i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 12:40:03 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
The maybe friendly scientist, Maldacena, explained how the stacked Pokéballs in the files represented the multiverse. Already the thought that other universes existed was daunting, but considering everything else that had happened, it wasn't such a hard pill to swallow. "If there are other universes out there, then the Dark Triad must come from one of them too. It wouldn't make sense for them to want to destroy their own home, after all." Andrea mused aloud, assuming the role of thinker once again - a role she was wholly unsuited for.

However, with all the information laid out before them, even someone as simple-minded as her could connect the dots. Maldacena mentioned the Unown, so it was a safe bet that all suspicious people who used Unown were part of the same group, including the mysterious assassins who showed up at the Star Soiree according to and the alluring, maternal lady from the Tiered Tea Room. Hoenn was allegedly the 'origin point' of an unknown, multiverse-threatening disaster. The Galarian article contained within the new file was kind enough to give that disaster a name: the Darkest Day.

Oh yeah, it's all coming together!

"The Darkest Day, the Dark Triad, the lady's warning that seeking pacts with powers unknown ends in 'darkness'..." The dragon-hooded girl muttered, her eyes widening at a sudden realization. "It wasn't just a coincidence; they were all referring to the same thing!"

Andrea was on the verge of a spectacular breakthrough, but sadly, the next scan that happened undid all of her memories of past encounters with the triad, leaving her just as clueless as she was before, as evidenced by her befuddled expression. "Uuuuh... What was I just talking about?" She asked, blinking confusedly.

The path ahead of them once again branched into three different terminals, labeled PAST, PRESENT and FUTURE. Andrea quizzically stared at her doppelganger that was following her around like a creepy stalker, spouting random phrases she'd said in the past. After some quiet contemplating, the draconic cosplayer nodded to herself. "The past has already happened and the future doesn't exist, so all that's left is the present." She said, deciding to walk along the middle path.
//Memory loss: Andrea loses any past knowledge regarding the Unown and the dark triad
//she chooses to go into TERMINAL 05: PRESENT

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 16:31:36 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Callan had to keep reminding himself that this was not normal. For the last 29 and three quarters of his life, he had been on the fringes of existence, a street thug, a failed musician, a poor college student, a failing father. His problems were normal, his life was normal, lain, uninteresting, utterly devoid of any action.

And in the space of three months, he finds himself facing death on a near daily basis. Not only did he witness an eldritch abomination grow from a multicolored and oversized tree in the midst of Sootopolis beckon the coming Armageddon, but right now he was being briefed by an unknown artificial intelligence (possibly), in the middle of Cyberspace, being told that the universe was being merged together into one single whole, that not only was there going to be a gigantic meteor that may possibly kill everyone in Hoenn, but also that this had a likelihood of merging alternate dimensions together and causing the heat death of every timeline as they know it?

Callan slowly palmed his face and rubbed his eyes. "I need a cigarette."

But there was something worse. Something cold. A shiver runs up his spine, like a spider, as it sinks its fangs into his brain step, extracting something precious from him. A memory.

It's painful, and immediate, a sharp sting at his limbic system as he is dazed for a moment. Something that defined him was no longer there. Only a vacuum of emotion that it was supposed to fill. "Oh shit." Callan speaks, to himself, under his breath.

Now was not the time, it would only ensure he'd die if he didn't have his wits about him. He was luck that there were others to carry the load of the riddle this time around, he had no idea or context, hopefully he'd do better next round. Picking FUTURE, Callan takes his first steps towards TERMINAL 6.

+ Forgets the memory of his wife and child.
+ Takes Terminal 6


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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 16:42:57 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar



joins them, looking less whole than the last time she saw him. along with , , and , most of the group looks like a bunch of broken, discarded toys. her eyes are big with concern until he lets out a little snort. [break][break]he's okay, she thinks, relieved. guilt pools in her chest — she should've stuck closer to his side in the last terminal. maybe if she had, he wouldn't look like that.
their eyes meet and, like some cruel joke would pull at a time like this, he insists that anna is her name. she frowns, frustration gathering like a storm at her furrowed brow. she shoots greyson a pointed look, expecting him to give up on this stupid bit under her glare. it's one thing for mint to tease her — but greyson? "you guys are so not funny! my name's not anna, it's — !"
— what is it? it feels like it's on the tip of her tongue, like a vital word she can't remember for a sentence in a research paper. the mottled look of confusion and exasperation is all anyone around her needs to decipher her thoughts; she can't remember. "it's ... "
the recordings come on, a welcome distraction from the tangled knot in her mind. her eyes move as she follows the closed captions, drinking in every pixel of information. i'll remember it, her harried thoughts return in the gaps between each file. i'm just, like, super stressed out right now.
while she doesn't understand much of the scientist's lecture, she gleans some things. hoenn is the origin point, pulling other universes into overlap and destruction. the thought of other hoenns, other people being wiped from existence raises no emotional turmoil in her. she regards the article of galar under attack equally coolly, using one finger to scroll as she scans through the information.
three terminals left, the scientist says before leaving them to their own devices. she squints at the pixelated signs over the three yawning mouths that open up for them to enter through. [break][break]
past. present. future.
"i'm going to terminal six," she announces to the people around her after some consideration. it's more of a formality to exit any conversation than an invitation for them to follow along.
as she heads towards terminal 06, she risks a glance at her reflection in the floor below. she looks more animated; her eyes look more lifelike. she wonders, unsettled, if her name isn't lost, it's stolen.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]

+ getting frustrated about being gaslit about her name[break]
+ can't remember her name but she thinks it's def not anna[break]
+ loses her compassion[break]
+ goes to terminal 06: future[break]


[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]



[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]




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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 17:53:32 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar

the sheer amount of voices is enough to grind on greyson's thin attention span. 's concern, whereabouts, the offshoots of conversation from , , , and-

wait, what did he say? those names...
he pulls his attention, albeit with hesitancy (anna was going to kill him), and turns it onto the pharmaceutical ceo.
"where did you hear those names? did you see them?" his heart thumped at the thought, but still, priorities...
"your name is..." he starts, but the scan that happens next does something to him. his body straightens as feelings of FEAR seep out.[break][break] he turns a placid, pointed gaze onto the information he'd just absorbed. huh, interesting. death of all the multivariate? at least it'd be quick.[break][break]
"i'm going to see what's in store for us. he gives a look to the many men and women around him, then finally to the haunting clones, before smirking. without further ado, he starts jogging into the FUTURE.

[attr="class","notes"]@cc[break][break]>loses his FEAR.[break]>goes into the FUTURE TERMINAL.


[newclass=".greyson"] --accent:#7c98b2; [/newclass]

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 18:49:36 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Caught in a whir of information. Johanna felt overwhelmed once more. This Universe, no THE destruction of all universes, and it was all because of them? Would she truly somehow become such a disgrace that she would somehow help the end of times come along?

As if the missing parts of an abdomen weren’t enough, she suddenly found herself pulled down into the trenches of despair. All she had wanted in her life was to not be a disgrace to her family, and now this. No, this person had to be wrong. Her emotions are painted with broad strokes in both facial expression and body language. One wrong tip and she was sure to tip into an outright anxiety attack.

And then Nothingness, as the robotic voice proclaimed the third scan’s succession. Confusion for a moment, for she knew what she was supposed to be feeling right now. It was a feeling she had known throughout her life as a constant companion, it was a feeling she had felt mere moments ago. The Dread of Disappointment was gone, or perhaps it was fear in its most pure form gone? Thinking about it, this place wasn’t so scary, was it? Sure there were deadly Porygon, weird body scans, and information enough to overload your mind. But was that truly so scary? If it was, she could no longer feel it.

For a moment she looked down, only to see her doppelganger who had now gotten the pleasure of her old friend. She gave it a smiling wave completely ignoring any words it might say before letting her attention move to the new paths made for them.

Quickly, she figured that she should capitalize on this new sensation of being free of fear. And so she charged onto the TERMINAL 6 bridge with the fervor of a woman who knew no fear, no longer even trying to hide the deleted abdominal area. Come hell or high water she would get through this. The future was nothing to be afraid of.

- Is emotionally overloaded with info
- FEAR is deleted
- Charges into TERMINAL 6: FUTURE



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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 19:01:29 GMT



“SIX TERMINALS TOTAL,” is fernando’s abrupt and broad explanation. he doesn’t go into detail, all the while assuming that will be able to piece together a proper answer from a single fact.

coincidentally, maldacena reiterates their remaing terminals at the end of his presentation.

the THIRD SCAN is what does fernando in. the enthralling nature of their exposition leaves him vulnerable to heavy DATA LOSS. they steal from him his mask. his ability to think with his heart and speak with his brain.

and with it comes a deluge of memories built on that very skillset. none of them leave a particular void that infringes on his continuity but key moments and bonds created by those memories now slant in one direction. it eats away at his nuance.

it steals from him his moral grey.

while the others skitter off to their terminal of choice, fernando’s about to approach . being a puzzle solver comes naturally.
following up with a good amount of common sense is no surprise. but the pog bank ceo is far from his first guess at people able to navigate otherworldly riddles.

in hindsight, it makes sense given the context of their meeting over the UNOWN REPORT.

that approach is cut short by fernando’s recognition of . remaining so close to the puzzle solvers spells his undoing. for once the councilman recognizes the underboss, fury swirls with the same savagery of the whirlpools that brought them here.

that same savagery will be what deletes him for good.


his pointed finger highlights the blonde despite the crowd and fernando’s pokemon slithers forth. with so many people in the way, it comes in for a physical attack, lurching forward to take a CRUNCH out of him.

- gives luka a vague answer.
- loses a lot of internal data.
- approaches mars.
- recognizes gavin.
- order his gyarados to attack with CRUNCH.

- memory loss of pre-magma involvement with .
- memory loss of ’s involvement with rocket.
- memory loss of collaborations with prior to his neutrality.
- memory loss of encounters with prior to poaching.
- memory loss of prior to her first run as head scientist.
- memory loss of silph fallout.

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 20:18:12 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
250 for @cyberchase conundrum
For once in his life, he wouldn't be the last to react.

He's not quick enough to properly defend from the Gyarados' fast-approaching maw-the simple postman had neither the talent nor training to match a gym leader's speed-but it took only a second longer for him tap the Pokéball at his side and release his Munna once again.


Mu-Mu's Calm Mind extended outward in psychic waves Telepathically directed at , aiming to return some of the councilman's reason before any further harm could be done to either party. If they had any apprehension about challenging someone of Silph's level-in open defense of a Rocket no less!-it was reflected only in the panicked expression of their doppelganger below.

"We're not here to fight."

"We can't fight right now, we're only getting out if we work together!"

_ Too slow to protect from Gyarados
- Summoning Munna to try and Telepathically use Calm Mind on
- Trying to reason with Fern
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 20:21:10 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Être un Mirage

Another scan caused Elisabeth to shiver involuntarily, feeling as if a thousand spiders had skittered across her skin.

When the data compilation was complete, the woman it left behind was much different than the one that had entered here.

One who had never joined the Rocket syndicate in the first place.

Her mind became a blank slate in this reboot: possessing no memory of the dark deeds she'd committed since her time in Hoenn began, nor the singular, pivotal one that had led her to this path in the first place.

With this reset, her hands were unstained by blood; her conscience clean of misconduct; her heart free of the thorns that throttled it for safekeeping.

When Elisabeth saw , the dark-haired man named 'Bee' was a man she knew, but she couldn't place why. When she saw , he was a CEO that she knew from her flower shop, but the significance of their friendship eluded her.

And as she saw attack , she couldn't explain this screaming instinct that took hold of her, desperate to protect an infamous terrorist for some reason that she, herself, didn't rightly know.

It was the stifling tension in the air that froze her in place, whispering against taking action. Why defend him? A criminal who had undoubtedly caused strife for countless innocents, and stood guiltier than anyone else here of wrongdoing?

There were other reasons to stand down, ones that she couldn't articulate, but that some unspoken sense of caution demanded of her.

Some part of her that knew it was dangerous, without understanding why, even as did what she wasn't able to make herself do.

What's wrong with me.

It felt wrong to leave in this moment, to enter a terminal, until this theater played out. Until she knew, without a doubt, that was safe.

Though Arceus only knew why she cared.

  • Forgets her ROCKET ALIGNMENT.
  • Thinks she's just a regular civilian florist.
  • Personality altered to match who she was pre-evil arc: kinder, sensitive, compassionate, emotional.
  • Can't figure out why she feels protective of , but ultimately doesn't act cuz he a baddie.
  • Recognizes as someone she knows, but not why.
  • Thinks she knows as a civilian.
  • Frozen watching this ish go down cuz she's weirdly invested in Gavin's safety but doesn't know why.
  • Relieved that is taking action.

✿ Cyberchase Conundrum ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 21:38:23 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]The explanations are flying over her in bits and pieces, 's pointed words quietly brushed away with her wounded heart as she stares at article provided.

Yes, because Hoenn is never one to let visions of disasters remain mere Probabilities.
She's scrabbling over to , watching in fear and mild exasperation as parts of his body dissipate into data. And before she knows it, it's become the same mess as the wound on his back.
"You knew something might happen."
Yet you did it either way.

Bitterness lingers upon her tongue, but it's not meant to be directed at the courier himself. Instead, she diverts that swirling emotion to reading the article, her eyes widening with each line she reads. This was what they'd seen, what they'd nearly died for... and there were still no clear answers in sight.
How do they stop this?
'Momma, I'm scared...'
Her eye flicks down towards the ground, gaze narrowed as she stares straight into her doppelganger's eyes. The fear that breeds in their posture, the quiver in their voice as they tremble at the person through the reflection.
Momma? Who's that? Why is the other her so... fragile?
"Shut up." She snarls, fists clenching when she hears the other squeak. And just as she's about to consider destroying them for good, she senses malice oozing in tidal waves.
There's no stopping the Gyarados already nearing its target, but she won't be dissuaded from pointing at either way. A sharp whistle, a gruff huff - Electricity crackles in bits and data, the air growing thin as a Rising Voltage strays dangerously close to the man.
"Call it off now. I won't miss next time, Silph."
That surname... hissed with overwhelming hatred.
"You can't possibly be hoping to sink as low as your brother."
- forgets about her family in kanto[break]
- forgets her past before the kanto war[break]
- forgets her hesitation and now has unwavering loyalty to rocket[break]
- firing a warning shot at and telling him to back off
[attr="class","adrie-note"]a hohohomicide but its not december || into the cyberverse


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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 22:38:04 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

”Sounds right up your alley, doesn't it?”

It’s ’s words that echo in Mars’ mind while listening to the explanations given to them by the man who calls himself Maldacena (is he even a man?). In what was likely no more than a joke, Luka had been more right than what any of them could have anticipated. That much is made clear when Mardacena admits to his affiliation with the Dark Triad, but apparently she had been right in more ways than one too:


When the word appears in his mind, Mars’ vision blurs. Each letter, shaped as if an Unown, pulsates in a way that brings throwing pain, and he finds himself needing to hold onto the shoulder of the person closest to him () in order to remain standing. Light-headedness comes hand-in-hand with overwhelming nausea, and when closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose, there’s a single thing Mars’ mind shows him:

UNOWN. Countless Unown. Endless. Multitudinous. Infinite. They’re within him, as if the code that makes his being. As if he were no more than data and the Unown were the programming language used by some omnipotent programmer. Is that the effect of this place? Is it what he has become? Or, is it what he has always been? What they all are?


That’s right. That’s who he is. But, that also isn’t true, is it? He was someone before that. He had given this name to himself. Who was he? Who is he? Why had he become this?
No matter how many questions he asks himself, all his mind gives him in return are Unown and Unown Report entries. Words that only bring forth more concerns. A deep-seated feeling is brought to light, one that has been one of his main concerns for almost a year now. It’s at that very moment that his vision becomes clear once again, and the second it does, he sees it on the screen:


”Remiel…” can see it too, can't he? This is just like back then. Just like in the vision he shared with and . The worst part of it all is that it feels like the results of that day too. That his memories are gone, vanished from his mind, and that experience tells Mars that his life is in terrible danger now. Survival instincts scream to leave. To get out. To run.
And then attacks.
The scales tip; survival instinct overpowered by his friendship and loyalty to . Yet, what can he do, when sweat runs cold, his vision blurs, and he can barely even form words?
Silph. Now’s not the time for this.” There’s anger in his words, frustration, but that’s also just all they are. Words. All he has right now are words. All he is right now are words. Unown.
His Unown-? bumps against his arm, as if to draw his attention. When his vision clears once more, Mars looks at the terminals, and he knows exactly what to do.


It’s the only choice. He needs to remember his past.




Forgive me because this is a lot...
[break]- Reacting to THE LORE
[break]- REALLY feeling the effects of traversing through data
[break]- Realises his memories of his past are missing
[break]- Realises the vision is coming true
[break]- Wants to help Gavin but kind of out of commission here, so he tells Fernando now's not the time for this.
[break]- Choosing TERMINAL 04: PAST
[break]DATA LOSS: Mars forgets all about his past before coming to Hoenn, including who he used to be. Additionally, he feels heightened fear.


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,668 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 22:55:35 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
There was…a lot thrown at him at once. About there being a multiverse, how some universes were already destroyed, that theirs was at risk, that their region was being protected for some reason.

He didn't understand. He couldn't understand. It was all too much to comprehend.

Yet slowly, but surely, his Beheeyem was able to help him take in the details. His Telepathy helped Hideo understand, and helped prevent him from being overwhelmed, courtesy of a small use of Calm Mind.

Yet this mercy would not last: as the third scan went by, the Beheeyem's Telepathy was shut off, cutting off his connection to Hideo's mind.

Hideo shivered slightly as the scan ran through him - and soon, he could feel his heart race. The last time he'd had a sudden cutoff like that had been when a Sylveon almost killed his Medicham. Had something happened to Elga? Had something attacked him while he was distracted? Was Elga still there? Had he disappeared? Had he lost another Pokemon because of his ineptitude? Was he-

He could feel a large, round-shaped hand touch his own. It was only then realized his own arms were shaking, that there was a slight touch of sweat growing over his body, that his breathing had grown faster, shallower.

He was quick to grab onto the hand, pulling his Beheeyem in close. Even if Elga had gone silent, he wouldn't let him be lost. Nothing good could be found here, but he would at least make sure he didn't leave with less than what he started with.

He kept his voice quiet and low, only intending to be heard by his Pokemon. "Elga, we went down, right?" There was a brief pause before he felt his Beheeyem press against his left hand - how his Ambipom used to tell him "yes". "So we just need to go up to get out of here."

Slowly, Hideo stood up, his Beheeyem psychically lifting itself so it wouldn't weigh Hideo down, even as Hideo held it close. "Elga, make sure I don't fall, ok? The stairs up are that way?"

The moment his Beheeyem gave him the "yes" signal, had made his attack, and Hideo took that as his cue to run full-sprint towards the way up, a look of sheer panic on his face. He didn't know he was headed towards Terminal 4, to the Past: all he knew was he was going up. His Beheeyem was stuck for the ride, only able to gently nudge Hideo Psychically so he didn't run into or off the side.

It didn't even cross his mind that he was leaving behind , or that he'd be leaving everyone else just as a battle erupted. He was going to get out of here before he lost anything more.

He was going to get back home. He'd get back there with Elga in his arms.

Why had he ever run away? What had he hoped to accomplish by leaving?

Oh god oh fuck another scan
Hideo's personality adjusted: Courage ↓ Confidence ↓ Fear ↑ Selfishness ↑ Impulsiveness ↑
Hideo has forgotten why he ran away from home in the first place
Panic mode activate
Hideo wants to gtfo of here before he loses his Beheeyem
Runs towards Terminal 4: The Past, only because it's the only way up
Completely ditching and everyone else

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2022 23:35:09 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
The end of the world.

No. The end of all worlds.

It's been leading up to this for months. Necrozma. The Darkest Day. Hell, even his own avatarship and the Megalopolan war ⁠— all of it, dominoes falling in slow motion, foretelling their doom.

He feels numb.

Until attacks him.

Gyarados slithers close, and instinct sees miasma swirl thick and dark around Rocket's infamous underboss as he steps back in alarm. It would not be enough to escape the jaws of the beast if not for the Pokémon that Gavin himself has on the field.

A sudden, sharp click of his tongue, and Gavin vanishes.

Only to be replaced by a spectral anchor as the Dhelmise on standby ALLY SWITCHES with its master, taking the brunt of a crunch that might've killed him. The Dhelmise screams with the sound of twisted metal.

Several feet away, Gavin breaths hard as miasma swirls around him anew. There is void where his left arm used to be. There is no pain, merely an eerie emptiness that he does not have time to process.

"You want to do this now, Silph?"

He expects no assistance; those Rockets here with him are in disguise, and he cannot expect them to compromise their allegiances to protect their underboss from his own shortfalls. Help does arrive in unexpected forms, speaking up even before attacks. And . Something is wrong with . Gavin can't parse it through a sudden shift in emotion.

He feels... angry, in a way he hasn't felt in years. Anger without the cold, calculated restraint that Rocket have induced him with. As if he has forgotten what it is to be afraid of their consequences. Eyes of molten gold bore into Silph with undisguised hatred.

"I'll have my revenge for her. It won't be your eye that I take. After we stop the end of the fucking world."

Who is she? She is among the crowd. Her face screams familiar but he does not know why he cares. He doesn't know her name. () Only that Silph had violated her, and that Gavin was going to kill him for that. But not now.

His miasma spreads as best it can, muted as it is in this strange place, in the hopes of concealing him among the gathered crowd. Regardless of success, he finds himself drawn toward the PAST — immutable facts he cannot change.

Gavin's inhibitions/restraint have been affected by data loss. Gavin loses an arm from data loss. He also forgets his sister's name and their sibling status. (OOC reasoning is so he doesn't out everything as per Spiral's request)
SHADOW DHELMISE swaps places with ALLY SWITCH to take the Gyarados' CRUNCH
Gavin is drawn toward THE PAST, so pursues TERMINAL 4. He tries to use miasma to disguise the path he goes down.

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
part of
TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 0:07:36 GMT
As they return to find the replications of themselves becoming more real, Derek can't help but notice his own say something he heard before taking the dive.

I've made my mistakes...

It didn't say the last part, though. So that meant they still weren't finished? Or were they trying to tell him something?

It was a real head scratcher, and that was the bitch of it. As Derek moved his left hand up to do so out of habit, it quickly began to dematerialize. Bits of data now float in the direction of his doppelganger, who seems to smile in response to it. The sensation didn't exactly bother Derek like he would've thought. It was just gone. Only the upper arm remained intact.

"Oh, c'mon! I didn't even get hit by nothin'!" This place was really starting to suck in ways he didn't imagine. Now everyone around them was missing pieces of their body, their memories, et cetera. And if the Sea Hoenn version of himself wasn't enough, this one seemed like it might just be gunning for him once it was 'complete'.

Reluctant to try and help anyone cope or remember, Derek races towards TERMINAL 06. Worrying wasn't gonna do him any good. They had a job to do—Data to discover for what he believed would be the first time. Likewise, there was a particular element he was hoping to see in there, as Derek hadn't noticed it anywhere else.

- Derek loses most of his left arm
- Derek enters TERMINAL 06: FUTURE
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,708 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 1:29:34 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

a cataclysmic event?[break][break]

the end of all universes?[break][break]

mixed feelings about that one—some she might not have expected, even.[break][break]

what did she get from all of this? the league was to blame, of course, traveling to other dimensions and tampering with primal energy. assholes of all walks had only exacerbated the problem from there. she’d had little, if nothing to do with this—though not for lack of trying.[break][break]

still not her fault.[break][break]

“idiots…” she said from nowhere, because her jaw was gone.[break][break]

when the newspaper was shown, lulu finally began cutting through the crowd to retrieve the file, anxiety rising. she did care a little, maybe, after all.[break][break]

she heard rinc’s voice, and stopped.[break][break]

”you owe me.”[break][break]

whispers of all different voices compelled her to lean down towards her no longer silent copy, antagonizing, ”come and get me. i know you can. coward—[break][break]

before she could poke any further, her attention was summoned by the gyarados rushing across the glass, and ’s commanding finger pointed at her brother. though she’d forgotten her guilt, her memories of family were still largely in-tact, as well as her hatred for fernando. she reached for a pokéball, pushing through the crowd again.[break][break]

as warnings and words of reason were thrown at the councilman, and left for a terminal with the help of his dhelmise, lulu placed in the open. plain enough to be seen, and glaring hard.[break][break]

”i’ll take the other one before they do. try me.”[break][break]

since her mouth was gone, it might've been a little difficult to determine at first who was saying it—but it was in there in her eyes, furious.

• loses mouth / jaw[break]
• forgets all guilt, blames league for multiverse's problems[break]
• antagonizes her copy in hopes it will come through the glass and find out[break]
• goes for the newspaper[break]
• distracted[break]
• threatens [break]

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 1:54:42 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Trevenant watches the scene. As he looked back at Aaron, he notices that his trainer's right arm from the shoulder to the wrist is missing. But other wise seems fine. Hideo then did something very...uncharacteristic. He ran towards one of the new terminals. Abandoning one of his friends. Something also felt off to him, but he couldn't place it. Still, the tree picked up his trainer, cradling the blonde in his left arm, and followed to the bridge. Then up the stairs, going around what was sure to be a fight among each other. Surely they could have done that another time, getting out should be first priority. Going up towards Terminal 4: The Past.

The Tree didn't care about any of the others. And Aaron was still asleep. So for now, he acted on his own and just stuck with known friends.


Aaron is still asleep, but missing most of his right arm. Floaty hand anyone?
Trevenant cradled Aaron in his arm, and goes around the impending fight between Fernado and his target.
Follows Hideo up to Terminal 4.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing