like hand that shoots thin beams of searing light, a weaker and smaller version of his Avatar laser ability. Due to being based on his deepest desire, the laser can easily cut through objects, both organic and inorganic.[break]
– Accepts Theo's power boost and attacks Fezandipiti with his Toxic Chain laser.[break]
– Grabs Nenet and shoves her toward the platform as he makes a run for it.



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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
736 posts
part of
TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON May 6, 2024 5:48:12 GMT
[attr="class","pilotsb desiree"]

i’m afraid they’re gonna find you[break]
and there’s nothing that i can do




The mental burden that came with the passage of time and the melding of differing worlds, a world met by Megalopolan patrol and another of their flourishing citadel of freedom, was too much to bear. In the times she did not need to painstakingly seek to be one of the better-behaved ones or traverse the dreamscape, Desiree found herself teary-eyed, sulking in the corners- wishing, pleading to exist true beside those who etched their names in their heart, wishing to make her desires blossom from behind the wellspring mask.[break][break]

She did not believe it to be due to ethereal influence, though no matter the whispers brought into her mind by the toxic chain, the whispers of love flourishing beside it, the inkling of hope, of dreams, prospered as a dimly lit light. Yet, watching face the punishment of the warden went against the visions the toxic chain had been the answer for-- it led her to seethe from her mortal confines, confused, unable to do a thing. The toxic chain was believed to be a blessing in disguise, something that could lead her to the ultimate path.. but the grotesque mistreatment, and 's words, led her to ask herself the same question:[break][break]

Why were they here?[break][break]

"Pamplemousse..," her voice trailed out softly, pained, ".. to.. keep those without love in check, to.."[break][break]

It did not make sense-- the desires brought upon, brought to flourish, went against the mistreatment of all. The forcing of those with kind hearts to vote to forsake another for momentary gratification, the pain that came with being on the receiving end of the smack. She acquainted with to know of the things they were made to witness in the nights that had passed- and it was unfathomable to think of what it would have been like in another world where she had not abstained.. why did it have to be like this if the world that existed in the vision, in the silk of burlesque, was so beautiful and peaceful?[break][break]

".. I wish.. I knew.."[break][break]


Voices were heard on the last night- those that licked the flames that had already persisted in the background of her kaleidoscope blur. Teary eyes fluttered toward the vibrant cask of the city as she focused on the attaining of secrets in her uninfluenced state, pleading, gasping for air with a hand clasped above her heart.[break][break]

"Are you.. the one who's cried? The one," she tried to call out, but in the end, it was all so trivial. A face did not belong to a voice, an important message, that she would never take in vain. Anxiety bubbled in her stomach as she shot awake from her sleep in the near-distant moments that came, the slush of the affliction feeling partially lightened- but cautious, slowly moving to find Pamplemousse and whisper what she had heard of the dream's voice in his ear.[break][break]

".. caesar salad, my pamplemousse," she said softly, still-faced, burns of despair meeting the fire of will, ".. julius.. fucking caesar.."[break][break]

Plopping the mochi into her mouth and forcing it down in a hopeful, final bitter taste, the rapid beats of her eyes moved around the room as she began the day's work- attempting to play the role until someone enacted the directive brought upon her. To prove that she was not going mad, hearing voices in the ethereal madhouse that did not truly exist. Surely, it did- but the despair that came with it, the remnants of the past of her seizing the life of her father, presented with cold sweat and numbness.[break][break]

Body in overdrive, doing the only thing it knew what to do.[break][break]

Desires manifested upon her chain and its inner etchings as a brilliant, lustrous aerial silk, spinning around her within the movement of dance- synonymous with the world that existed beyond the wellspring mask, where she could twirl freely without a care in the world. Within her acrobatic dance upon the cold tile, she moved around in motion with an inaudible song. Slinging the curtain to kiss the captors upon their sides while nimbly doing back handsprings, or at least, she attempted.[break][break]

To find where the being existed, swallowed by the sea- and more importantly, to emerge beside all those she had seen in the vision.. and the two worlds that existed beyond. For all who shared the fate provided as a twin, forced to endure the punishment.[break][break]

Navigating to the platform with another graceful swing of the toxic silk, survival instinct was the only thing that she could feel within the mayhem- no longer was she Diamandis or Desiree. All she was.. was a soul in the world.[break][break]

A soul that needed to make it out alongside all those who rested dear to her heart. A soul that needed to make it happen- not only for herself, not only for the world, but for the toxic chain that had Stockholm Syndromed her to her core. A soul that had killed to survive.. and a soul that would kill again if it meant survival. Just like the dripping of the dragon's crimson, just like the woman behind the golden rings.. just like the last night with her father.[break][break]





salacing 2[break][break]


salacing 3[break][break]


♡ sulks in the corners the day before, envisioning her vision- hoping it can exist, but hates the mistreatment.[break]
♡ talks to pamplemousse, is so confused and disoriented.[break]
♡ hears voices during the dream & catches onto the plan. asks the voice if it was the one crying, but getting to it is more important than knowing. wants to save them n shoots awake </3.[break]
♡ communicates voice to pamplemousse & eats her hopefully last mochi![break]
♡ gets to work & mayhem starts. springs up.. but begins to get ptsd from killing her dad! ♡[break]
♡ survival instinct takes over. uses ability (below) to acrobatically dance around and attempt smacking guards with toxic chain and nimbly flipping to avoid retaliation. tries to make way to platform.[break]
TOXIC CHAIN ABILITY: Desiree's toxic chain begins to bear resemblance to an aerial silk aerial dancers use while suspending themselves midair, synonymous with the theme of the vision granted by the wellspring mask. She is quite more nimble on her feet while doing acrobatic flips and handsprings than she was before.


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cass, cassie
november 7th
petalburg city, hoenn
student (private school)
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
518 posts
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TAG WITH @cass
Cassandra Kubrick
POSTED ON May 6, 2024 14:15:03 GMT
Cassandra Kubrick Avatar
[attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][attr="class","emapokemonteam"][newclass=".emapokemonteam"]height:40px;width:40px;background:#2b2b2b;border-radius:100%;margin:0 5px;[/newclass]
Upon seeing her tears pool in the inside of her mask, Cass feels more of them well up inside her eyes. She can only look at them from the corner of her eyes, squinting awkwardly, but they're so clear. Beautiful. There's light still, even in this murky madness, reflected in the brillant surface of der gathered tears.

Like jewels.

And then. A vision.


It's the pokémon in the tank again. Her tears scatter as she jolts upwards, turning to Thea and Knight. "Thea- Knight-" Cass tells them about what she's seen, and it returns in dreaming, too. A message, as she strains herself to her it- and she feels herself almost relaxing. As she awakes, she significantly feels herself being calmer, even if the despair is inside her still - it feels like there's something to be done about it, something that rises to fight against it.

It's the last day, it seems.

As the signal sounds, Cass feels one more comfort - the familiar smell of garbage (though others might be lucky enough to only catch floral notes.) It is another push, another presence and reminder for those lost. In tune with her vision, the Toxic Chain actually grants her more peace of mind than anything else by giving her presences she's been apart from for too long.

(Don't break here.)

"Let's go," she urges her best friends, not wanting to stick around for the fight much at the moment - she just wants to escape, she focuses on the goal that she's been following. (She'd stick around though, if her righteous friends [affectionately] would stick around to fight, even fi she'd continue to urge them to move on.)

In faint illusion, a trash bag seems to wrap around her hand, a floral crown rests lopsidedly, momentarily on her head. A fiery hammer nudges away an attacking guard as she dodges, and she seems faster than usual - her feet crackling with flaming electricity briefly. But it's all just imagery that fades quickly as Cass weaves herself onwards, towards below the pit.

She finds her gaze straying, too - the tubes. Now, she takes another close look at them now that she's closer. She also tries to see- does this whole thing have an effect on the creature? She tries to see if she can spot anything, before moving on, ignoring the aching pains from untreated wounds, the tiredness in her bones. There's only one direction:

Down, down.

tl;dr dummy ward
- tells knight and thea about the azelf vision she's seen with her tears
- as the prison break starts, she tries to urge knight and thea to keep moving without bothering to fight
- takes a look at the tubes again now from close-up, also tries to see stuff abt ogerpon, before moving onwards

toxic chain ability: with you to cass smells like a trash bag (lol) close-up and floral hues farther away. there's faint, flickering illusions around her, mirroring the her team before this happened. while still fighting against physical and mental exhaustion and despair, persevering's a tad bit easier on herself at the moment as she has a smelly reminder of herself and who she still is missing, giving her a clear goal. she is more nimble and speedier, allowing her to progress faster.
if allowed, she feels a pull into "the right direction" - either to azelf to help (or even her pokémon).

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
POSTED ON May 6, 2024 15:57:47 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



The days that past were pure agony. He was humiliated, hurt, his brused bones-- if they were not broken, hurt more than he could stand. He was constant target whenever he struggled, by that stupid, muscle-headed dumb dog! His parents must of been worried, and maybe even thought him dead. He would of been... or might as well been with how he felt. If he had not had the care of he would of been dead already. The days blured together of work, exhaustion and pain. Still, he would dream... he would dream of finding his pokemon. He would dream to helping his friends. He would dream of escaping this nightmare. [break][break] However, he became aware of one thing. He WAS in Area Zero! There was no other explanation for so many crystals, the foreign invaders-- they came from the dimensional breeches that went to other worlds. There was no other explanation. And good news-- with the League exploratory base, it meant there was a nearby place for rescue. It was that share fact in his mind that kept him alert and aware. Still, he had no clue where his Pokemon were. The situation still seemed bleak... His only peace, was the dream-- and it became his other reality. [break][break]
[break][break] Each time he went there, he had more control of himself-- lucid dreaming. Others had done it. He soon found his friends! , , and too! Everyone in the prison was part of this 'dreamscape' in the city, and there were others. People, and the pokemon in the tanks. [break][break] Zachary soon found all of them, suspended in the tanks. He was now near his Kadabra, Tarot. The poor Kadabra was still in the tank. Zachary pressed his hand against the tank, trying to reach him-- even in his thoughts but nothing stirred. Tears would fall from his eyes, feeling powerless. He felt so close to them there-- knowing this place was NOT just a dream. Yet he couldn't do anything to save them. [break][break] He would soon find the Azelf too-- having high regard for the legendary pokemon, but he too was trapped. Like praying to a deity, Zachary placed his hand to the vat that contained Azelf. "I... I want to keep going. I can't give up. Each day they try to break us. TO make us give up hope... but, I can't! I won't! I have to save my friends, I have to do something! Anything! Please. There has to be something I can do! I want to save you, and protect those that matter! Please! I refuse to be this weak! I won't!!" Zachary shouted. [break][break] However, in perfect timing-- or to just coincidence, he heard it. He heard the whisper in his head, almost so soft it felt like a fleeting bit of Zachary's own imagination. Azelf's instructions. They were going to break free! Azelf's broken but clear instructions were clear. Zachary committed it to memory, hearing the words, bottom, lake-- that they had to go deeper, not up and out! [break][break] He felt himself start to wake again, knowing the others heard it too. The flame of hope, that once was about to die began to burn again in his chest. He swore to himself, he would free his friends, both human and his pokemon! [break][break]
[break][break] That day, he didn't hesitate. He ate the whole Moochi, needing all the strength he could muster. It felt sickening to eat the whole thing, or maybe it was just his pride. Who cared. [break][break] For the moment, Zachary wondered if it was a dream and only a dream... till he saw the Terrastellar crystals start to shine brightly today. Something did feel different, even as he was urged to shove boxes, collect crystals and basically work like a mutt! [break][break] He then heard the sound! And the light-- the bright shine of power that soon illuminated the cavern! [break][break] The time was NOW![break][break]
[break][break][break][break] Zachary felt the shot of adreniline, energy and hope that surged through his mind, like when he had a creative idea. His very vision lit up-- and he soon felt that spark of hope become a wildfire in him. As he saw the chaos unfold, saw a glimmer! Something not from the Tera Crystals, but almost like a trail-- a winding path invisible otherwise. But he instinctively knew-- he knew it was a path that led to where he wanted to go! TO find the bottom, and to get there safely. [break][break] From those who saw him-- one would see through his mask-- his eyes now glowed a very odd blue hue, like stars shimmering in the sky! STARGAZER'S EYES![break][break] He took action and ran! "Hurry! Now's our chance!! Get to the meeting spot!!" Zachary shouted, trying to get the other prisoner's attention-- and not reveal to their captors where they were going! [break][break] Despite the pain, despite the weakness, Zachary ran, following the starry path in his eyes! It zig-zagged, seeming to be placed around where guards were-- until the butt-ugly Okidogi tried to bar Zachary's path! [break][break] Zachary saw the dog, and no longer afraid of another beating-- Zachary wanted to find a way past him. The starry path seemed to show him were to go-- in a daring dive between the dog's squatted legs. [break][break] With too little time to question, acting now on instinct and will-- Zachary dove forward! The Okidogi brought a powerful fist down-- but hit only dirt as Zachary shot forward and rolled under the dog's legs! He got back to his feet, fighting the pain in his sides, and continued to run for the end of the cavern! [break][break] With all the chaos of the guards, the light, and everything else-- Zachary's path was clear as he followed the mystical trail, showing him the lift that led them downward! He could see others start to gather there, having the same idea! [break][break] Zachary reached the lift to join the others. As he looked around, he saw similar colors-- similar lights around him, some made him feel anxious, while others showed opportunities, more so surrounding friends. He didn't understand what he was seeing, but he felt more safe now than he had in the past week. Whatever it was, these 'eyes' were showing him one thing for sure-- a way to freedom and to his loved ones! He would see , , and many others he knew in the chaos and waved to them. "Hurry! Over here! This way out!" he waved, trying to urge them away from the 'danger' he saw in his eyes. [break][break]



Seeing his Pokemon trapped in the dream and prays to Azelf to help them find a way out. He hears Azelf words, inspiring him not to give up hope! [break]
Eats a whole Mew-Damn Moochi for energy.[break]
As he works, he hears the cue and the sound of Terrastellization somewhere nearby and all hell breaks loose. [break]
As the spark of hope rekindles-- Zachary's eyes glow with a psychic energy in the form of his "Toxic Chain" Ability -- Stargazer to see paths of safety towards his desired goals. It also lets him see glows that surrong strong threats. A form of a pokemon's "Forwarn" ability perhaps. [break]
Zachary reaches the lift that would lead them down to the bottom of the prison-- where they had to go! Waves to his friends towards him, seeing the path to keep safe and get them there! [break]
Toxic Chain ability - Stargazer : Grants Zachary a form of forwarn/precognition eyesight to show starry trails or auras that lead one towards their goals, or avoid dangerous situations. These starry trails resemble terastellar glows and overlap with the environment, and up to his intuition and interpretation to understand them.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP