i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,631 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2024 0:01:58 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]COMMUNAL CURRY #8




WELCOME TO COMMUNAL CURRY. Every couple of months staff will create a curry mega thread for members to partake in the creation of a delicious, rewarding meal.[break][break]

Each character of yours may submit a single completed thread to participate. Based on several factors such as the amount of threads submitted, quality of the thread (e.g. is it relevant to character growth, site plot, etc.) staff will reward players with a variety of rewards.[break][break]

Furthermore, THREADS MUST BE STARTED AND COMPLETED WITHIN JUNE & JULY, to promote what happened during that period of time & to encourage movement of threads and plot.
Players will be required to post with the following:[break][break]

  • thread title & link
  • brief summary of the thread
  • brief commentary as to why it was selected

This will serve as a player curated ‘thread of the month’ montage to showcase threads that are either important to their character, a thread they would want to show off, or had fun participating in.[break][break]

Curry rewards will be determined by the quality of thread submissions, thread types, the total amount of submissions and more! Afterward, a post will be made with further instructions about redeeming the curry rewards.[break][break]



FEEL FREE TO USE THE CODE BELOW, to provide your character's single entry to the communal curry.[break][break]

[blockquote][a href="https://pkmn-hoenn.boards.net/"][h1]THREAD TITLE[/h1][/a]
[h2]character's curry entry[/h2][break]
[b]thread summary:[/b] write here[break]

[b]why is it important?:[/b] write here[/blockquote]

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,079 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON Jul 2, 2024 20:19:27 GMT
howard slayte Avatar


's curry entry

thread summary: After inserting a Wishing Star into Regice's core and sending the golem into a frenzy, the Tera Crystals within Eternatus's bowels begin to go haywire. Sensing a threat to Dewford and Hoenn, Zacian rouses itself to fight back against Regice.

However, the Tera Crystals continue to shine, sending Howard, Navy, and Zacian into a Tera World that takes the form of Goodbye Galar's Epilogue. There, the two enemies team up with a knight named Zaria and go on a journey through Galar to save this alternate world and return home to right past wrongs.


why is it important?: I'm going to try (and fail) to keep the narrative of Garden of Avalon as ambiguous as possible, because I think the thread is one worth reading. It is full of ups and downs, and is an incredible writer, capable of plotting through highs and lows and the ebb and flow of a thread this long. If you haven't read this thread yet, give it a read!

But it's also really long so LOL.

Garden of Avalon is a character study of Michael Navidson and his journey over the events of Hoenn's story. It is a story of heroism, denying your basest desires in favor of the greater good, and moving on from the chains of the past to become a better man for tomorrow. It does this by exploring the Elite Four's backstory, his relationships with friend and foe alike, and the individual quirks of the character that make Navy who he is, such as his fascination with movies, cowboy hats, and his SUPER COOL TRUCK POG.

For a thread with two writers, there is a broad array of characters, consisting of Navy's ensemble team of Pokémon, people important to him, and the Four Lords whose characters are played by three of the best writers on the site.

It is a story of consequences and pain, and moving on from them.

Howard, meanwhile, is an observer in this tale meant to grant introspection to the cast at large. He's also Mihawk, which is important to his character, but much of his arc throughout Garden of Avalon is accepting that he might have just destroyed Hoenn, and those thoughts fester in his mind as he and Navy march towards the end of the story.

Furthermore, it's also the realization that he and Navy will be enemies due to Hoenn's war, despite enjoying each other's company. It's a story about growing up, moving on from fear, and embracing your true nature, and understanding what must be done to move forward.

I struggle to put GoA into words, other than 'it's pretty good lol', but it is, in fact, pretty good LOL. It's ironic. Much like Goodbye Galar, it feels like a paradox that this thread should exist in its current form and length, but here we are, miningpika.

Huge thanks to Shiv for letting me and Teddie run the thread, and thanks to the many people of Hoenn for allowing their characters to make cameos. If I ever do another sixteen page thread on this site I'm jumping off a cliff.

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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
795 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2024 16:01:09 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar


character's curry entry

thread summary: Ameena and Gwendolyn have been working together closely for weeks now. Ameena's been trying to cultivate Gwen into someone suitable to work as a lab assistant for her, as a general partner in crime, and as a Rocket colleague. Of course, the Ranger needs time to get the point of valuing her own ambitions above her supposed loyalty to the League which only holds her back. [break]

In this thread, Ameena and Gwen discuss the Regieleki they encountered at Ultra Plant. Ameena continues to check in on Gwen during and after (and before, via Comms) their Wilds trips to continue fostering a strong bond. The duo discuss pokemon, which reveals something about both of them and their values. [break]

Gwendolyn shares her lack of ambition earlier in life and demonstrates that some of the things that impact her have been happenstance (like having Goomy which gives her a background in dragon-raising, relevant because of her volunteering at Freya's Draciary). She also shares that becoming a Ranger was really influenced by her friend. In this, it is clear to Ameena that Gwen's potential has only been utilized because of chance. It is clear Gwen doesn't have a firm direction for her life. Ameena sees an opportunity: if Gwen can care about one goal so much and so passionately that she would do anything for it, Ameena can capitalize on their bond and encourage Gwen to align with Rocket/with Ameena to achieve it at all costs.[break]

Ameena shares that her first pokemon was a Flittle, given to her by her superior officer in the military as a joke (as directed by her father). Not only does Ameena give Gwen a glimpse into the contemptuous relationship she's always had with her dad, but she also shares how the Flittle-turned Espathra gave her life for Ameena, something I had always intended to be a part of Ameena's story when picking Espathra as her start - it was a stand-in for her original. In this backstory, it also explains the accidental psychic-move-induced bloodlust the Espathra has, which has been referenced in nearly every thread I've used Espathra in since the beginning.[break]

Gwen immediately wants to solve the problem of her replacement Esapthra's fragmented mind, but Ameena insists it is not possible. She turns it back on Gwen, asking if she's so sure she wants to work with rehabilitated pokemon, as some of them can never be changed or fixed. The two go back and forth about that purpose, with Gwen admitting she feels lost in life. Ameena offers advice about finding purpose in life, and Gwen ends on a note about not knowing where she's wanted. Ameena floats an offer to work as a lab aid. Gwen needs more time to think about it.[break]

why is it important?: Ameena's been seeking more people in her corner. After all, one can never have too many allies. She sees a lot of value in turning Leaguers into Rocket, though she can admit to herself that Gwen isn't necessarily someone to have a lot of valuable intel. It doesn't change the fact that Gwen has so much potential as a researcher and agent; Ameena wants to foster this and create a powerful ally. Beyond the value of a colleague, Ameena has a soft spot for women in science, and she also sees some of Gwen's turmoil stemming from same-sex attraction (esp. as noted in their Ultra Plant trips), so Ameena feels qualified to create a safe space for Gwen on both fronts. [break]

Gwen gets to articulate her struggle for purpose while giving Ameena ideas for how to cultivate Gwendolyn as an operative for herself and for Rocket. Madda and I continue to open doors for our characters' possible routes. Gwen has an opportunity to begin turning to the other faction while Ameena has an opportunity to create a turncoat and, more intimately, a mentee she really cares about. This can go in many directions, including Gwen finding out what Ameena really is and turning her in, or perhaps the falling out will lead to Gwen keeping Ameena's Rocket status a secret (creating a sense of guilt) while Ameena sees that as a chance to reconcile and keep pushing Gwen towards Rocket. And, of course, this can go in a direction of Gwen's faction change with a mentorship under Ameena and maybe, someday, a near mother-daughter relationship.

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Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,825 posts
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TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2024 20:57:47 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Yuina's curry entry

thread summary: Only just a few days removed from escaping from Prismatic Penitentiary, Doug and Yuina have been resting and trying to get back to a normal, if there ever was a normal to begin with. Finding solace in each other, that is the only comfort that they have with wondering how long they are safe, and what the next threat could be.[break]
While safe, for now, is all they can manage, Yuina worries more about the future that she had been shown by the green sprite that appeared to her. She believes she is destined to do something horrible, and that this event is the reason why she is being sought out. She doesn't know when, how, or why this future takes place, but in feeling trapped by the knowledge that this unknown countdown has begun, Doug promises that if that day comes, it will pass like all others.[break]

why is it important?: First, I will continue to sing praises for EBC () being an incredible thread partner truly. What started as a random encounter between two characters during Amigo has turned into an incredibly sweet, thoughtful and impossibly fun ship that I enjoy so much. EBC constantly encourages and supports both myself and Yuina, and I cannot express how much that means to me <3[break]
Their relationship together has been a steady build from new friends, to sweet fleeting moments, to new romance, and finally now to love in this thread. And through every stage Yuina has trusted Doug with the darkest, most tumultuous parts of herself. Even as she fears the worst and sees only the worst in herself in her projected future, Doug continues to be a support that she can't rely on in many others as she still hides her truth from so many around her.[break][break]
This thread culminates the biggest leap their relationship has taken, and a next step in Yuina's journey of finding herself or at most a sense of self. Yuina has struggled ever since her arrival in Hoenn, knowing that she is only half of a whole person and that the person she presents to the outside world is a lie. Yuina Higashi was never supposed to exist, and to know all of the people in her life that care for Yuina could be devastated if a day comes that she cannot be just Yuina Higashi anymore constantly eats away at her. Keeping friends at a minimum and everyone else at arms length has only been getting more and more difficult the longer she spends without knowing who she was, and now she is at a crossroads.[break]
Doug and Yuina have made their love for each other known, but now that means that she has ties to this life that she could never want to give up. This is contested by knowing that her past is out there, and she could seek out 'Alexandria Cander' if she chose to, but now she is hesitating. To her own detriment, Yuina is growing complacent in hiding from the uncertainties of her past, and has begun to avidly refuse acknowledging that part of herself even as new doors begin to open around her. Above all else, she's become so good at lying and so good at pretending, Yuina is lying to herself.[break][break]
In addition to her unknown past, Yuina now struggles with knowing too much of her future, again another aspect of herself that she never asked for, another part of her life that she feels is being controlled or orchestrated beyond her influence. Surviving the penitentiary wasn't enough, for every day that she attempts to put that behind her, she makes it one day closer to that future like she is being punished for wanting to have her life at all.[break][break]
Overall, again, huge thanks to EBC for giving Yuina the anchor to this life of hers. I didn't know then that I would get to explore this notion, but now I do truly get to play with the idea of wondering if Love is stronger than fear? Fear of the unknown, fear of self, fear of both the past and the future, and what could happen if the two collide. Maybe love will conquer all of the uncertainties, or be Yuina's true undoing as she continues to lie to herself and keep those around her potentially in harm's way.
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Jul 12, 2024 8:21:57 GMT
Ettie Avatar


character's curry entry

thread summary: After the events of Prismatic Penitentiary, visits Ettie's den in the mountainous terrain of the Route 115/116/Meteor Falls area, where she gets to mingle with some of Ettie's packmates and share cake with the group.[break]

why is it important?: The two had met during Prismatic - and though the stressors and difficulties of prison may make it hard to truly bond, the two were able to find friendship in one another. With them now being free, Cass is able to fulfill her promise to Ettie to share some cake - giving them an opportunity to bond further, and to touch bases on where they are (mentally/physically/situationally) after the events of Prismatic. Safe to say, Ettie's social butterfly nature means she's more than happy to be a good friend to Cass - who is more than welcome to visit the den again any time.

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May 14th
Ecruteak City
Phantom Thief
5'11" / 180.3cm height
5'11" / 180.3cm height
Fox tails hidden under wedding dresses
734 posts
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TAG WITH @makotokurumi
Makoto Kurumi
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 0:05:50 GMT
Makoto Kurumi Avatar


makoto's curry entry

thread summary: Going against orders from in a prior thread, Makoto - during the events of Hyperborea - goes into Dewford Town, worried for their friend. There, they are met with a frozen hellscape, and are accosted by a Dynamaxed Nihilego. In such a Dynergy-heavy place, hallucinations are but a given - ones that dig deep at the things that gnaw at the back of Makoto's mind.[break]

why is it important?: magnetic you madman i love you. What I initially thought would just be a fun little something to follow up Chasing Shades on the Wall turned also into a brief look into Makoto's braincase, which I really appreciate. They are softhearted. But they are also bitter about things. There are things that they look down upon themself for, some more hidden close to their chest than others. But of course, when you're essentially hallucinating, it doesn't matter how hidden a secret is. It'll come out to haunt you nonetheless.

But despite it, Howard is one of the few people they'd call a true friend, from the time they've spent in Rocket. And even if they're scared and hurting emotionally, they don't want to abandon the people who make them feel like they don't have to be a quiet and unseen child. They don't want to leave behind the people who make them feel like they can be something more.
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Jul 17, 2024 1:23:20 GMT
ana fell Avatar


's curry entry

thread summary: As her process of self-upgrading ticks along, Ana attends to some needed mental maintenance. Freya, concerned for her friends health and safety, comes along for the ride. [break]

why is it important?:
- this is the first time ana's shown anyone how she does her brain shit
- this is the first time freya's seen her do her brain shit
- obviously it's important because it illustrates the bond between ana and her gardevoir which will eventually be the basis for her sygna suit
- short trip down memory lane, where ana recalls some moments that don't hurt as much as they did before because of all her pruning
- solidifies the bond between ana and freya
- lil sneak peek at how chewed up ana's poor sense of self is
- i'm so tired im sorry

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,047 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Jul 19, 2024 12:54:16 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar


zev's curry entry

Zev returns home to share the news of his promotion to God General with his wife, . When she asks him what it means, he reveals Team Rocket's plan to bring war to Hoenn through conquest—including an assault on Mossdeep City, their home and her place of employment. A fight ensues over the importance of the Mossdeep Space Center and its Observatory. Eventually, the couple make up, coming to an agreement about how to move forward together.
Zev and Nenet have largely stayed out of each other's professional lives up to this point, an unspoken agreement that helped their relationship flourish in its early stages. Now, however, the situation has changed. Not only does Nenet wish to be helpful to Zev, but he takes her needs and wants into consideration for his own plans. And though this revelation comes in the wake of miscommunication and flared tempers, the couple does eventually reach an understanding about the changed nature of their relationship.

This does not bode well for the rest of Hoenn. In his anger, Zev confesses to Nenet that she is the only person who matters to him in the whole universe. She recognizes this admission as more significant and real than any declaration of love from him. In fact, it is a more entangling emotion than love, as Laika wrote:

The confession of sorts rests heavy in her stomach; she was, truly, never to be rid of him even if she wanted, but he would let his pretty bauble be happy in his fangs while she held his leash. A hard enough yank would garner his attention, for better or worse.

She can't decide who that is worse for. Herself, or those she turns his eyes to.

Nenet and Zev do not try to make each other better. They care for each other, yes, but they also take advantage of each other. They make each other worse. And no thread has showcased that as well as this one does.

As always, I thank Laika for collaborating with me on this nuanced, complex, problematic relationship between two people. It has allowed me to explore a depth to Zev that would not be possible without Nenet, which I think provides a nice contrast to the other parts of him. Besides that, Laika's writing is always a treat to read, and I am honored to write with her so often!
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Roze, Rosie
March 28
Hulbury, Galar
5'9 height
5'9 height
I would give anything, just to thank you.
117 posts
Roze Falkner DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @roze
Roze Falkner
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2024 9:29:08 GMT
Roze Falkner Avatar

In the Wake of Wrath

's curry entry

thread summary: Set in the aftermath of some sadistic SAW-esque mf-ery by (I will have my revenge, Teal, but also thank you for the fun events in BotL and WoR and revealing to everyone I'm a freak for basic arithmetics and probability). and stumble across one another within the ashened desert, with little more to do, they tread through what remains while exchanging their worldly perspectives and personal aspirations, all the meanwhile contending with the revelation that was in fact a member of Team Rocket. Ultimately ending their brief journey through the desert as Howard continues to chase the steel titan and Roze returns to recuperate and try to assist any more survivors.[break]

why is it important?: Roze got her mega stones! Oh yeah, and some character development I guuuueeeessssss. Jokes aside, much of this sets up for Roze's motives despite her ill-timed appearance in Petalburg during the First Wave, causing much contention and hardship as she's battling against the first friend she's made and someone she'd had a lot of respect for since moving to Hoenn.

It further showcases much of how she thinks, her motivation and how exactly she perceives 'good and bad', she's always been very nature and pokémon focused, and her view on people very heavily is coloured by how exactly they treat pokémon and others in general. Despite barely knowing the man, she'd already kept silent about realising the identity of Admin Fox, and intends to for the foreseeable future during the events of Wrath of Registeel. She quite genuinely wants to believe that he's not a bad person even as she finds out more about his atrocities during the First Wave, and she remains steadfast to her vow despite the guilt.

In the Wake of Wrath helps depict her sense of kindness, in her desire to convey to a damaged man that he deserves to live, and explains why she keeps silent despite knowing the true identity of a man who's caused as much damage as he's seemingly suffered. Happiness isn't reserved for just one person, and Roze simply wants a friend to know he can be forgiven and be happy.

Beyond her current views, it further helps establish her desire to grow stronger, to protect the things she cares about, and helps bring that one step closer.

Oh yeah, shout out to Mag in general for being a fun thread partner, it's still kinda nuts to me that I can bounce off him so well since I know I'm a bit of a slow poster usually, brings me back to me old times where I'd genuinely just speed-reply that I'd finish a thread in a day pre-Hoenn (like 10 years ago) lmao. But yeah nah legit, it's just been especially fun building up ideas with him and hell even getting to write unexpected things (this is more in regards to the First Wave Prelude thread, which, much love to and too, you both have been a blast to write with <3 thank you for putting up with one of Roze's biggest flaws in her dumbassery when it comes to trying too hard to help others). Much of what I'd had at first had simply just been "too kind for her own good, ditsy nature lover", and in another time maybe I'd have not had quite as much fun with that on its own and gave up on her, but in the short... month or two I've been writing Roze, it's just been a great amount of fun seeing how much the character's evolved past that, and I feel that the three threads I've had with Mag so far's been the biggest contribution to all that development (man this all really stemmed from some dumbass getting gut-punched by 50 Cranidos, huh?). So, this might be a whole ass paragraph of me waffling but, tl;dr, thanks boss, also I'll listen to Regirock for another 10 hours.

Oh and finally, Roze's developed Post Regi Stress Disorder. She's not aware that the Regis are in fact pokémon and it's been fun having her believe them to be simply man-made horrors, and it'll be just as fun having her find out that they are and having to contemplate just how she views them.
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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,043 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Jul 21, 2024 19:48:09 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar

Crack At It

's curry entry

thread summary: On one of her visits to Area Zero, Andrea runs into , who claims everything in the vicinity in the name of Rocket. They have a brief scuffle with their dragons, before the appearance of a wild Scream Tail forces them to work together in order to survive.[break]

why is it important?: This thread showcases how surprisingly similar Andrea and Kouji are. From using similar Pokemon, to their immaturity and their banter. In another world, they could have been friends, and they almost do befriend each other by the end of this thread. Overall, it felt like a lighthearted adventure straight out of the Pokemon anime, with many comedic bits thrown in for good measure. This works as a contrast to what the future holds for these characters. Kouji's plan to challenge Andrea's Gym will never come to fruition, for the next time the two meet, it will have tragic results.

I knew Joker from an older forum, so getting to write with him again was an absolute blast! He's a great writer and I highly recommend threading with him if you haven't already. I'm looking forward to seeing how the dynamic of those two characters develops, especially after The First Wave.
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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,870 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2024 18:05:19 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Crown Jewel

's curry entry

thread summary: After the events of Prismatic Penitentiary, Elise inquires about Project Sapphire when she visits 's office in Ever Grande City. Paxton talks to her about what Project Sapphire does and wants to recruit her to Project Sapphire because of her close proximity with the Calyrex Shard. She, in turn, wants help with understanding the shard of Calyrex and the war that's coming through tensions around the region.[break]

why is it important?: Kimmy is a great writer and this thread shows that Elise wants to help the League in any way that she can (without fighting on the front line). I enjoyed this thread a lot because of the character dynamics between Elise and Paxton. I think they both want to protect Hoenn in some similar ways. There's avatarship themes in the thread that I really liked exploring even though she isn't an Avatar yet because Elise's feelings about it were that she thinks it's something like a big decision she does herself than to have people tell her what she can't or can do with it.

I think it's a good start to her involvement in Project Sapphire with getting plots based on her wanting to learn more on her shard and what capabilities Charles has. Aside from exploring things about her shard, I ended up using it to explore her position as the Galarian Ambassador and how she wants to keep her Galarian people in Hoenn safe with using the Calyrex shard himself.

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✧ des ✧

✧ desi | diamandis ✧
✧ she/her ✧
✧ twenty four ✧
✧ september 23 ✧
✧ lumiose, kalos ✧
✧ bisexual ✧
✧ idol | dj ✧
✧ gym leader ✧
✧ do i know what's real? ✧
736 posts
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TAG WITH @desiree
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 1:53:15 GMT


desiree's curry entry

thread summary: Following the bondage had been forced to endure within the Prismatic Penitentiary and the grand escape, Palkia's wavering of space leads her to the place she wished to go above all during her stay- 's Duvet Ranch, the very place she had been plucked from.

Having been taken after storming out following a petty argument, she feels emotions of regret just as deeply as she did during her stay in the cosmos- and no missing chunks of flesh nor broken arm can stop her from waiting until the sunlight bathes the surrounding flora. She breaks into the ranch and finds him sleeping within his suit of armor, a testament to the work he had tried ever so desperately to put in to locate all the missing souls- including hers.

Upon waking him from his worried slumber, the two exchange sentiments of love as they do intel. Not only of what Desiree had missed in the two days that felt like weeks but of what she was made to endure. Words of Pecharunt and the three Wardens turn into that of the Megalopolans and the vote of sparing their general- and swearings that if they were to return, they would stand together against them and make it their last descent from the cosmos.

As she will stand against Rocket by his side upon hearing the first whispers of war on the horizon- even if the reveal of Tapu Koko sends shivers up Desiree's spine. Thomas is set for the redemption of his past and is slowly making it up to those who had once frowned upon his actions. And with all the fear and dread that comes with such news, Desiree will do anything to make that happen. As she will the world of love she has dreamed of time and time again.

And after all the talks and the pain, they finally get a good night's sleep.

why is it important?: If there is one way I would describe Desiree and Thomas's relationship, it would be filled with support and dedication- with hints of hesitation, as the two wish to not see one another face dangers in fear of losing one another, especially alone. This thread is beautiful to me as it showcases a bond of trust that is unbroken by fear, acceptance of the wrongdoings of the cosmos, and the pain that flourishes in the form of thorns under dark roses.

Fluorescent opens up both Thomas and Desiree to possibilities and things to expect of the world that may or may not have previously gone unnoticed to their minds- answers, for Thomas, of what happened to all those he spent the two days everyone went MIA searching for and how. And for Desiree, a way to finally talk freely and accept what had happened to her.. and devotion to never letting it happen again.

The comfort she feels in his assertions of protection is nothing short of the knight he has always been for her. It brings her to look at the state of the world through nuance and realize that she has no other option but to put her chess piece finally on the table- as it had been placed there against her will this time. A push to become a Gym Leader outside of the minor league finally blossoms in her previously stubborn mind.

And of course, it highlights her fears of legendaries with the debut of Tapu Koko, which she faces with shock and dread- but the trust between the two allows her to trust that it will not be like his last. With rumors of war whispered into her ear, following her capture, her first thought is not to run. Instead, it is to insert herself with full force- as the world of love they both are committed to attaining cannot exist with a terrorist regime taking lives as they do the land. Dedication comes with commitment- and this does nothing less than cement, at least, Desiree, further into her commitments.

This thread was so much fun to write with you, Tagger, as are all the others. I am so grateful to have such a cute, wholesome yet somewhat heartbreaking plot running with you involving them- two souls with pure intentions thrust into turmoil at any given moment, even if such turmoils destroy them over and over. It makes the reunion, and the downs turning into taller ups, have so much more weight. I feel like this is such a beautiful culmination and wiring between site events and Desiree and Thomas as a whole- for they have come a long way since Blood, Mud, and Iron.

A segue like this, from Prismatic Penitentiary to TFW, was and is so perfect for me. Thank you again, Tagger!

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 5:23:01 GMT
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with the sorrow in me

freya's curry entry

thread summary: freya returns to mt. pyre, where the late morningstars are buried, shortly before the war comes upon them. she has every intent to spend the night alone with them, but someone from another life decides to keep her company instead.[break]

why is it important?: we get to play with timelines now. our characters can think of the what-could-have been and know deeply that somewhere out there, a reality does exist where they are not suffering as they are now. in another place, forgotten by most of their peers, they were some of the last to cling so tenaciously to their home.

blah blahs aside, milky and i really love the parallels of the two of them. they're quite similar people, notably in that they are loyal to the death to their beliefs. those beliefs just happen to coincide with opposite forces.

this thread allows them to bond, to highlight some of their similarities - the people they've lost, the people they've yet to lose - and to acknowledge that when the time comes, they will not hold back - but they respect each other enough to kill where it matters.

anyway, now they get to try and murder each other all dramatically in sooty raid and i am a happy crow thank you milky. :)

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January 5
Elite Ranger (ooc)
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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robin coello DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @robin
robin coello
POSTED ON Jul 25, 2024 15:58:35 GMT
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's curry entry

thread summary: Robin visits Lam in Lilycove after the Notice to give him a shiny Altaria she found. She feels guilty for giving him a pokemon during the limitations on teams, but she's also terrified about the war and breaks down in his arms. The two of them discuss the war and the after. They also speak about relationships and their importance as it relates to purpose.[break]

why is it important?: Robin has a select few friendships in Hoenn that transcend her work as a Ranger. She's always had a bit of a combative relationship with Lam, but in the last few months, Lou and I have discussed them more clearly having a sibling relationship. We talked about it during BOTL, and it's been really fun to work towards clarifying this relationship in-character. Robin's a troublemaker and she thinks Lam has terrible taste in everything, but she knows she can trust him above all else.

I really like letting Robin be vulnerable, and she's had a few opportunities to explore other people becoming family to her. This is important for her building arc with her family of fake psychics that have made her a black sheep since the beginning. This exclusion has been mentioned periodically since her creation as a character, but the relationships I've built on Robin have been built more seriously since January, and I think it sets a powerful contrast for her poorer relationships with her family. I can't wait to play that conflict out post-first wave, along with how her relationships will be complicated by her coming revelations.
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2024 0:05:54 GMT
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elisabeth's curry entry ft.

thread summary: After the events of Prismatic Penitentiary, Elisabeth and Barnaby reunite in his Sootopolis apartment and spend the night celebrating their survival. In the bleak light of morning, however, they're forced to reckon with truths uncovered during that dark period. Having learned from that knows of the identity of 'Admin Bee' from , the admin of intelligence confronts this woman he's been entangled with for the past two years on this shocking and intimate betrayal.

When he does, she refuses to apologize or take full responsibility for what occurred. Instead, she deflects and reminds him of all she has endured for him and for Rocket, plays the victim, and swears that she loves him and always has. This earns her nothing but a silent dismissal, the rejection stinging long after. The dissolution of their relationship is quiet but strikes a powerful blow to Elisabeth's sense of self, echoing how her late husband discarded her all those years ago and reminding her that in the end she is doomed to disappoint all she loves and be disappointed in return.

why is it important?: This thread is the first and only time I've had Elisabeth say, 'I love you.' I've deliberately held off for the right moment, although she has thought it often in regards to . I put a lot of weight into Elisabeth's relationship with Barnaby -- quite possibly more than any other relationship she has on site -- so I purposefully chose a moment for her to say those words when they don't matter.

He leaves her anyway.

Barnaby, to Elisabeth, represents her one chance at being understood by someone. He knew of who she was in Kalos, was one of her first friends from her early days in Hoenn, accepted her as a murderer and a lover both after she was done pretending to be someone she wasn't, didn't abandon her when she was Avatar'd by Wo-chien, and has accepted her without question at her best and her worst alike. That acceptance is addicting to someone who has no internal sense of self-worth.

The fact he wants to take other lovers such as gnaws at her, reminding her she might not be enough for him. She tells herself to settle for what she has, but she is selfish. She wants more. She wants to matter to him as agonizingly much as he does to her, but she never will.

She can't see that he is a narcissist who is deftly maneuvering her feelings for him to get a loyal and powerful ally. He gives her enough affection to blind her to his ultimate designs -- even in this thread where she tiptoes so close to understanding who he truly is.

Elisabeth has become immensely codependent on 'Admin Bee,' and is frankly more loyal to him than she is to Rocket as a whole. This has become more and more evident to others in the organization, such as , , and even . There is an irony in indirectly ending her relationship with Barnaby, when Elisabeth had sworn to that he never could. After so much time spent evading rejection by being the one to first reject others, she finds herself truly alone all over again.

And with nothing and no one tethering her any longer, Elisabeth must find out who she is when she stands alone in her power. Lonely and unfulfilling as she finds it.

All my love to Dove who continues to make this such a wonderful relationship to explore on-site, and is one of the best writers and people I've had the pleasure to meet here. <3 Thanks for indulging all my little melodrama, I absolutely can't wait for everything to blow up in their faces later.



it's a long life full of long nights

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