i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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dr. graves
he / him
October 28
fallarbor town, hoenn
museum director
professor / researcher
allopatric isolation
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
i get by, but it's hard to forget in the smoke of denial and the fog of regret.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @gideon
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 23:09:42 GMT

Tensions and secrets were layered here, it seemed. Gideon tried, but couldn't hold 's eye as she asked about . He simply shook his head, knowing it wasn't his place to say anything.[break][break]

Meanwhile, a masked Gunner let his temper flare in front of the others. Luckily, Gideon's trigger wasn't so feather-light as his brother's. His anger roiled beneath the surface, building, waiting for a more opportune time to detonate.[break][break]

"... I do, yes. But now isn't the time to address that. We need to—" Suddenly, the power spot was unclogged, and from within a sludge-covered KINGLER emerged. At about the same time, the professor heard 's warning over comms and was about to relay the worrying information to the group when—[break][break]

Well, all hell broke loose. The KINGLER underwent a horrifying transformation, growing to an almost unfathomable size.[break][break]

"Angelo, we have a Gigantamax Pokémon at the stadium—!" Gideon's urgent comms message was cut short as he was thrown to the side due to the KINGLER's ground-shattering movements. It was timed, for better or worse, just as scolded . Gideon did not hear the ROCKET member's incriminating admonishment. [break][break]

As luck would have it (because it was never on 's side, apparently), he was separated from the group with none other than his almost-murderer, . The impact from the huge KINGLER had knocked the professor off his feet, but before he could right himself... a hand appeared to help.[break][break]

Gideon hesitated, just for a moment. Something sinister whispered in the back of his mind, his earlier push for a truce momentarily forgotten, as he looked up at Parker. That internal anger from before flashed in his eyes as she made her snide remark. He wanted to hurt her, just as she'd hurt him.[break][break]

But he didn't. Not now. Instead, he took her offered hand and retorted icily, "That won't be happening this time around."[break][break]

He could fight. And so could his Pokémon, though his SLOWKING wasn't the best fit for this kind of opponent. Something faster and more mobile would be better. Returning Proteus, Gideon released his PIDGEOT and then immediately MEGA EVOLVED it.[break][break]

In this more powerful form she had a new ability - NO GUARD - which paired well with her first attack on the KINGLER. The PIDGEOT sped forward, dodging any oncoming assaults, and then released a HURRICANE that could not be avoided.[break][break]

EBok8Kn9 + 10 = 58


circhester gang[break]
- comms gigantamax kingler[break]
• didn't hear [break]
• BOO HISS but fine we can hang...[break]
• mega evolves his PIDGEOT [1/3][break]
NO GUARD ability activated[break]
• mega PIDGEOT uses HURRICANE on KINGLER[break]
• x1 salac berry used


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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
541 posts
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 0:29:10 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar

It’s pure chaos. Every time he stops to fucking think the weird goop hands emerge from a tidal wave of darkness and grab at him-- some of them with palms bigger than his fucking face. Pluto’s been keeping them back, but her face is starting to get a pinkish tinge to it, like an overheated gun barrel glowing orange, and Kepler’s starting to get worried.
He’s so distracted by not getting shadow-groped that he almost misses Ash’s beautiful display of aerial talent and there’s a heartwrenching few moments where-- look, it’s been a long couple hours, he’s stressed, they’ve all been through the fucking shit, and he has a terrible image of Ash falling to his death. But, instead, he lands perfectly on his feet.
“You--!” his voice cuts out as he takes a few stumbling, tired steps towards his boyfriend and swats him on the arm-- lovingly-- before exhaling and leaning his forehead against the outside of Ash’s bicep. There’s a rather comedic squawking sound coming from Ash’s dragon as he and Pluto run defense for them to have a brief moment of peace.
“Y-yeah,” Kepler says, voice wobbling ever so slightly, shaky smile coming to his face as he presses sweaty bangs out of his eyes, “and don’t you forget it, bub.”
There’s the tinny, high-pitched sound of faint feedback and Kepler squints up at Ash.
“Whoever that is is right,” he says, stepping back and rubbing at his neck, “and in more ways than one. I’ve been running like a fucking Combusken with my head cut off all around these streets and I’ve barely seen any people, let alone people we know, let alone allies.”
Of course immediately after he says that shit starts to pop off. There are cries of alarm from both ends of this sad little burnt-out town, and the smell of acrid smoke and ozone makes Kepler cover his mouth in the crook of his arm.
“Arceus on a goddamn pony is that-- a Zapdos?!” So much for being the smartest guy in the room. He almost misses Ash holding out his hand and--
Listen. Listen, Kepler has felt confident, in his life. He’s, again, the smartest guy in the room, most times. He’s sure of himself and is usually generally pretty smug about how right he is, all of the time.
But he’s never felt it quite like this, where the air in his lungs is electricity and absolutely nothing can stop him-- can stop them as he wraps his hand in Ash’s, and the next thing he knows they’re airborne and he’s throwing his head back and whooping as they’re flying straight into danger.
"Anyone in the mood for fried chicken? Pluto, thunderbolt!"




- hammerlocke
- running around for his life essentially and then ash appears[break]
- comments on serena's comments, goes flying with ash, literally living his best life [break]
- beheeyem uses thunderbolt in conjunction with ash's dragonite's thunder wave to make, like, a Super Zap![break]
- still has the funky feather from earlier



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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 1:40:42 GMT
Navy Avatar


Frankly,” Navy says to and as the dust settles in the train, “thought we were goners there.” He’s sprawled out, Hattori briefly appearing from his ball to cushion the trainer’s fall. The train’s stopped. There’s still problems to deal with in the train. Poisonous claws that bring to mind the siren song of the abyss, gasses.[break][break]

As in Hoenn, so it is in Galar. If there’s a million problems, you just haven’t spotted the million and first.[break][break]

Good job, ladies.” Rubbing the back of his neck, he stands up, steps out of the train. Breathes in a hearty lungful of Motostoke smog. His inland empire, treading on the border of his conscious and subconscious, tells him he will know this smell for a while yet. It’s the stench of civilization, which he told himself he was escaping when he moved to Dewford.[break][break]

Guess we should—”[break][break]

Then, mid-sentence, all hell breaks loose. Reports fly in that the gates are under siege. Not far away, a monster rises from the train station. Navy’s already jumping up onto Valkyrie’s back. If the Spectrier has some protest towards its new name, it still hasn’t voiced them. Indeed, Navy and the horse seem to be taking to one another quickly.[break][break]

Listening in on the comms, the gym leader thinks has the right idea. The name of the game is to draw it away from civilian centers, keep it away from the Pokemon Centers. Some might say these peasants are meaningless, shadows of memories. In Michael Navidson’s mind, real and fantasy don’t matter. There are simply those he must protect. The best defense is a good offense. Decisive action, like a swinging sword.[break][break]

Young, this is Navidson. Gonna help you draw it away from the civilians.” Callan can’t see it, but Navy’s smiling. These are the moments he lives for, when life and death are decided on the edge of a spinning coin. “Let’s see if I can draw it to the stadium.”[break][break]

Let’s ride, girls.” Whether he goes alone or with the two women in tow, he spurs Valkyrie on. Its speed is astounding. With explicit directions given, it turns into the southern wind Navy mentioned before. It rushes at a breakneck pace, bounding across rooftops, making jaw-dropping landings. It navigates this cityscape like it is nothing but flatland.[break][break]

Rushing through the stadium, Spectrier stops on the pitch. Navy’s sharp eyes fall across the field. He finds what he’s looking for: an announcer’s booth. Seeing where the trainer is pointing, Spectrier bounds up there in short order.[break][break]

It’s pure luck that this place seems to be in working order. Fiddling with a few switches, he brings it to life. The lights come on, the stadium hums with static that indicates he’s live. With these speakers, he can be as loud and obnoxious as he wants – just what he needs to be to pull that big pile of garbage away from civilians.[break][break]

"What’s up Motostoke? It’s Navy, here at the stadium. To all the locals, I know things look bad.” Having grown up in Slateport, the detective is used to how far these speakers carry. He’ll be coming in loud and clear all the way to the Pokemon Center.[break][break]

But listen up! Your high king sent us! We’ve got his steed with us and everything! He sent us here to save you guys from whatever’s outside the city walls. He sent us here to kick this big pile of garbage’s ass! So sit back, relax, and let us take care of this for ya! We’ve got some of the best trainers in the world defending you all!”[break][break]

The grin grows cocky.[break][break]

And to you, garbage man, you think you’ve got what it takes to take us on? Come on up to the stadium.”[break][break]

If this thing has the capacity to understand him, Navy thinks it’ll come. Even if it doesn’t, he just made a lot of noise. Nothing pisses giant monsters off like giant beacons of noise and light.[break][break]

Showtime.” He says to the others, running up to the top of the arena. Standing on the lip of the grand stadium, looking out at the cityscape below, he sees the monster. Even if he is nothing but a speck, he wants to be seen. He wants to show the people of Motostoke that he’s not lying, that their king cared enough to send his own horse with them.[break][break]

Let him have it, Valkyrie!” Coalesced darkness forms in the gift horse’s mouth, darkness it has been drawing towards itself all day. Its nasty plot is about to pay in dividends. From across the city, Valkyrie launches its shadow ball at the massive pile of sentient garbage.


+ tl;dr[break]
Navy speaks to and after they nearly get killed in the train crash.[break]
Hears talk on the radio.[break]
Decides to help Callan draw it away from the Pokemon Center.[break]
Mounts Spectrier, rushes for the stadium.[break]
Turns on the lights and loudspeakers via the announcer's booth in the stadium.[break]
Tells the people of Motostoke that the king has sent them to help and to not be afraid.[break]
Taunts the dynamax mon.[break]
Rushes to the top of the stadium, looking out over the city.[break]
Anyone who looks can see Spectrier.[break]
Spectrier uses a shadow ball that was empowered by the previous round's nasty plot.



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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 2:04:49 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]with the peasants at ease, she can comfortably assist them in a timely fashion.

wound after wound, they are patched up and rejuvenated until she's certain their spirits are higher than before they had arrived. it's nice, she realizes, to feel successful with such a familiar task. year after year, since her bond had been forged with tapu lele in a flower field, she had always taken on the support role. heal here, assist there... clockwork.

with strangers marveling at both herself and mew, however, it feels more rewarding than ever before.

and it ends too quickly... for the last peasant has been healed and she's rising to her feet as an invasion begins.


does she stay, offer support and medical attention to those around?

or --

a hand juts into her line of sight and she turns to see extending an offer.

"yeah, let's go."

her hand settles into his and she lets him tug her up onto the back of his charizard. and just as her arms settle around his waist to hold on, his charizard takes flight to bring them closer to the giant, borderline unnatural venusaur.

a quick grab for the pokeballs at her waist swaps mew for her shiny golurk. the automaton kicks into flight quickly, trailing behind them as they approach.

"z-move, go."

the shiny golurk rumbles and moves into a higher speed, shadows beginning to pull around it. and after a moment, it launches the shadows toward the dynamax venusaur. z-move: never-ending nightmare rains down upon the venusaur and illeana narrows her eyes as she waits for the aftermath... will it be enough to trap it? to defeat it, even?

rusted sword.

tl;dr |
- passive healing mist up within 5 feet of illie
- bonds with the peasants?
- accepts 's hand and joins him on his charizard
- they arrive at the dynamax venusaur
- swaps mew for shiny golurk
- shiny golurk uses z-move: never-ending nightmare

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]

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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 2:22:07 GMT
it only took derek one look down into the pit to regret his decision.

no matter how hard he tried to rationalize it, derek knew nothing good would ever come crawling out from the dark. the universe proved that to him on his way back to the pokemon center, as per callan's orders.

"i fucking knew it!" catastrophe struck in the form of a giant garbodor breaking through the skyline of motostoke city. a hasteful pace courtesy of his steelix brings derek to the center, although he notices the poison seems to be causing it some discomfort.

poison that hurt steel type pokemon? great.

derek collects jonesy's pokeball upon arrival. nowhere was safe for him now. but now the fighting has started, or is starting. he can't worry about that now. sending in his steelix to attack, he understands this might be the last time he fights with the beast.

"xol, hit it from below!" the earth power that followed 's distraction would find it's mark somewhere the sun didn't shine...


retreats to the pokemon center
cooperates with callan's efforts to attack the garbodor
steelix uses earth power (sheer force) to hit gigantamax garbodor where the sun doesn't shine... (x)

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November 16th
Jubilife City
Former Beast
You don't wanna see me bratty~
595 posts
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TAG WITH @sailorarti
Serena Malcolm
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 2:50:49 GMT
Serena Malcolm Avatar

With great power comes great responsibility. The poison hands were being swiftly taken care of my those around her and she was relieved to see that the psychic energy really did make their problems less...problematic. But that only lasted for a moment before she caught wind of Joker flinching before doubling over in pain. [break][break]

"Hey, what's wr--" she began to ask when she noticed the selfsame greenish infection. Poison. Serena sighed heavily as she frowned. She was starting to real tired with poison by now. She'd have to find a way to get read of this from him too now. At least that was the plan before her eye caught ahold of Rowan. [break][break]

"Ro--" she called out to him. He looked disheveled. Concern was written all over her face as she quickly attempted to close the gap between her and her best friend. But Rowan wasn't looking at her he was looking at something else? But nothing was there. "Gavin, please." She heard him mutter and that's when things started to piece together. "I had to leave, you know that. I can't kill people, I'm not like..." [break][break]

Rowan was hallucinating and that's when Serena could see that the poison had spread. "Fuck." she muttered as she slowly approached Rowan. "Rowan, can you hear me? It's me." she said as she held her hands out. Even Joker was poisoned as well he'd have to tough through it. "Joker come help me with him." she ordered and Joker managed to nod and pull himself together as best as he could. Psychic energy began to pulse around them, now directed towards Rowan and his hallucinogenic demons in the form of her former mentor, .[break][break]

Rowan slipped on wet rock and plunged into the baths waters, bubbles signifying his loss for breath. "ROWAN!" he wasn't coming back up. But she wasn't just her friend wouldn't mistake her as his attacker while trying to save him. But what was she waiting for she couldn't just let him drown. [break][break]

Someone else seemed to take notice, a stranger but Serena didn't have time, nor care to attempt to figure out who he was. Instead she reached into the bath's water's with the stranger in an attempt to yank Rowan to the surface. "C'mon!" she hissed through gritted teeth. She should've warned him about this fucking poison the moment she noticed it.[break][break]

Bzy3hT9S + 10



💀 Serena Aisha's open for interaction! | x1 salac[break]
💀 TL;DR - [CIRCHESTER] Serena makes note that her shadow mime jr. is now poisoned but doesn't have a chance to do anything about it before realizing her best friend (Rowan) is fighting his demons in the corner. She attempts to help him along with her shadow mime jr before he falls into the baths. Serena and a stranger () attempt to rescue Rowan from drowning while her shadow mime jr continues to pump out psychic energy to subdue the poisons effects.[break]
💀 outfit | disguise 'ranger aisha lennox'



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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,540 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 3:05:46 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




She smiles at the webbing from saves them from a watery plunge and gives the girl a thumbs up "Nice!" [break]

Melody first caught a whiff of the awful STENCH that permeated the area and plugged her nose "EW what the hell is that smell?!" she calls out as the ground shook and Melody lost her balance, leaning on her sword to stabilize herself. She hears 's plan and sucks on her teeth for a moment, they might need more help than just the three of them so she calls out to her partner and calls back her smeargle. [break][break]

A streak of blue dashes in and stomps his hoof at the garbador. "We're going to the stadium, we might have to help them out Cobalion. Let's go!" she says as she hops onto his back and he takes off. He hops onto the roof of the buildings and rushes towards the stadium, slashing at debris that stood in their way with his sword. [break][break]

Eventually, they make it to the stadium and Melody arrives alongside . She puts her hands in the air and begins to clap to cheer on Cobalion as he draws his SACRED SWORD and begins to charge up it's blade as it leaps in and quickly tries to deliver several strikes across it's body and leaps back, rushing towards where the rest of the ground was trying to lure the garbador towards. [break][break]



notes about this post

Smeargle in, Cobalion out [break]
Goes with to the stadium to support as she doesn't believe three people alone are enough for the garbador [break]
stands alongside Navy and cheers on Cobalion as he uses SACRED SWORD to strike at the garbador. [break]
Using a salac, 4 remain [break]
Monka again...3

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 4:23:27 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"ooh, big boys." he manages to observe both pokemon from the height of the observatory. one was a pokemon he thought he saw around 's place, and the other was a phenomena he's already seen before.

were these the final bosses he wanted? it seemed like it, but being forced to pick one of the two just seemed like a fake out for a climatic ending.

"we don't have that much info on dynergy yet, right?" he asks , who was with him at the observatory's topmost floor. "time to switch your research topic for now, boss! the mark ain't doin' much for now anyways!"

with the observatory being too close to where the venusaur appeared, he manages to see the crowd forming. he deems that it has enough people, so he opts for the other, far-away target to get a bit more spotlight.

he recalls his guzzlord, with the laser from the capsule managing to barely reach the pokemon from below. "well, i'm goin' that way." he points to the zapdos. "see ya!"

priam leaps into the air from the top of the observatory, releasing his braviary in time to catch him. they make their way to the zapdos, where priam instructs the shadow pokemon to fire off its move.

"let's go, bravy!"

a beam of crimson fires from across the city, hitting the other bird with its variation of oblivion wing. in a world of gloom and death, another death ray just fits the scene.

  • priam is in his sygna suit
  • recalls guzzlord
  • jumps off observatory and lets braviary catch him.
  • braviary uses oblivion wing at zapdos


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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
1,218 posts
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 4:31:51 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
’S UPDATE COMES TIMELY AS SELENA HERSELF PARRIES WITH A GIGANTIC CHARIZARD that leaps back from the poisonous dam. There’s another one? "A Zapdos, you said?"

The High King said this is just a memory. A memory. It may all not be real—but Selena would not know—and the only priority they need is to get out from this traumatic recollection.

But just in case.

"You know what to do with it." She assures , taking her place in the Stadium together with the League members. "I'm here at the stadium: we got a giant Charizard in here.”

Everyone in the stadium poses to attack. Selena calls Podarge to join in the fun as well: the Flutter Mane shimmers in bright magenta, its STORED POWER beaming out from its crimson orbs, directing all the energy it musters to the Charizard.

This gives Selena the opportunity to inspect the Power Spot herself and see for any crevices where the gigantic creature may have emerged and where she may fit in.

"I'll be checking this Power Spot here in the Stadium. I’ll keep in touch." Relayed to both and through the comms before she calls the attention of her Flutter Mane. "Podarge, let’s go!"


- SELENA to via comms: "A Zapdos, you said? You know what to do with it. I'm here at the stadium: we got a giant Charizard in here."
- SELENA inspects the POWER SPOT for entrance and attempts to jump
- SELENA to and via comms: "I'll be checking this Power Spot here in the Stadium. I’ll keep in touch."
- FLUTTER MANE follows after

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 4:38:12 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]when the enemy struck, they truly struck.
the army of crazed pokemon arrayed against them was bad enough, but it got worse when the visage of a truly massive venasaur filled the distant horizon. the pincer technique was simple, but effective, and greyson could see their forces split as individuals identify their chosen targets.
what follows is a series of explosions, cries of battle-frenzy and fear, and no doubt the stench of death. forced to choose, greyson weighs his options.
on one hand, an attack by such a large force instinctively raises his hackles, and his mind identifies it as the immediate threat. on the other, the titanic grass-type behind him was inside the city's limits already. a figure on horseback, too far away to be identified ( ) works to pull the majority of the creature's attention to themselves.
admirable, if it wasn't so foolish.
he trusts (surprisingly) and to keep the venasaur at bay long enough for him to support them, so he focuses his attention on the pokeball in his hands.
"take command," he orders of the vespiquen as it appears from its orb. she takes stock, wings beating fast enough to vibrate greyson's chest, and her mandibles click in understanding. on her own will she rises, pollen spreading from her honeycomb shaped dress, saturating the air quickly in her pheromones'.
then she issues an absolute decree.

vespiquen uses her pheromones to force a nearby Pokemon to use a specific move to ATTACK, DEFEND, or HEAL on her behalf.



supporting & [break] BALLONLEA[break] uses Z-MOVE to force VENSAUR to SURRENDER[break]


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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 4:42:39 GMT

There was no quelling the rage of the ensuing war.
Right as the last door clicked close, allowing another small family to provide their aid, reports immediately flood the airwaves.
Someone, or something, had issued an attack.
Both and followed the incoming report with their own versions of battle plans and forms of encouragement. As Penelope made headway toward , who bordered the southern walls, she would listen, keeping her silence. But it was mid-way through the second speech that her patience was drawing near its end.
"I'll be assisting defenses along the southern border." was all that was communicated before switching the device off and stowing it away in one of her pockets.
Before moving, she gave a half glance over the shoulder toward . He'd been helping her sway the peasantries, dealing with clawing hands whenever they neared. To him, a half smile formed. It served as a distant reflection of the woman who'd previously occupied his side merely several days before. Only, back then, a certain craze kept in her eyes.
She'd grown better at concealing that part of her growth.
"C'mon, let's go."
No time was wasted. She pushed forward, with or without his company.
" ," the councilwoman called out to the other, voice barely sharp enough to cut through the outbreak of noise. "incoming, from your left."
The more she moved, the more she saw. First, the bird encased in black armor, then the army of poison that followed, both lethal in their own right.
"Mr rime."
Her pokemon took a step before her, taking aim with his cane. Preparation riddled his form and blended well with the fostered experienced they'd shared together.
With one wave, a sheet of icy winds flourished. It spanned outward, long and wide, permeating through the thickly congested air. Its main target was the legendary bird, looking to freeze what might already be blinded, but those around it might've also found themselves susceptible to its sheer cold.


- motosoke[break]
- said she was going to the southern border with and [break]
- uses freeze dry on ZAPDOS (and a wittle on the army)[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-ditto"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,087 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 4:54:43 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu"]It's a tense few seconds as the train grinds to a halt. One moment it seems like it's a failure, the next you succeed. Like all things in this life, you think to yourself. [break][break]

You catch his eye as he congratulates the lot of you. As he cuts himself off, focused on the ongoing threat elsewhere.[break][break]

"It's nothing. It's simply the job we've been given. And that, too," you add, looking in the same direction of the stadium.[break][break]

You, who've only followed orders your entire life, who dressed it up as freedom, rebelling against something, were still following orders. And now that you've got your freedom, now you can decide for yourself, you wonder, silently.[break][break]

Just how much of this is something you've chosen? [break][break]

Just how much of this is doing something because it was asked of you?[break][break]

There's little time to answer that loaded question. The act is the same. Navy has already jumped back on his steed in front of you, while you're lost in thought. You silently curse yourself, and shake your head. Get your head in the game, Baki. There's more left to do. Don't rest on your laurels yet.[break][break]

The ride is swift. Like gliding through air, effortless and immediate. You reach your destination before you can even think, and jump off the back of Spectrier, leaving Navy to his own devices. [break][break]

"Thanks for the lift, Navy. I know you. Don't hurt yourself too bad. I've still got a debt to pay back, yknow?"[break][break]

You leave him with those words. Outside the stadium, soon you can hear his voice rattling through the alleyways of Motostoke. From here above the city, on the rooftops, it's a bleak scene. You can gather a more complete picture of the devastation that Calyrex brought on his people, simply because he wasn't strong enough.[break][break]

You'd be stronger. [break][break]

You clench your fist as you think it, and gaze out at the rising mass of flesh in the distance. It's a wave of trash, all the pollution of the city's lifetime given form. They birthed this monster by their hibris, and now it's bearing down on them, bathed in that nostalgic light. You can almost hear the call of the void, thunderous heartbeat in your head, as you look upon it. [break][break]

"Behold... The result of all your 'progress'..." [break][break]

You speak it aloud as if to the city itself. She is almost dead, at the end of the line. This is her final gasp, dredging up the sins that made her what she is. And you, you're nothing to this gigantic monstrosity, just a tiny spec, swallowed whole in the belly of the whale. [break][break]

You're tempted yo start a fire. But you pity her, the thing that is so reviled by your existence. She is a symptom of something larger. Escaping her stomach won't do you any good when you'll be digested all the same by that acid, that poison ooze that reeks of eternity. [break][break]

"Kuchi, set up a defensive line! Between the buildings! We'll slow it down!"[break][break]

You shout her name, but she's of a like mind as you, already pouncing into action. An electrified fence, a web that extends across the Garbodor's path. She quickly takes to setting it in place, to stall its advance. [break][break]

To halt the so-called progress this city was so fond of, in all its wretched glory.[break][break]


+Tsubaki follows to just outside the stadium [break]
+Tsubaki recognizes the familiarity of the light Garbodor is covered in[break]
+Tsubaki's Ariados sets to work building a web between buildings out of Toxic Thread to try to slow the giant Garbodor's advance



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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,662 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 5:58:14 GMT
ollie morales Avatar


[attr="class","mainbox"] it goes better than expected.

[break][break] as the ranger captain joins the councilwoman in her rounds about the town, peasants fall to his charisma and charm. it's the easiest thing for ollie in the moment, much easier than anything else he'd done so far. talking people up, easing their woes, and inspiring others had always been second nature to him — and even in this new, strange world, things were not much different.

[break][break] war, unfortunately, was.

[break][break] when the last door closed and communication notified them of attack, ollie's expression shifted from charming prince to serious protector — he nodded with as they departed for the southern border.

[break][break] his eyes widen briefly at the sight of the unusual foe. a fierce chicken cloaked in pitch-black chainmail. it looked naggingly familiar and yet... not, at the same time. either way, there was no moment for hesitation.

[break][break] where the councilwoman directed her company with clipped tones and a frosty demeanor, ollie burst forth at 's other side with all the determination of a lionheart.

[break][break] "peppercorn! let's go!"

[break][break] his ranger-band glowed with the power of MEGA EVOLUTION as his blaziken was released in a flash of light. the pokemon's newly evolved form met the brutal assailant, attempting to engage in a vicious CLOSE COMBAT.

[break][break] he glances over at , a knowing look in his eyes. the embers of her flame reflected in his own forest-green.


EFrcX6N| + 10



• MOTOSTOKE (w/ ) [break]
• joins and at the southern border [break]
• blaziken MEGA-EVOLVES and uses CLOSE COMBAT



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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 6:08:06 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]

The young Ranger can't help but inwardly groan as his attempt with the crowd seemed to had fail. Feeling more as if both him and Reshiram had scared them into submission rather than get full willing cooperation. "How does make this look easy?" the Head Ranger grumbles to himself before accepting the fact that he just isn't as good with people as others. Though he does spend the rest of his time there with the people to try and teach them ways to defend themselves should they choose to fight rather than trust a group of strangers. Yet Razz would've made sure with every chance he gets he tries to show that they can handle it with ease. [break][break]

When the alarm raise thanks to Razz does ask Reshiram to help him fight. The dragon seeming glad that the Ranger was seemingly more and more willing to accept them in helping. Razz climbing on the Dragon's back before they take off into the air to get an aerial view of the town. The size of the Kingler defiantly not going unnoticed as it reminded him of both the Regirock, but of the Xurkitree that attacked during the Poison wars. [break][break]

He gives a small curse seeing them, and also the army of poison pokemon coming toward the town. As it was he told the civilians that they would protect them and knows he should stick to that. Razz choosing to trust in his rangers , and to hopefully take care of that problem. "We promised to protect the people right?" he tells the dragon who seems to agree before it flies over the army to unleash a BLUE FLARE. [break][break]



[break]+ Sygna Suit
[break]+ In CIRCHESTER
[break]+ Helps civilians
[break]+ When the army comes Reshiram unleashes a BLUE FLARE on them.
[break]+ +1 Salac



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shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
122 posts
part of
TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2023 6:10:12 GMT

it's safe. [break][break]

for now. she only gives a passing smile to at his thanks, before turning her attention back to the poison hands that.. frankly, seem like they've been ripped out of a horror movie. "of course." he doesn't need to ask.[break][break]

there's no time to rest when the sound of a bell chimes in the distance, and the sounds of screams that follow suit. there's.. a monster, heading through the barricades, breaking them effortlessly - and if she's honest, its speed scares her. the bird dashes with little reason, followed by the kicked up dirt of fellow sludge pokemon.[break][break]

residents and citizens are already called into the sanctity of the center, much to her relief (the last thing she needs is to watch people of another region falling, though it surprises her to see how well they're holding up regardless). when she thinks that things can't get any worse, a giant pokemon emerges at the station, breaking down what little roof of it was left, with sludge flowing from its oversized body. the putrid scent is nauseating. [break][break]

there's no time, though. [break][break]

"mhm," she hums in response, quick on her feet and making her way to the towering pile of trash in the distance -- the closer she gets, the more tempted she is to cover her nose and lips with a piece of cloth. she'll have to bear with it. [break][break]

"kitsuko!" she calls to the delphox, who runs not too far ahead of the trainer. her wand raises, lifting up the scattered debris to land a sharp PSYSHOCK at the monstrosity.




  • heading out with to the station

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]

@ @motostoke

[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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