i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 3:32:23 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
20th Year:

Summer folds and turns to winter. The city of Motostoke and its weather fall into a cold overcast. The snow is sheet white, its inhabitannts run home early, night falls at evening and the houses built light up the city in colors of light yellow and deep orange.

Come morning, the howl of a wolf awakens Callan. "Up, up up." He tells himself, as he struggles to his feet.

So she's finally arrived.

A spectral wolf by the stone that had been building over time, blade and winged armor in spectral form. Was this the riddle's completion then?

Was this the end of their lives here?

It was a poisoned chalice, to return home, but forsake the last twenty years. His thoughts floated to the children, Cal and Eve. Would they return as well?

A death knell overcasts the city, as if in time. Crimson clouds sprawl over Motostoke, spreading northwards, blotting the sun. Brilliant magenta lights upwards like a tower, as a skeletal dragon rises upwards in the distance.

"The Skeleton!" He hears, he needed no further confirmation. What little time he had left, now he needed to go. Affirmed by Zacian's howl, Callan's body is invigorated by the sound, the blood from his lungs a little less harsh, his chords less strained.

"Gather the soldiers, get the civilians into the bunkers. Inform the King and Queen. We are heading to battle."

Into the Fray:

Callan's SPEAR issued the order of NO RETREAT. Motostoke battalions built as a phalanx of people and Pokemon, charges into the fold of the battle, empowered and holding the army. Bullets of brine pierce through the Motostoke battalions, but there was no other way but forward.

The shield wall crashes into the main host to hold them there, giving an opportunity for the remainder of the group to levy their attacks.

Callan takes out his dyanamx band, turning towarsd Bowie, he gives a small nod and a smile. "Once more, my friend." He says, as the Pokemon rushes into the field. A cross shaped magenta light ripples from its band, as Callan channels dyanamax energy across the expanse, sending it into Bowie like a lightning bolt.

From Motostoke, Callan's GIGANTAMAXED TOXTRICITY joins the fold. Bowie's arm unleashes lighting, generating it into an electrical guitar shaped axe. It summons clouds overhead as it leaps over the Motostoke line, launching directly at the INTELEON with its G-MAX STUN SHOCK.

"I'm coming home, Lio."

Salac x1

+ Callan uses NO RETREAT. Enhancing the front line.
+ The MOTOSTOKE ARMY forms a shield wall across the front line to slow down the advancing army.


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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 5:36:26 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar


The curse of prophecy is that it does, inevitably, come true.[break][break]
"The solstice marks the beginning of the end," Nomi told Queen and King , showing them the star charts. She had poured over every note had compiled for her over the last year, and while she did not yet understand everything the stars were trying to tell them, she knew one thing for certain: the Black Knight and the Skeleton were coming.[break][break]
"I will fight for you. We all will."[break][break]
The morning of the apocalypse was a dark and dreary one, a predictably ominous sky coloring the land in a crimson haze. Nomi and stood together, at the threshold of the home they had now shared for over two decades, hands held tightly and eyes turned towards the oncoming storm. The howl of a dog could be heard somewhere in the distance.[break][break]
"We are lucky," Nomi murmured to Parker. "We go to war together." Her smile was determined, eyes full of devotion. "If we win, and are sent back, we will return together. If we win, and we stay, we grow old here together. If we lose, and we die, then we die together." She leaned up to kiss her, and whispered: "One end: together."[break][break]
Nomi was a scientist and she had spent twenty years cultivating an understanding of the poisoned land: together, she and organized the final distribution of DYNAMAX BANDS. Because of their hard work over the years, the army raised by Zacian would be able to use DYNAMAXING to their advantage, same as the enemy.[break][break]
Nomi released Valerian, her oldest friend, and the Sylveon's eyes flashed with an eager ferocity. He was her most trusted bodyguard besides Parker, and she knew he would never give up on defending them.[break][break]
When he grew in size, towering over her with a glittering aura, it was a truly remarkable thing.[break][break]
I won't forget this, she told herself. I'll make this work again no matter where we end up.[break][break]
All around her, heartbreak mingled with anticipation and steely resolve as the people gathered. Nomi shouted out to all of them what she knew to be true, thanks to her knowledge of the DEEP and the DYNITE ORE: "The Gigantamaxed leaders of the poisoned armies have barriers we need to destroy. Hit them with everything you have, every MAX MOVE. At least three hits will be necessary, perhaps more."[break][break]
With that, she stepped back, made room for Parker and others more skilled at fighting on the front lines to lead the charge. Activating her obsidian circlet, the FUTURE SIGHT allowed her to predict enemy movement patterns so as to aid Parker in evading incoming attacks. She motioned for Valerian to begin, and the DYNAMAXED Sylveon showered the battlefield with a sparkling MAX STARFALL. Mist began to pour out of the earth, surround each trainer and their Pokémon with a subtle veil of protection. The MISTY TERRAIN was an added benefit as the fairy energy coalesced, then streaked towards the Gigantamaxed Cinderace.[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SWORD


Nomi is wearing medieval clothing[break]
Nomi is in CIRCHESTER[break]
Nomi helps prepare , and everyone for the coming apocalypse by using her scientific expertise and knolwedge of the star charts gifted to her by [break]
Nomi and Parker share a final intimate moment before the battle[break]
Nomi uses her knowledge of THE DEEP, DYNITE ORE, and DYNAMAXING to identify the enemy Gigantamax leaders' barriers and how to break them[break]
Sylveon DYNAMAXES and uses MAX STARFALL on the enemy Cinderace, creating a MISTY TERRAIN on the battlefield meant to aid all of Nomi's allies (The power of Dragon-type attacks used against grounded Pokémon is multiplied by 0.5 and grounded Pokémon cannot be inflicted with a non-volatile status condition nor confusion)[break]
Nomi uses her CIRCLET OF FUTURE SIGHT to aid Parker by predicting the way the enemy will move, thereby boosting Parker's evasion[break]
+1 Salac used



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 9:00:48 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

The life he'd led before seemed like a dream now. The children of HAMMERLOCKE certainly seemed to think so. And King felt sympathy for them. They could not truly understand what it was like. This harsh and unforgiving nightmare was all they knew. And yet, in contrast to some of their parents, they remained so hopeful and bright...

Though he'd never sired any children of his own (or, at least, none that he knew about), the one-armed king found himself wishing he had. Instead, he would pour that desire to protect and uplift to the people of this GALAR. A Galar that, for all intents and purposes, had now become his.

So when the ringing of the bells finally heralds the apocalypse, King quickly suits up and takes flight to answer the call upon his legendary patron (and now old friend) ZEKROM. They call upon the knightly order of the IRON BANNER and witness the bright beam of magenta descend upon their land before the two monstrous entities foretold by CALYREX's prophecy emerge into view.

"My King! A storm is approaching the castle!"

"Evacuate the innocent into the emergency bunkers we've prepared! Grant any man, woman, or Pokémon willing to fight beside us the means to do so!"

"What about those on the east end of the castle? They won't make it in time!"

"Send them to the CALCIFET PALACE! They'll have everything they need there!"

Just then, however, King swings his gaze around to watch as the statue of ZACIAN breaks open with a loud howl. A strange sense of pride and hope fill his heart as he witnesses the spirit of the sword canine manifest. He uses the time they're given to prepare to help evacuate his people and organize battalions of those who would fight.

When the time comes, however, he leads the march forward alongside ZACIAN with a powerful cheer from the armies of Hammerlocke in return.

"For GALAR!"

"For GALAR!"

♔ ♔ ♔

The armies that await them are certainly a terrifying sight to behold. Nevertheless, King is determined to make it to POSTWICK atop ZEKROM and with the combined armies of GALAR. Before they can reach NECROZOMA or ETERNATUS and put a stop to this madness once and for all, however, it seemed they would have to defeat the trio of GIGANTAMAX monstrosities blocking their way first.

"The GIGANTAMAX RILLABOOM there is a leader! Once we topple him, the rest should fall easily!" He exclaims, reaching to his belt for a SHINING Luxury Ball that he tosses from high above. Though the fall was dangerous for most Pokémon, it soon becomes apparent that this is no ordinary Pokémon as the DYNAMAX BAND on the king's wrist begins to glow and the Luxury Ball itself grows in size. And, before long, this giant ball erupts with a bright flash:

A GIGANTAMAX HATTERENE that towers above all emerges from said flash. Inspired by the sight, the armies cheer once more as King reaches for LIFE'S LIMIT and pulls it out of its sheath with a flourish. The blade begins to glow with a DRACONIC BLUE energy as he points it ahead to the poisoned and armored armies of Pokémon.

And, moments before the army charges alongside ZACIAN, King summons a DRACO METEOR with his sword that clears a destructive path ahead after decimating leagues of poisoned Pokémon. And, hopefully, helping take down their commanding TOXTRICITY as well.

The GIGANTAMAX HATTERENE, on the other hand, focuses on one target: the GIGANTAMAX RILLABOOM. Summoning a terrifying PSYCHIC power, she executes a G-MAX SMITE that immobilizes the vines it attempts to summon and turns its own drumsticks against it in a relentless attack.


helps gather his IRON BANNER knights and the armies of HAMMERLOCKE!
leads the charge with ZACIAN upon SHINY ZEKROM!

uses DRACO METEOR on the TOXTRICITY GENERAL and its ARMY with his sword, LIFE'S LIMIT!

🍒 using X0 SALAC BERRY
🧥 is wearing a black ensemble with reinforced padding and a knightly sword


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 16:17:09 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he scoffs.

"me? forget? didya really think the great priam conrad vega forgets?!"

he never forgot. he wanted to, but he never will. old memories, both sweet and bitter, are forever etched in the recesses of his mind. there was no choice for him but to accept the reality, even if it meant acting beyond the reflection of what he truly felt within.

priam did it to survive back then. this time, he's doing it to live.

he hands her a spyglass from the observatory. "just watch me do great tomorrow! sit in yer lil balcony with snacks and tea. i'll show ya somethin' you won't forget."

day x / month x / year x
"you know, i'm not really sure if i'm ready, but- hm? d'ya wanna come with me, maeda? you're so weak though, fragile even! you'd be deadweight! hehe, fine. you'll be my lucky charm tomorrow instead."

his sygna suit seemed to differ from the last time he had used it, but he nonetheless has it altered to accentuate his features more. sleeves were rolled up and accessories to match his roguish look were fitted.

he won't need armor. he's here to stand out and impress, not to stay alive.

they were here to make legends of themselves, and priam turns a story from the stars to life. a pokemon gets called out from his belt, showing off a nightmare known by everyone from hoenn: ★JnVr.

the pokemon does what it does best: wreck havoc beyond its wake. with its open mouth, it starts to walk straight towards the cinderace while its appendages shove each member of the legion in its mouth.

priam throws his knives at the giant's back, purify acting as a stopgap from the adverse reaction it has with poison years ago.

as soon as it gets to the target, priam gives his pokemon the signal. a max move gets charged from its mouth, and befitting its stature and vibe, shoots out max darkness towards the cinderace.

day x / month x / year x
"she said one of the other guys was cool because they were fighting up close with the enemy! well, i'll show her cool and try out a new weapon! now, help me think of what looks the best for show. let's not do something gruesome. ladies don't like gruesome."

day x / month x / year x
"can you believe she called me soft?! am i really? no one really mention that to me before, or i guess i'm just too intimidating with my innate greatness they can't say it to my face! huh. really makes you think."

priam dives into the fray, rushing through the opposing army with both hands gripping on a pair of throwing knives reworked as actual daggers. he swipes and swipes until the next one comes into view. he cares for no injury, since purify heals it all up whenever it cuts through sludge and poison.

he's not sure of what to feel. the thrill of the hunt? the sickening feeling of war? all he knows is that he's trying to be a hero in someone else's eyes.

  • priam is in his sygna suit
  • armed with purify!knives
  • guzzlord eats his way to cinderace
  • guzzlord uses max darkness at cinderace
  • priam chucks purify!knives at guzzlord so he doesnt get food poisoning
  • priam fights hordes with his knives



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Mika, Mick
october 30th
mauville city
5’11” height
5’11” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mikael
mikael rosenberg
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 17:03:28 GMT
mikael rosenberg Avatar

[attr="class","header"]YOU WERE GONE TOO SOON


The Twentieth Year[break]
The Day of the Winter Solstice [break][break]

Mikael had spent a lot of years leading up to the winter solstice traveling with . Going from one settlement to the other. But he always made sure to return to Circhester sticking around for a few months before setting out again. He was to restless to stay in one place for to long. The most being a few months. Something he was only ever to do in Circhester. Probably because he had started to see it as his home for the past two decades.
When the day of winter solstice arrived he had been traveling with . He noticed immediately when the sky turned red and crimson clouds blotted out the son. For a minute he stood rooted to the spot fear choking him. He was quick to shake it off and turned towards his companion to tell her that they should be getting back.
However before he could he noticed people from all the settlements were coming towards him. And was that a Zacian at the head of every battle patrol. Just what was going on here? He shook himself deciding he needed to focus on the battle. Anything else could wait until later.
He turned taking in everything. From the Necrozma and Eternatus to the hordes of poison sludge Pokémon and the dynamax Pokémon. He also noticed that there was Gigantamax Rillaboom, Cinderace, and Inteleon in the back. The odds definitely didn’t look good. But that didn’t mean he was about to roll over and give up. He would give everything he had to protect the settlements.
The young man, because at 46 he still considered himself to be young despite being around middle aged, released Crystal from her pokeball. The Glaceon looked at what was going before looking back at her partner. He didn’t answer at first just activated the ability to dynamax causing the ice type to grow in size.
”Do you think you could use max hailstorm from a distance?” he asked gesturing towards the dynamax and gigantamax pokemon that were further away. ”If so aim for the Rillaboom,” he told the ice type. Having her orders the Glaceon nodded before using Max Hailstorm putting as much distance as she could on it. If it could reach as far as Rillaboom that would be fine since it should at least be able to hit some of the Pokémon and would still release a hail for five turns.
While Crystal did that he took his sword out of its sheath. ”I’m going to attack them head on. Will you cover me?” he asked the blond haired woman at his side. Whatever said he would still attack them head on. With his sword that was had Freeze-Dry imbued in it he charged towards the fighting pokemon. He immediately sought one of the generals lashing out at it with sword. Hoping that he could freeze it solid.[break][break] w3lG7fSh

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + was traveling at the time things started [break] is surprised when everyone joins together and about there being more than one Zacian on their side [break] Sends out his Glaceon and dynamaxes her before asking her to try and do a long range Max Hailstorm on Rillaboom. [break] Even it doesn’t hit the intended target it should at least hit some of the other Pokémon either way it will start to hail for five turns or however long the battle last which ever comes first [break] Decides to attack head on with his Freeze-Dry sword and ask to cover him [break] Uses his Freeze-Dry sword against a Toxtricity



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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 17:15:09 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

He's home when the sky turns red. Paxton had stuck so close to hisnfamily as winter approached, knowing soon everything would end. Curled up on the couch, resting in the crook of his neck having fallen asleep waiting for Athena Jr to come back from 's gym, the sky turns red. Paxton's blood runs cold before his daughter bursts into the home, startling her father awake. He sees the red skies, his excited daughter and grows tense in Paxton's arms. Blue eyes look into his own with so much pain and love in one. How could he have ever doubted this wasn't real. Athena rushes around their home while Luci retreats, allowing Paxton to get ready. He brings his sword while Paxton dons his armor.

The kiss they share in the darkness of his bedroom is deep, and long. At some point, he felt tears on his hand and he's not sure if it's his or Luci's. But he wipes them for Paxton. He gives him courage. When Athena is at the front door, waiting, Paxton argues with her short and firm. Words of an old soldier that leave no room for argument.

"Protect Luciano."

His tone is sharp before he softens to bring Athena Jr close and kiss the top of her head. She tries not to cry as she holds her dad in a vice grip. And eventually, she relents in the soft touch of her father, Luci.

Paxton takes position, rushing to the barracks to supervise the armament of their guard. The men and women under him organize, and he takes a stand next to the commander that has recruited him. stands with the rest of the monarchy, , the queen, nearby. He looks at his king and nods at him in turn. "My king," and that's all that needs to be said. As they ride, joining the armies of other cities the royalty begin crying out. He pulls out the BLACK METAL sword he had forged. He feels the power glowing in it.

To his forces as they ready to charge forth he says, "You heard their majesties! No second chances! Strike fast! Strike hard! No mercy!"

On cue he releases Streentrup to Octillery, turning his attention to the CINDERACE. "Shoot it down!" He orders, sending her out with orders as his borrowed steed stomps forward closer to the poisonous army. He holds out his sword, as it pulses with light. "Incoming redirect!" He shouted as he used KING'S SHIELD to jostle and redirect swarms of poison into expecting combatants who began to fell confused sludge creatures.

The DYNAMAX BAND on his arm glows as she grows in size and her HYDRO PUMP transforms into a G MAX GEYSER which flies straight through enemies before rising to meet the CINDERACE head on.



+ @many taggus |i dont htink paxton lost any lpookemon but i need ot double check MY ROLLS [break][break]


- after necorzma attacks makes a SWORD with KING'S SHIELD [break]
- supports thomas during the lose of his wife [break]
- sad to leave his family but goes to joim om ashleys side [break
Sends out octillery to dynamax and used g max geyser [break]
- uses kings shield to weaken grunts and funnel them tonwaiting soldiers.



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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,443 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 20:01:18 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar

The Winter Solstice arrived. Gunner stood on the frozen wall that was his charge for twenty years, staring with somber visage at the bleeding sky. A beam of magenta light lanced skyward from a distant, southern point.[break][break]

From behind him, a dog's howl pierced the tense silence that blanketed Circhester.[break][break]

"Gunner!" Jonas' voice reached him as the young man raced up the stairs. "It's time to go. Queen and King are gathering the army to leave. I've already packed everything we need."[break][break]

Gunner turned. The sight of Jonas' face, filled with eagerness and determination, nearly broke his heart. Gunner stepped up to his adopted son and placed a heavy hand on his shoulder.[break][break]

"You'll stay," the old man said, in a voice both firm and bittersweet.[break][break]

The disbelief that overtook Jonas' face twisted the knife in Gunner's chest. "What? No! You trained me for this moment, didn't you? I want to fight for Circhester too!"[break][break]

But Gunner shook his head. "I trained you to protect the city. To be a shield for the people." His grip tightened. "You're in charge now, Jonas. You're ready."[break][break]

Though Jonas' eyes turned wet with unshed tears, the shock and rebellion in his expression hardened into resolve. He nodded. "Give them hell, Dad."[break][break]

"And no matter what happens, don't forget us."


On the battlefield outside Wedgehurst, Gunner stood among the defenders of Circhester. He turned slowly to look at each of his companions in the face, those men and women who'd become family.[break][break]

, whose companionship he'd treasured for a short time — and whose tavern he'd enjoyed for longer. and , whose Christmas dinners did more to bring them all together than any of them had expected.[break][break]

and , whose wedding was one of the most beautiful and joyous occasions of the last two decades. , , , and — all treasured friends.[break][break]

, his second-in-command. , whose leadership as king was instrumental in Circhester's growth. , his dearest brother.[break][break]

And last of all, . Gunner gave her a single, slow nod of understanding.[break][break]

Then he faced the armies of the enemy and banged his armored fist against his shield. WIDE GUARD shimmered into existence around all of Circhester's fighters and their Pokémon.[break][break]

"Let's go, Circhester!" he roared.[break][break]

His Ditto jumped forward, TRANSFORMing into the likeness of the opposing Cinderace. Before its feet could hit the ground, however, a fireball swelled up beneath it. Before their eyes, it joined the other towering Pokémon.[break][break]

Then, targeting the Rillaboom, it launched a G-MAX FIREBALL.[break][break]


[attr="class","tag"]gg: rusted sword


Gunner is wearing League tactical gear + mask medieval clothes[break]
Orders Jonas to stay behind and protect Circhester[break]
Activates his SHIELD OF WIDE GUARD to protect the team from Circhester and their Pokemon[break]
Ditto TRANSFORMs into Cinderace and DYNAMAXES[break]
Ditto (as Cinderace) uses G-MAX FIREBALL on Rillaboom



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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2023 20:09:49 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

The day has finally fallen upon them. In each of the respective towns, the ZACIAN statue breaks and a spiritual from of the sword canine is revealed. This was only the start to the impending doom. It beckons a summoning howl, calling forth anyone and everyone who can and willing to fight. The skies turn a deep shade of bloody red, horrid creatures pour out and fall upon the earth. Crimson colored orbs watched as the dark violet dragon soars through the sky, the SKELETON roaring only to be meet with a force of a BLACK KNIGHT. The two clash, battling with all their might.[break][break]

“Please be safe my love.”[break]
“I will.”[break]
“Dad… You will come back… right?”[break]
“Of course, your dad may be old but build like a tauros. Nothing can stop me.”[break]
*sighs* “Just please return to us.”[break]
*chuckles* “I already told you I will.”[break]
“I love you, husband.”[break]
“And I love you, wife.”[break][break]

Maverick knelt down to his boy, hugging the young boy tight before he gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead. Junior grumbled, pushing his dad away. It wasn’t manly for his dad to kiss him. Maverick chuckled, shaking his head as he rose to face the love of his life. He could see the pain in her eyes, despite the strong mask she had placed over hers for their kid. It hurt him to see her like that, yet there was nothing he could do other than promise to return. Maverick leaned in to kiss his wife. He has done this many times in the past twenty years. Yet this one, felt like the last and the most important one of them all. A LOUD HOWL rang out, announcing their departure. “See you two soon. Keep safe.”[break][break]

Taking in a deep breath, the emotionless mask returned to his facial features. He turned, custom two SWORDS in hand and DYNAMAX BAND in the other. Reaching into his pocket, the man summons one of his beast. The shadow hisui arcanine materialized within seconds, emitting a low displeased grumble. The man ignores it, leaping onto the canine’s back and pointing to the Zacian the darts off to lead the way. “Keep up.” The canine bounds forward, chasing after the sword canine with his human on his back.[break][break]

It didn’t take too long to reach the destination Zacian has lead them too. Surprisingly enough, their numbers were great with all the cities banding together. Warm crimson colored orbs observed the ILLUSORY ZACIANs as they came to a halt, each awaiting for the command to attack. And as they wait, Maverick couldn't help by noticed the army of poisonous controlled pokemon that await them to fight back. He leaps off his canine in a swift smooth motion, thanking the beast and recalled it into his sphere. This battle was doing to be a long and bloody one. That was a given.[break][break]

Plucking out another sphere, the man summons his faithful canine. The massive six foot seven hell hound materializes, her stance regal and domain. She takes in the scene, gaze falling upon her human as she emits a low grumble. Maverick reaches out, hand rest on the rapidash skull that she wore over her own. “It’s nice,” he mumbled to her in a low tone, “Prepare yourself.” Years of training coming down to this very moment. It was almost scary to think about, if one had time to think about it.[break][break]

Withdrawing his TWO LONG SWORD from their sheath, they pulsed with the SHADOW BREAK energy they were fused with. The double edged BLACK METAL weapons singing their own tone of death. It was time to put his years of swordsmanship to use. And when the war cry was called out, the pair were off to fight.[break][break]

Both the elder burnt scarred man and his beloved canine charged forward, Maverick using his new acquired skill to sliced through poisonous mind control creatures while Azula burned and crunched down others who dared to get in her path. From an audience point of view, the two made a great pair. The man danced with his blades, dodging as much as he could while slicing enemies. And if for some reason a pokemon tried to sneak up in him, it was Azula the houndoom that would come in clutch and save him from death. Of course, the man went with Maverick saving his own canine from being buried alive from their foes.[break][break]

It was hard to tune out all the screams and deaths that happened all around them. Maverick has never been at war. It was almost dissociating. Constantly fighting, never getting a break. Ignore your morals for the sake of others. The war has only just begun, yet the fatigue of battle has already began to take its toll. Despite the utter chaos that raged all around him, a shout was heard from one of his many allies. They explained that it seemed like it was the three gigantamax in the far back that was controlling the armies. If they could take those three out, this war may be over sooner. Cover in blood and toxicants, Maverick’s gaze fell upon the closes of the three. The GIGANTAMAX RILLABOOM.[break][break]

“It’s time Azula,” the man called out to his canine, raising his sword to defend himself from the attack creature, “We need to help now.” The man grunted, pushing the creature back while simultaneously slashing the other blade to cut down the creature. He turned, running towards the massive grass type pokemon. Of course, the man tried to dodge any pokemon that attempted to attack him along the way. A few times, getting stopped to either help others or fight his own battles. But within range, it was time to act.[break][break]

Tapping the DYNAMAX BAND, it glows. And soon, so does HOUNDOOM. Within seconds, his once already big canine turned huge into her DYNAMAXed form. The canine howled with life, fighting the already strong will of this forms determination to take control of her. She glared at the grass type, lips peeled back to reveal her pearly white as a snarl ripped through her throat. “Go Azula,” the man called out, forced to face yet another attack foe, “MAX FLARE!” The houndoom takes in a deep breath, chest cavity expands beyond its normal limits. And when ready, her muzzle parts to let loose a powerful fire blast towards the mighty foe.[break][break]



[attr="class","bottom"]@teamzacian at route 120.[break]
team hammerlock. -1 salac. maverick says goodbye to his wifey and little mav. he follows after zacian. at the call, mav fights along side his houndoom through the waves of poison pokemon using his two shadow break swords. he hears orders to attack the giga pokemon. houndoom dynas and uses max flare on the giga rillaboom.[break]

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]·
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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,888 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 1:10:25 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
After practicing with her DYNAMAX BAND and learning that she cannot maintain it and her SYGNA SUIT at the same time, it made Shalin's decision of how to go about fighting in Ballonlea's army all the easier. Her body could simply not handle fighting from the saddle anymore. Not with the Pokémon she had brought, anyway. Her aged self could not even handle the vibration that came with sitting astride one of her giant bugs like a normal person would. While the risk of pain was relatively low, one distracting pang could leave her useless on the field of battle... and those useless there did not last long.

- Armageddon -

Duty called. The monarchs of Galar had summoned every able-bodied man and woman to the growing field of battle near Wedgehurst. At the head of each army was a regal-looking canine Pokémon Shalin had never seen before, each with a long blade in its maw and possessing incredible speed. Her younger self would have wanted to jump on one of the blue dogs and ride it into battle. With great age, though, came great wisdom... and greater respect of her body.

Immediately before her, within one of the WILD AREA's POWER SPOTs, were three colossal Pokémon her arrows would barely scratch. They wouldn't be useless, though! She had her eyes set on the GIGANTAMAX RILLABOOM, her bug-types perfect for taking it down. In the presence of the POWER SPOT, the Poké Ball containing Flit, Shalin's Yanmega, grew to such proportions that she could only handle it with both hands, and awkwardly so, at that. Her SYGNA SUIT fully shields down after the already-big insect grew to the side of a tall building, the extravagant wear protected her no more than ordinary clothing would.

After emerging from the Poké Ball, Flit grew larger and larger still, warping space around him. He had grown so large that his beating wings became clearly visible to the naked eye, the droning noise ceasing. It was like watching the green insect fly in slow motion. What the wings lacked in speed, they made up for in pure power. Shalin herself wouldn't stand idly by, though! Drawing her AVIAN BOW and taking out an ICE SHARD ARROW, the aging archer closed one eye and took careful aim at the face of the grass-type drummer. When she thought she had the best chance, she let her arrow fly alongside Flit's fly-by MAX FLUTTERBY.


- Shalin observes the Zacian leading the charge.
- Shalin DYNAMAXES her Yanmega and orders it to use MAX FLUTTERBY on the RILLABOOM.
- As her Yanmega winds up for an attack, Shalin aims at the eyes of the Rillaboom with her bow and ICE SHARD arrows, looking to use the speed of the attack to distract it from dodging the blows of her allies' Dynamax Pokémon.
- Shalin's Yanmega will be KNOCKED OUT at the start of the next post.

{WC: 408}
{PC: 7}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Shalin          Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Flit            Yanmega           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good
Queen Zing      Beedrill**        Good
Treble          Kommo-o           Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Levy            Milotic           Good
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 3:22:31 GMT
Ettie Avatar
When Zacian emerges with a howl, the sound stirs at something within Ettie. She recognized it like a rallying call - like her pack would make to prepare for a hunt - and her instincts and heart sung in response.

Throwing back her head, the woman responds with a howl of her own - announcing that she was here, that she will follow. The sound would rise into a chorus as her pokemon joined in - and it was a song so full of spirit, compared to the more mournful calls made for their lost packmates in the evenings during the initial years.

They knew what to do, when Zacian's spirit sped on by - and without hesitation, the group began to move. " ! ! ! ! !" Ettie barked with excitement - calling upon the packmates she was most familiar with as she ran past them. "We move together! As a pack!"

As if to echo her sentiments, Miya would give an eager squawk - static crackling along her feathers. Duke, too, would let out a couple of excited yips!

Ettie and her pokemon followed after the heroic wolf in a coordinated formation; the flow of their movements like that of water or wind. The feel of the air rushing around them was thrilling, one that had Ettie's eyes wide and bright - as if she were that wildchild of 20 years ago all over again. There was nothing quite like it, the thrill of racing alongside one's pack. A pack so large - some on two legs, and some on four - all moving as one for a singular purpose.

But the march that they were led on, it wouldn't last forever. Eventually, it'd reach Wedgehurst - whereupon they'd be met with the sight of a poisonous horde. The pack was eager to fight, to engage - but the illusory Zacian remained still, watchful. Thus, they waited as well - Ettie's gaze upon and sharp, yet patient. The wolf in the shape of a woman may not have interacted with the two as much as others, but she is loyal to her pack all the same. If the whole village was a pack, then those two were the leaders - the alphas.

There was also a quiet consensus seeming to form between Ettie and her pokemon, as they surveyed the battlefield and each other. It was plain to see who the biggest threats are - namely, the gigantamaxed trio of starters on the field. Yet, the armies they seemed to lead were likely to not be slouches, either. But, the group already had a good idea of what they wished to do...

So, the second that they were set loose, it was as if an invisible chain snapped; Ettie whooped with a howling battlecry, and charged forward into the fray, flanked by her pack! She watched the movements of her allies - who was targeting what - then turned to the one pokemon that was currently getting the least attention. Namely, the Intelleon.

Though Duke would be strong against the water-type, Ettie had other ideas - namely, the effects that her choice of pokemon would have upon her allies and the enemy army alike. And with so many pokemon on either side, a widespread effect such as a Max Move could have equally widespread ramifications. Thus, when she chose who to Dynamax, it was with this in mind. "Delle." She spoke with a growl to her voice, pointing a clawed finger in the Intelleon's direction. "There's your prey."

The band around Ettie's wrist lit up - and her shadow would take on a crimson glow, as it began to grow. And grow. And grow- her shadow first wrapping around her, clinging, as it became an ever-growing mass... Before it parted away, to reveal a massive dynamaxed Marshadow.

Delle loomed tall - the humanoid ghost seeming to share in Ettie's wolfish mannerisms, with the snarl she let loose. And wasting no time in engaging the G-Max Intelleon, she'd charge on in to strike at the chameleon with Max Phantasm..!

Ettie was not idle though. Brandishing her claws, she'd dive straight into the fray - making regular use of Accelerock. She tore one foe apart, only to bounce off of them to maul another - darting from target to target like a vicious arrow, eyes wild and teeth bared.

Their pack would triumph - she would make sure of it.
- When Zacian emerges and howls, Ettie + co do an awoo in response
- Ettie is excited to run with Zacian, calls on her friends to join in the march.
- At Illeana and Aaron's calls, Ettie charges into the fray - focusing on Intelleon and its army.
- Marshadow Dynamaxes, attacks with Max Phantasm
- Ettie bounces between the poison 'mon army, shredding them one by one with her Accelerock gauntlets.

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 4:32:55 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]

goodbye galar: sword

a celestial queen & the endless night

finally, painstakingly, the winter solstice is upon them...

and it brings with it a sense of dread.

she has never quite gotten used to that sensation coiling up in her stomach. the anxious feeling it brings and the clammy hands expecting the worst... each event they've been through has only made it worse, she fears.

the cities gather like lambs to a possible slaughter. and among them, she sees familiar faces aged through the passing years. and , , even . are they prepared? should she, as ballonlea's queen, have done more to assist them?

perhaps but she cannot rewrite the past. they look forward into the dark night, into the face of imminent danger, and they handle it as best as they can.

", wait."

it's soft, tentative as it hangs between them in the air. her hand reaches for his, tugging him back to her side as if she hasn't turned him away time and time again.

she'd never be able to make up for that but...

she pulls him closer and presses a kiss to his lips, eyes squeezed shut to keep any tears from springing into newfound life.

"don't you dare die on me, got it?"

another loss would surely kill her this time around.

and then her hand slips from his and she begins to observe as around them, the armies advance. three titans stand before them, shields raised up and her eyes scan for imperfections. all shields have their weaknesses... right?

the dynamax band on her wrist glows and for a moment, the sensation feels painfully familiar. mega evolution yet not. is this something new? her eyes dart down toward the band before her venusaur begins to grow, to change.

gigantamax venusaur roars out the signal of their approach and it's all she needs to follow suit, to shove her spear forward in a call for victory.

before them, the smug look of the giant inteleon taunts them.

it reminds her a little of , if she was being completely honest...

and somehow, she has never wanted to wipe an expression off of a face more than now.


her gigantamax venusaur roars again as giant vines begin to rise up from its body. wave after wave, lash after lash, the vines batter down on the inteleon and its shields.

while her venusaur leads her side of the assault, her eyes drift upward to the stars...

and a soft prayer is whispered into the wind: "if you're here, help us. take us home. please."


tl;dr |
- commands the ballonlea army with
- gives aaron a smoocha before war!!
- venusaur becomes gigantamax venusaur
- g-max venusaur uses g-max vine lash against inteleon
- silent prayer to the cosmos?

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,901 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 7:30:16 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

The winter approaches as the royal wears a warm coat to keep warm from the cold though she does want to pay the Calcifet Palace a visit through the snow blanketing Hammerlocke. Leather boots walk through the snow when she finds the old, decrepit palace in the heart of the city. Elise would go inside the palace first to find any of the familiar rooms in the palace that she’d be familiar with. Finding the throne room in a hallway filled with torn banners and face-down paintings, the once magnificent room looked so depressing with the same torn banners of the country’s coat of arms.[break][break]

The princess takes her seat on the throne and at this moment, she feels like a lonely queen at an empty royal court devoid of Galarian officials at her beck and call.[break][break]

Her coronation would, nevertheless, feel soulless without the bishop crowning her and the cheers of the other royal officials and the nobility.[break][break]

Getting off the throne and out of the room, the royal finds herself in the hallway to find one of the study rooms with papers strewn about on the desk. Through the end of the hallway’s left turn, she opens the door to the royal library where most of the book’s pages were torn out when she takes one and opens it.[break][break]

Out of the royal library, she would try to find the grand ballroom where most of the royal balls took place. Seeing the ballroom empty without the dancing nobility, it didn’t feel right to walk through the large space though she does imagine the ghostly dancing figures bowing to her when she walks in while the female royal is dressed in the finest gown and a gold tiara sitting on her head.[break][break]

Having seen some of the rooms in the Calcifet Palace, Elise decides to make one last stop to the royal courtyard outside before coming back to the main plaza of the city. She finds the hedges surrounding the statues though the leaves were no longer green in a twenty year time span. [break][break]

Seeing the hedges not having their green colored leaves, the female royal notices the royal garden which should be filled with beautiful flowers and roses…but they were all wilted. She takes one of the flowers in the palm of her gloved hand as she looks down wistfully from how she remembered the royal garden having a bed of healthy beautiful flowers.[break][break]


Returning back to the main plaza after paying a visit to the palace, one of the Hammerlocke kings calls everyone in the city to war. Sooner than later, King Remiel also leads the charge into the war against whatever was causing the sky to turn into a odd magenta hue. To prepare for the war front, the Galarian royal ambassador puts on her knight armor, all in black, hellish flames and draconic looking, while the feathered royal cape billows in the wind. [break][break]

Strapping Dyrncalibur around her waist, Iris comes to wrap her arms around the older royal and not wanting to let go. “I’m sorry, Iris. It’s important that I answer the call to arms, but Alexei and I will be back soon, I promise.” Elise gives their adopted daughter a hug and looks toward the elder gym leader with a solemn nod.[break][break]

“We should go. I trust you have a suitable flying mount?” She asks the purple-haired man as a sigh came from her lips, her Noivern was now getting too old for the bat dragon to fly her around anymore. [break][break]

Pretty soon, the armored royal reaches the battlefield where three Gigantamax Pokemon and their army were waiting for them along with two forms of other Pokemon she hasn’t seen before were clashing with one another. One of them was the Skeleton as some of the Galarian peasants had put the skeletal looking purple dragon.[break][break]

Pressing the button on Agravain’s Pokeball, the Ceruledge gets himself ready to deal with the Gigantamax Rillaboom with her Dynamax Band glowing in tandem with the energies transforming Agravain to a bigger version of himself. His blade brings forth Max Flare as the fiery Max Move tries to hit the Rillaboom.[break][break]

(Since Alexei himself was alright with her riding on his Salamence with him, they get ready to take off.)[break][break]

Accompanying onto his Salamence, the royal unsheathes her longword infused with the power of Bitter Blade as she looks down to the lizard-like general and its poisonous army near the giant grass monkey. With one swing of her sword, the fiery sword beam shoots towards the Toxtricity general in an attempt to help wipe their general out.[break][break]



@rustedsword [break][break]


- Visits the Calcifet Palace during a bit of downtime before war.[break]
- Gets called to war, suits up in armor, and takes the sword.[break]
- Goes onto the battlefield with Alex.[break]
- Sends out Ceruledge, Ceruledge is Dynamaxed and uses Max Flare onto Gigantamax Rillaboom![break]
- She's riding with Alexei on Gabriel the Salamence in the sky![break]
- Meanwhile, Elise tries to deal with the general with Dyrncalibur's ranged attack: a black fiery sword beam from Bitter Blade![break]
- Weapon: Dyrncalibur (Longsword) | Bitter Blade[break]
- Timeskip FC: Medea from Fate series



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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 12:09:50 GMT
Navy Avatar

The hero emerges from carved stone. A memory from twenty years ago surges unbidden. They were fighting outside of the tomb. This magnificent creature was at the center of that conflict. Dreams of another life. All Lord Navidson, Pale Rider of Motostoke, cares about is what awaits them on the impending battlefield. He is a warrior, with a warrior’s senses. He knows what awaits them now that the dog has emerged.[break][break]
Somewhere far away, a man greets Zacian with a smile. Navy greets her with a grim nod. Turning, he goes to join the royal war council. Provisions are gathered. Soldiers are rallied. Navy plays a key role in scouting the road ahead of them, checking it for danger atop the king’s mount.[break][break]
Eventually, he arrives. Mounted just behind the King and Queen, he sees what they see. Before them is an open battlefield. After so long, the gathered armies face a battle to decide the fate of the world. Far off, beyond the towering titans across the battlefield, a black knight and a skeleton dragon fight. Lord Navidson looks to . Apprehension from another life gnaws at his heart. The girl is obsessed with that skeleton, and it is there waiting for them.[break][break]
Steel yourself, Navy.” He whispers under his breath, hoping no one can hear. “You’re not the only one who’s going to lose something today.” He loads his gun, glances down at the dynamax band, and contemplates if he should break out this trump card immediately.[break][break]
Not yet.[break][break]
He’s just another soldier today. He has his own strategy. Larger than life heroes will defeat the towering bunny. Let the Pale Rider play his small part.[break][break]
As the horns sound and the battle is joined, he grabs Valkyrie’s reins. Riding like the wind of death itself, he rushes down the center. His horse jumps clear over the frontlines. For one moment, gone too soon, Lord Navidson looks to be flying. Valkyrie’s hooves hit the ground. She charges forward. Her rider casts his gunmetal eyes about as he searches for the Toxtricity general.[break][break]
The target is sighted. Valkyrie strafes around him, the Rider lining up his shot. A deafening blast rocks the middle of the center line. An anchor shot flies towards the center general. A moment later, in a maneuver practiced for twenty years, Valkyrie opens her mouth, letting a shadow ball fly free. Navy prays it hits the general and hits true so that he might move on before he is utterly surrounded.[break][break]
There are giants to the left of him and giants to the right. Giants behind and giants ahead in sight. Boldly he rides, and well. Into the jaws of death, into the gates of hell.


+ Navy greets Motostoke's Zacian with a grim nod.[break]
Helps plot out the best route to their destination with his knowledge of the region.[break]
Joins the battle riding Spectrier.[break]
Rushes down the center lane of the battle, aiming for the Toxtricity general.[break]
Tries to chain him down with an Anchor Shot from his gun.
Spectrier combos this with a shadow ball afterwards.[break]
Used the salac from B&B endeavors.



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April 29
103 height
103 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
377 posts
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TAG WITH @lime2
Megan Whitmore
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 16:38:40 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar

War. That kind of felt different from anything before. It was a bit difficult to describe, of course. But this was much unlike the last times she had gotten roped into things like this. Even on that mountain encounter in the fog she had just been asked to help protect a point from some potential attack, but there had been only like, thirty, forty people involved? And, more importantly, they had not marched towards it in such a depressing line. Honestly, how did soldiers do that? It was so different to do this instead of seeking to just defend your home. It was the same in effect, yes, especially given the strategical situation. At least that she had heard.
Honestly, Megan did not know. But everyone else had been convinced that this was what was necessary in order to both fulfill the prophecy and, on a more basic level, to just stay alive. Playing contrarian in a situation like that would do no one any good, so she did not even remotely try. If everyone was fighting, she simply would be too. Because that was necessary to protect everyone.
Yet, Megan was not someone who treated everyone equally, of course. That was why she was sticking close to Johanna, ready to shield the other with her Protect shield if need be. The others marching alongside them towards the Intelleon too, of course but, again, she was definitely playing favourites. While others held speeches or needed those to inspire them, Megan just needed to squeeze a certain someone’s hand in order to focus as they neared the battlefield.
And a few decades ago, a sight like that would have seen her heart sink. But by now, she was so used to seeing armies of poisonous Pokemon in a way that it did not truly register all that much. Those simply were enemies they needed to defeat. Hence, she mentally steeled herself for just that before ordering her Hydreigon into battle. It had been the obvious choice. When she thought of gigantic threat on her side, she thought Hydreigon. Hence, she ordered it into battle right away while staying behind herself, ready to use Protect on the squishy humans. “Strafe the army, create an opening with Max Darkness.” The Gigantic Intelleon certainly would pose a problem, but they needed to create a way for their more melee-oriented fighters to get close. Hence, she was going to help with that. It was about as well as she understood battlefield tactics, at least.


+ joins the battle more solemnly, prepares to use her protect to shield from retaliation, orders Max!Hydreigon to Max Darkness the hordes of Darkness Io9y_Atq (using salac from the garden, if i forget to harvest by deadline someone remind me, its so hot)



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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
591 posts
aaron faust DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @aaron
aaron faust
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2023 19:13:46 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
"fuck me."

the inevitable comes, heralded by the reddish light that spills into the room through the windows. his immediate priority is he and 's kids. he tears a whirlwind through their home, collecting them up and herding them towards shelter. his kids are stubborn in ways that so frustratingly remind him of himself, but he rebukes all arguments asking why they can't just run out there and be heroes with a fatherly: "because i said so!"
aaron feels a weight lifted off his shoulders once his children are hidden away with his old, crusty-eyed charizard. he collects his sword and his pokemon in a rush, relishing, however briefly, in the familiar tingle of static beneath his palm as his old rat obliges to one last battle with him with a headbutt against his hand. [break][break]

on his way to battle, a soft command stops him in his tracks. then there is the slip of warm fingers into his own, prompting him to turn and regard her. looks as beautiful now as she had twenty years ago. despite the (many) rocky years of their relationship, he still feels a juvenile flutter in his chest when their eyes meet, when she affords him the opportunity to hold her hand a little tighter.
"illeana — "
he's a stupid boy that has grown into a stupid, old man. she pulls him in and he thinks she just wants to whisper about the logistics of war up until her lips brush against his. and then they're kissing, to his welcome surprise, and he's cradling her cheek with his free hand with a tenderness that takes him back decades.
she pulls back first.
"you don't have to worry about me or the kids or any of us," he reassures, forcing a laugh up his throat. [break][break]"we're going to win this. trust me."
in the fleeting moments before she untangles her fingers from his own, it comes out:
"i love you, illie."
despite everything and with the end looming over them, he means it.
aaron turns away from his queen and sweeps his gaze over the pants-shittingly large armies posted across the battlefield. the dynamax band on his wrist begins to warm his skin as it siphons up the residual dynamax particles drifting through the air. at his side, his pikachu perks up, responding to the energy being channeled through the band. [break][break]
"okay, bud, let's fuck them up!" [break][break]and then to zacian, waiting for he and 's command, he points down the field. "help us lead the way!"
his sword whistles in its scabbard as he draws it and follows zacian into battle. a shadow falls over him from behind as his pikachu dynamaxes to an impossible height. aaron can feel the air change as she gathers electricity, summoning dark clouds over the g-max inteleon that precede her G-Max Volt Crash attack.[break][break]
aaron, meanwhile, swings his sword at the front lines of poisoned pokemon, the blade crackling with golden light as electricity is discharged with each thrust into the army in front of him.
[break]+ hides his kids when shit hits the fan
[break]+ aareana have a romantic send-off pog
[break]+ commands the ballonlea zacian to join the battle
[break]+ dynamaxes his pikachu who uses G-Max Volt Crash (thunderbolt) on g-max inteleon
[break]+ attacks the poisoned pokemon army with his discharge sword

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing