i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 5:12:47 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]That day, three new graves stood tall atop Mt. Pyre.[break][break]

The first of these graves was the burial site of a memory. After all, there was nothing left of Bullet to bury but the ironic implement of his demise. It was a simple stone for a simple Starly, and if it weren't for being a little off the beaten path it would have easily blended in with the rest of Mt. Pyre's graves. But to those who stood vigil today, it couldn't have been more significant.[break][break]

The second grave was a cairn of lunar rock. Of all of the Pokemon to lose their lives in that battle, Pluto's may have been one of the most tragic. Out of anger and hatred, he was ordered to put all of his might into ending his foes. Out of obedience and love, he went through with it, even at the cost of his life. The shattered stones would stand as a reminder to never lose themselves again.[break][break]

The final grave was marked by a steel plate, every bit as unyielding and regal as its bearer was in life. Even in the midst of Mt. Pyre's fog, it shined as if being basked in the sun. At a glance, it may seem out of place, just a large chunk of metal embedded in the ground. Yet something about it just radiated a sense of belonging. Engraved on the plate was but a name and a sentence:[break][break]

Kiryu - She gave her life so that hope would live on.[break][break]

Standing amidst these graves, Isaac paid his respects to the dead and tended to the living with the best of his ability. He wiped the blood from Knuckles' eyes and treated the cut that had given her; ultimately shallow, yet startling. It'd likely leave some sort of under the eye scar, but unlike her trainer she'd at least have her full vision.[break][break]

And then there was Ash. There wasn't much Isaac could do for his mangled arm at this juncture. Maybe if Toto hadn't already spent every bit of energy he had on a last spray of Life Dew, Isaac could've tried some emergency field surgery. But as of now, all he could do was help set the bone best he could, using the ruins of his mantle as a makeshift sling to keep it from slipping out. It wasn't easy; Knuckles basically had to guide Isaac through the whole process, all while Isaac softly ran his hand across Ash's arm so he wouldn't have to rely on his own depth perception.[break][break]

Truth be told, it was hard not to think about it. The arm he was tending to was the same arm that had damaged his eye, likely beyond repair. A part of him felt bitter, ugly resentment fester in the back of his throat with every touch. But he had no time to dwell on that. Ash wasn't in his right mind when he did that. He may as well have been blaming a channeler for being possessed by evil spirits. They were okay now. They had to be.[break][break]

A world without Ash hurt more than any switchblade scar ever could.[break][break]

"There we go," Isaac said, voice gentle and fraught with concern. "That should be everything." It was a hilariously poor choice of words, because as soon as Isaac said that, the real Everything began. The Primal Point erupted into energy. Walsh was gone, and some dour looking fuck had taken his place. And backing him up was . . . Something. Something resembling a Palkia that had been twisted in crude effigy of Arceus. Subservient. Powerful. And hellbent on ending their reality.[break][break]

"Or not. That's bad, isn't it?" He paused, giving Ash the chance to respond. "Our job's never gonna be done here, is it?" Another pause. "Well . . . guess that really only gives us one choice, huh?" Isaac eased himself onto his feet, offering Ash a hand.[break][break]

Games. Mere games. Their world was being turned into a plaything for forces far beyond their control. Like hell Isaac was going to play along with them (though if he had to pick, he'd be choosing Tails, like the underdog he was). No, despite his wounds, despite his grief, despite being surrounded by people he feared, distrusted, and even hated, he was going to rage against the dying of the light. Because he was Isaac Merlo. He had people he needed to protect, the only direction he knew was forward, and he was going to press on until reality broke against the sheer force of his stubbornness.[break][break]

"C'mon, man. We got a world to save."[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac buries the dearly departed and tends to Ash's wounds.[break]
He has elected to heal Knuckles, putting her back in her fighting prime.[break]
Isaac calls a mental Tails, but has no interest in playing this sick game.[break]
Instead, he rallies Ash so the two of them can save the world.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST /


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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 9:03:38 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
cotton candy takes a roundabout route back toward the primal crystal in search of . the altaria flies lower once she spots a shock of white hair, coming to a landing as soft as an injured, water-logged bird can provide. annalise slips off her back, worse for wear, pale and pressing a palm hard against the bleeding wound across her chest. [break][break]
" is — "
she makes her way towards the professor, but the words hitch in her throat at the sight of her injuries. no one has been spared by this war, have they?
" — headed for the crystal. i tried to stop him, but ... "
but obviously that didn't work out as planned. annalise steps into the pink mist and feels the skin tighten beneath her hand, puckering into a scar. her lightheadedness becomes a dull droning in the back of her head, present enough to hinder, but not succumb to.
"a-are you okay?"
the question is meant for anyone around her, though it's hard for her to tear her attention away from the gauze-covered wound cut into 's side. she fishes for a pokeball and releases her slowking. the psychic-type looks at the professor, then at his own trainer with mounting concern, but a wave of annalise's hand guides his unwilling attention toward the former.
"heal pulse, please!"
a pink wave of energy rushes through 's healing mist toward her. annalise recalls her slowking and sends out her altaria to take her spot in the healing mist. a momentary huddle near illeana is enough for the bird to find renewed strength — just in time for things to take a turn for the worse.
the sound of shattering glass is loud enough to make annalise grit her teeth and cover her ears reflexively, eyes widening as they follow the beast that emerges from the spacial fissure. [break][break]that's palkia?
dread settles like a heavy stone in her stomach as the man controlling palkia demands them to play a game of coin toss. if he and palkia want to end this world so bad, would winning stop them just like that?
probably not, but the league would face whatever comes next together. for better or for worse.
"ummm, tails!"

[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]
+ flies to and  and whoever is in that area[break]
+ heals in illie's healing mist [break]
+ slowking uses heal pulse on illie[break]
+ recalls slowking and heals altaria[break]
+ picks tails[break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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no preference
november 25
Brighter than tomorrow and yesterday
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TAG WITH @lilith
lilith eirwin
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 9:08:08 GMT
lilith eirwin Avatar





[attr="class","hanalyrics"]per aspera ad astra
[attr="class","hanalyrics2"]mt pyre

[attr="class","hanatext"]When all that's said and done, the dust settles on the battlefield for the briefest of moments. And while she still has the time to lick her wounds, her attention wanders over , a Kirlia called upon as she moves closer.

"If you need any healing, now's the time." She sighs, uncomfortably shifting her hand until it finally pops back into place. A slight wince might tug at the ends of her lips but the signs don't travel any further.

In fact, the rush of adrenaline she gets from that soon finds itself focused onto the unknown man. Of course, he who would threaten the region would be the one to call upon a god to do his bidding. Palkia? Its dad? She supposes he's referring to Arceus considering the weird hierarchy gods seem to have but does she care for the will of the divine, those who ignore the ones who cry for help?

Blood, flesh and bones. Ours for the taking.

She shakes her head and takes a long breath in. With how everyone is trying to tear this stranger a new one, it'd be reckless to wrestle her way any closer, even if she wishes to do something about the Primal Point.

"This is getting ridiculous... heads, I don't care. It's every time with Hoenn..."


Tl;dr -
☆ Healing and his pokemon
☆ God Winter is weird
☆ Picking HEADS
[attr="class","hanatags"]till the stars burn out

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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 9:16:39 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Shades, DRIP, face is obscured by facemask to help hide identity
Hard to dig graves with one arm in a makeshift sling. It's rough around the edges, but it gets the job done. The graves sit with all that was left of them; they were gone. There's no bringing back the dead.

It's quiet for a moment, as he gets Reinhardt back to his feet. Reinhardt could tell something was wrong. His trainer powers through it.

He stands, silvers regaining a bit of their light. The swirl fades away, a shrivel of its form, but it lingers with him. He carries it now. Between the heavy burns, the dried blood on his left ear, the broken arm, and the emotional damage, he will carry it with him forever now. He just hopes he hasn't burnt the last bridge he had.

The entire time resetting it, a blank thousand yard stare forward. He can't look him in the face. Eyes are downcast. Shame. Guilt. Ash felt like he lost a piece of himself up here, but those wounds would heal with time. The wound he dealt Isaac was one that couldn't ever be taken back.

He's bitter. He's angry at himself, but most of all, he's ashamed.

When Isaac finishes, it leaves his mouth weakly. "Thanks." Nothing can ever make it right. Ashley knows that better than anyone, but he can, and will, make up for it. He has to. Because at this point, to dwell on it was to let them die, and the surging energy from the Primal Point had erupted. But in its place, something by the sounds of the shattering glass, was world-ending enough.

"Just our luck, right?" He gives a quiet, miniscule chuckle. It's weak, it's pitiful, but it's still his.

But when the hand grabs him up, Ash hesitates. He has one more pang of self-doubt, and swallows it back down. Throwing his only good hand, he grasps Isaac's and getting up.

A game? He's too tired for games. His mind is on people he loves. Reality? He wants to save it. For Isaac. For Cygne. For Aki. Gavin. Shalin. Even Jayden and Theo. Most of all, Kep. He closes his eyes a moment. Tails never fails. He responds to Isaac with a small smile and a curt nod shortly after, silver eyes filled with a renewed resolve.

"All the way, man."

He has one more thought. Kep in his arms. I didn't get the chance to tell you... The moment he does get to though, he will. Today only reaffirmed that feeling. His heart beats harder. The second pillar of stubbornness would rebreak reality back if it broke too much the other way.

Fuck that smuggeroni wintry asshole. It's not fucking over. Not by a long shot. Not yet.


[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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buries the dead with isaac
heals nidorino
gets a sling, and his burnt and broken right arm reset
mentally calls tails
stands with his homie the whole way.
last thoughts are of friends, and kep.
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 12:50:34 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for PAAA: MT. PYRE
[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]born under a bad sign [break] with a blue moon in my eyes
[attr="class","ltrhead-text"]As his GOTHITELLE finished mending his wounds to the best of her ability, Remiel took a moment to look up and regard the haunting sight looming over them. It was hard to believe that there were people and Pokémon fighting on that thing right now. Its fiery visage was enough to inspire fear even in his own cold heart.[break][break]

Nevertheless, the masked man refocuses his attention on the happenings of MT. PYRE for now. If he wanted any sort of chance at obtaining a piece of the PRIMAL CRYSTAL for himself, then he needed to act. With his SHADOW DRAGAPULT currently down for the count, however, his chances were dimmer than before.[break][break]

So, pulling out the reinforced ball that contained said beast, he stands up and hands it over to the Gothitelle for some healing of its own. The priestess takes it reluctantly, sensing the malevolent presence within.[break][break]


When it is all said and done, the admin RETURNS his Pokémon to her ball and climbs over the rocky ridge to scout the PRIMAL POINT nearby. He watches as summons his shadows, then as the man's efforts are halted by a mysterious beam. Not long afterwards, a portal appears and a man that Remiel has never personally met before emerges. If he had to ponder a guess, he would assume this man was part of the DARK TRIAD.[break][break]

Regardless, a terrible sound fills the air that forces the Galarian prince back into cover before covering his ears. When it quiets enough for him to drop his hands, however, he turns back to find the CELESTIAL ENTITY he'd seen hatch from an egg before: a primordial forme of PALKIA itself. And now, it seemed, it was to fight against all of them in the name of all other realities.[break][break]

A noble effort, he supposed.
Though the strange man and his invitation for a game garners the raise of a brow on Remiel's part. He wasn't in any mood for games, of course, but understood that it would likely be linked to something severe that was about to happen. If he had to choose, he supposed he would choose HEADS. It brought memories of his grandfather, proudly showing off the visage of their ancestor that was engraved on an old GALARIAN coin.[break][break]

Instead, Remiel summons his SHINY GENGAR before pulling his sleeve up to reveal a MEGA BRACELET. If there was any moment to strike and seize the future for himself, it was now. But, first, he needed to clear as many people as he could away from the PRIMAL POINT— and as quickly possible. Especially with the looming threat of PALKIA's attack on the horizon.[break][break]

MEGA EVOLUTION bursts from his SHINY GENGAR like a wellspring, transforming it into a terrifying hell-mouth that faces the source of all this mayhem with a perpetual grin:[break][break]



The masked man commands, pointing towards said PRIMAL POINT and the people surrounding it. The wide-mouthed phantom happily complies, belching a wave of acidic gas that threatens to irritate the eyes of the unprotected, cause incessant coughing, and, perhaps most notably of all, MELT away any and all weapons or equipment caught therein: perhaps even the mechanism containing the PRIMAL CRYSTAL.[break][break]

And, using the haze as cover, the masked man casts a speedy LIGHTNING STILETTO at the PRIMAL POINT.[break][break]



📝 TLDR[break][break]

returns GOTHITELLE![break][break]

calls HEADS![break]
summons SHINY GENGAR![break]
SHINY G-MAX GENGAR attempts to fill the area surrounding the PRIMAL POINT with a cloud of CORROSIVE GAS! If successful, it will act like tear gas to those affected and MELT away weapons and equipment![break]
♔ Using the haze as cover, casts a LIGHTNING STILETTO near the PRIMAL POINT!

[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick
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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,445 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 16:39:26 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar



In the aftermath of the explosion that rocked the top of Mt. Pyre, Gunner staggered toward 's HEALING MIST, his Typhlosion and Aromatisse following close behind. He nodded a silent greeting at , , and as the pink tendrils of healing energy wrapped around his arms. The right one was simply bruised from BRUTAL SWING of the mysterious man's Hatterene, but his left forearm still bore a horrible gash, the flesh cut clean through with a razor sharp knife.[break][break]

"I need disinfectant, stitches, bandaging," Gunner said tersely to whomever could help, extending his left arm. "There was another Rocket up here," he added by way of explanation.[break][break]

Once his arm was securely cleaned and bandaged, he recalled his Pokémon and summoned his Ditto, who had fainted in battle against Rockets farther down the mountain. The Transform Pokémon revived from the healing.[break][break]

Just in time, too. The area around the primal point shattered once again, knocking Gunner to the ground with the force of the blast. Coughing, he looked up in time to see Father Winter step through the crack, followed by a beast Gunner had never seen before.[break][break]

"What the fuck?" the special agent muttered as he rose to his feet. What fucking game was Father Winter playing? And they were just supposed to play along?[break][break]

For the sake of the world…[break][break]

Gunner gritted his teeth. "HEADS."[break][break]

Just then, the MEGA EVOLUTION of 's Gengar lit up the mountain. Soon after, a cloud of CORROSIVE GAS swept up from the spectral Pokémon toward Gunner and the others gathered at the primal point. The special agent checked his watch. Five minutes until activation.[break][break]

Gunner looked over at Annalise and her Pokémon. "We're going to borrow your Altaria," he said to the woman. "Dagonet, TRANSFORM and get rid of that gas."[break][break]

The Ditto gave a little wiggle before its tiny body distended rapidly, twisting in a horrifying display of shifting limbs and organs until it looked exactly like Annalise's Altaria, only with beady Ditto eyes and a disturbing Ditto smile. Then it rose into the air on massive, cloud-like wings and flapped them once, twice, three times — summoning a HURRICANE.[break][break]




- Wearing black tactical gear + mask covering his face for anonymity.[break]
- Cleans/bandages his stab wound.[break]
- Revives his fainted DITTO.[break]
- Chooses HEADS.[break]
- Ditto TRANSFORMS into Annalise's Altaria and uses HURRICANE to push back the CORROSIVE GAS of Remiel's Mega Gengar. Shiv said I could try to use a second move (a.k.a. fuck around and find out).



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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2022 19:28:53 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

Paxton TELEPORTs just close enough to the primal point to get a view, but not enough to get tossed away form the Primal Point. That's just lucky he supposed. Especially after how off guard they'd been against . He offered a hand to steady her, gritting his teeth. "Keep it stable, we don't want to risk puncture organs." he warned, voice low as he released his pokemon. The most hurt of them all, Joules taking in more energy having been battered and bruised, nearly perishing. If they're scared, they didn't show it, but Paxton put a hand on cool metal anyway offering his sincerest apologies. [break][break]

Baldwin is next, rising back to life amongst the mist and the lull in action for now. "Henderson-" Paxton said as stumbled out of the mist. "What about you?" he insisted as she seemed to gather herself and directed her pokemon to heal. As more gather, his hand is alreayd in a pouch on his side, extending meager supplies to . "This and Professor Reyes should help." She was doign a bulk of the healing despite her own injuries. [break][break]

The comms light up and he can vaguely hear 's message before it cuts off again. "Stick to the mission, like said." he said, echoing the Professor's sentiments. Rocket began to move in on the Primal Point despite the god of space, corrupter as it might be, hovering above with Father Winter. He'd never seen him but he knew enough about the strange murders. As CORROSIVE GAS from 's GIGANTAMAX GENGAR began to seep forward, Joules is floating next to him awaiting order. "Protect the crystal at all costs." He explained before the Magnezone shot forward with a small crystal attached to one of its magnets. "Stay safe." he said as he followed his partner to the crystal, ready to stand beside his partner in its defense after the HURRICANE subsided. "HEADS!"

The Z-crystal began to glow, cracking and eventually shattering as Joules used Z-PROTECT, placing themselves firmly as a wall in front of the mechanism while power ballooned around them trying to form the shield. [break][break]



+ A LOT OF TAGS SORRY [break][break]
- HEALING Joules the Magnezone [break]
- Reviving Baldwin the Klefki [break]
- Checking in with Illie, and Anna [break]
- hands first aid to Gunner [break]
- PICKS HEADS [break]
- Joules the Magnezone used PROTECT W/ Z-CRYSTAL



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Mad Dog of Rocket
May 8
Pyrite Town, Orre
Night Club Owner
Marionette Accardo
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
822 posts
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TAG WITH @dorian
dorian westcliff
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 2:27:37 GMT
dorian westcliff Avatar

Dorian finally managed to find a Rocket-aligned medic. After being passed a Revive, Dorian would immediately use it to bring his Salazzle back into the fight. The white lizard would regain consciousness, looking around in shock. "I'm so sorry.", he whispered to her.

Before Dorian could advance further, he would witness the blast. An Unown accompanied a strange man appeared from a portal, clearly one of these Drk Triad members that was causing this. He would spot the strange centaur-like Pokemon appear before them. Palkia, was it?

"We all have our reasons to live! We all have a reason to fight! If we're going down, it won't be without a fight!", Dorian declared.

The Mad Dog was thinking about his beloved family. @marionette, and their wonderful son, Demetrius. He was fighting for them, at the end of the day. Though he was here on Rocket's behalf, their survival meant the most to him.

And he would put his life on the line, if it meant saving them from the end of the world.

"I don't trust you, but I'll humor you. Tails.", Dorian let out nonchalantly.

His Salazzle would fire off a glob of Toxic goo at the Palkia, attempting to sow the seeds of its downfall.


tags: @tag
notes: Dorian revives Salazzle
Dorian is outside of the area of the Primal Point, outside of the blast radius
Dorian watches as Father Winter and Unown-D emerge
Dorian studies Palkia for a moment, seeing it for the first time
Dorian stands in defiance of the Drk Triad
Dorian calls Tails
Salazzle used Toxic on Palkia

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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,663 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 2:43:01 GMT
ollie morales Avatar


[attr="class","mainbox"] after battles forged in fire and funeral, evergrande's ranger captain emerges from the smoke. his expression which is almost always cheery and positive seems off. distant. like sadness smeared across a foggy sunset; tabasco's departure is felt with every wingbeat of his dragonite even as he lands beside and the other leaguers who have gathered beside her to benefit from her healing.

[break][break] he replaces his dragonite with his heracross, who still seems to be recovering from the strange rocket's attacks ( ), and the insect buzzes with happiness as his injuries heal. when he's done, ollie replaces him back with his dragonite.

[break][break] "thanks illie," he says to the scientist as he steps into the pink mist. the healing aura tightens the skin around his cheek from where 's punch bruised him, the discoloration barely visible in the foggy light. "how are you doing? are —"

[break][break] his gaze shifts, however, upon hearing the voice of another and his head whips around rapidly.

[break][break] "anna!"

[break][break] emerald green eyes pins on the familiar image of her altaria appearing through the smoke, and he tears away from whatever he was doing to pull her into a hug. "are you okay?" he says, pulling away to get a better look at her. beside him, he notices aiding but before ollie can offer his own help, communications from their commissioner rustle in.

[break][break] "five minutes... pyre do you read me? are things okay there?"

[break][break] answers before he can, and before ollie can do anything, there is a pulse of bright light near the crystal and suddenly a strange man appearing before them. ollie doesn't recognize him at all - how can he - but his emerald gaze lifts to the golden coin spiraling between the other's grip. not for the first time that day, ollie can't help himself from thinking — what the actual fuck?

[break][break] was that a horse?

[break][break] "uh... heads?" he asks, blinking, in the same breath that says tails. he casts her a sheepish look. oops.

[break][break] before he can correct his words — was he even allowed? — there is a bright shimmer as someone's ( ) MEGA GENGAR appears and spirals a toxic cloud of CORROSIVE GAS towards him. it turns out that has the same idea as ollie; the ranger captain joins the special agent as he points in the same direction.

[break][break] "help him out, bud!"

[break][break] beating his broad wings, the dragonite releases a TWISTER to join the other's hurricane towards the incoming threat.





[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] ollie says thanks to as her pink mist heals his bruise and also his heracross. he also tries to hug . [break]
[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] ollie says HEADS [break]
[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] pistachio (dragonite) uses TWISTER to join with 's hurricane.



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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,540 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 3:56:52 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




Melody rushes towards the point after her battle with walsh but is pushed back again, repelled by the mysterious force that seems to also banish her previous opponent in a black mist. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" she shouts at him, rat bastard of a man escaped at the last moment. Coward. [break][break]

Melody's lapras is still stricken with poison so she pulls some items out of her bag and begins to tend to its wounds to cure it's poison. While it was still mega'd and that strange man she hadn't recognized but figured was one of the Drk Triad members began to shout into the crowd some nonsense.[break][break]

She points her sword at him. "You don't get to decide our fate! We do!" she says as she outstretches her hand towards the unown REFUSING TO CHOOSE [break][break]

"Lapras! Resonance!" she calls out as a cascade of ice falls from the sky and attempts to pummel the DRK TRIAD MEMBER AND HIS POKEMON. [break][break]

As a result of the move, an AURORA VEIL IS SET UP AROUND THE PRIMAL POINT TO PROTECT IT. Melody is attempting to stop others from detonating the point too soon. It was imperative that things stayed on track with the timeline. In the meanwhile she prepares for the man to fight back and puts a defensive stance with her sword as she attempts to respond to Dahlia "Send help! Dark triad!" she shouts as the communicator is met with mostly white static.[break][break]



notes about this post

Melody cures her still mega form lapras of poison from walsh's toxic from earlier.[break]
Tells grimsley stinko drk triad SHE WONT CHOOSE HEADS OR TAILS [break]
Uses g-max resonance to strike at the drk triad member and SETS UP AN AURORA VEIL TO PROTECT THE PRIMAL POINT.

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 4:43:47 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

[attr="class","kat-tags"]for PAAA. MT PYRE

[attr="class","kat-lyrics"]All of this [break] is temporary



The Renegade's sorrow echoes in its vessel, The Malevolent, each time their hearts beat together. The appearance of FATHER WINTER meant bad news would follow, but she hadn't been expecting this. Palkia, in the flesh, in a forme that she can't quite know what to make of...
But Giratina does.
Its shrill cry of outrage causes the mountain to tremble and quake. Katherine's projection of the distortion world reappears again, intensifying GRAVITY as the declaration of war is made. FATHER WINTER will pay for this. Rocket be damned; he will pay.
Although Katherine's voice carries these words, it's hard to tell who they belong to. Her rage is palpable, belonging to the very mythic dragon she mounts.
"Spare me the coin flip. I'm going to have your HEAD for this." Such was the decree of the Renegade and his Malevolent queen.
The griseous shard attached to Katherine's necklace glimmers lightly when Giratina unleashes its SPRINGTIDE STORM. A pink cyclone billows forth at both ORIGIN FORME PALKIA and its puppet master, FATHER WINTER.
Surprisingly, Katherine doesn't stay on top of Giratina for long. She vanishes in a manner similar to a SHADOW FORCE in an attempt to reach the primal crystal.
She knows Rocket all too well. She'd been one herself, after all. Leaving the crystal unguarded would be no different than handing it freely to them.

- Katherine's fit. (HBO please don't sue me)[break]
- Katherine is on top of Giratina when they attempt to reach the primal crystal again.[break]
- Palkia appears, and she can sense that Giratina's sorry for its kin, so she feels the same.[break]
- She doesn't play Father Winter's game, but she says she will have his HEAD, so... She technically chooses HEADS.[break]
- Giratina attacks with SPRINGTIDE STORM.[break]
- Katherine vanishes and teleports (as close as possible) to the primal crystal. She's ready to defend it while Giratina fights.



[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 6:05:17 GMT
Battle followed by the literal eruption of a new piece onto the field throws many, including Derek into disarray. Everyone's attention now revolves around this new prospect, and the one who appears to speak for it. To what capacity, they would endeavor to find out.

Derek acknowledges the answer gives in response to the man summoned by the Unown. He assumed that could only mean one thing—a member of the dark triad. They certainly had a way with riddles. Games, if you could call them that. Not that they were particularly fun. Regardless, it seemed it was finally time for them to play...


The gym leader exclaims as his legs bring him upright into a stride, tracking his way back to a more defensible position. One of them would get it right.

The injuries Derek has sustained are overlooked. While more than superficial, the gym leader is far too familiar with adrenaline to consider the bleeding of his arm and leg. Instead the male's attention, as well with many other's is averted towards the many adversaries that have come for the crystal.

Hues of scarlet and magenta follow the summoning of a Grimmsnarl, which is quickly given permission to attack as it grows to stand at a greater stature than normal. "Come on Crota, let's give them everything you've got!"


A subtle pause comes to pass before the violent yawn escapes it's gaping maw. A shockwave of shadow permeates the wavelengths, terrible pulses causing the air to tremble as the sound collided with every foe that opposed the league.


- Derek calls TAILS
- Derek retreats towards the PRIMAL CRYSTAL
- Derek's Mega-Grimmsnarl attacks w/ G-MAX SNOOZE
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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 9:44:55 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
fuck around and find out...

[attr=class,bulk][break]"..." So far as he hadn't been troubled overly, Adrian was able to tend to Copperajah's wounds from a previous battle, though he found its performance lackluster. Something only experience could address...
Putting away the potion, Adrian gives the pokemon a once over before returning it to its pokeball, turning his attention to the burning sky's grim ardor. He begins to wonder where Rowan might be...

Such thoughts cut short when FATHER WINTER arrives upon the summit.[break][break]

Though he is undeniably interwoven in the plot against Hoenn, it is more than that—this is a vendetta. Something personal. Doubtlessly others are similarly disposed; he is not the only one to close in on their location. Though at a time like this, with the Unown in play, he would have been keen to have Martin somewhere on hand.[break][break]


We are beyond words now, I know...


From its aerial vantage Yveltal circumnavigates most every obstacle, breaking ground where Adrian cannot. And though many threats appear, Adrian knows the works of the Unown to be the most compelling. Perhaps mistakenly, they target the flitting eyeball and its master—a DARK PULSE radiates outwards, testing the integrity of their defense—or at least preoccupying the UNOWN. Surely they could be made vincible...[break][break]

For Adrian's part he makes the slow climb towards the Primal Point, almost assured to be accosted somewhere along the way, though he would believe himself prepared...[break][break]


tags [break][break]
notes adrian calls heads; yveltal uses dark pulse*[break]DARK-type moves used by a DARK-type pokemon cannot be resisted + DARK AURA


template by punki

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 13:21:13 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Though they tried to find their way away from the fights, the primal points, and the danger. The fog gave way letting Johanna gaze upon the monster that had appeared. A moment’s silence gave way for the words of a villainous monologue, perhaps carried to all by some ethereal microphone. Johanna certainly heard it even if the pair was at the edge of it all.

Through the haze of fatigue and pain did she finally begin to understand. Understand that no matter what they all did they were lost. While she wasn’t religious, she knew Palkia as a deity to be revered.

Would our powers combined even be enough? The inkling of fear asked her logic. And to that, it would reply no.

But there was a glimmer of hope. This Father Winter had offered them a chance. A chance to survive. But she knew Megan would not like her idea, she had said as much not long ago. Heroic sacrifices were all well and good for stories. But they hurt all the same for the loved ones of the heroes.

She pushed herself onto her legs and away from Megan’s support. Though they were wobbly and tired, she mustered the strength in her voice to answer Father Winter’s little game! “FINE, I WILL PLAY YOUR GAME, BUT NOT FOR MY OWN SAFETY FOR MEGAN’S!” She gestured toward by her side. Had the prospect of the future been any less grim, she might’ve felt awkward. But not now. “I CALL HEADS!”

Perhaps she should not play along with the villain of this show. But now she had.

But as she saw person after person attacking the villain a familiar fear arose. A fear that begging for Megan’s life wouldn’t be enough and so she retrieved her Claydol and summoned her Dragapult. For a moment she glanced toward Megan, a hint of shame in what she had just done.

But then a voice in her mind spoke out. A faint memory, a light of hope. She recognized the voice and the words of .

"Good. Strength isn't forgetting how to feel. Nobody's meant for that, and it never ends well. No, real strength's the ability to face those feelings and do what you gotta do anyway. You can't have courage if you don't know fear, y'know?"

Right, fear isn’t a chain to hold me down. It is an opportunity to find courage for myself AND for Megan!

Something snapped within her. As if a dam had just broken, letting a flood of energy wash from her to her Dragapult, or was it perhaps the other way around? Schematics aside, her eyes turned to the Palkia. If that was Father Winter’s weapon, then she just had to destroy it, right?

Dragapult jumped forward placing itself between Johanna, Megan, and the Palkia. Purple energy began to radiate from Dragapult. It growled in anger as the fury of his dragon lineage welled within him. Dragapult placed itself firmly on the ground on all four as the visage of a superior dragon formed of energy manifested around it. It trashed for a moment as Dragapult aimed the attack toward the Palkia.

And then Dragapult allowed the Z-move DEVASTATING DRAKE to fly. The energy basked its wings forming itself into a more coherent dragon form as it would fly straight toward the target. Hoping to bathe the Palkia in its fury.


MASK: Smiley Mask
- Johanna is still stuck with Megan
- Hears "Father Winter" and accepts his game on the condition of sparing Megan instead of herself.
- Calls Heads!
- Realizes it might not be a good idea to simply play along (Flashback to a good quote)
- Fires the Z-Moves DEVASTATING DRAKE at Palkia using her Dragapult.


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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2022 14:44:57 GMT

Penelope's fight with Gavin had left more than a few nicks across her arms and legs. From her tattered mental state to the wounds that prevented her from walking without a limp, the councilwoman had taken a fair of a beating. Not that it showed. Beyond her swollen ankle, which hung loosely over her Metagross, the woman valiantly made her way up the mountain's path, using the mighty steal type as her method of transportation. [Break][break]"I'm glad to see y'all made it," She fixed her lips into a wide smile. At the very least, it was reliving to know her team made it out unscathed, for the most part. 's healing mist worked wonders on licking both Penelope and her Pokémon's wounds. Like a cold pad, the initial shock of the mist took her back, as it bit her skin and forced her every wound close, but it would eventually mellow down to a slow, relaxing hum. [Break][break]"Thanks, illie."[Break][break]Now, to her people. [Break][break]Hard and cold, her gaze surveyed their surroundings, looking to account for every registered head under her wing. All in all, most looked to be here. [Break][break]"Hold your ground," She reminded them, cutting across the gravel with a voice nearly shattered, "We activate the primal point in 5."[Break][break]It was then a great force appeared, back by a god himself. The crooked man smiled, speaking of their reality like a bug that evaded the bottom of the homeowner's shoe. [Break][break]"What an ugly bastard." [Break][break]Gritting her teeth, she took a moment's pause to recollect her thoughts -- was it even worth playing this game?  Typically, she wouldn't think so, but with that power keg looming close behind him, it made his words turn to liquid gold. [Break][break]"Heads."


[attr="class","ooc"] @charname [break]
-rides in on a Metagross [break]
- heals up thanks to [break]
- stands next to , , , and [break]
- heads [break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-metagross"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing