i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,926 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 5:59:37 GMT
Navy Avatar







As is swallowed, as the water meanders, as legends die and flail all around him, the sheriff makes a call.[break][break]
There’s injured in the water. Gotta get ‘em back to our boats ‘fore this gets worse.” As these two trees surge and a king lays slain at the foot of one, he thinks it will soon get much, much worse. There are dead floating in the water, and there is blood there besides.[break][break]
He shouldn’t be able to move, much less guide the metal beneath him along the water’s surface. It races away from the tree, trusting the others to keep up the fight while he plays his part. Kyogre fires off its pulses in every direction. One of them splits the water in a course leading right towards him. Once more, Zacian proves his salvation. She interposes herself between the pulse and her appointed warrior. Ascalon splits the pulse, then splits the next that comes like an aftershock.[break]
Navy does not know . He does not know her struggles, her fears, or her insecurities. All he can do is wave her Garchomp down, Zacian standing right beside him.[break][break]
Hey. I’ll get her out of here. You can come a-”[break][break]
Another origin pulse. This one is not wholly deflected by Zacian. It slams into the platform, slams into him. It should kill him, crush him, shatter his whole platform and drive him into the water beneath. It does none of those things, but he knows the price he must pay for that once the battle is done.[break][break]
Hold it together, Navy. Just a little while longer. Feats don’t fail me now.[break][break]
So, turning north towards the breach, he sails his metal roof out towards the sea, all the while Zacian runs interference and helps spot bodies in the water.



notes about this post

Location: D4 -> E3 (potentially farther, up to Shiv). Seeing that he's on the brink of passing out, Navy turns his attention to rescuing people in the water as he charts a course for the League ships outside the Sootopolis basin. Sees and her Garchomp. Rescues her. Zacian is running interception on the Origin Pulses from Kyogre. Stops most of them, but one still hits Navy. Holding on by a thread, he uses his magnetism to sail his makeshift platform north to the safety of a League vessel. Also rescues NPCs in the water if Shiv lets me.

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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
881 posts
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TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 6:22:59 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar

His breath catches in his throat when he sees suffer that fatal wound. Eyes turn upon with murderous intent, only to see his precious Senpai reform. An order is given from his admins: refocus his energies elsewhere. As the waters rise, Hitoshi allows Lancelot to rest. His Gallade is recalled. In his place comes an old Lapras, himself on his last legs.[break]
The swordsman climbs on, sitting atop the shell and taking measure of his odds. It would be easy, so easy, to press this fight. Perhaps he could kill Mew. Perhaps he himself would die. Hitoshi Inoue is no Beast or Admin. That decision is not his to make. So, rather than pursue or press the fight to , he turns, looks to his fellow grunts.[break]
"Anyone who needs a ride can hop on. Otherwise, I'm goin' to help take down the fish. No shame in headin' fer the sub if you wanna do that." Whether , , or listen is up to them. His Lapras carries him off towards the last leg of this fight.[break]
"Looks like a water type. Use thunder." He feels a tinge of disappointment at the circumstances. It doesn't feel right, leaving it like this. His Senpai is alive, and that's all that matters.[break]
"We're with ya." He says to and . "Come hell or high water."


[attr="class","hitoshi-notes"]❖ Switches to Lapras. Mounts up. Sticks near Jayden and Fern. Lapras uses thunder on Kyogre, which clashes with the primordial leviathan's origin pulse. Tells the other grunts there's no shame in heading back to the sub if they don't feel like they can keep up the fight.
❖ Location: F2


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June 6th
Somebody in this world is glad you were born... never forget that.
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TAG WITH @calli
Calliope Alvara
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 10:32:13 GMT
Calliope Alvara Avatar
Defying the morals of life and limits of mankind whole.

That is what she bears witness to as the dragon descends upon the whale with endless fury.

And the consequences of said defiance, as plummets from her divine patron into the maws of the titan whale. It matters little that the damage those around it had done, all seemed predestined to witness this moment in time. Where even the god’s chosen vessels stood no chance against the raw might of true divinity.

In short.

The fucking whale ate her.

Who could have guessed.

Her mind registers the aid from ’s Wailord; one day she will thank him for it, when a sober mind recalls the doings of this day. For now, her focus lays solely on the Kyogre, on the need for its eradication.

Maybe it might be ’s desire to see the city saved that etches this urge into her thought, into that of her Shadow Serperior as he wakes again. His aura calls them to battle, and they heed it without a second thought.

Holding on to her Serperior, Calliope lets it drag her forth through the water, buoyant and slithering, urged by her shadow monarchs. As close as possible to the whale. To her benefactor.

It joins the Lugia’s attack from below, another Shadow Rave trying to burrow itself into the whale’s underbelly. Anything to keep it steady in place. Anything to harm it in the process.



+ Outfit | As close to Kyogre or Shiv will let me get [break]
+ Watches get swallowed. Reality check![break]
+ Makes mental post-it to thank afterwards[break]
+ Cal & Shadow Serperior are influenced by 's aura and desire to protect Sootopolis[break]
+ Slithering across the water to get closer to Kyogre[break]
+ Serperior uses Shadow Rave on Kyogre's underbelly.[break]



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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 12:14:18 GMT
ana fell Avatar
For a handful of brief moments, she feels like they can do this. Like they can stop Kyogre, like they can win this fight. She’s grinning up into the blackened sky and her heart races with elation.

Then, in a blink, everything is horrible. A block of ice takes Freya bodily off of Rayquaza, shattering any premonitions at her permanence, her invulnerability. There’s a sharp space where she once was, so cold it burns.

“NO!” she shrieks, stumbling and clawing and trying to stop it, unable to stop it as she falls to her knees metal fingers rake helplessly against yellow-lit scales, her heart stopping in her chest. “NO, NO, NO, NO!”

She watches it happen. And all at once the vast cavern of Kyogre’s mouth is swallowing her, too; swallowing her in a tidal wave of all the people she could not save, all the times she had failed. The weakened pillars in her head waver, and shake, and she falls to her knees, pressed down by a weight of finality across her shoulders, and a knowledge that this was a pain she would never escape. That there was no procedure detailed enough to erase this.

It was over. She was over. There was no coming back from this.

Her eyes flare open and she lurches to her feet, turning the motion into a sprint. She charges along Rayquaza’s long, writhing body, all the emotions within her building to a screaming point, as she launches from the dragon’s tail to land on Kyogre’s stupid, shitty, head, wherein she’ll bash her left hand again and again at the handy target circulating right on its forehead.


- "You should get out of here, kid. I don't think I can control myself right now."
- Fueled by suicidal despair, ana tries to give kyogre a lobotomy

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May 02
Rustboro City, Hoenn
Pokémon Ranger
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Roy Aker
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 15:31:45 GMT
Roy Aker Avatar
Roy’s world is reduced to a chaotic blur, his vision flickering in and out as he struggles to keep his head above the churning water. Every plunge into the abyss is a desperate battle for breath, leaving him disoriented and gasping. He fights to focus, but it’s impossible until it happens.

His opponent’s ice-cold attack changes everything. The brutal move wrenches his last surviving family member from her sacred mount, hurling her into the waiting jaws of the leviathan below. The horror isn’t just in the loss, but in Roy’s utter helplessness to stop it. As he hears ’s anguished pleas, a bitter wish forms in his own foul dragon heart.

Something suddenly shifts inside him. With renewed strength, Roy forces his head above the water, defying his opponent’s attempts to drown him. It’s as if the sight of his cousin’s fall has unlocked an additional well of power within his final bit of strength. Gritting his teeth, he seizes his opponent by the shoulders, hauling her over him with sheer determination. His strength isn’t born from talent; it’s the relentless drive to survive, to push forward no matter the odds. The saltwater stings his wounds, but he doesn’t feel it anymore.

As the seas start to recede, Roy and his opponent clash again. This time, there’s a ruthless precision to his movements. His strikes are more controlled, but they’re still fueled by raw emotion. Each blow carves through the diminishing waves with brutal efficiency. If a strike doesn’t land hard enough to provide him relief, he doubles down with more force, more speed, battering his opponent into submission.

He fights like a man possessed, relentless and unyielding, until finally, something unexpected catches his eye. In the heat of their exchange, her mask is knocked loose, revealing the face beneath. Even through the bruises and cuts, recognition dawns on him. It’s her; the girl with the seasoned fries from the Vital City Tournament.

“Tori?” he mutters, stunned by the revelation.

The recognition is enough to break his momentum, his reckless fury giving way to shock. Meanwhile, his Zygarde, having weathered the storm, paddles to Roy’s side. As the waters continue to lower, the legendary pokemon waits, poised to strike if necessary, ever ready to protect its master.

[attr="class","zygarde-notes"]⬢ Located in D-2
⬢ Roy is using Zygarde
⬢ Watches Freya get eaten
⬢ Breaks free from
⬢ Beats the hell out of
⬢ Recognizes her without her mask
⬢ Zygarde shows up at his side




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March 03
Viridian City
5'08" height
5'08" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mark
Mark Cunningham
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 15:45:14 GMT
Mark Cunningham Avatar
[attr="class","missingno-content"]Mark fought just to make sure he was never consumed by the water. The battlefield was a blur, and even though his porygon-z tried to contribute, its efforts felt like a drop in the ocean compared to the overwhelming force of Kyogre. The plan, whatever it was, seemed to be unfolding, but Mark couldn’t make heads or tails of it through the jumbled mess of frantic communication blaring in his ear. The situation had devolved into pure survival.

Realizing the futility of trying to make sense of the madness, Mark pulled his bag over his shoulder and recalled his porygon-z while also beckoning his metagross to his side. He climbed onto steel-type's back, choosing a calmer approach to the chaos by relying on its magnetic abilities to hover above the churning tides. As they glided over the water, Mark felt the tension ease slightly. He wasn’t out of the woods yet, but at least he was out of the immediate danger.

But Mark wasn’t entirely disconnected from the turmoil. As he navigated the stormy seas, he spotted several grunts and civilians struggling to stay afloat. Despite being more of a lone wolf, Mark couldn’t ignore them. He directed Metagross closer, using its powerful limbs to haul a few of them onto floating debris. He hovered over the treacherous waters, assisting where he could until the tide finally began to recede.


[attr="class","missingno-notes"]- Located in C-2
- Metagross is out and Mark is riding on him
- Saves a few civilians and grunts in the sea



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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 15:57:31 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
The Dyna Tree was heavily damaged, enough that the Xerneas Tree used up all its power to keep it alive. And was dying. Robbing Rocket of another Legendary and Avatar helped a lot in the long run, but this fight still wasn't over! Sharpedo returned to his side to help stabilize him due to the shifting waves. Turning around, he had a front row seat to the two behemoths fighting for dominance! For the first time in his life Oliver felt some degree of fear. What snapped him out of his stupor was seeing getting eaten by the whale. That...wasn't good. But there was a chance that she was still alive, just needed help to get out of there. But that wasn't going to happen with attacks coming towards it! Even with jumping onto the beast, there was something else to be done.

"Buddy, you're gonna be used as a surfboard for a moment." Sharpedo nuzzled him as if to say that it was fine. Releasing Alakazam, who stood on Sharpedo, Oliver gave some orders. "Alakazam, use Psychic, redirect those attacks away from Kyogre, but not towards any civilians!" The psychic type nodded and closed his eyes, glowing purple, attempting to redirect both the Shadow Rave from below that they could barely see and the Thunder from above away from Kyogre. Dangerious as it was, Oliver started to swim towards the beast, with Sharpedo pulling double duty as a platform and swimming buddy.

Bears witness to the Xerneas Tree dying, preventing Rocket from having another legendary.
Sees the battle between Rayquaza and Kyogre.
Sees the whale swallow . And jumping onto the thing.
In Ana Fell's defense, releases Alakazam, using Sharpedo as a platform.
Alakazam uses Psychic on Thunder and Shadow Rave to defend Ana and Kyogre, trying to redirect the attacks to open space/other Rockets.

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,825 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 17:30:19 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


The city's crater had been flooding with water as the leviathan waged on, the ocean surged both inside and outside of the rocky walls, but as more and more of the wall was destroyed and compromised, it was no wonder that everything was going to fall to the depths eventually.[break][break]
As the water surged and the laser beam carved through the crater's edge, Yuina clung to Daikenki as the Samurott rushed through the torrential waves. She lost him once, when she was struck by a rock falling and slowing in the water, hitting her shoulder and forcing her to the depths, but Daikenki was quicker than her sinking. Her vision narrowed, she wasn't sure how much longer she could hold her breath before they finally breached the surface, though it was short lived. The water crested, a surge of energy as lightning rained down from the sky, the ocean rushed in from all directions, and for a time it was all Yuina could do to just cling to Daikenki and hope that he could navigate the treacherous waves.[break][break]
She was ragged in shallow breaths, her muscles ached and her lungs burned from the intake of salt water as Yuina was slumped over Daikenki's figure in the water. She looked around, knowing at best that they were floating above the drowned wreckage of the city below, but couldn't make heads or tails of where they had ended up. Yuina couldn't see or , she didn't know where their hell bent assailant ended up after firing that laser, and she lost sight of that woman () and the Gardevoir... and hoped that it would stay that way.[break][break]
But there amongst the waves, treading water in the ocean swelling at the power of the leviathan, Yuina wasn't sure what else she could do...[break][break]
'Just stay alive...'[break][break]
The words of that woman, right before she disappeared again, her last bid before leaving Yuina with all of the same uncertainty that came from the day she first woke up in Hoenn...[break]
Was she trying to stay alive because she wanted to, or because that woman willed it?[break][break]
Coughing through sprays of sea water, struggling to cling to Daikenki with what little strength she had left, Yuina bristled at the overwhelming sensation of time reaching its pinnacle, the final ascent to that anchored point in time. Like a bell tolling, heavy and incessant to proclaim that everything was final. Nothing could be changed now, whatever had happened as a result of this war, this flood, this rage, it was all finite and fixed... And there was no going backwards.


Location: H5 Open to interaction![break][break]
Working very hard on the not drowning, Yuina clings to Daikenki in the middle of the flooded city[break]
Trying to just keep her head above water, just trying to keep breathing... Yuina wonders what is she trying to stay alive for? Is she trying for herself or because the white haired woman willed it?[break]
Time reaching its pinnacle, creating a new plateau to move on from, is an overwhelming sensation. Yuina understands that this has become a fixed point in time, that everything that has taken place is finite and absolute... Was all of this worth it?[break]


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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,730 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 18:09:50 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

"Freya!", Thomas called out to the Councilwoman, as she was knocked off of her Rayquaza, and into the maw of the beast. Thomas could hardly believe what he just witnessed.

Thomas looked around hurriedly. Eventually, he'd spot Yuina, struggling to stay on the back of her Samurott.

"Koko, to me!", Thomas called out to his partner. The Tapu Koko raced back over to their partner's side. Thomas recalled the Island Deity, switching back to Ermac.

"Ermac, we need to save her!", Thomas told the Basculegion, with great urgency.

The Basculegion, upon being mounted by the Kalosian, raced over to the Hisuian's position. Upon reaching the curator, Thomas extended a hand, attempting to grab the Faller, and pull her to safety, whether that be on her Samurott's back, or his Basculegion's back.

"Yuina, I got you!", Thomas called out to the Hisuian.


notes: -D2
-Thomas watches in horror as Freya is consumed by Kyogre
-Thomas looks around, noticing Yuina in trouble
-Thomas switches Tapu Koko for Basculegion
-Thomas and Basculegion race over to Yuina
-Thomas attempts to help Yuina up

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july 27
Driftveil City, Unova
when it's time to shoot, quit yappin'
252 posts
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TAG WITH @montgomery
Montgomery James
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 19:03:34 GMT
Montgomery James Avatar
[attr="class","monty"]There was splitting, intense pain as vanished and reappeared behind him in a SHADOW SNEAK. His leg was forced down in an unnatural pose, the wound digging into the wood of the deck. There was a blade at his throat, cutting into the thin skin as she forced his head back.

Across the deck, his gun laid bare, and he was defenseless. With one move, she could cut his artery, or worse yet, remove his head from his body.

Would he be satisfied with his outcome?

As if time stood still, Montgomery thought he might be okay with everything ending now. At least the world would be rid of him. No more Montgomery James. "Nine" would be forever buried in the grave. would be okay without him. He had other deputies he could rely on.



There was still much for him to do.

"The League and Rocket aren't black and white. They're gray." He'd said that before. "And while I'm sided with 'em, that don't mean I support every choice they make."

The ORIGIN PULSE struck, hitting off him and freeing him from her vice. Montgomery managed to snag his weapon from where it lay. Across the deck, wood splintered apart, creating a chasm of debris as the ship tore into two.

On the other side, .

There was no point in him engaging her, not when they were drifting separate ways due to turbulent waves. Rather, Montgomery put his gun back in the holster, glaring at her. "This ain't over."

A feeling of warmth and a glow caught his attention. There was a numbing feeling in his leg, and the wound across his neck stopped bleeding and shrunk smaller. Somewhere, someone had HEAL PULSED the area. Little did he know it was .

He summoned his SHARPEDO, climbing on the shark-like Pokemon to drive him out toward making rescue efforts now that his wounds were taken care of... for now.

- considers dying to 's blade
- ORIGIN PULSE struck the ship, breaking it apart and separating Montgomery and
- HEAL PULSE heals Montgomery's wounds slightly, giving him time to get on SHARPEDO and move to 's area for rescue (D2 to E3)
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,027 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2024 19:49:13 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Water sloshing almost knocks Tempest off his perch. Only Marina's rough skin and his own grip keeps him from falling off into the ocean below. He is unaware of what is happening inside the whale at that moment and doesn't care. All he knows is that Marina managed to land her attack, the Sharpedo's rows and rows of sharp teeth sunk deep into a fleshy part of Kyogre.[break][break]

This won't last long, he knows. They may as well take advantage of it while they can.[break][break]

"Marina!" He growls out, his ANGER rising as he thinks of his flooded home. That emotion surges though their bond, strengthening Marina as she tries to sink her fangs deeper. A seep of poison leaks out, trying to stick in the Levithan's blood and weaken it for others.[break][break]

Infinity energy swells, Tempest raising up his own Spiky Shield around him and his pokemon. Like ticks they will stay latched on until plucked away. Hopefully, they can do something to weaken Kyogre.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]@battle OF SOOTY



🔗 Still gunna try and box kyogre since we hit that bitch[break]
🔗 No idea what tf is happening with freya, he just assumes she is gunna be whale poopoo soon[break]
🔗 Sygna Suit ACTIVATES with MARINA THE SHARPEDO and is fueled by his RAGE to make her STRONGER[break]
🔗 Marina, still chomped down, uses a POISON FANG to try and poison that dumb bitch[break]
🔗 Temp activates his Tier 3 suit abilities to use SPIKY SHIELD around him and Marina to try and ward off any attacks until they're forced to break off[break]
🔗 Temp has a 50k cyber with CILLIAN QUINN hidden under the spoiler


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,752 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2024 0:53:46 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]The waters that flooded Sootopolis began to recede, the assault that himself and the rest of Team Rocket launched against Kyogre seeming to make marked difference in the defense of the city. "Enough for now, you did good." Rowan pressed the vacant Pokéball into the back of his Wailord, returning them to the capsule for a much needed rest. [break][break]

Rowan tossed another Pokéball as he plummeted towards the waters, Mistral catching him and slipping their trainer onto their back. "Ready to go whale hunting?" The Empoleon nodded, diving beneath the waves to make a direct line towards the Legendary. This was the final push, he could feel that everything was hinging on the next few moments. [break][break]Rowan hoped he'd made and Team Rocket proud, today.[break][break]

The Empoleon breached the water with Rowan clinging tight, launching them both upwards into the air. "Drill Peck!" Mistral's sleek form became draped in silvery energy as they dropped towards the Kyogre, twisting through the air and spinning rapidly on approach. DRILL PECK crashed into the hide of the mighty beast, attempting to capitalize on the weakened state of the goliath legend. [break][break]


[attr="class","rowwttag"]@kyogre [break][break]


TL;DR:[break] - F:5 [break][break] - Attacking the whale seems to be working, nice.gif. [break][break] -Rowan switches Wailord for Mistral the Empoleon [break][break] - Empoleon uses Drill Peck on Kyogre, hoping to break through their toughened hide.[break][break] - MORE WHALE VIOLENCE!

[newclass=.rowwt] width: 400px; margin: 0 auto; font-family: roboto; color: #aaa; font-size: 11px; letter-spacing: .5px; text-align:justify; padding-top: 20px; padding-bottom: 20px; line-height: 15px;[/newclass]
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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2024 1:51:22 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


Connibear reaches the ice beast’s ribs and she hears a sickening crack as the beast lurches to the side. A sadistic grin is reflected on her as she drops to the ground, dipping into turbulent waves as she is caught on a piece of floating debris. Paxton’s rifle, which he’s taken so many rushed shots, hurts. The recoil his familiar bruise as salt water laps at his arms then at his chin. But he sees it. He sees a violent burst of red and the body of the Deer King separate from his stead. “Calyrex down!” he calls into the comms, mirroring his Mawile’s own terrible grin before the waves overtake him. [break][break]

’s calls come back as he slips, taken by the current. He fights his way up, helmet abandoned in favor of guaranteeing air to his lungs. He chokes and sputters trying to keep water out of his system and his eyes on the tree. But despite hare falling, one last look at the tree and he doesn't see a flicker and falter of mystical green. No. He sees his councilwoman, , fall from the skies and be devoured by Kyogre. His blood runs cold.[break][break]


And then, an adrenaline kick starts his system. He can't falter right now. Even as the League’s own Dragon falls. Even as she slips out of ’s own PEACEMAKER shoes. Rayquaza doesn’t dive for her either and that too is strange. But as the leviathan surges to eat her he screams, much like all his other comrades, “FREYA!!” a beat and then desperately, “FREYA CAN YOU HEAR US?!” [break][break]

Shit! Shit! He can’t see Conniebear, but he’s sure she knows her power is waning. As he’s flushed around the city and praying he’s not impaled by any torn or destroyed buildings, he sees a bobbing blob and reaches out. “Hey! HEY! he shouted, burbling as he spat out water and grabbed onto him. He tries to help Gwyar above water, slamming him onto a piece of floating debris he’d managed to cling to and avoid sinking. He should ditch his gear at this point. It’d kill him if he wasn’t careful. [break][break]

And then a bright sparkling energy pulses out and Paxton curses as he feels the energy slam him backward, his flotation device being forced backward. It slams him harshly into the back of something else and Paxton choked, gasping for air and coughing up salt water. His throat burns and his eyes itch. He bobs down, head underwater before surfacing once more. This time he's closer, a better view of the tree, and 2/3s of the weather trio. Someone jumps off Rayquaza, screaming. doesn’t hesitate, her arm shining brilliantly as he watched her crash down onto the Kyogre. [break][break]

And as she does, slowly, the water stops c=hurning with a violence and instead is receding- no- it’s being absorbed. As he’s pulled in with the current his eyes are once again on that fucking tree. “CONNIBEAR!” he screamed as he tried to swim with the current and reached the roots of the infernal Dynatree. Its bark and branches littered with burns and cuts healing faster than he can count. [break][break]

He doesn’t see her, but he feels her. She’s not dead, just as certain as their MEGA EVOLUTION bond still shines. His keystone to her entire being. “IT’S THE FUCKING TREE!!” he ordered, throat raw as he screamed. Conniebear, beautiful, efficient, deadly conniebear obliges. Not entirely because she can hear her trainer. But she can feel the sudden pulse in their bond. Rainbow energy shines bright enshrining her megastone and pulsing over her body for one last time, one last push as she giggled madly and rose. [break][break]


Paxton catches sight of the dual type as her insane speed and strength helps her jump off debris and claw her way but the roots. She, begrudgingly, abandoned the Rabbit King. But he should count his blessings as she turns her destruction onto another victim: the source of its power. “Everyone, the DYNATREE-! it’s regenerating!” he said, dropping his waterlogged rifle with a shrug of his shoulder and taking out a knife to carve into beautiful bark. He tears an angry chunk out only to watch saps bubble over and slide down an inch before the cut is plugged and bark begins to grow over it seamlessly. [break][break]

His Mega Mawile rises up ready to devastated, to try to cleave this trunk in half. She glowed with energy, body hardening as she jumped hard off a branch and shot upwards in a storm of wood and leaves. Connibear then free falls, eyes on the prize, dead center of the tree as a devastating IRON HEAD is prepared. [break][break]




+ @various | hehehe [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- yaya calyrex shot, pax happy
- Paxton sees Gwyar and tries to grab him to help keep his head above water [break]
- 's DAZZLIGN GLEAM hits and sends him rocketing back in the water [break]
- surfaces just in time to see eaten and screams in disbelief [break]
- watches drop to attack kyogre but its too massive [break]
- the water recede enough for him to let go of [break]
- sees the glowing green still on the tree and swaps targets [break]
- communicates to allies what's happening to it [break]
- drops extra gear at the roots and stabs the tree[break]
- conniebear uses last of her mega evo to burst jump above the tree and drop down with IRON HEAD to destroy the tree [break]
- conniebear the mawile MEGA EVOLVES (3/3) [break]
- paxton currently on D4 [break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2024 2:06:49 GMT
Shred Avatar
[attr="class","pilots shredtyphon"]

the beginning and the end



you're flung far from where you were, and skid upon the rainsoaked pavement. spacial energy tears off your armour, and what little remains is dragged off by concrete and velocity. Still, you climb back to your feet. Mere force is not enough to stop you. Cuts and scratches will not slow you down. Even dying wasn't enough to stop you before, so what does she think she can do now?[break][break]

"YOU CAN'T DO SHIT TO ME, REYES!"[break][break]

though your orichalcum blade is blunted, you are not as unmade as she might hope. instead, liquid metal simply flows from your arm anew. this time, however, it takes a different shape - like that of a cannon, a heavy barrel sculpted from your elbow down. with some effort, you raise it upwards, and through bloodshot eyes, you aim it towards the alchemist.[break][break]


a fist slams into your makeshift cannon like a hammer. for a split second, it burns unfathomably bright, before it explodes from the inside out. your arm is forced back by the sheer recoil, and a payload of mixed fragmentation and burning fire launches towards your hated enemy.[break][break]

for you, this battle is intensely personal. but for the winged king? it's nothing but another hunt of greater prey. as the god of space is still reeling from the successful z-move, it wastes no time in capitalising on the momentary weakness. with a flap of its wings, it dives forward, aiming to slice the divinity's neck with all four of its dragon claws.[break][break]

TL;DR - shred and are SCRAPPING[break][break]


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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2024 3:07:46 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

The Battle of Sootopolis


Elaine was not some zealot who believed that the act of forsaking the gods before her would bring down the hammer of divine punishment. She may have been been attempting to contain Kyogre like the rest in an attempt to protect the civilians who were still being evacuated, but she had still directed an attack at the Kyogre.

Perhaps, that was where she had screwed up.

Or perhaps, the path had been set from the very start.

Elaine was not some tragic figure. She was simply one small person trying to do her best in a world that cared not for her.

The world could collapse around her and fall apart at the seams and she would have no power to stop it. To be nothing more than mere collateral damage.

A small creature that was simply acting too arrogant for her own good. Saving civilians? Saving ?

Doing that merely with her own power?

That was the true farce.

Because no matter how much she prayed to herself, she could not forestall the inevitable reality of life before her.

A beam of brilliant blue light, split off from the same pulse that formed the original sea fell down atop her. As her her vision became nothing but a pure blue, the brilliance cut off into darkness.

The sound of bubbles and water rushed into her ears, nose, and mouth.

With the Kingdra she rode upon, the lone girl fell to the depths--prayers to herself at the expense of the gods bearing no substance in the end.

  • Current spot: E3/D3-->TBD
  • Elaine gets hit by Origin Pulse
  • Elaine loses consciousness
  • Figured I'd get a first post out with a roll and work on the second half after my exam

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Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP