i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 17:17:55 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Now that there were shot glasses being passed all around—empty ones, too—he chuckled.

“Well, well, don’t say I didn’t warn you all!” he said as he poured out the shots one after another. Realizing that he still had to take a few himself, he then poured himself two more shots and knocked those back in short order, before turning to face one and then roaring with laughter.

“Well, well, guess I know who wears the pants between you two,” he ribbed her and the moment the other was close enough. Turning to , he then noticed the neon strip on the young man’s wrist and chuckled.

“Hah, I’d rather you keep your wits about yourself,” he said to the younger Ranger, knowing that the other wasn’t really of legal drinking age yet for this shit.

Instead he turns his attention to and snags another couple of shot glasses, pouring a hearty measure of tequila in them before sliding them the Champion’s way.

“Come on, don’t be shy, dog man, take a few more drinks!” he went on, laughing immoderately as he poured himself three more shots and knocked them back without much effort.

Ahh, the buzz.

He wondered where had gone off to—he’d find the other man later, as he shook the tequila bottle and realized that its contents were getting dangerously low.

Time for a refill?

-100 because we go HARD

total: 290 + 196 = 486 (new total)

wasted wailord bonus hella: x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 18:56:25 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar

A shot is tipped back while drinking in silver eyes; ’s challenging glower coolly reciprocated as they down their tequila in unison, lips curling tauntingly against the rim of the glass.[break][break]

Yet despite the competitive spark, when the drinks are finished Angelo easily slips an arm around the captain’s shoulders, naturally accommodating to the feel of her familiar weight leaning into him. [break][break]

Even if drunkenly attempts to barrel them apart like a runaway train, summoning an unhelpful laugh from Angelo as Skyler’s dragged and jostled, the blonde proves to not leave the biggest impact of the evening. That title (so far) goes to .[break][break]

Almost spitting out the tequila shot he had just downed in a comical spray, Angelo wipes the cheap spirit from his lips with the back of his hand; blue gaze snapping towards the Mt Pyre caretaker and the unexpected shit-eating grin that’s aimed at him. Momentarily dumbfounded. [break][break]

Wait what? The hell d’you mean?”[break][break]

It’s Skyler’s laughter that makes the cogs in his brain clunk to life again,. Looking down at her, he catches sight of taunting silver eyes, retribution vowed on narrowed ocean blues. Falling back into the dynamic of their flirtatious-rival antics. [break][break]

( Shouldn’t he really be countering Sam? Oh well… ) [break][break]

Y’know what, Inky, Dross... Sure. The one and only.”[break][break]

Hands pressing into the back of Skyler’s chair, caging her between his arms, Angelo bows down to brush the sharp curve of his lips to the shell of her ear. Shamelessly sharing private words with the ship captain over the chaos of the rowdy table, filled with familiar faces. [break][break]

… … My… … Fucking hag… … [break][break]

Straightening up but leaving a hand on the back of Skyler’s chair, Angelo rolls blue eyes at ’s arrival and snarky comment. “Real original, Anderson Number One. How's Aunt Jules, by the way?” He sends a smirk the head ranger’s way, unoffended; although he does take two shots of the good stuff as payment.[break][break]

As the call of attention turns towards their dear ol’ champion, Angelo raises an amused brow. paints a sad picture, sitting alone, surrounded by empty bottles in a dark corner. [break][break]

What the hell happened to you?” Angelo throws the champion a bone by holding a drink out to him as he downs another, only partly motivated by a businessman’s tempting bet. “Get out of the doghouse and come over here for a drink.” [break][break]





total: 350 - 100 + 118 = 368 (10 drinks)[break][break]

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jul 8, 2021 19:16:47 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
his head was too fucked up to even recognize 's announcement that he only recognized that it was him talking when he hears his name. he whips up his head by surprised, like he had just woken up, and frantically searches the room for the people suddenly taking notice of him.

what happened?

when calls for him, kyle quickly turns to him. and then follows after. it's only when actually comes to him that he finds the energy to actually talk.

"i don't even know if i can even walk, dude," he answers him as he subconsciously takes the drink from him. he downs it quick as it prompts him to grasp his head with his hand. "ugh, i shouldn't even drink but it feels like a waste not to..."

he takes the shot that sent him and reluctantly takes it. the sting is numbed down by his weakened inhibitions as he raises the shot glass, nodding at the head ranger, and then to the biome expert.

"name it monster-yena!" he shouts to .


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played by


October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,623 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2021 2:07:13 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Senon met up with Adrian and Rowan at the bar to lament a string of losses, but quickly find themselves in high spirits once they get a drink or two in them. Right from the start they down their drinks, slapping down their glasses with a clatter and sloshing the contents liberally.


"Well... no one can say we didn't try." An arm slinked around Rowan's shoulders tenses around them, perhaps seeking reassurance, or clinging to what comforts he yet retains. "Maybe we didn' win, but we 'ad some fun..."

But it didn't make him feel better, and soon enough four more rounds of drinks were guzzled between the three of them. Soon enough they'd be rocking and swaying shoulder to shoulder, telling their woes to commiserate.

1.) Springtime
2.) Clefable Swarm
3.) New Experiences
4.) The Devil You Know
5.) Family Fun
6.) Game of Throws
7.) All of Me, All of You
8.) You Swing Me Right Round
9.) Aurorus Winter Ball

23 + 3 + 19 + 80 + 59 = 184 TOTAL
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october 10th
ballonlea town
you're like a
124 height
124 height
we plot in the shadows & hang out in gallows
422 posts
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TAG WITH @siobhan
siobhan burke
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2021 2:29:55 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
someone in the crowd (nobody she knew or recognized) was screaming shots, shots, shots! a waiter came with some of them, offering to the crowd. Siobhan hesitated when her turn was made. she took a whopping three shots, balancing them on the beach table she managed to snag for herself. placing the shots down, she was no stranger to doing them. sometimes, back then, there was one or two little


little ones but still big enough to count. so one after the other, she begins shooting them down. Siobhan wasn't trying to impress anyone. the woman was trying to loosen up, perhaps get that 'liquid courage'... she recognized a few Rockets in the crowd; but she wasn't very concerned with them. she barely knew them. once the three were finished, she felt a slight buzz. yep, she was a total lightweight.

24 + 2 + 4 = 30 - 5 = 25
-5 from roll due to x
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2021 20:11:42 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Razz took his glass Sénon shot him a look of encouragement.

Turning to leave the ranger to be the center of attention it wasn't lost on the redhead how much of fan favorite Kingsman was. , , , ; they all seemed to take to him so naturally.

He aside from Sénon believing in him personally, Razz was just a likeable guy. It was nice to the affirmation of that.

From his new spot at the bar he enjoyed his Rum Island Iced Tea one sip at a time. The Ferryman of Kanto took a seat to his left and soon after an aged friend sat down on his right.

So they were; four dudes at a bar.

He didn't know who the guy on the end was but the way Adrian broke the 'touch barrier' with him so uncharacteristically meant at the very least, he was someone important.

As the six shots he'd taken slowly began to filter into his blood, a question came to mind concerning the other three men. "Shot in the dark; you guys wanna start a band?"

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the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
team rocket
alone with all my illusions
1,306 posts
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samuel carter
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2021 20:48:16 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
At the bar, he's sipping his drink like it's no biggie. He's watching the room, observing the people and the relationships there.

Some woes are shared to one side of Sam and he doesn't let his eyes linger over, just his ears. He wasn't listening in on purpose ... okay yeah he's drunk and nosey, apparently.

As if to hide the fact that he's clearly eavesdropping, he takes a long drink of his beverage.

When the familiar head of red hair shows, he's brows raise. That's his body's way of waving even if he wasn't entirely sure it conveyed the, 'hey there' a wave usually did.

Sam's a lil bit woo-hoo and the idea of a band strikes something in him.

"That'd be sick, Gameboy."

That's 's nickname, given by the ever buzzed gravekeeper.

"What do you think, Goodhair and Gloomguy?"

and could decide for themselves who was who.

"We could be the G Squad. Gameboy, Goodhair, Gloomguy, and Gravekeeper."

And then he giggled, taking another drink.
// welcome to the nickname squad


@ AFTERDARK TOTAL: 649 + ⬆ = 787 (13)
//5 ROLLS +5 BP
//10 ROLLS +5 BP
//15 ROLLS +5 BP

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,623 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2021 21:40:29 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
"Ca' any of ye even make music?" ...Hic.

Something about the way Adrian quickly regressed seemed to suggest he was drinking on an empty stomach (or drinking too much too fast), relying on Rowan to keep himself upright. "Personally, I doub' ya can."


Sipping at a mild beverage now to avoid embarrassment, he toys with the idea a little more, though his heart isn't truly in it. "I 'unno, I do a lot of my own work for a reashon..." Narcissism. It was definitely narcissism.

Another sip with averted eyes. He'd done the band thing before, didn't work out. The dissonance was owed more to their combined drug problems than anything else, but cooperation wasn't his forte.

But damn if his alcohol addled brain didn't think these two had a knack for nomenclature. It was enough to make him stir his drink in idle though, before considering another sip, but the notion made his stomach turn.

(184) + 37 + 19 = 240 [7 of 15 Drinks]
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october 10th
ballonlea town
you're like a
124 height
124 height
we plot in the shadows & hang out in gallows
422 posts
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TAG WITH @siobhan
siobhan burke
POSTED ON Jul 9, 2021 21:49:46 GMT
siobhan burke Avatar
all around her, the drunken slurs and the familiar was making her almost sick. Siobhan downed another shot, making damn sure she was loose enough to be talked to by strangers. so far, nobody really interacted with her - but that was fine. she was, once more, getting liquid courage into her system before that happened.

it was also a good way of learn thy enemy. the various League folk were mingling with each other, save for a few possibly unknown Rockets in the mixture. it was interesting to say the least. her eyes wandered and her ears were kept open - just in case something should fall into her lap willy-nilly.

25 +  25 + 48 = 98 - 5 = 93
-5 from roll due to x
15 BP earned thank you

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
1,815 posts
Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Jul 10, 2021 7:43:17 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Being called "Gameboy" nearly made the redhead spit out his drink but somehow he kept a straight face and swallowed.

He couldn't believe Carter remembered that name. You blow one hole in the wall of the Pokémon Tower during a unplanned battle and the Caretaker's son starts calling you names.

Sénon rolled his eyes away from as if the Ferryman could read his mind and learn he actually embraced the name for a time.

Adrian's excuse made him grin smugly.

Of course he didn't want to form a band. Yet, Sénon could guess he didn't want to be left out if the rest of the three of them formed a band on their own.

Slapping his thigh at Sam's nicknames for Adrian and his friend Sénon slightly-tipsy concurred.

"I agree Carter." He pointed at "He does have beautiful hair." He let the moment settle and took another three pulls from his straw.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 8:43:09 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
Everyone was enjoying themselves their merriment was infectious as the alcohol he had just drank barely phased him, did he have a higher tolerance than he thought he did? It was interesting to say the least, but after five shots of whatever it was that he had gotten, there was barely anything. Amor knew that he could handle more so he decided to play the countdown game. Holding up his hand to the barkeep, he held up four fingers. He would take more shots at a decreasing value of one each time, and hopefully by the time he reached one he would have a buzz going. Though if he didn't he might need to go check into a hospital to make sure that he was still human, and wasn't immune to alcohol. It wasn't something he partook in large quantities often, but a glass of whiskey here, and there hadn't harmed him.

The barkeep lined up four more shot for him, and once again Amor in a row began to slam them down. It set fire to his throat, and then the warmth spread through his entire body, his cheeks might have a slight pink tinge to them, but there wasn't anything more to it than that. Of course he was getting warmer, though he wasn't really wearing anything but his swimsuit at the moment, and he couldn't very well take those off. Not that he was drunk enough to even contemplate such a thing, but he had to force the logical part of his brain to comply, so he didn't make dumb mistakes. Next to him was talking to others that he didn't recognize, but he wasn't going to intrude upon their conversation.

"Draco...When you're flying me home to night, we are gonna have to go slow I think." He explained to his pokemon, who just nodded as he continued to stand guard, and made sure no one tried to steal from him again. That experience had been interesting for him, chasing down some low life who had taken Amor's wallet. That poor pick pocket didn't even stand a chance.


X | X | X -10 from each roll!

79 (Previous Total)

49+83+19+76= 186+79= 266

5 BP claimed atm

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February second
Lumiose City
54 height
54 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
364 posts
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TAG WITH @lime3
Evette Moreau
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 10:31:44 GMT
Evette Moreau Avatar

Festivals truly were among the best places to study a local culture. Though, while the exact details might differ, she had found that when the sun did come down, usually that lead to one and the same result. The drinks were different, but the drinking usually wasn’t. Though, admittedly, she had much preferred the Alolan ones. So nicely fruity and refreshing. This stuff wasn’t exactly bad, no, but she had no idea what it was. And it had a bit more of a rougher note. Less herbal and more grainy, in her not-s-expert opinion. Also a bit more potent. People in Hoenn probably liked to get drunk off of less than those elsewhere.

Eve knew that she should be a bit more careful with these things, but she wasn’t exactly concerned, either. Her mother would kill her knowing that she mingled with normal people like this, in such an environment, but that was not a problem. That almost aristocratic dismay at the sloshier things in life meant that mother would never even look this way. That woman could be in town and never come across her. Which was reasonably fun, too.

Though she was still a lone traveller in a foreign country. She did take a shot, but she only did so slowly, for now, seeing how things might go. The young woman with purple hair and an almost all black ensemble of jeans and shirt – but topped by a white jacket of all things – was weaving through the masses, looking for something of interest.

Then, she picked up talk of making a band. Ears perking up, she moved in the direction of that group but didn’t engage. Instead, she noticed someone else. Why? Because she was acting much similarly to herself. A lone woman to the side, observing and listening, but not engaging. Maybe a kindred spirit? Well, if that was the case, then that person would never engage her. Guess that means she would have to do that, then. “Hey there. You okay? You looked a bit taken aback for a second there,” she approached . That one also didn’t look like she was exactly being in a great state right then, so she figured that there was at least a possibility of help being needed.

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 11:55:54 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


It was embarrassingly easy to keep up with some people's drinking habits. It felt as if some of the other attendees of the festival had the alcohol tolerance of a sixteen years old. Well, it was either that or… Maybe she drank way too often, and way too much, but surely, it had to be the former of the two.

A late arrival to the party, the Fairburne woman takes to the bar immediately after setting foot in TRASHY RASCALS. A glass of martini finds her soon after, the bartender familiar with her usual order.

Her gaze flickers from one familiar face onto another, almost as if searching for someone.


742 - 300 = 442

notes: x x x x x x x

[attr="class","katherinetag"] @ FESTIVAL | sitting at the bar, feel free to interact!

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jul 11, 2021 23:50:33 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



The alcohol is already sitting heavy in her veins. She feels warm, tingly, hot and then cold. Honestly, at the rate she's going she very well might puke. [break][break]

But that was half the fun of it, right?[break][break]

Or.. it should be, except is avoiding looking right at her. Everything she says, every (admittedly shitty) attempt to be friendly with him, to overcome that awkwardness is ignored or met with a grimace. Maybe the awkwardness was all on her end.[break][break]

All she knows is that her attention lingers on his face a lot longer than necessary, lost in thought, lost in him, before is able to draw her attention back in. What momentarily lost or kicked-puppy expression she wore fades away, replaced with overwhelming joy. [break][break]

She'd missed Skyler, too.[break][break]

"A pirate? Woah! I think I like the sound of that!"[break][break]

However they get there, whatever Fernando says, whatever and the rest and whoever, they are all such a blur of emotion and noise and fun, more and more drinks show up. This run-on sentence results in at least five or six more drinks shooting their way down the back of her throat.[break][break]

They burn a path, a memory, one that she isn't liable to forget. At least, not entirely.[break][break]

"Wait, wait, wait.. did I just hear someone say 'more fruity than alcoholic?' Did I just hear a wimp?"[break][break]

Stormy shifts from her seat at the bar, in hot pursuit of .[break][break]


notes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | total: 595 (10)


[attr="class","title"]STORMY SILPH
[attr="class","subtitle"]i've been burnt so many times

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2021 11:26:12 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

Kyle was in trouble. Zac saw him faltering from across the bar. Despite that, the champ took another shot. That man's chocked full of Charja-Cola spirit, he thought, pushing through the crowd. Let's see what I can do to help.

Finding a space near and , Zac put a supportive hand on the back of his fellow biome expert. "Let me help ya with that mate," Zac said, as he called on his avatar powers to heal Kyle. 

The fruit behind the bar soured and rotted, and the hydroponic oregano plants in the back room wilted away to nothing. In return, Zac felt an influx of healing energy that he pumped right into Kyle. "There we go mate! Should keep you going for another few rounds, ay?" 

Zac kept a bit of the healing for himself. And cracked open another can. 


Total: 437 (8)

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