i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 15:30:42 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

The mask is off. She wishes she could keep it for study. The other masks they end up seeing are having tera crystals added. It's... what could be the purpose? She's not sure she can even throw a hypothesis together. She gets close to and to see if they have more knowledge, as she's barely scratched the surface of the crystals since Area Zero. [break][break]

"What effects can a tera crystal impart when worn? I was under the impression they only impacted pokemon." The masks are suddenly daunting. If one could throw her into a deep illusion, what could these ones do. "Do you think they are for the deities? To make them stronger?" [break][break]

They are ushered back to the cells. Ameena accepts the mochi. As she chews, she can't help but doubt more - that her prior theory about this being a dream was far off the mark. The mochi was too new and too real an experience, and the masks? More than that, the powerful, unusual pokemon running the prison reminded her of her time in the RKS where she saw the strange masked green pokemon. The RKS did not seem to lie. [break][break]

Her sleep is fitful. Megalopolis spreads out before her. "What is this trubbish...?"

The dream within a dream is ripped from her without ceremony as she no longer dons the mask. Words fail her. She needs to wake up.

TAGS [break]
NOTES – asks cellies about teras/masks, eats mochi, dreams into megalopolis



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jigokuhime, snow white
october 18
mauville city
ace lesbian
trustfund baby
i'm staying numb to my feelings, dodge 'em like novocaine
144 posts
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TAG WITH @maki
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 16:34:40 GMT
maki is no stranger to pain, but even she winces as the cold water hits her injuries. bruised ribs, she thinks, and probably a damaged collarbone, at the very least. that's not even counting all the minor scrapes and bruises she got from being walloped by the mystery creature. she cleanses herself as best she can, but before she can really deal with all her injuries they're escorted back to their cell. maki doesn't intend to do more than doze tonight, wanting to be ready for anything, so she offers the cot.

but then... she does fall asleep, despite her attempts to stay awake. her mind and body are exhausted, so she finds herself drifting... into an impossible dream, one where she seems fully awake and cognizant of what's going on. her surroundings themselves are vibrant and full of life, but she's only focused on one thing.

wandering the area, she sees some other prisoners in their kitakami garb. maki decides to ignore them and go straight for the megalopolans, targeting one and following him until he's alone. once cornered, she grabs him by the collar, ignoring his initial statements. "tell me everything you know about the toxic chains," she growls. if he resists, she will attempt to beat him until he confesses. she doesn't have time to waste on sympathy or pity; she doesn't know how long she'll be in this dreamworld, and it's the only place where she's currently free.

maki takes the floor to sleep on.
once in the dreamworld, she hunts down a guard and threatens him in order to have a question answered.

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,654 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 19:26:16 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
's objections did nothing to dissuade Hideo from trying to protect her - though "try" was the key word here; Hideo was no fighter, and his attempts to distract the creature with thrown mochi proved ineffective.

Soon, the assaults would stop, the creature distracted by its next quarry - and in short order, it'd be pulled back, their job considered complete. He had a moment to breathe before approaching Lucia.

"You ok?" was all he could get out before the torrent of water crashed down from above them. He struggled to keep his balance, let alone his breath as the water reached every part of his body, bitter cold seeping into every part of him. Even as the water relented, he was left a shuddering mess.

They were soon herded off, Hideo doing his best to stay close to his ward, even as the chain applied its pressure. Their path seemed to go on forever, even further than it felt like when they were first herded here. The details of their path were lost on him - so instead, his mind wandered, realizing he'd forgotten something.

"I'm Hideo," he said, realizing that he'd never introduced himself to the girl he tried to protect.

He complied with the rest of the instructions he was given: when the fresh, dry clothes were offered, it changed into them, the peach scent reaching his nose, but barely registering. Once they reach their wards, he's unable to utter a word to Lucia as the chain pulls him away, sending him back into his cell.

Reuniting with carried regret; in his efforts to protect and support Lucia, he'd done nothing for his cellmate. "...thank you for helping me, Cromwell," he said, unsure how to comfort her otherwise.

He'd eat the Mochi he was given; no amount of scooping would dissuade his hungry stomach. And once it was time to go to sleep, he'd go to their cot. He was pretty sure they could share it; he was small enough for that.

They'd gotten through their first day. Hardly enough time to learn their routine, but he still learned. And if he could learn the routine, he could learn its holes, its weaknesses, the moments he could go out on his own.

But that would be tomorrow's work. Tonight he'd rest.



[attr="class","puppycat"]Just a City Boy
Dreaming of Something Better
And he found himself in a place unlike the prison he'd fallen asleep in.

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Well, he tried to protect
Tries to comfort her
Does not like cold showers
Unable to perceive the sights, finally introduces himself to Lucia
Goes along with orders; changes clothes, eats mochi, gets sleep
Thanks for helping him
Dream time! (to be continued...)

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 20:58:37 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa2"]

Laid bare before all of their companions like this, no one could hide who they truly were from one another. Elisabeth could sense the disdain in 's stare as he recognized her, and though some part of her knew she should be concerned by this shift between them, she wasn't.[break][break]

Prison cells had a way of changing circumstances. Particularly under so many prying eyes.[break][break]

All of them had been made to work like dogs, scratching their fingers raw on crystal shards. They'd lost all their power and all their freedoms in one day. Arceus only knew what other indignities they'd narrowly escaped, given what she'd seen the Dummy and Weakling wards endure.[break][break]

Still, of all these horrors, it was this moment now that pained her most: watching drift further and further away from her, locked in a cell with and .[break][break]

Tears threatened at the corner of her eyes as she bitterly ate her mochi, sheer exhaustion lowering her emotional resilience to dangerous levels. For once, she was grateful for her mask's return.[break][break]

"You can have the cot. I'll take the floor."[break][break]

Her voice was thick and hoarse, stricken with longing as she curled her body up against the prison bars. Tired eyes drifted across the ward, straining to find the tell-tale shadows of three men attempting to make do in a room that could barely house two.[break][break]

Weary eyelids struggled to stay awake before slipping shut, and she breathed the musty air of the prison in. The scent of flowers, a memory made dazzling in a crystalline mask that taunted her with its impossible beauty, returned to her as she pictured the future she'd been promised.[break][break]

It's a lie. You know better, Elisabeth. Everything good we know is hollow and rotted on the inside.

But that was what made hope so dangerous, wasn't it?[break][break]

It provided the illusion of warmth in the coldest and cruelest of places.[break][break]

You sense it: That familiar gluttonous instinct, predatory as it stalks your every movement.[break][break]

It forever knows your innermost thoughts, stripping back any pretense of normalcy you ever managed to build for yourself -- your anger, pain, and grief all left raw and exposed.[break][break]

There's no TOXIC CHAIN around your throat now, but this Ruinous presence suffocates you.[break][break]

Yet you follow that grudge, like a breadcrumb trail, until you find its source in this unfeeling and unreal city.[break][break]

The Ruinous Beast stares down at you, unseeing, floating from the strange glass enclosure it's locked within. Asleep, you think, but you can't know for sure. It's hard to believe demons rest.[break][break]

Nothing you do stirs it from slumber. Not if you shout. Not if you scream. Not if you hurl your fists against the glass.[break][break]

You should be grateful to see Wo-chien alive, but you aren't. A strange dread knots in the pit of your stomach, instead.[break][break]

How can something so powerful be rendered so powerless? How can they imprison this living embodiment of Ruination, a creature that destroys all it touches from the inside out?[break][break]

What hope does that leave for you, a pathetic creature of meat and bone?[break][break]

You wander the city, alone and lost. You can't decide what it is that you want to be real.

Prismatic Penitentiary: Ugly Ward (TLDR)

- Unbothered by 's obvious disdain for her. Figures she should expect it, given their company and circumstances.[break][break]
- Sadge to be separated from , chooses to sleep on the floor for better view of his cell with and .[break][break]
- Tries to use the vision to comfort herself, but tiny voice reminds her she doesn't deserve nice things.[break][break]
- Wakes up, follows the grudginess of Wo-chien to find it suspended. Horrified that something so powerful is made so powerless.[break][break]
- Wanders the dream city, lost and alone.


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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2024 21:42:09 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


The pit had become a bloody mess. The sounds of bones breaking and blood squished underneath the rampaging monster's feet is suddenly interrupted when something yanks it back to where it came from. A mercy maybe from the wardens once they had grown bored of watching this one-sided beatdown. No matter the case, everyone is given a chance to wallow in their pain as water rains down upon them.[break][break]

Noel lays battered and bruised on the floor, his breathing ragged as he tries to will his body back up but to no avail. It was only with the help of those around him that he is able to lean against the wall for support until he finds the strength to command his legs.[break][break]

Rest was a luxury, however. Already their captors are quick to corral everyone once more. It was time to return but Noel was too hurt to move on his own, limping towards the destination only possible through the assistance of his companions. He loathed how pathetic he felt at this moment. Unable to do anything on his own or vent his anger out onto. How much time was needed before he could make his move? The longer he stayed in this madhouse, the more he felt himself slipping deeper into the void.[break][break]

At last, he and are thrust back into their cell, still the same cesspit as the last they saw it. With the day done, now was the only time given to them to relax and sleep off their weariness.[break][break]

"Elise... go ahead and take that cot if you want... A lady needs her privacy after all."[break][break]

A cough violently erupts out of his mouth. He was dead set on giving her the more comfier spot to sleep in and no matter how much she may insist, he wouldn't budge an inch. The floor better suited him at this point. Ever the good samaritan, he continued on with this bravado act.[break][break]

But how long could it last?[break][break]

Finally his eyes give out. Either through exhaustion or his own willpower, no one could say. Yet when he awakens he finds himself in a completely new environment.[break][break]

What looked to be a sprawling city with bright, flashing lights that shined down on every inch of this place. What was most surprising was that his clothes had gone back to normal with no sign of any mask or Toxic Chain that smothered him previously. He could breath actual air, and gone were his injuries from before. Still this was no time to take in the sights. Stuck in an unknown world, he needed to find a way out of this dream... or maybe he had actually woken up?[break][break]

After wandering around for a moment, he sees no signs of anyone else save for the Megalopolans that, for some reason, paid him no mind. As much as he would like to ask questions, something much more important caught his attention[break][break]

Behind a glass pane of a nearby building were his endearing Shaymin. All six floating in a suspicious fluid and try as he might to wake them or free them, through the banging of the glass or attempts to smash it, nothing worked. So close was his answer on how to fight back, yet now it seemed as distant as ever.[break][break]

"There must be some way..." He thought to himself, going off in search of someone or something that could aid him.

[attr="class","notes"]Angry and about to lose it.[break][break]
Lets Elise have the cot while he sleeps on the floor[break][break]
Wakes up in the dream world and finds his Shaymin and goes out to try to find some way to free them.

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,086 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 0:51:25 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]Hot. Nearly scalding. She remains in the water for what feels like a lifetime, but no matter how much she soaks or scrubs, she cannot wash something like that away. No matter how disgusting it feels, it's a sensation that hot water cannot cure, some impression lingering in her mind long after she's rubbed away a layer of dead skin.[break][break]

As her time in the showers ends, the sinking feeling remains. This desire that cuts through her like a knife. [break][break]

No wonder the crowd acted like it did back on Route 119 beneath the swamp. The chain, it was everything. It could bring that vision to fruition and more, if she'd only let it. If she merely submit to the call of the chains binding her even now... this pulsing organ around her neck, tightening like a noose and reminding her with every breath that the answer lie in reach, even as every breath became a little more strained... [break][break]

The mochi doesn't phase her. She swallows it whole, not even bothering to taste it anymore. When she swallows, all she feels is the tightening of the chain around her neck. [break][break]

She sits on the floor of her cell, looking up at with harrowing eyes. She signals passively to the solitary cot. The insane woman could do whatever she wanted with that thing, but she wasn't intending to use it.[break][break]

"Ain't tired. You sleep, if you want."[break][break]

She refuses the call of dreams. No dream will satisfy her now. Nothing could possibly suffice but the visions granted by the mask, and what she desires most... she won't attain it by sleeping. [break][break]

She stares at the floor of her cell for what feels like hours, entranced by the shimmering lights cast by the crystal hanging overhead. When she finally moves, it's like she's come to a decision after a long deliberation. She raises her hand to her neck and squeezes tight, feeling the chain pulse beneath it. [break][break]

An overpowering urge fills her. Hesitation, and she resists, only just. Biting the chain, like a wounded lycanroc gnawing off its own limb caught in a ursaring trap, fills her with unimaginable dread. It's become a part of her now, a piece of her own body, and self-preservation remains her primary motivation. [break][break]

Still, she wonders what might happen, biting into the flesh and becoming one with it... [break][break]

Just as she contemplates the thought, the chain begins to move. It constricts, grows ever tighter. She gasps, spitting curses through a crushed windpipe.[break][break]

"--Sh-shit, n-not waitin' any longer, are ya?"[break][break]

'Fuck', she thinks to herself. It's the last conscious thought she can remember. The chain grows tighter, crushing her windpipe and rendering everything black. [break][break]

Then, she awakens with a gasp, clutching her neck. She reels around, glancing in all directions in a panic, trying to get her bearings. The skies remain that same black, like the darkest day in a distant dream. The chain has freed her. She frantically looks around, feeling some sense of loss. A phantom pain, where a limb may be. [break][break]

Then, she registers the architecture. It reminds her of a certain ship.[break][break]

"... The hell... is this..."[break][break]

The world seems to shift under her feet. She falls backward, feeling panic clutching at her throat like a tightening chain. Grasping her bare neck with a hand, shallow breaths echo through her head. She glances upward at a familiar shape floating in a vat. It appears to be glowing, but no matter how she tries to imagine what it could be, to conjure an image of it in her mind, she can only make out the shape of a young girl in the silhouette... [break][break]

"... M... Manju...?"[break][break]

+ [break]
+ Ugly Ward[break]
+ Roll Disadvantage[break]
+ tl;dr - 2baki believes wholeheartedly in the chain; doesn't sleep, instead she sits on the floor and thinks about her desires until the intrusive thoughts take hold; the chain chokes her out before she can act on them, and she finds herself in ultra megalopolis, begins panicking


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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,871 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 0:52:45 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","calcifet elise"]


The holy sword only protects the king,[break]
It is the king's power that protects the country.




With the job done by both the members of the Weakling and Dummy Wards, the guards and the wardens appear to be satisfied with their work. Elise got to meet with her elder cousin, and accepts his hug. "I'm doing alright, cousin." Remiel had been stronger than she was, so she thought the Megalopolans had overpowered him somehow in spite of Remy having avatarship abilities with Zekrom.[break][break]

All of the prisoners are sent off to their cells as the day comes to a close or she wouldn’t be able to see that day turn to night outside. No windows show the light that the sun would give them if it had gone down, but she has to get her energy up for the next day.[break][break]

Elise eats the mochi on the plate, she doesn’t think that it’s poisoned, but eating food would be a good idea if she didn’t want to go to bed in being hungry. “Thank you, Noel. I was sure that I would insist on you getting the cot, but I suppose you were thinking that I should get my beauty sleep on a softer surface.” The Galarian Ambassador thanks her cellmate as he makes himself comfortable on the cold, hard floor. “Good night…” She speaks quietly to the blue-haired ranger and pushes the covers onto herself.[break][break]

And when her eyes close, the royal diplomat goes off to sleep and into her dreams. That dream that she had ended up with the ambassador in the middle of a futuristic looking city with tall skyscrapers and buildings. Megalopolans were around the streets where they’re speaking that they didn’t want to be toxic chained while Elise tries to find where her Pokemon are.[break][break]

Finding a daycare, Elise goes inside the building. The unconscious bodies of her shard Calyrex, Mismagius, Marshadow, Glastrier, Gengar, and Lurantis in odd glass displays filled with fluid. “Charles?” The first thought goes to the safety of the shard of Calyrex as she tries to get closer to his display. “Please… Wake up…!” Elise doesn’t know how sturdy the glass is, but she desired to break her Pokemon free out of the displays.[break][break]

She tried calling their names, but they wouldn’t wake up to her voice. They float there in the liquid, unmoving. The ambassador walks out of the daycare to find someone or something that could help her free her Pokemon out.[break][break]


♔ Weakling Ward[break]
♔ She takes the cot due to Noel's suggestion.[break]
♔ Sleep time.[break]
♔ Elise finds herself in a weird dream and finds her Pokemon, but no success in freeing them.[break]
♔ She goes to search for someone or something that can aid her.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,688 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 3:45:05 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
once the floor was cleaned, she looked around desperately for her beaten family through the dark – but she was no . even when she’d been one with the shadows, she’d been blind within them.[break][break]

”cillian! te–!” before she could utter the names of and , to be sure they'd lived, the toxic chain tightened around her neck, choking her. in a flash far brighter than the dungeon pit of their present circumstance, she saw ’s face.[break][break]

and he was there, somewhere in the dark, she knew. like the demons at wedgehurst prison that had tried to kill her before, what felt like a lifetime ago.[break][break]

as the sprinklers turned on and stung her skin, she didn’t shed the thin uniform. it was the only shield she had. she merely stood there in shock, splaying her fingers to let the blood of a warden's victim run off her hands, until the water stopped and they were being herded away again.[break][break]

"i don't know why you did that," she told quietly once she'd located him, offering a hand and support if he needed it. she suspected she knew, though.[break][break]

the hallway was strange and she was not sure how long they continued down it. something was not right. her eyes passed from pulsing tubes to the strange designs, trying her best to decide if she'd ever seen them before.[break][break]

she was quiet, not yet betraying her relationships once immediate danger had passed. for a long time, she had held such secrets close. it was safer that way.[break][break]

when offered fresh clothes, she took them with her back to the cell, hoping the choice might provide the slightest bit more privacy.[break][break]

to be continued in markov chain...

∙ starts to call out for family but is choked by toxic chain[break]
∙ offers support for shred if needed[break]
∙ suspicious about the surreal nature of the hallway[break]
∙ not naked, takes clothes back to cell in ugly ward[break]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
736 posts
part of
TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 4:57:13 GMT
[attr="class","pilotsb desiree"]

i’m afraid they’re gonna find you[break]
and there’s nothing that i can do




Another kick, a final kick, led her to crumble deeper into the floor- a kick that further solidified that there truly were rotted-to-the-core snakes that existed solely for their benefit and nobody else's, much like the that previously doubled down on her chosen misdoings. It stung most feeling that they were more deserving of such punishment, much like those that had seldom sought to fulfill the work orders; they were humans. Was this what the never-rot wished to do, strip them all of their humanity until they were monsters?[break][break]

She quivered in the rain until the pit was clean- and continued to do so until they were past the ever-expanding hallway of curious oddities and flesh-lit strange things. Being corralled, being naked for any curious eye to wander upon, no longer purple with mush, was the least of her worries- her main fear was falling and being walked upon, turned into the floor. It led her to black out for a few moments, brought upon by the delayed pain onset of the assault and the fear that this was her new life. Until she was in the cells, tucked against the cold wall in the fresh clothes they had 'generously' provided.[break][break]

Defeated- ravaged. There was not a word that Desiree could think of saying to her dear Pamplemousse, one of the few who had not done a thing wrong in the moments that came before. She sat there waiting, watching, fantasizing about all the rotted things she figured she would have to do to get out of the cells after eating her full share of mochi. A dim light shone into her eyes as she envisioned taking one of the tera crystals into her palm and plummeting it into the neck of the never-rot, whatever it may have been. Having to do so, being determined to do so, in such a sore shell of skin and bone.[break][break]

Yet suddenly, she was out. She was freed of the confines that could only put up with so much abuse before leaking out into nothingness, a darkened abyss of crimson unable to be pushed back in.[break][break]

The closing of her eyes led her into the world of dreams, a place that seemed just as strange as it did beautiful— save the submerged mushroom unmistaken as her own on display, behind glass. Coveted.[break][break]

Melodic hymns wavered out of her mouth from the other side, attempting to lull it as it always had lulled her; she hoped Lumine would hear it to know that its blossom mother soon would be coming to take it back. To deprive it of the fate of the mulched. Caressing its side, the cold glass that caught the lights of the grand city, a jagged piece left a prick upon her arm- a prick that should have woken her up.[break][break]

“Lucid dreaming, Pamplemousse,” she turned to face Jack, witnessing Megalopolan seas bridging their gap here and there, “.. I’ve.. read that you’re not supposed to ask those around you if you’re real when doing this kind of thing.. but, um.” A gesture forward to ask the question without verbalizing it- to outsmart, if she was truly, ever going to be successful in doing so. But existing in this state, as one of her dear friends who had practiced witchcraft had said, could be advantageous enough— full of secrets, not swords.[break][break]

But a grotesque sight led her to think of the turmoils that boiled in her toxic mind once again— the forsakers and the omnipotent voters. It was one of those who had voted to forsake, , a man that she saw speak it with her own eyes. “We’ve gotta look for things before it ends, Pamplemousse!” she emphasized sporadically, leaving a kiss upon the Shiinotic tank before sprinting in the forsaker’s direction.[break][break]

“.. and this is for your greed, you serpentine fuck! FUCK YOU!”[break][break]

Bestowing a manic kick upon 's sternum with a twirl, a feat of stardom and dance, she figured that would be enough to equate to further punishment he wished to bestow on the others. On . Maybe she would give a few more to those who had done the same as him. That was.. if they stood between her and dreamyland secrets. Running through the city with starry eyes, pupils dilated through determination to find things that had existed throughout this plane that felt the farthest away from the cells she could have ever gone, she wished to find something of use.[break][break]

Something that could transcend barriers of the cosmos where rules had not applied- words, not items. A peek into a city window and listening into a conversation between those she had not known to be real or not led her to learn that the Megalopolans did not wish to be chained nor knew of the never-rot. They were likely lying; she wanted to find it herself in the scape, this 'never-rot'- observe it. Perhaps it would be resting behind one of the city doors.[break][break]

She continued to run down the streets peeking, breathing- it felt real. It felt beautiful, as if she was running through a reiteration of Lumiose City in the depths of the night without a care in the world. A smile felt as if it manifested across her cheeks, a whimsical neverland for her to enjoy for the time being- until her eyes met another. Her. The gleam of her cheeks faded with a pang to the heart.[break][break]

"..," her words drifted out her lips softly, shakily, curling a fist with tears dilapidated kissing her knuckles, ".. be artificial.. please, be artificial."[break][break]



(cc: )[break][break]
DUMMY WARD ♡ [break]
♡ doesn't really mind being naked, it's the least of her worries with the pain and fear of being trampled as she can barely walk after the beating. ♡[break]
♡ wants to kill never rot. eats mochi. lays on ground, cot is jack's. but woooow now she eeping and is in the dream world! ♡[break]
♡ freed of her soreness and bruising, toxic chain, and mask- and immediately sees her shiinotic floating in the display. ♡[break]
♡ pricks herself on a jagged divot of material and realizes she is lucid after singing melodies to her fungus baby. ♡[break]
♡ tries to find out if this is real by cryptically asking with body language. ♡[break]
♡ then expresses she wants to find out secrets while they aren't tied down! runs off toward a gross sight she saw.. ♡[break]
♡ and kicks right in the abdomen! revenge for forsaking, and berates him while doing so. a good release. ♡[break]
attempts to peek into windows and open doors of the city to find secrets hidden. and listens to a conversation of megalopolans not knowing of the never-rot and expressing their wish not to be chained. liars. ♡[break]
♡ she makes eye contact with and approaches, pleading that it is not a real version of her and just her mind playing tricks in this weird world. ♡[break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
882 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 7:13:51 GMT
Shred Avatar
As soon as the last dreg of filth is scraped from the floor, the punishment ends. The monster is dragged by into the darkness by its Toxic Chains. You've earned yourselves the briefest moment of respite.

And then, the cold water falls upon your burnt skin.


It's torture. It feels like... Well, there's no point describing it in detail, is there? With all that you've suffered in the last few hours alone, pain is an emotion that is starting to lose meaning to you. You've already suffered so much, what's a little more? Though you don't remove your uniform, you do manage to roll over to your other side and let the frigid shower wash over your wounds. Better to be clean than comfortable, you think. Not that you'll ever find much comfort in a place like this.

When the deluge ends, you attempt to crawl up to your feet once more, though your freshest set of wounds make that difficult. The dog had at least been "kind" enough to focus its beating on your upper body, but the ogre had no qualms about hitting you in the legs. You struggle on your own for far too long before finds you again.


You take Lulu's hand without hesitation. You lean on her like your life depends on it. Because, in a way, it does.

And so, you carry on. Out of the hole, leaving the monster behind to its feast. Through the endless corridors and the pulsating tubes. Then, finally, back to your ward, and back to your cell.

Hey uhhhhhhhh have you guys read the hit thread MARKOV CHAIN featuring Shred and Lulu? It's pretty good! You should read it!!!
TL;DR - Shred squirms about on the floor like a worm, washes himself like a worm in a puddle, and returns to his cell like a worm who is in a prismatic penitentiary. And he does it CLOTHED.
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,211 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 11:23:38 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","nikki109"]When one emerges from a situation relatively unscathed whilst others bear bruises and new injuries, what should she feel in the very moment? Despair at how many have been injured? Fear over the rough treatment of the rampaging ogre?[break][break]

"It's over..."[break][break]

No. In this very moment, all she can find is relief. Comfort in the way blood pulses upon her wrist, in how cold air pierces the lungs and the sour remnants of mangled body sit upon the tongue. Chilling water gnaws at her to her very bones, her eye trailing over towards and his state.[break][break]

They'd survived this time. New allies could be found in the Weakling ward, whereas the Ugly ward held terrible snakes. If Ogerpon here was truly a victim of the toxic chains too then perhaps, if they found a way to free her, they'd have a chance of escaping this prison themselves.[break][break]

Bide your time. That's all they can afford to do as the wardens reunite with them. Tight as her chains may be, they will not stop her from supporting Isaac's weight once more, as best as she can. But perhaps, as the doors slide on new beginning and ends, she looks back to the poor ogre left all alone in that room and wonders just how she can bear this.[break][break]

She's silent as they walk the corridors, listens to the chatter between prisoners both in front and behind but never cares to partake in it. A model prisoner in some eyes, a coward in others. All that matters to her is what she can do for Isaac, what she can see and piece together. Were she anymore adventurous, she'd probably dare to prod at them. Instead, she is left to wonder just what flows within those tubes. Tera shards? Dynergy? The blood of whatever the never-rot may be?[break][break]

Or perhaps, it is a giant toxic chain that has taken ahold of this facility. Closing her eyes for a brief moment, she wishes she could just drop to the floor and attempt to listen for whatever lays beneath their feet. Many thoughts cross her mind, but none will be as loud as the thought of releasing Ogerpon into these hallways. If they did, would she be able to tear all these to shreds? Would it be a good idea to let her do that?[break][break]

Stuck in her thoughts, she finds several names float to the surface like wavering bubbles. Fleeting worries that skim the surface before abruptly popping as she opens her eyes once more. They are back where they started, new clothes given and thought of as a blessing when compared to their cold, soaked ones.[break][break]

Try as she might to prepare herself for the dreariness of their cage once more, nothing will lift her spirits when she truly takes the time to examine Isaac's injuries. Settling him on the cot is no mean feat, but she will struggle all that she has to if it means he'll be comfortable.[break][break]

"Eat." When she reaches to take the mochi, she passes as many as Isaac may want to him. "You take the cot."[break][break]

It is not a request in the slightest. She plops right down by the foot of the bed.[break][break]

"Your ribs... It'll probably hurt to sleep lying down. So... I dunno, maybe you can sleep sitting up?"
[attr="class","nikki103"]dummy ward
tl;dr - prismatic fuckery: dumb ed.[break]
✦ relief that it's over, going to support with walking[break]
✦ while leaving, looks back at ogerpon and wonders how she can bear all this pain alone[break]
✦ wonders what's in the tubes. maybe it's a giant toxic chain that wraps around this prison and drives the functioning...[break]
✦ closes her eyes and tries to listen for anything beyond people talking[break]
✦ back in cell, passes isaac some mochi to eat and tells him to TAKE THE COT


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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
628 posts
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 14:01:27 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

Nenet snorts softly, a dismissive sound that could be construed as scathing to the right ear. Her head turns away from Zev, once more scanning the sea of unfamiliar faces before she's donning clothing once more. Something about the vision nagged at the back of her mind: the sum did not match the tally on the page. She wasn't sure what was exactly wrong, only that something was, and she remains quiet until they are lead back to their cell.
She hesitates for a bare moment near the front of the cell, uncertain what Zev will do, and does not move until he settles on the floor. An apology would be forthcoming once they were out of this mess, even if Zev understood the ferocity with which she would protect her career.
Wordlessly she settles onto the cot and wraps her arms around herself, a soft sigh spilling from her lips, and tries to drift off to sleep. Her mind whorls with thoughts, and its not until she focuses on the sound of Zev's breathing that she finally manages to drift away into dreams.


- Ugly Ward woop woop.[break]
- .[break]
- Keeps up the deception her and Zev are no longer together.[break]
- Waits to see what Zev will do and finally sleeps on the cot once he takes the floor.



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MAY 18th
eyes of an angel
lay me down
500000+ infamy height
500000+ infamy height
we still believe in love, so fuck you!
713 posts
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TAG WITH @eddieh
Eduardo Hisakawa
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 14:30:01 GMT
Eduardo Hisakawa Avatar
[attr="class","pilots eddiepp"]

this all was worth this, i won't let you down




With the ogre's retreat into the darkness, the rest of the work felt harrowing but, in reality, was actually rather uneventful. Eddie, now covered in muck and grime, worked with some renewed purpose, though at times his grief returned in smothering waves that threatened to undo him. He would not falter again, though; not when Beau still worked beside him, even when his presence was shrouded by the darkness of the pit. [break][break]

Before he knew it, the floor was cleaned, the bowl in the center of the room was sealed, and cold water poured from somewhere above like unpleasant rain. Eddie shuddered under its smothering chill even as he took the opportunity to slip off his shirt and scrub away the filth that had somehow managed to work its way beneath the layers of fabric. Somewhere, across the pit, someone wailed; Eddie's heart broke for them with that harrowing reminder that they all suffered in this place. [break][break]

They were once more herded like cattle away from the den into a nightmare-ish hallway that churned Eddie's stomach, both in the strange sort of vertigo its repeating structure induced, and in sheer revulsion at the organic shapes that protruded from the walls. It was awful and absurd and totally disgusting, and Eddie realized that it reminded him distantly of some weird Johtonian DVD his little brother back home had stashed under his mattress, but thankfully the horror was not without end. He would have much rather found himself back home, but the familiarity of the cell he returned to was at least some small comfort. [break][break]

The fresh change of clothes was also an unexpected luxury that Eddie jumped at the chance to indulge in as he tossed the soggy, grime-covered shirt he had carried with him to a corner of the cell. Before he could disrobe completely to change into the fresh linens, his eyes darted from the cot to his cellmate, and realization suddenly struck him, [break][break]

“Figures that the rotten bastards'd just give us one cot,” Eddie grumbled, still holding his bundle of fresh clothing, “I'll take the floor; least I can do after ya kept me from gettin' my head caved in back there.” [break][break]

[attr="class","oocnotes"] [break]
Finishes work, hears goin thru it [break]
Takes off shirt to shower [break]
Super grossed out by the hallway [break]
Uh oh there's only one bed teehee [break]
Tells Beau to take the cot[break][break]


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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 17:58:30 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Though blithely unconcerned by her nudity or that of the others during the hot shower, Aurelie did blink in startlement when she recognized and , whom she remembered all too well from the Megalopolan infiltration of Route 119. Who else from that strange adventure was here in this prison, then? , , , —were they here too, somewhere?

The possibility made her heart ache. Fiercely, Aurelie reminded herself that most of the other prisoners in this ward hadn't been there. Maybe...maybe those four were safe. She devoutly hoped so.

After donning clean uniforms, the redhead avidly studied the Megalopolans and the claw-like grabbers they used to adorn the mysterious masks with Tera crystals. Where can I get me one of those? she wondered. She could easily imagine how useful they'd be in metal fabrication and welding applications.

Their glimpse of the Megalopolans didn't last long, though, before they were herded back into the Ugly ward. After she'd been at such pains to hide the mochi piece earlier, Aurelie chuckled sardonically when they were served more for dinner. Still, noting its sticky properties, she kept it hidden under a corner of the cot, while resentfully eating more.

In that vision from the mask, we were eating duck confit and lobster fricassee, and there was buttered cauliflower and red cabbage with chestnuts, she thought. Yet, she knew the bone-deep longing she felt wasn't for the food, but for the sense of completeness and contentment she'd experienced.

But these Megalopolans... They tried to eat us! the redhead struggled to argue with herself. They infected whole cities! They wrecked Howard's Gigaton ball! But...still...if they could make that real...

Aurelie had to forcibly shake herself free of her daze as their masks were returned. It was a shame that someone as beautiful as her cellmate was hidden behind such a ghoulish face covering. As her eyelid sagged and she let out a yawn, the redhead eyed the cot speculatively.

"If you're tired too, I think we can both fit," she ventured aloud to her cellmate. "It'll be a tight squeeze, but it's probably a little nicer and cleaner than the floor. Or the toilet seat..."

Cautiously, she settled onto the cot and pressed her back firmly into the wall. Thankfully, like most real-life blacksmiths, Aurelie's build was more corded and wiry than brawny, so with effort, she managed to take up only half the cot. She held out her arms in a beckoning gesture to .

"You should rest too," Aurelie said softly. "It's been a hell of a day. I can promise you, sleep is all I have on my mind right now."


- Ugly Ward
- Worries that more people she cares about from BMI are in prison too
- Fascinated by the Megalopolans' grabber tools
- Offers to share the cot and be big spoon with Freya

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 24, 2024 19:57:43 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Cillian crawls closer to in the dark, desperate to be near him. To hold him, to know he was still breathing.[break][break]

He doesn't have the energy to speak. Everything hurts. He's had broken ribs before, recognizes the agony with each drawn breath. He takes shallow sucks of air to try and counteract the pain, reaching for his husband's hand. He finds his torso, instead, but leaves his hand there. It's enough to be close. To feel the rise and fall of breath. To survive.[break][break]

There's so much he wants to say.[break][break]

His sister's voice echoes in the open space, his name followed by a choked syllable that might've been Temp. He wants to call out to , to let her know he's OK, but the showers turn on in that moment and all he can manage is a gasp of shock followed by a pained groan as the sharp intake aggravates broken ribs.[break][break]

He couldn't strip down even if he wanted to. It hurts so much.[break][break]

He closes his eyes and lets the water wash away blood, sweat, and MOCHI. It's frigid, but the cold is a comfort to a child of Circhester. He presses himself close to , sharing sparse body heat, knowing his husband will not enjoy the chill half as much.[break][break]

Too soon, it's over. The chain tightens around his neck, and they'd herded like sheep back to their cells.[break][break]

On the platform, before the inevitable separation, Cillian endures the pain to whisper a simple, "Love you," to his husband.[break][break]

And then he is gone.
He doesn't have the strength to resist being reeled in like a hooked fish, letting the chain half-drag him to his cell as he tries to force battered legs to keep up with its pull.[break][break]

Changing into the fresh garb is agonizing, yet he does not cry out. He bites his tongue hard enough to taste blood, but he will not give the satisfaction of hearing his pain. He's trembling with it when he finishes, slumping to the floor without even a thought to fighting over the single cot. He's had worse. All he wants to do now is sleep.




Hears cry out but is in too much pain to call back[break]
Cold shower is welcomed, but he doesn't undress[break]
Manages to tell Temp he loves him before they're separated[break]
Agonizingly changes into fresh garb, stubbornly refuses to cry out, not wanting to give the satisfaction.[break]
Doesn't fight over the cot. Goes to sleep on the floor.[break]
Dream experience will be in the next post


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP