rangers rising 2

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the hiker
april eighteenth
ranger officer
how deep
the bullet lies
119 height
119 height
you don't wanna hurt me?
355 posts
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TAG WITH @francie
francie myrtle
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2023 15:53:57 GMT
francie myrtle Avatar



going felt like a lot but she wanted to. she'd gotten back and honestly, she needed to go. she knew that there would be faces who knew her there. she knew, worse, that was going to be there. at least he was aware that she'd left the region originally on vacation and outright got stuck outside the barrier.[break][break]

but now she's back, and this time, she's determined to make a difference. she is determined to step up and show everybody that keeps telling her it's too dangerous, you need to leave where they can shove that opinion.[break][break]

she showed up somewhere in the beginning and ended up in the restroom. she missed most of the introductions, bad tacos the night before and nerves ok? but she makes her way out, everything clear, hair put back in place, and a spray or two of something that would help her not smell like the restroom.[break][break]

she hears speak of he and articuno's relationship. he hears introduce project sapphire. even in so much as them getting some leads! eagerly her eyes trail the room as and as she goes to take a seat, she slips. a very loud, likely heard by everybody, undignified screech leaves her mouth as her ass collides with the floor.[break][break]

"son of a bisharp that hurt."[break][break]

she stands, blowing raspberries to get her blond hair out of her chapstick. the amount of eyes that may be on her make her clear her throat and she beams.[break][break]

"uh, hiya guys. i'm back, great to see you all, we can catch up later. for now! i wanna say that i think lookin' for the birds is a great idea. even more so wonderful that we have the AQUA Initiative helping us out, and now project sapphire as well! on that note..."[break][break]

her head tilts, a gleeful little smile crossing her features.[break][break]

"on that note, i kinda wanna ask a silly question. i've been taking a massive interest in regirock and trying to find them. i know most of this all started with the regi's, and wanted to know who i could talk to about getting information on that encounter. 's who i asked first, and he didn't super know a lot. so i'm lookin' ta nab that information before i leave here, if the rangers have files on it."[break][break]

otherwise, she'd have to ask ... which she'd like to avoid.

+ talked about how she feels in regards the searching for the legendary birds[break]
+ responds to the initiative of project sapphire[break]
+ provides some information regarding the a legendary pokémon


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,876 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 3:35:59 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
When Josh was called out for his role in Project SAPPHIRE, he felt obligated to speak out not only about and his situation with Articuno, but also about his discoveries with regards to Raikou. Or depending on one's perspective, non-discoveries. Of course, he would have to be very careful about the information he shared; he had seen the Iceborne Mirage recently as part of an illegal Gym Challenge. If word got out that he violated his own probation, then he really would be excommunicated from the League. "Right. As you know, the Sapphire project is devoted to researchers, explorers, and trainers interested in legendary Pokémon, particularly those who seek to impress them but have not yet achieved Avatarship. As someone who has been chasing Raikou on and off for thirteen years, I'm honored to talk about Sapphire in greater detail."

"While I don't have the same level of access to data about legendary Pokémon that those in the AQUA Initiative and the upper echelons of the League do, the more I've looked into it, the more I support a search for Zapdos and Moltres as well." It hurt him to say that, for in his understanding of their lore, they were in direct opposition to the Johto Beasts, as much as Lugia was in direct opposition to the Great One. "The longer I've been working as a Ranger and as a Gym Leader, the more people I've run into that have received divine blessings. After let me live my dream last December, I can assure you this. Should Raikou, or another one of the gods smile upon me, I would desire no more than to fight alongside AQUA."

The thought of Raikou came to the forefront of his mind. "Speaking of which, I owe you an update on my pursuit. Last December, I went back to Johto and found that in Ecruteak, a memorial to Raikou and Suicune had been constructed near the Burned Tower, dated about the time of the Kanto War. This led me to believe that both of them had died. Naturally, my first instinct was to believe Team Rocket was behind their deaths."

Careful there, Josh! Not only was he dangerously close to exposing his source , but he needed to be especially careful not to bring too much light to the fallout. It was bad enough that several people were present who knew of his heinous crime that set League-Rocket relations back to the Stone Age. If too many unauthorized parties were able to infer that it was a Hoenn Gym Leader that was behind all this trouble, even if he wasn't directly at fault, the League may never recover from the PR shitstorm that would follow. "Now I can't provide a ton of details, because the inside source I got this information from only authorized a portion of it to be shared, and only on the condition of anonymity. I know this is going to sound wild, and you have to trust me on this." He took a deep breath.

"Team Rocket was not directly responsible for Raikou's supposed death. They may not have been responsible for Suicune's either. I know that official reporting suggests Raikou and Suicune perished in the Kanto War, but I have reason to believe they're still out there somewhere, alive and well. Given their roles in the Kanto War, they would almost certainly be League aligned. I think a search for them would behoove the League, as well. The more help we can get, the better. I've exhausted all my leads. , , and , I'd like to hear your thoughts."

- Josh stands up and introduces SAPPHIRE to the Rangers present.
- Josh expresses his support of chasing the Kanto birds, despite his disdain for them given what he was taught in Johto.
- Josh provides an update on his chase of Raikou and asks the other leads in SAPPHIRE for their opinions.

{WC: 607}
{PC: 4}

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Raikiri        Zeraora         Good
Braver         Arcanine        Good
Resheph        Dragonair       Good
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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2023 1:45:11 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

The Articuno updates are concerning, but considering their familiarity with god beasts, Paxton tried to err on the side of caution and not panic. After all, everybody had taken their lumps during the Meteno clashes. Kyurem being the seemingly most powerful of the creatures the Triad had unleashed that day. [break][break]

He mulls it over before turning to look at as he heard his named called out. Right, his notes. had helped him prepare before the meeting. It'd been a good distraction after their conversation that night. He tilts his head towards fellow lead, before speaking up. "Thank you Josh for the update on the Beasts." [break][break]

"Afternoon, everyone. While my main position is Ranger Corps Liason to the council, I have been honored new responsibilities under Project SAPPHIRE as co-lead of exploration with former head ranger, . Essentially, all aspiring archeologists, historians, and explorers report to us." He glanced around at a couple of rangers that he'd already collaborating with. "Our department specializes in field work. Anybody interested need only apply with or without leads. However, those more interested in the science behind it may apply with as well. Our strength, as well as our understanding of legendary pokemon are just as essential as tracking down the beasts." he gives a nod to . [break][break]

"I want to clarify though that our initiative is not for the purposes of seeking avatarship. Chasing down these myths is dangerous, potentially fatal work. Councilwoman implores all members and potential applicants to remember this is an effort to locate and interfere with Rocket Legendary interactions. The chance of avatarship exists, but is not our sole focus. Our number one priority is protecting our region, and a Legendary beast running wild is just as much of a thread as Rocket can be. Do not let hunting a legendaries blind you to your duties to Hoenn. The Silent Icelands are one of many disasters we are currently still grappling with as a result of unchecked creatures." [break][break]

He checks his notes before adding, "She also wishes for me to share an update on Moltres. Ever since it's death, she has been monitoring Mt. Chimney's volcanic activity closely, having conducted her own forays near the top. At one point she witnessed with 3 fire spirits escape the top of the volcano. She believes this is possibly Moltres, but we can't be sure just yet." [break][break]

He looks over at circling back to the mention of the Regis. "As far as we're aware, there have been no major updates concerning Regirock or the temple it came from, aside what is already available in the League's reports. If you insist on first hand accounts your own Head Rangers and were present at the original raid, as well as E4 ." there's a pause before he added. "As for outside of League affiliation, and , co-owners of NAUTICA were present. However, I would be careful of speaking too much on Project SAPPHIRE plans with non-affiliated personnel." He looks over nodding at him before adding, "And of course Derek has first hand accounts of Registeel which I imagine are what excited you in the first place." He then looked to for her to jump in.


+ @many tags [break][break]

- thanks josh for his update [break]
- explains his project sapphire dept [break]
- passes on 's thoughts [break]
- answers questions about regis ( summary of what LEAGUE COUNCIL knows ) [break]
- looks at and to hop in [break]



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Kolya, Chernobog
he / him
May 10
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
ranger captain
ranger captain
You will die with a kiss on your lips and a lie in your heart.
135 posts
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TAG WITH @nikolaj
Nikolaj Volosenkov
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2023 13:19:09 GMT
Nikolaj Volosenkov Avatar

Nikolaj accepted one of the handouts with a free hand while his other held a pastry to his teeth. His blue eye skimmed over the text as he listened to the others further discuss Legendary Pokémon.[break][break]

Mention of Project SAPPHIRE as a government-sponsored initiative left a sour taste in Nikolaj's mouth. As a former criminal, he did not trust the government one bit, another reason why he'd chosen to live as far away from its influence as possible.[break][break]

Sure, he was a Ranger, and they were endorsed and funded by the League government. But it was a way to make some cash on the side, not because he fully believed in the League's efforts.[break][break]

Still, the Council's liaison had a point. The Legendary Pokémon that had caused the Silent Icelands had not been seen since that fateful day in November. Nikolaj had no idea where it roamed or if it would break free into Hoenn again, but if the location of its previous sighting was any indication, Oldale might be in its line of fire.[break][break]

He needed to prepare for that possibility.

[attr="class","tag"]rangers rising 2


Silently musing on Project SAPPHIRE and the threat of Kyurem



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[newclass=".nikolaj1 .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2023 17:51:03 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

"That sounds perfect for you," Julia said to . "All right, see you later!"

[break][break]Julia smiled as introduced Raikiri as the next incarnation of Raikou. In a way, he was finally living his dream of bonding with the Legendary.

[break][break]"Sure thing!" Julia said. "It sounds like a heck of a ride." It was only as she was petting Raikiri that she realized Josh hadn't suggested the Gym. Maybe he just wanted a more natural environment?

[break][break]"Wait, what?" she asked when Josh announced his Interim Gym Leader. Only his saying he wasn't at liberty to elaborate on the circumstances stopped Julia from asking for more details. Was that why he said Route 111 instead of his Gym? What the heck was going on?

[break][break]'s mention of almost being done with the eyepieces got Julia excited. They'd been in the testing phase since the last big Rangers meeting, and hearing they were almost done was awesome!

[break][break]Oh, hey, Julia's question was used as the segue into the Project Sapphire talk! Neat! It was different from what had been in the game, but the fact that the two projects shared a name and involved Legendary Pokémon was still a weird coincidence. No wonder Rondez-View was under so much scrutiny...

[break][break]It turned out was one of the project's leads! It made sense, given his long search for Raikou. Strangely, despite just saying that Raikiri was Raikou's incarnation, he said he had reason to believe that Raikou hadn't truly perished in the Kanto War. "What makes you think that?" she asked.

[break][break]She winced in sympathy as slipped and let out a loud, undignified screech. Poor girl. Good recovery, though!

[break][break]'s report on the three spirits that escaped the top of Mt. Chimney reminded Julia of a different Rondez-View route. She'd gotten the bad ending, and her soul had been swallowed by a flame that had turned into a fish-like creature. Surely, that had to just be another part of the game.




  • Bids farewell to
  • Meets Raikiri and agrees to meet at Route 111 at some point for a ride
  • Is confused about 's delegation of his Gym duties
  • Despite that, she's excited for the completion of 's eyepieces!
  • Asks why he thinks Raikou and Suicine are alive
  • Poor
  • Recalls the bad ending of Farhan Bhanji's RVL route and its similarity to the fire spirits escaping Mt. Chimney


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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2023 20:35:32 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

For a while, Caleb tuned them all out - even the cute girl he'd decided to stand with, (despite the presence of her somewhat intimidating father). It was nothing against any of them, but he'd had a lot on his mind lately. Of course, 's suspicions of caught Caleb's attention momentarily; Silph Co. wasn't exactly something Caleb was particularly familiar with, but everyone knew - to some degree - who was. Caleb shrugged as several people debated, as well as moved onto other topics.[break][break]
Caleb didn't want to revisit Littleroot or the meteor. Dealing with 's presence in Hoenn had been enough of a complication to deal with, let alone the fallout from the near-apocalypse. All Meteno had meant for the Rangers was more work - overtime, late nights, and paperwork. So much paperwork.[break][break]
His mind wandered. He thought about Zev and what the hell he was supposed to do about his brother. It wasn't until the word NAUTICA was mentioned that he perked back up, suddenly keen on paying attention again.[break][break]
"Wait," he said, unable to stop himself from speaking, turning to face . "Why wouldn't we want the help of someone like ? If there's anyone out there capable of finding these other legendary Pokémon, it's him."[break][break]
It seemed pointless to gatekeep this PROJECT SAPPHIRE, if there was as much urgency as there seemed to be surrounding Hoenn's fate. Caleb was no expert on Avatars and all that, but he knew Rocket had access to some of them...if the League didn't find these legendaries first, then surely Rocket would. The Rangers would be stupid not to employ the aid of experienced adventurers such as Angelo and his wife . Wasn't she one of the League's own Avatars, anyway?

[attr="class","tag"] | | Open to interactions


Caleb's Outfit Inspiration[break]
Prompt met: Respond to initiative project sapphire[break]
Caleb is simping for but what else is new



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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,865 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 3:49:44 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
"Thanks, I'll take a seat right here!" She sat down near the trio of familiar faces. "I couldn't help but notice you were talking about the rifts. Have any of you pieced together those...manuals, for the lack of a better term?" she asked no one in particular at her table. "From what I've read of it, they show how to construct a Pokémon I've never seen before. A powerful one, allegedly." As she reached through her small bag to find her version of the manual, her eyes shifted toward the meeting's program. "Oh, I'll bring the rest of the story up when it comes time."

The mention of Project SAPPHIRE, and that was one of the leads on it, was fascinating; there sure was a lot to the Mauville Gym Leader! How serious was he about becoming an Avatar? Surely it wasn't worth the peril it would put him in!

"Wow..." her frown slowly turned upside down. "An initiative to search for legendary Pokémon. I've always wanted to meet Keldeo." Her mind wandered to 's Route about the Unovan Sacred Swords. While she wasn't a fanatic about it, she would be willing to fight alongside Keldeo if the apprentice Sacred Sword willed it.

- Shalin starts talking about her experiences in the rifts, then peers down at her program and realizes that's a future item.
- Shalin muses to , , and about Keldeo.

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Rielle         Vaporeon**      Good
Piccolo        Noivern         Good
Queen Zing     Beedrill**      Good
Serena         Persian         Good
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lukas alexopoulos
he / him
january 23
rustboro city
people are puppets held together with string
49 posts
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TAG WITH @lukas
lykaios athanasia
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 4:49:56 GMT
lykaios athanasia Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]




You really don't have to make a late entry a fashionable one. Not that Lykaios would have been able to pull it off if he tried. At best, he'll be ignored. At worst, he leaves the impression that he's some sort of clown that's been paid to entertain the crowd and will be haunted by it for years to come. Alternatively, someone throws pie like they did in the previous meeting and everything bursts into flames.[break][break]

No, he's good being a shadow upon the walls. He feels like he hasn't missed much as he slips into the room, careful to stick to the edges so he doesn't interrupt anyone reciting their thoughts on the current topic being discussed. Speaking of which, the topic is one that most definitely draws his interest - Not so much out of self-interest but rather because it's one that he knows might be of interest to the higher-ups.[break][break]

Articuno has sealed itself within Shoal Cave and 's bond with it has dwindled. Perhaps a visit might be in order, if they think it's a worthy investment of time and resources. There are calls to reunite the legendary birds, interest in beings such as Regirock and Registeel. And apparently, Project Sapphire is a bridge to this - A rat race in against Rockets in reaching the legendaries first...[break][break]

And yet, Rocket already has its claws in places unseen.[break][break]

As for the three fire spirits escaping the hellish pits of Mt Chimney? As suggests, one could be Moltres, but what about the other two? Another problem to pry and investigate if ever given the chance.[break][break]

His eyes drift to , his rarely heard voice now raised just enough to be heard.[break][break]

"When you say construct... what kind of materials are being used to create that pokemon?

[attr="class","ooc"] notes tl;dr - rat behaviour, taking notes...[break]
asking for details about the manual




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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 15:20:05 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Elinor had zoned out. Was it perhaps the fatigue of working several office hours beyond the healthy limit of a human being, or was it perhaps the constant buzzing of the cell-phone reminding her that she ought to be at the office doing ACTUAL work.

But eventually Lars’s voice pulled her back into reality. As always hearing how Articuno and Lars were doing caused a knot in her stomach to form. Luckily the focus quickly turned onto the search for other legendary Pokémon.

Reminders were thrown about, not only of the information they had, but the dangers the work could provide. Still, it would all be for the greater good of PROJECT: SAPPHIRE.

Unfortunately she had little to add to the matter, other than giving some acknowledging nods as Paxton gave the info about Mt. Chimney and the three fire spirits there. It annoyed her a bit that no progress had been made upon it. But she could do nothing about it, but curse her own inadequacies.

Still, she forced herself to speak. For one reason or another she found it hard to let the words leave her mouth. “Paxton, could you let Ms. Livy know that I would be very interested in helping with the Moltres case.” She sent a quick glance in Lars’s direction, before returning her gaze to Paxton.

And with that she allowed the talk to move onward toward the Regi conversation, of which she had little to no opinion on right now.

- Elinor Zoning again
- Asking to let know that She'd like to help with the Moltres stuff.


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 22:07:31 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Lars’s eyebrows met in the center of his forehead, before he sighed. Once everyone else had said their piece, he then stood up once more.

“Look. There’s… there’s a particular reason why I would at least want to get in contact with Moltres.”

He braced himself, for what he knew would be pandering on deaf ears—but hey, it didn’t hurt to give this a chance. After all, had left him the framework. It was up to him to cast the line and hope someone at least listened.

“Most of everyone knows how legendary Pokémon come in groups of either two or three, right?” he prefaced. Once he found the rest of the words he’d been meaning to say, he continued.

“The one that’s on the Ranger’s… well, ‘side’ if you want to put it,” he continued quietly as he made a slight gesture with the word ‘side’, “…isn’t exactly listening to me right now. I know from the reports from Meteno that something that looked like Moltres was sighted leaving Mount Pyre and headed towards Mount Chimney, the hottest place in Hoenn.”

He then let the quiet drop for a few moments before continuing.

“So I was hoping, at the very least, that the presence of another member of the legendary birds would at the very least reassure Articuno that they’re not alone. So if anyone—anyone in this room has any leads as to if Moltres—and possibly Zapdos—are, please let me know because.”

He had to stop for a few moments before sighing.

“With one legendary Pokémon possibly out of the picture due to what’s happening to me right now, the League may be in more trouble than it really looks to be.”

He then drew his lips into a thin line as he sat down again. There was so much more he wanted to say, but chose not to—not in current company, at least.

• he says his piece about looking for Zapdos and Moltres
• and still feels uneasy afterward

@tags mentioned up above

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June 29
Blackthorne City
Pain makes you stronger, heartbreak makes you wiser, and fear makes you braver
241 posts
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TAG WITH @pokejun2
Oliver Shrakes
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 1:09:28 GMT
Oliver Shrakes Avatar
Oliver listened in. A lot about the legendaries. While he did agree with finding them and making sure that they don't harm anyone, and making sure that Rocket can't get a hold of them, he kind of felt like too much emphasis was being made on them. He certainly agreed with about the how the League looks. "On that note, the League is already in a tough spot. It's on a bit of a losing streak, hasn't it? Sootopolis City shortly before I was transferred here, the destruction of Littleroot during Meteno, and more I'm sure I'm missing. While I do agree that finding and making sure Rocket doesn't get a hold of legendary Pokemon, I feel as though we're putting too much emphasis on them. As Rocket proved, legendaries can indeed be killed, defeated in battle. It's tough, but possible. I can't help but think that the League needs to find a way to strike at Rocket and get a much needed victory. Not just gather a bunch of legendary Pokemon.

That said, the troubling Pokemon I've met in the Silent Icelands and when the dome was around Hoenn probably should be more looked into. Though I will volunteer for any mission supporting or being involved in searching out the legends, I feel like we need to focus on thinking about strategies to defeat Rocket's own, and maybe giving them a dose of their own medicine."
He kind of felt like this talk about finding some really powerful Pokemon wasn't the right way to go. But rather, focus on Rocket. Too much time and energy from others already tried finding the various Legendary Pokemon, why put too much of a focus on that?

Oliver listens and speaks up.
thinks over emphasis on finding legendary pokemon is foolish.
prefers a strike at Rocket and getting an actual victory.

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 2:53:23 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]Rowan was feeling a bit self-conscious as he slipped into the Ranger meeting, and not because he'd just recently cut and dyed his hair to avoid detection from Team Rocket. This was a room full of people that would have likely preferred him to be in prison instead of among their ranks, not that Rowan necessarily blamed them. Thanks to he'd gotten off extremely easily with his commuted sentence, he'd expected the general opinion on that to be unfavorable, considering what he'd done with his tenure in Team Rocket.  [break][break]

Of course, that didn't stop him from speaking up. "I agree that we need to at the very least ensure Team Rocket doesn't get their hands on any more of legendary Pokémon, regardless if we can convince them to help the League. Death isn't the worst thing Team Rocket can inflict upon these legends, I've seen their Shadow Machine first hand and know what it does to Pokémon." A small shudder ran through him as he crossed his arms over his chest, unable to imagine the agony their experiments have put Pokémon through. "Lugia has already been corrupted by them, we can't allow any others to befall the same fate."
[attr="class","rowwttag"]@rangersrising [break] TLDR: Shadow Pokémon bad, can't let that happen to more legends


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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
1,112 posts
boruta maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @boruta
boruta maher
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 6:22:44 GMT
boruta maher Avatar

bo nodded to , ”no problem. we’ll always there for our neighbors.”[break][break]

also would recieve a nod as a greeting, but he had nothing to share in terms of the regi’s. while his experience with and others at the disappearing temple had made him more curious about them, he knew no more than they did, if not less.[break][break]

”hoffman, if you ever want to go look for that temple in the woods again, i’m your guy. especially now that we know more about what’s going on with the distortions and the rifts.”[break][break]

as spoke, bo read the look of concern and weariness on his face. what did it feel like to lose something like that? with a family to keep safe, pursuing avatarship was not something that interested him. however, it was worth it to see that those chomping at the bit to do just that would achieve their goals. that their gods who had been displaced would return to them. maybe then, hoenn would stand a chance.[break][break]

and of course, he’d be there fighting against rocket every step of the way. his eyes shifted to , trying to shrug hypocritical suspicion.[break][break]

”what’s a shadow machine?”

tldr: [break]
- offers to help look for regi(?) temple from ranger raids[break]
- thinking: does not want avatarship but does want the league to have more avatars/firepower[break]
- curious about shadow machine mentioned by


[attr="class","bottom"]@ rangers rising 2[break][break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-barbaracle"]

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 6:34:21 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


Notes are scribbled carefully regarding the Sapphire project, and Luka wonders idly if this is something they should broadcast more flashily to the rest of the Rangers. But after a moment's thought, she decides that this would be a bad idea. Discretion is key in operations like this, right? So every bit of information shared should be kept in meetings like these.[break][break]

She continues to take notes of other Ranger's observations, though some are more relevant than others. Luka herself has her own opinions about legendaries, and her own leads that she hopes to seek out. But these strings are tenuous at best, and she doesn't want to make a spectacle of herself by boldy declaring some silly kind of lead towards a Pokemon that matters to no one else but her.[break][break]

It seems foolish at best, selfish at worst. Luka taps her pen against her notebook, watching the clefairy-shaped topper on it wiggle with the motion.[break][break]

"I-I think, um," she says at last, speaking up for the first time in this meeting, "Well, I think it's a really good initiative! It's good for the Rangers to be on top of something like this. And besides, even though we're sponsored by the League, I think a lot of civilians trust the Rangers more than the government. If it's us, I think people will see it less as the League trying to get it's hands on powerful Pokemon, and more like concerned Rangers looking out for the region."[break][break]

That seems the best way to spin things, in her opinion. But of course, she's open to ideas!


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,871 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
rangers rising 2
POSTED ON May 1, 2023 20:27:09 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

She nods a bit to ’s greeting even if she probably couldn’t tell he might be sarcastic while tells her that he felt the same at his first meeting and told her not to worry about it. “Thank you, Captain Rourke. Your reassurance makes me grateful that you’ve experienced the same as I have.” She smiles before seeing the green-haired woman take her seat near them since she wouldn’t mind another to talk with. There were some newer people that she hadn’t met yet, so she hears and looks over to a man with pink hair talking on the updates over the legendary Pokemon, Articuno.[break][break]

Once he finishes, she greets with a little wave. “I’m pleased to meet you, my name is Elise.” There was another new arrival to the meeting room as the blonde young man talks about something like a Shadow Machine which turned Pokemon into shadow versions of themselves. The green-haired woman sitting at the table asks if anyone had ever put together those manuals that showed how to piece together a Pokemon. “I acquired one of them from my last expedition, but I’ve never knew they were manuals to piece together a Pokemon.” She answers before giving the new arrival with a friendly wave.[break][break]

“And a good afternoon to you as well. I hope we can at least work together and get to know each other a little better.” Elise spoke to with a little more confidence behind wanting to hide under the table with so many people in the room.

@rangersrising2 [break][break]


- Elise talks to Wren and answers Shalin a bit.[break]
- She says hi to Paxton and Rowan!



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP