i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 12
Goldenrod City
Victory Runs in My Veins
260 posts
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TAG WITH @lydiamagnusson
Lydia Magnusson
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 18:45:03 GMT
Lydia Magnusson Avatar


character's curry entry

thread summary:Lydia reunites with her cousin Thomas Benoit. This thread is mostly just wholesome with some chats about Paradox Pokemon and Thomas's past actions.[break]

why is it important?: It gets the orphaned soldier in touch with someone close to her. It was nice to play Lydia in a thread where her hackles weren't so raised. It also goes to show how much she misses and trusts Thomas. I look forward to them partnering on things in the future!
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played by


April 1
Tackle Shop Manager
Got My Wingman
Ace's Basses
34 height
34 height
Someone's always criticizing. You might as well do what the fuck you want.
227 posts
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TAG WITH @maddmckenna
Madeline McKenna
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 19:05:44 GMT
Madeline McKenna Avatar


character's curry entry

[break]thread summary: Madd meets the asshole who called her an asshole on Amigo. Then, they need to try and not die together.[break]why is it important?: I liked seeing how Madd got along with an authority figure. It also helped complete the triangle between her, Josh, and Aubre. Exploring her mindset on legendaries was actually quite enjoyable as well.
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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
608 posts
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2023 21:31:36 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar


's curry entry

thread summary:Set after an excursion into a Space-Time Distortion that led to try and draw Dialga's attention, Makoto and Amor - as Seraphim - briefly discuss motivations and goals over some food. Makoto is offered a chance to continue working with Amor - which they give honest thought to (and have ultimately accepted.)[break]

why is it important?: It might be short 'n sweet, but honestly it's something that finally really starts to touch upon something that I was trying to look for for Makoto.

Rocket is something that they ideally would've stayed far away from - but it's also the only real option they felt like they had, to better their quality of life, having previously been homeless and jobless, lacking in education and practical skills, and relying on crimes such as theft to get by. They felt as though if they went to League for help, that they'd only end up arrested as a nobody thief when their crimes potentially catch up to them.

But in Rocket, they are able to use the skills they already had under their belt to provide for themself and their pokemon. But at the same time, beyond improving their quality of life, they didn't have much direction in what they wanted to do for themself. And they didn't have much in the way of bonds with other fellow Rocket members.

Amor is providing Makoto with an opportunity to form bonds with others - and at the same time, being an assistant to his scientific endeavors may also give them a chance to find something to drive them forward. To give them a little bit of ambition, even if it's for something simple. They are being acknowledged and praised, something they've not felt in a long, long, time - and lets be real, Makoto has been severely starved for any sort of positive attention.

This is what they need, even if it's - at the same time - also digging Rocket's hooks into them. Which will make it hurt all the more, if I do decide to have them switch sides in the far future.
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,431 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 2:01:10 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar


's curry entry

thread summary:
Immediately following Nomi's and 's altercation with DRK Triad agent Dr. Nisa Holo in the RKS Machine, Nomi makes her way - disoriented, overwhelmed, and exhausted - to 's apartment in Slateport's Lower District. Upon arriving, Nomi struggles to control her ability to see through the eye of her newest Unown companion - Kallistatus (formerly Holo's, turned shiny after declaring loyalty to Nomi), which causes Parker to notice the way Nomi's eyes are occasionally turning eerily all-white. Parker brings Nomi inside, gives her a change of clothing and some water, introduces her to Maisey (her pet Granbull), and attempts to get her to calm down.

During their conversation about what happened in the RKS Machine, Parker accidentally disparages Avatars for being dangerous and terrifying, causing Nomi to freak out and tell Parker that she'd never hurt her. Nomi's panicked anguish leads Parker to realize that Nomi has become an Avatar, and rushes to reassure her that it's just another thing they'll have to navigate together - like all the other "weird stuff" that happens around Nomi. Nomi, fearful of abandonment, explains that it was the Unown who saved her life and blessed her with Avatarship, calling her THE VISIONARY. She introduces Parker to Kallistatus, who Parker reluctantly decides to trust. Much to Nomi's relief, tears are kissed away, and the two women end up finding solace in each other's passionate embrace, eventually falling asleep together in Parker's bed.

In the morning, Nomi wakes, well-rested, to the smell of coffee and bacon, realizing Parker has made breakfast. They share a good-morning kiss and then Nomi goes to wash up in the bathroom. In the midst of brushing her teeth, she notices that the decorative bowl on the back of Parker's toilet is home to not one, but two Mega Stones. Shocked, she comes out of the bathroom holding the bowl, demanding to know why Parker isn't using the Mega Stones, valuable (and expensive) tools for empowering her Pokemon in battle. Nomi drops the bowl, shattering it, as she begs Parker to understand the gravity of their situation: Parker might be in more danger than ever now because of Nomi's feud with Holo and all of the other supernatural phenomena Nomi is inextricably tied to, so she needs all the help she can get - Mega Stones, for example. Parker cleans up the shattered glass, grabs the Mega Stones, then forces Nomi to really listen as she explains that she chose to be with Nomi knowing all of the "crazy shit" that comes along with doing so.

Nomi recognizes the unshakable devotion in Parker's declaration - that she's not going anywhere, and that Nomi won't lose her so easily - and decides to put aside further discussion about the DRK Triad, her Avatarship, and all the rest...instead, she chooses to enjoy the comforts of domesticity being offered to her, as well as the reliable intimacy of Parker's desire.

why is it important?:
There are two major reasons why this thread matters:

For much of Hoenn's citizenry, Avatars are these mysterious super-heroes, larger-than-life, beings of legend. I wanted to show how that's not necessarily the case right away, choosing instead to explore the chaotic aftermath of being gifted power beyond imagining and having absolutely no idea how to control it. Nomi's ordeal with Holo in the RKS Machine was as traumatic as it was revelatory, the vision of creation gifted to her by the Unown as overwhelming as it was beautiful. Nomi leaves her first visit to the Unown Dimension feeling untethered from the physical, mundane world she's used to living it, and is sorely in need of some grounding. I think it's important to show how these pivotal moments - such as an Avatarship sequence - are double-edged in how much they might weigh on a character's psyche. Nomi will be forever changed by what happened to her, for good or for ill.

This thread marks the very first time Nomi has ever visited Parker's apartment, let alone stayed the night. Considering the romantic relationship between Nomi and Parker has only just begun (regardless of the twenty years they spent married in Goodbye Galar, which they remember only bits and pieces of), this is a very important milestone for them as a couple. I wanted to explore some of the ways domesticity can soothe away even the most existentially profound distress (like suddenly finding yourself fundamentally changed by "the Eyes of God"), as well as the contrast between the mundane "slice-of-life" acts between two lovers and the peril currently being experienced by the region.

Nomi is a character very deeply tied up in Hoenn's supernatural phenomena, someone well aware of the stakes of failing to prevent the impending apocalypse, so this is a very important moment for her - to be forced to set all of her questions, fears, worries, and planning tendencies aside in favor of accepting the devotion, peace, and comfort being offered to her by Parker. Even Parker's hilarious misuse of Mega Stones highlights just how different she and Nomi are, and yet, their shared intimacy allows for those oppositions to attract: Nomi ensures Parker will continue to grow in her understanding of how to combat the threats they face, and Parker ensures Nomi won't be consumed by her work - that she will always have a way to stay grounded, to relax, to recharge.

In the end, Nomi choosing the safety of Parker's embrace over immediately trying to solve all their problems is an important growth moment for Nomi as a character. All her life, she's been a lonely workaholic - but not anymore. Now she has Parker, and that matters nearly as much as her Avatarship does, in the grand scheme of things.

I want to thank Crow ('s writer) for investing so much of her heart and soul into this ship and the beautiful, complex, intricate ways it is tied to the overall siteplot. Crow does such a good job writing Parker, the perfect mix of tongue-in-cheek crude humor and passionate devotion. You can clearly see how very different Parker is from Nomi, and why those differences matter; the "opposites attract" trope between these two characters truly helps both characters grow, as well as creates a really delicious and charged romantic and sexual tension between them. Parker's characterization as someone who says "fuck that noise" to all the insane supernatural crazy stuff a scientist like Nomi deals with is endearing, hilarious, and powerful. Their dynamic is so fun to write, and I am super excited to see what happens next for them - how their relationship will be challenged, will evolve, and will ultimately strengthen.
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played by


March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,590 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 2:10:09 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar


Shalin's curry entry

thread summary: After putting on a demonstration of the inhuman force her Sygna Suit could let her withstand (Flygon vibration is fast yo), Shalin and have a chance encounter at Funtasia's bumper cars, the two trying their best to buck each other off the ride. Shalin is also trying to develop a friendly relationship with her Type: Null in this thread. The two have a long conversation about the Pokémon, its origins, and how the League "forced" her to create the Type: Null in an effort to keep up with Rocket foes that own rare, even legendary, Pokémon.[break]

why is it important?: This is a first-time glimpse into thoughts never expressed by Shalin or Biscotti on site. I won't repeat much of what Dyfalu already said about Biscotti's perspective of this thread (we're using the same thread for the curry this month LOL), but this is the first time she has expressed her discontent with the League to another character since and helped her create Lathiel the Type: Null. For the first time, she has admitted that the cost of creating the Type: Null outweighed the benefit: it was not worth the deaths of her Dragalge and Donphan, on top of ruining the lives of countless other Pokémon she owned, such as her Charizard.

While Shalin's conscription into Meteno has been retconned since (to be in line with site lore), this showcases the tremendous pressure the League puts its human assets under to perform, and how at times it can be overwhelming. She is also being exposed to the idea that both the League and Rocket are evil, though to her, the League is by far the lesser of the two evils. She believes Rangers should not be extensions of Hoenn's military; that is the job of Gym Leaders, of Elite Four, and of Avatars. Rangers fight battles, but they fight battles against Mother Nature. They do not fight battles against other people.

This thread also showcases Lathiel's moodiness well; despite them having been together for almost five months, the Type: Null still does not trust her. This reflects the motif that rare or legendary Pokémon can take months, even years, of development to even form a working relationship with their owners.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,476 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 2:44:00 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar


character's curry entry

thread summary: and lulu set up to scramble comms from a ship. however, the interdream zone mist interrupts progress. first, the ship takes on the appearance of their childhood home. a twelve year old saoirse (lulu) looks for cillian after he has been locked out of the house–the event that led to his joining team rocket, and lulu subsequently searching for him for years. cillian witnesses the pain his sister went through believing he had disappeared when their parents had not told her they had kicked him out for a scandal regarding his research.

the memories continue with a nightmare cillian once had under the effects of darkrai, in which he executes both lulu and at the request of . emotions are high. tensions over their younger brother rise again, however things are laid out more plainly than they were in cillian's office that day lulu resurfaced in hoenn. for one, he knows she ran, even if she denies it. two, if she leaves rocket again, she will have betrayed him and will die for it. however, lulu insists that if he kills rowan, he will have to kill her too.

lulu leaves abruptly via alakazam, wishing her brother luck at war and leaving him to wonder if he will see her again while he tends to his own responsibilities as underboss.

why is it important?: lulu is very difficult to open up organically. the interdream zone mist made it possible for me to further highlight the value of family to her, which has always been a key part of her character. it also allowed me to present to cillian some of the things he would never otherwise know about his sister, like how much she looked up to him and the abandonment she felt when he disappeared when they were younger.

cillian's rage in this thread is also new to the sibling dynamic. generally, he has been the calm and collected one of the two, and lulu has been the one to yell and storm out of his office over one thing or another. as his little sister, she tends to get away with infinitely more than others–but not this time. what will happen now that she has earned cillian's anger, and that she has decided to stand up for the younger half-brother she knows little about–including that he has given intel about her to the league?
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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
776 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 14:05:56 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar


's curry entry

thread summary:[break][break]

drags Johanna away from the constant work of running the Carnival. Intent on letting the Joy experience just a bit of the fun she is so painstakingly creating for others. During this they have a deeper conversation about work, stuff and the future.
why is it important?: Aside from being one of the many threads displaying and building upon the friendship which has now been going strong for over a Year? This was also a moment for Johanna to finally be able to offer Megan some help in return for all of the help and guidance she’s offered Johanna. This help came in the form of a Job offer as a Gym Trainer at the Ever Grande City Gym.

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu
February 21
Petalburg City
Curator/Hisuian Historian
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,366 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 15:53:18 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar



thread summary: A chance meeting when they both met on the Amigo app, Doug and Yuina agreed to meet for a night out around the Funtasia Carnival! Yuina was attempting to make new friends and learn more about different places in the region, and Doug is traveling around the region on his bike and meeting new people in kind, so off to the carnival they went together![break]

why is it important?: This thread was both so fluffy and cute but also pretty emotional for both and Yuina. Doug is still coming to grips with twenty years gone and what that really means for him as a person building a life separate from those twenty years that fade in and out of memory, while Yuina in parallel to that is also having to build a life from the ground up. Both of them have lost significantly, losing entire chunks of their lifetime all in one go, and in a way that bonding and knowing that they're not alone in what that loss means is very powerful.[break]
Yuina had yet to even admit to herself that she had lost her memory entirely, that she has no idea who she is, where she's from, if she has any family, or even if her name actually is Yuina. This thread is the first utterance of what happened to her, and admitting that its real, that it actually happened was both freeing and terrifying for her as it raises so many questions about what her life is now versus what it was or is supposed to be. The uncertainty of if she was the same person as she is now, could this life that she's building now exist with her life before, does she have anyone that misses her or is looking for her, and everything in between is a very heavy burden to carry, but, in this thread, Doug makes it clear that Yuina won't have to carry it alone. He even offers to help her, start trying to figure out who she was and what her past life is.[break][break]
While the questions are burning, and will continue to sear into her very core while they go unanswered, in this moment, Yuina doesn't want to disrupt this new life that she's living. Something in her fears that her new life would be lost if she was still who she was before, and for that... She doesn't want moments like these to end. Doug promises to be there in her future though if or when her old life begins to surface, and for that, Yuina does have some hope that this new life of hers won't go away if things about her past start to come together.
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April 29
103 height
103 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
373 posts
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TAG WITH @lime2
Megan Whitmore
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 19:49:36 GMT
Megan Whitmore Avatar


megans's curry entry

thread summary: Funtasia Thread hijacked to instead be about Megan asking Jo to hire her for the Evergrande Gym and assorted facilities. Despite attempts to leave readers hanging, that was agreed to, meaning that Meg would at the very least interupt her gym challenge to instead gain some experience with the other side of the business. And for other, more personal reasons of course.[break]

why is it important?: Cementing a bit the residual effects of the time travel event, the thread caps that off by changing at least Megan's trajectory towards something more focused than just "do gym challenge because sort-of midlife crisis". It's the end of this stage of a long-running development between the two, though they evidently have only come to a surface-level agreement. They are both still kind of dorks about it all, really.
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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,266 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 20:39:52 GMT




barnaby's curry entry


In PERFECT SHADOWS, Barnaby interrogates an imprisoned . Over the course of the interrogation Caleb admits to more than the ROCKET admin originally expected — namely, a feeling of trust born from their time in GOODBYE GALAR. Barnaby rejects the hazy memories they shared together, rationalizing that time as nothing but a dream, separate from their current reality. Caleb was no longer a king, and Barnaby no longer a courier. The thread ends with Barnaby emphasizing that their roles and dynamic are very different now.

In LE LETHÉ, Barnaby returns home to see raiding his wine cabinet, clearly distraught by something. After a little coaxing, she eventually admits her struggle to him, saying that her two Avatarships with WO-CHIEN and TAPU FINI made her feel owned by them, rather than empowered. In fact, Elisa goes on to reveal many of her secrets, showing just how much she's come to trust and rely on Barnaby.

why is it important?: Both threads allowed me to showcase Barnaby's villainy in ways I haven't gotten to before.

A major device for him as a character is this juggling of facades to get what he wants. He likes to feel in control. Needs to feel in control. And manipulating others is one of the main ways he attempts to do this. I was extremely happy to be able to demonstrate this in Le Lethé, where Barnaby internally judges Elisa for her weakness, but externally feigns affection — to his benefit, in the end. She spills so many of her secrets, which Barnaby will surely use to his advantage at some point in the future.

Though he does care for her, it's more out of a feeling of ownership rather than love. He views her as a possession that can be used, especially now, with her newfound powers as an Avatar.

(Shoutout to Scarlet for being SUCH an amazing ship partner for our two toxic beans ♡)

Speaking of possessions... in Perfect Shadows, I got to be MUCH more overt with this theme of control and ownership of others! This thread probably shows Barnaby at his most authentic. He doesn't need to wear a facade in front of a man destined to die soon. Caleb was relinquished to him by ; he belongs to him now, as a fun toy to play with before being inevitably broken. I don't get a lot of opportunities to show just how cruel Barnaby can be, so writing out Caleb's physical/psychological torture felt cathartic and needed to flesh out Barnaby as a character.

(Shoutout x2 to Nelle for all the love and care she put into this thread and others! Caleby has been an AMAZING ride so far ♡)
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dr. graves
he / him
October 28
fallarbor town, hoenn
museum director
professor / researcher
allopatric isolation
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
i get by, but it's hard to forget in the smoke of denial and the fog of regret.
401 posts
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TAG WITH @gideon
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 21:23:01 GMT


gideon's curry entry

thread summary: What starts out as a routine visit by to Gideon's laboratory, ends with a grave revelation about the whereabouts of and her ties to ROCKET.

why is it important?: OOF. This thread has been a long time coming. Scarlet and I have been shipping Gideon and Elisa since October of last year, knowing full well that eventually Gideon would find out about her ROCKET affiliation.

Thanks to Gunner and his LEAGUE intel, we're finally at that tipping point. The fallout from this revelation will impact Gideon in many ways (most of them not good, because I love torturing him! hehe).

I made Gideon knowing I wanted him to feel very "real" as a more mundane character interfacing with the absurd happenings in Hoenn. POSTDORMITUM was a pivotal event for him, because it showcased not only some of the crazy anomalies in the region (Paradox Pokémon, the Ultra Deep Sea, etc.) but also how cruel ROCKET could be during times of conflict (thanks, for almost killing him and for dislocating his shoulder!).

He came back from that conflict very much changed.

Gideon's burdened by the horrible things he's witnessed. By the pain that's been inflicted upon him, both emotional and physical. The pressures of his job, compounded by the mental anguish he faces on a daily basis due to his PTSD.

And now, by the realization that someone he thought he loved was actually a criminal. The entire relationship was a farce. He feels used, he feels cheated, he feels outraged. This event has completely cemented his hatred for ROCKET.

He doesn't know what to do with these feelings, though. The mental load he's bearing is too much. He needs something to ease the burden. He needs a drink. And that's where the thread ends, foreshadowing Gideon's spiral into alcoholism.

Shoutout to Guns, who does such an incredible job writing Gideon's younger brother! I'm always surprised by how much I enjoy writing them together (because I'm a spoiled only child), but I feel like we've gotten to write some wonderful and insightful threads due to the sibling bond we've fostered! Ty Guns, ilu ♡

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he / him
december 31
black city, unova
bartender / thief
you let me
desecrate you
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
so sweet with a mean streak. cigarette daydream.
124 posts
part of
TAG WITH @damien
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2023 22:07:10 GMT


damien's curry entry

thread summary: One text can change everything. When Damien accidentally sees a message from on 's phone, all hell breaks loose. He's pissed. How dare Frank lie to him, after promising to stay clear of criminal activity following his three year stint in prison? Damien's anger eventually spills over into physical violence, but Frank quickly reminds him of his place in their relationship.

why is it important?: Damien is a character that feels like he's carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. It's been that way ever since he was a kid. Being the son of two deadbeat parents and the oldest of eight siblings, a lot of the family responsibilities fell on him.

Sure, it was a shitty upbringing. But it would have been even shittier without .

This thread explores how intimately tied the two characters are. Damien feels indebted to Frank in a way that borders on ownership. The collar he wears — a gift from Frank earlier in their relationship, when they were still in Unova — symbolizes Damien's unhealthy reliance on his childhood friend: how he's constantly swayed by what Frank wants, how he gives into Frank's needs, how he truly believes that Frank loves him and would never purposefully hurt him.

And when Frank decides he needs to be punished for thinking otherwise, Damien submits.

He's blind to Frank's selfishness. Or, maybe, he deliberately denies it. It can't be true. Frank always has his best interest at heart. Right?

What I love about Damien is that's he such a hothead of a character, who normally voices how he feels without a filter. But when it comes to Frank, I get to play with this internal and external struggle involving his personal subjugation. Sometimes it's a relief to have someone there to rely on, sometimes it's more of a burden when that person keeps letting you down.

Will Damien always be under Frank's thumb?

Shoutout to Guns AGAIN, this time for indulging me with our boys ♡ Their dynamic is something that I really enjoy writing, and she honestly does such a great job conveying Frank's subtle deviousness + making him feel like a layered character! Can't wait for more of their shenanigans in the future :3

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,206 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 2:19:48 GMT
jayden cross Avatar


's curry entry

disclaimer: have perm from shiv hehe


thread summary: during a MEETING of rocket's upper echelon, CHIEN PAO crashes the meeting and rocket is forced to face off against the ruinous beast, lest be destroyed entirely. in the throes of battle, rockets face demons worse than the enemy they are set to attack and as a result of that, become enemies against themselves. nightmares come to life as they are imbued by the beast's supernatural power, and eventually, CHIEN PAO sets his sights on his victim.

[break][break] sinking it's claws into the cursed.

why is it important?: for so many reasons, the most obvious being that this is jayden's avatar thread.

[break][break] but it is so much more than that, too. it is the culmination of events that started ever since jayden's initial return from kanto as showcased in apres moi.

[break][break] one of jayden's main character arcs have always been focused on his personality — or lack of one. because of his cruel upbringing in rocket, because of his father's punishments, and his brother's cruelty, jayden's personality within rocket has always been known to be apathetic and unfeeling. in other words, lacking emotion. it comes to a head when he experiences his first serious heartbreak with , and has ripple effects as more and more people defect from rocket. the border's influence only makes it worse.

[break][break] jayden's mind begins to unravel and fray, as seen first in WOLVES WITHOUT TEETH, then in HEY BESTIE and culminates in CRUCIFY.

[break][break] in DISSEMINATE, jayden's nightmares come to life in THIS POST, where manifests as the terror of all his HATRED. chien pao takes this opportunity to claim , which had been it's plan all along.

[break][break] it marks the drastic shift of jayden as i initially made him in 2020 - unfeeling, submissive, apathetic - and into who he will become - vicious, relentless, uncontrollable - in the months to come.

[break][break] people will remember him now, for better or for worse.

[break][break] this arc allows me to play with themes such as: angst, grief, the influence of one's background on their future, of fate and destiny, and thankless devotion.

"you're nothing." [break][break]

an ugly laugh rips from throat. [break][break]

'i don't even remember your name.'

a great big thank you to everyone - even if i didn't list them here - who helped me make these puzzle pieces along the way. slow burns are so, so satisfying and i am so happy that i was able to write this arc out with all of your help. a special thanks to the people who were in disseminate, since emotional battle threads like that are my guilty pleasure. thank u!!

[newclass=".jaycurry"] width:400px; margin:0px auto; } .jaycurry b { font-family:Poppins; } .jaycurry i { color:#5B3F97; } .jaycurry { letter-spacing:0.5px; [/newclass]
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October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
I'd go through hell
to hold your hand
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,478 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
Michael Navidson
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 3:01:20 GMT
Michael Navidson Avatar


character's curry entry

thread summary: Navy fulfills a promise made to earlier and helps him train his Pokemon. They shoot the shit, talk about life, drink beer. They watch their Tyranitar and Aerodactyl fight. That concise summary doesn't really do it justice. Facts alone very rarely do. It's the emotions and ideals behind them that make this worthy of a communal curry entry.[break]

why is it important?: This thread is living proof that a good thread doesn't need to be a long thread. It's short, to the point, and hits on issues important to both characters. Magnetic has already discussed Howard's in his entry, so I'll focus on my own character.[break][break]
Navy is new to this - the whole 'being a hero of Hoenn' thing. He's friends with people who have been at this for a while, like and . Like anyone setting off down the warrior's road, he ruminates on his ideals and the world around him. The thread reveals an aspect of Navy's character I quite enjoy.[break][break]
He's seen how this war has changed people. He sees that change occurring in himself. Few caterpillars are afforded the self-awareness to watch their body morph inside the cocoon. Navy knows that the creature he's turning into is a creature that is not made for peace. Ideals form an important part of Navy. He's a romantic pretending to be a cynic. Howard and him discuss how nothing ever really changes. The young grow up too quick. They fight. Many burn out and die before their time. This discussion is set against a backdrop of a Tyranitar that was forced to evolve prematurely and an Aerodactyl fighting.[break][break]
It's nice to get to talk about the world Navy wants to create: one where people don't have to be strong. There's a place in Hoenn for all sorts of colorful characters, like musicians, vloggers, archaeologists, and florists. Navy enjoys their stories more than tired old tales about warriors. When this war is over, he hopes that the world will be one that cherishes the weak more than the strong.[break][break]
Look it was just supposed to be a dumb bond bridge, this is what happens when you put 2 Fate RPers in a room and tell them to talk about anything.
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Xenon Antheil
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2023 4:01:01 GMT
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Xenon's curry entry

thread summary: This thread is a minor side story within the lives of Xenon and Kouji, a small thread in which the two Rocket members go on a 'date' to rob a jewelry store and escape back to Sootopolis to have a little brawl to cap off their day.[break]

why is it important?: All in all it seems incredibly unimportant in the grand scheme of things, nobody is severely hurt or changed in the end, nor is the status quo significantly challenged for any characters involved. However I would consider this thread important for the sole reason that this is probably the only thread where in Xenon admits even privately to herself that she enjoys another's company, a rare moment of tenderness between two friends, even if one of them is a severely challenged terrorist with sociopathic tendencies. It's the only thread in which I would suggest that Xenon has any humanity whatsoever, even if it is shown in an incredibly odd and distorted way.