i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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808 height
39,181 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 21:17:44 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]CANON ACTIVITY CHECK





HELLO, EVERYONE! It is time for an activity check for canon characters.[break][break]

WHY A CANON AC? As we move forward with the site narrative, the canon activity check is important in order to ensure that canon characters are being utilized in a way that we would like to see on the site. We have an active and large member base, so maintaining strict standards for canon positions are important to us.[break][break]

Canon characters, when utilized well on a roleplaying site, have the potential to help new or non-canon characters develop their narratives in meaningful ways.[break][break]

Furthermore, this AC provides an opportunity to help encourage, strengthen and uphold effective storytelling skills on the part of our players.[break][break]

The AC also provides players of non-canon characters with the reassurance that even if a character is not a canon, they are essential figures in the overarching story of Hoenn. Everyone and anyone can be an influential part of another's story and/or the wider narrative Hoenn presents.

NOTE: Canon activity checks are implemented to emphasize that LEGENDARIES, AVATARS, & CANON POSITIONS should not be sought after as an END GOAL. Rather, they are SUPPLEMENTAL DEVICES IN SERVICE OF NARRATIVE and must be used responsibly.[break][break]

There must be a story that continues after the aforementioned have been acquired. Historic misuse or underutilization of narrative tools of any kind is noted. [break][break]

The writing community here can provide ample resources and advice for those struggling with use of narrative tools such as legendaries, canon positions, event rewards, and even the regular Pokemon caught in a wild thread.


Players who own these canon characters must also be good community members, able to avoid inflexible plotting, gatekeeping, and able to respect and exercise healthy boundaries of others, of their own, and of their characters. In this collaborative setting, being able to trust in the storytelling process and other storytellers is pivotal.[break][break]

Lastly, your health is more important than fictional titles and pixels on a roleplaying site. If you must step down from the canon position for better balance in your life, that is encouraged for your wellbeing. Should you wish to return to a canon position, after a steady period of activity, the character can possibly return to their original seat.


THE CANON ACTIVITY CHECK has the following requirements.[break][break]

  • 4 linked ic-posts in April-May from every canon character you own.
  • each post should be from a separate weeks or spaced out.
  • posts should not be from the same 1 or 2 threads.
  • solo wilds, safari threads, swarm threads, or anything similar will not count.
  • the progress and momentum of the thread will be considered.

REMOVAL: If I have seen that there have been little to no plots progressed or that the explanations are not satisfactory, the canon position or avatarship will be removed from the character.[break][break]

Furthermore, if a character does not fit a canon position or avatarship due to in-character actions and developments (for example, a legendary's philosophy clashing with the character's own motivations), then the narrative may necessitate an in-character and plot-justified transition.[break][break]

Feel free to continue keeping your characters involved in their respective organizations in a similar manner, but they will no longer be official canons or in their previous seats.

NEW POSITIONS may be created (e.g. new Underboss positions, new Council positions, etc.) should a character narratively fit those positions.[break][break]

GYM LEADERS can grant a BADGE to a character they have threaded with and they feel is deserving of the badge's requirements. This is not a mandatory action and can be ignored.[break][break]

Please remember, non-canon characters can have similar impacts as canon characters. Canons are not the end all be all.[break][break]

PLEASE LET US KNOW if you have any questions and concerns as you read the guidelines below. Remember, "plots" do not need to mean elaborate narratives. For example, a gym leader continuing their work conducting gym battles can suffice.[break][break]


  • must summarize 2 "plots" of any kind that are in-progress and the threading / posts that have already been put into it (within the ac period).
  • if the character is an avatar, summarize how the character has utilized their legendary/avatarship for collaborative narratives. further details are provided below.

HELPFUL TIPS: Describe how your character, their avatarship and their legendary, have been used to help create a collaborative narrative on site.[break][break]

Guiding questions to ask are: how has your character embodied the values of their legendary? How have they shown weakness versus strength to provide nuanced depictions of power dynamics? How has the legendary/avatarship been used as narrative tools to help push the stories of characters (non-canons and canons alike)?


This activity check will close[break][break]MAY 31ST, 11:59PM PST.


YOU MAY USE THE TEMPLATE BELOW to write your canon activity check post. Huge thanks to MILKY for providing this cleaned up version of the template.[break][break]

As with most things on the site, the template is OPTIONAL and is not required for use as long as all the needed information is present in your post.[break][break][break][break]


[nospaces][blockquote][attr="class","milkyac"] [h1]CANON AC TEMPLATE[/h1]
[h2]MAY 2024 CANON ACTIVITY CHECK[/h2][break]

[ul type="disc"][li][b]player/ooc name:[/b] player name [/li]
[li][b]character tags:[/b] @TAG[/li][/ul] [/quote]
[div align="center"][b]4 ic posts for canon characters:[/b][/div]
[div][attr="class","ynospace"][ul type="disc"]
[li][a href="https://pkmn-hoenn.boards.net"]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href="https://pkmn-hoenn.boards.net"]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href="https://pkmn-hoenn.boards.net"]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href="https://pkmn-hoenn.boards.net"]THREAD[/a][/li][/ul][/quote]

[div align="center"][b]summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:[/b][/div]
[ul type="disc"][li][b]1. PLOT NAME[/b][break]
Description of plot.[/li][/ul][/quote]

[quote][ul type="disc"][li][b]2. PLOT NAME[/b][break]
Description of plot.[/li][/ul][/quote]

[div align="center"][b]if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:[/b][/div]
[ul type="disc"][li][b]1. AVATARSHIP: LEGENDARY[/b][break]
Describe how your character, their avatarship and their legendary, have been used to help create a collaborative narrative on site. Helpful questions to ask are: how has your character embodied the values of their legendary? How have they developed? How have they been used as narrative tools to help push the stories of characters (non-canons and canons alike)? How have they shown weakness versus strength to provide nuanced depictions of power dynamics?[/li][/ul][/quote]

[ul type="disc"][li][b]any notes/comments:[/b] [/li][/ul]
[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]



IF YOUR CHARACTER DOES NOT HAVE A CANON POSITION, but is an AVATAR use the following template below.[break][break]

IMPORTANT: Please remember that this does not include characters who own Legendary/Mythical Pokemon and their Shards, but are NOT AVATARS. However, this is no excuse for misuse of these writing tools.

[nospaces][blockquote][attr="class","milkyac"] [h1]NON-CANON AVATAR[break]AC TEMPLATE[/h1]

[ul type="disc"][li][b]player/ooc name:[/b] player name [/li]
[li][b]character tags:[/b] @TAG[/li][/ul] [/quote]

[div align="center"][b]4 ic posts for avatar character:[/b][/div]
[div][attr="class","ynospace"][ul type="disc"]
[li][a href="https://pkmn-hoenn.boards.net"]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href="https://pkmn-hoenn.boards.net"]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href="https://pkmn-hoenn.boards.net"]THREAD[/a][/li]
[li][a href="https://pkmn-hoenn.boards.net"]THREAD[/a][/li][/ul][/quote]

[div align="center"][b]summarize how you've utilized[break]the avatarship for collaborative narrative:[/b][/div]
[ul type="disc"][li][b]1. AVATARSHIP: LEGENDARY[/b][break]
Describe how your character, their avatarship and their legendary, have been used to help create a collaborative narrative on site. Guiding questions to ask are: how has your character embodied the values of their legendary? How have they developed due to this bond? How have they shown weakness versus strength to provide nuanced depictions of power dynamics? How has the legendary/avatarship been used as narrative tools to help push the stories of characters (non-canons and canons alike)? It is encouraged to link threads that demonstrate this.[/li][/ul][/quote]

[ul type="disc"][li][b]any notes/comments:[/b] [/li][/ul]
[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]



Characters like , and who have reserved canon positions, but are not yet in these positions do not need to complete this activity check.[break][break]

IMPORTANT: Please communicate with me if there is a special circumstance surrounding your inability to make this canon activity check. However, continued inactivity after an exemption will result in necessary adjustments.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
rocket beast
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
2,753 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 21:34:36 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. DARK SUN & BLOOD MOON[break]
    Curiosity about Ultra Space and the secrets therein unexpectedly bore potent fruit. Zev originally traveled to Ultra Crater to watch over his wife, Nenet, while she conducted studies on the Pokémon and other lifeforms dwelling there. It was an opportunity for me to write out the progression of their relationship, the building of trust between them in the face of danger. [break][break]

    Their encounter with Lunala at the Moone Altar tested this bond. Zev could have subdued the enraged Pokémon with ease, using much more brutal force than he and his shard of Necrozma employed during battle. But Nenet wanted to help it and keep it alive. Not for the first time, he deferred to her wishes, taking offensive action only when she faced imminent danger. [break][break]

    How affirming and satisfying, for Zev, to learn that such a bond could reap incredible power. Never in history had Necrozma, through an Avatar, absorbed the Ultra Burst of another Pokémon. Dawn Wings Necrozma is the first of its kind. Now Zev knows it is possible to gain more power for his patron—and, in turn, receive more power for himself. [break][break]

    All thanks to Nenet and her impassioned interest in Ultra Space. [break][break]

    What other reservoirs of untapped power exist out there? What would happen if Zev were to absorb the Ultra Bursts of other Pokémon known to have such potential? And how can he maneuver Nenet to explore such possibilities for him? [break][break]

    Stay tuned, Hoenn. [break][break]

    > ULTRA CRATER: NZ #3 ft. [break]
    > ULTRA CRATER: NZ #4 ft. [break]
    > ULTRA CRATER: NZ #5 ft. [break]
    > ULTRA CRATER: NZ #6 ft. [break]

  • 2. IMAGE OF THE BEAST[break]
    Zev's bond with Necrozma is a reflection of his lack of humanity, and being able to explore that line between man and monster is one of the great pleasures of writing him on this site. However, this exploration does not exist in a vacuum. Instead, it contributes to a larger context: the gradual reveal of his Avatarship to the League—and to the region at large. [break][break]

    Over the course of the past several months, I have allowed the revelations to build up. In the beginning with TO SOW DRAGON'S TEETH (RIGHTWARD), Zev displayed many of his powers, but he kept his armor hidden and did not summon Necrozma. And when he did use his armor in skirmishes with the League, such as during HYSTERIA and THE ABYSS GAZES ALSO, he kept his identity hidden. [break][break]

    But as conflicts between the League and Team Rocket escalated, and as the universe continued its unhindered hurtle toward destiny, Zev has increasingly shown his hand. He unveils the full extent of his inhumanity to the newly imbued Avatar of Palkia in COLLISION and to Admin Fox in SUP ON DIVINE POISON. At long last, he deploys his shard of Necrozma against an Elite Four in DISCOMFIT. [break][break]

    And it culminates in tearing the mask completely off in PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY. [break][break]

    Interspersed between these big moments are smaller ones, reminders that even when Zev appears human, he never truly is. He does not hesitate to harm children in ARBOREAL ANTICS. His blood reveals a transformed biology in PROPHAGE. The contrast between NOBODY BUT US and APPEAL reminds readers that no matter what he feels, he can never cross the gap into true emotional bonds. [break][break]

    Everything up to this point has worked to establish Zev as a terrifying adversary for the League… and an apocalyptic threat to Hoenn in general. And with the region on the brink of war, I look forward to seeing how his involvement affects the tides of change. [break][break]

    > TO SOW DRAGON'S TEETH (RIGHTWARD) site event[break]
    > HYSTERIA ft. [break]
    > ARBOREAL ANTICS ft. [break]
    > PROPHAGE ft. [break]
    > SEVERANCE ft. & [break]
    > COLLISION ft. [break]
    > THE ABYSS GAZES ALSO ft. [break]
    > HARSH REMINDER ft. [break]
    > NOBODY BUT US ft. [break]
    > SUP ON DIVINE POISON ft. [break]
    > INTO THE BELLY OF THE BEAST ft. [break]
    > DISCOMFIT ft. [break]
    > ANTITHESIS ft. [break]
    > DARK-WINGED MORPHEUS ft. [break]
    > APPEAL ft. [break]
    > NEXUS ft. [break]

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

    As Zev reveals himself more and more to friend and foe alike, he participates in more direct conflict. It has been a refreshing challenge to balance his powers and function as a formidable villain. I take great care to write threads where he struggles as well as succeeds, making adjustments to his abilities depending on what different scenes demand. [break][break]

    I also strive to ensure that the conflicts in which Zev engages are meaningful to his opponents. I seek conflict and drama that push plots forward, especially the plots of those who lose to him. A wise man once said that in order for the hero to feel that his victory has been earned, he must struggle time and time again against powerful villains. I fully apply that philosophy to Zev, anticipating future setbacks for him when the heroes pitted against him eventually succeed. [break][break]

    But in the meantime, he will only get stronger and scarier. His increasing power mirrors the threat of his patron's return to this universe. And the more he gains in power, the more he loses of himself: that precious thread of humanity that keeps him independent of Necrozma. Though it is a slow process, it is one he does not resist. [break][break]

    After all, who would resist divinity?

  • any notes/comments: I can't believe I didn't have Dawn Wings Necrozma on my bingo board for this year. In all seriousness, it has been a tough month for me due to RL matters, and Hoenn has been a wonderful distraction and source of joy for me during this difficult time. I appreciate all the marvelous writers who've invited me to plot with them, and who've given me the room to showcase Zev in all his terrible villainy.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,174 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 21:36:20 GMT
jayden cross Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    Loyal and devout to the organization he calls home, Jayden is one of many who make up the face of Team Rocket. His plot has always been one centered around loyalty and devotion; as someone who had been once it's pawn, as now an Avatar and Admin within the organization, he becomes one of it's pillars.

    [break][break] As admin of Offense and Training Recruitment, even in his Cursed avatarship, Jayden spends a lot of time either recruiting fellow grunts or training them to their truest potential. In DOLLHOUSE THEORY, with , he continues their mentorship by evaluating her for Team Rocket's SPECTRA division. He does the same for , a man who he recruited into the organization years ago in exchange for his sister's safety and , a man who he believes will be one of Rocket's brightest minds. He pushes to their limits in FLESH AND BONE and In addition, he also continues the process of assisting the transfer of Kanto recruits into Hoenn, needing fresh blood more than over with the upcoming war. With and both, he believes in their promise and strength, encouraging them both to sign up for the upcoming GAUNTLET.

    [break][break] Jayden lends his expertise to in both FIT FOR A KING and SCARS BOTH OLD AND NEW, as a testament to their ongoing relationship.

    [break][break] He maintains his mentorship with , even in despite of his Avatarship, in SHAPELESS IN STEEL; is relentlessly in pursuit of his one-sided friendship with even in a faraway DREAM; supports @tempest in his research with AVATARSHIP.

    [break][break] Jayden's greatest power is one that he does not even consider a power — to him, such loyalty and devotion is a given. A means to an end. All within Rocket hold the greatest power for potential, and it is his job to make sure that they get there.

    [break][break] During their adventures in the RKS machine, he says as much to . You won't be worthless. Howard hates him for it.

    [break][break] Yet, for Jayden, it changes nothing. Team Rocket is his very being, his past, his present — his undying future.

    [break][break] Even if it leads to his downfall, as scripted in 's WELL-SPRING PROPHECY.

    [break][break] themes: loyalty, devotion, idolatry, zealotness


    RELATED THREADS: [break][break]
    rocket bonding: [break]
    FIT FOR A KING [break]
    EXPOSURE [break]
    INTERVIEW W/ TEMP [break]
    FLESH & BONE [break]
    DUST & SHADOWS [break][break]

    SPECTRA: [break]
    BLACKEST HAND [break]
    ICEBREAKER [break]
    REFRACTION [break][break]

    RKS WITH HOWARD [break][break]




    Since his inception, Jayden's character arc has always been positioned against the idea of power and influence. Being a life-time Rocket, bureaucracy and hierarchy come second nature to him. It's why he doesn't think himself worthy of the position when he first rises to BEAST, as he explains to in the RKS machine, or honestly even when he's chosen to ascend to ADMIN alongside .

    [break][break] But through all of this, each moment that he spends in his position slowly chips away at his complacency. It's what weakens him to the influence of his Ruinous patron, the potential for success that Jayden always sees desperately in other people but never himself. His bond with CHIEN PAO is the trigger-point for his ambition, which he says to and when he's initially chosen. It continues on in conversations he has with and both after, and culminates in his promise to in DEAD OF WINTER.

    [break][break] His FATHER WINTER 2 thread implies it too, that Jayden's path - while an arduous one - weaves a winding road. He can continue on the path he's on, being obedient and loyal to the organization that has only cast him harm, or he can forge his own.

    Drawn by his patron's ruinous influence, he escalates his rivalry with both and @illie.

    [break][break] He fights with during the EXCURSIONS, once again called nothing but a dog to Rocket.

    [break][break] In ANTIGONE, for the first time, he selfishly prioritizes his desires over the organization's. Even urges him down this path, witnessing the admin's POISONED state and rightfully attributes such relentless loyalty to nothing but a foolish dream. PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY too becomes a relentless struggle of will — between the allure of power and the pursuit of naive happiness — as the human part of him continues to chip away.

    [break][break] As he steps forward into this Ruinous path, Jayden is beginning to discern his own will after so many years of being chained under someone else's control. But is this his will? Or is he just being controlled again by another's chains?

    [break][break] themes: power, rising, control, will, greed, sacrifice


    RELATED THREADS [break][break]

    RKS WITH HOWARD [break]
    VS GREYSON [break]
    ANTIGONE [break]
    RUINS [break]
    ANCHOR [break]
    DEAD OF WINTER [break]
    MOCHI CHAIN [break][break]


if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:


    It's no secret that 's relationship with CHIEN PAO is self-destructive.

    [break][break] From the first moment that the Ruinous Beast set it's eyes on him, it saw him as a piece of prey. It saw him in nearly the same way that Rocket views it's populace — weak and dispensible, but necessary to utilize. However, the longer Jayden finds himself wrapped in the cat's deadly influence, it becomes more and more difficult to discern which emotions are his own and which emotions are due to his influence.

    [break][break] He says it first to BREAK ME APART and then again in DEAD OF WINTER with . He and Chien Pao are one and the same.

    [break][break] But Jayden never had a choice in his Avatarship. At least, not in the way others do. Chien Pao sunk it's fangs into his flesh without permission during Disseminate, and has continued to tug him in the direction that it best sees fit.

    [break][break] Yet, despite that, is that the truth? Is will so easy to erase decades worth of influence?

    [break][break] Many people now see Jayden only as a monster, influenced by the ruinous power of his patron. However, they forget why he was chosen in the first place. Past and present weave together when Jayden aids in repairing the fractured world in ANTIGONE. Perhaps it is his growing desire for independence that allows him to temper the brewing hatred within him.

    [break][break] Under the ruse of trying to grow stronger for Rocket, Jayden establishes the mentorship of all three Underbosses in his own Cursed avatarship. To no one's surprise, he's willing to go to extreme lengths, allowing himself to get burned alive in RUINS so that he can then utilize such skills in his confrontations with .

    [break][break] In PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY, Jayden experiences what it's like for the first time to be relieved from his patron's bond. His mind is clearer, his thoughts are sweeter. is certainly happier for it. But rather than relief, he feels a sense of profound emptiness, a weakness that he no longer craves. Instead, he willingly seeks solace in his encounters with in the DREAM WORLD more than once. This time, his self-destruction is his choice.

    [break][break] It has him ignoring even in PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY, where he fights , and . All of that all-consuming hatred lends him even more power in the final confrontation with CYLLORA and the Megalopolans, where he attempts to wipe away the lives of those who have enslaved them.

    [break][break] And thus, a new path appears. Hatred does not merely turn Jayden into a mindless beast; it grants him control and power in ways he never had before.

    [break][break] But the question remains — will it be worth it? Will it be worth all that relentless sacrifice?

  • any notes/comments: THANK U SO MUCH SHIVERLY AND SPIRAL FOR ALL U DO!! Also, most importantly, thank you for all my thread partners and their gorgeous writing. I feel so, so privileged to be able to tell these stories with such a diverse, exceptionally talented and overall wonderful community.

    [break][break] FYI: If any of these plots strike out to you and you would like to thread something, please reach out!! Especially if you are interested in any Ruination/hatred beats, as well as anyone who is interested in connections from Kanto or preparing for the upcoming WAR. THANK YOU!!

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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played by


illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
who are we
to fight the alchemy?
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,178 posts
part of
TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 21:37:35 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    while the slow death of the universe is, perhaps, not entirely something new... having the means to now do something about it is.


    she had, in vague and girlish daydreamish ways, thought of ways to prevent the inevitable (maybe?) decay of the universe before now. things like taking shiny machine technology from the wilds and crafting it to her will or begging and pleading for the gods to step in had become second nature as her mind was plagued with paranoid thoughts of not only sea hoenn but the sight of ultra space decaying. she couldn't get any of it out of her head.


    and now, with palkia at her side, she has found herself in a, well, tight position?


    in antigone with , we see them both racing against time to repair the spatial dimension - and with it, the universe as a whole - but we see a steady realization from the beginning of the thread until the end where she becomes acutely aware that this is not the end. this will continue to happen if they do not burn out the rot at the source. in a way, even, it feels more and more like a pyrrhic victory: hollow, draining, opening a bigger wound in the grand scheme.


    we see alliances come out of the knowledge that the end of times is coming - whether that's an apollonian curse or a prophecy coming to pass is entirely up to interpretation, but she aligns herself with the sole intention of stopping it nonetheless. a persistent alliance continues with in de selby, despite illie's male manipulating, while unlikely alliances form on shaky ground with in collision, from excursions and spreading into the swift warning, and also from excursions spreading into son of nyx.


    she knows, realistically, that aligning with any rockets will result in dire consequences, but she can't help herself. she feels drawn to those of cosmic or sea hoennian relation. she can't see past the warning signs, the decay of ultra space, the rifts still screaming across the expanses of the universe as they continue to bleed hoenn's stability dry.


    and in a way, she can't see past her own need to prove to people like in holy revival & prayer factory that she's not useless, she's not losing control, she's a tough kid and she can handle her shit (i needed the taylor swift reference smile). she is also, despite herself, still chasing after that elusive approval from in the alchemy. he will never give it to her, perhaps, but she can't help but seek out vindication after the events of nadir have followed her like a dark cloud throughout their relationship since.


    the opening of the chasm and the overabundance of tera crystals has also caused her to drag down into area zero for testing (and the proving of worth) in hallucinations. there, they encounter an origin form dialga and we see a preview of the clash between both halves of the creation duo. she had told herself it was merely scientific curiosity that brought her down there, but there's this urge somewhere in the mind that begs for her to conjure up every terrible outcome possible in order to defeat it. in other trips and in antigone, she would find her alternate selves and they would pry their grubby fingers into her mind to rip mental fortitude apart at the seams.


    antigone has just recently wrapped up and the state of the universe in the aftermath have not been revealed yet, but i aim to expand upon the events of antigone (and the growing tension outlined down below) further in her alliances with , , and in particular. she believes the information is too valuable, too monumental, to not share with those also seeking to prevent the end of cosmic times. after all, the big bad of arceus and the drk triad, along with sea hoenn, are still somewhere out there... and even if it costs her sanity, she'll ensure they're all ready.


    RELATED THREADS |[break]
    ANTIGONE ft [break]
    THE ALCHEMY ft [break]
    HALLUCINATIONS ft [break]
    COLLISION ft [break]
    THE SWIFT WARNING ft [break]
    SON OF NYX ft [break]
    PRAYER FACTORY ft [break]
    DE SELBY ft

    with the onslaught of various threats continuing to knock on hoenn's door in a never-ending fight for survival, head scientist (and new avatar) illeana reyes has taken to a rather simple concept: studying avatars.


    it's been done before, surely, but in her eyes, it has never become more important than now. the region has war looming over its shoulders and those with legendaries in their midst - shards, avatars, you name it - will become vital pieces on the chessboard. after receiving approval by the council ( in i, carrion, in deadlines, and in abstract), she began with a heavy hand and a flurry of summons to the league labs.


    she has invited them into her lab for a series of tests and studies (avatar, legendary, sygna suit, etc. related), hoping to not only help herself/the league understand the intricacies of avatarship/the bond between mortal and legendary, but also to help each individual learn something more about themselves than they thought possible. this includes the following: , , , , , , , and . these threads are currently ongoing, focusing more on the individual's relationship with both their own current plotting tools and their relationship to the site narrative as it currently stands. by showcasing their current progression in their own plots, i hope to be able to aid in a better understanding of avatarship as a whole while also providing stepping stones that could be used to shed light on more personal aspects of character, pokemon, and site narrative. she has even begun looking inward toward herself and her own avatarship with the help of in whetstone. by feeling her way through this new avatarship after having one and losing it two years prior, the training of her own powers has allowed a better insight into how to help those around her.


    on the flipside, however, illeana has found herself growing restless as the region barrels toward war. this is shown in her threads with in de selby and in hear the calling. the urge to act, to answer the call of violence as it hums through the air, has never been stronger than now. it comes after a weakened mind tries - and fails - to bear the weight of the universe.


    she, along with everyone around her, had known the cracks in her foundation had always been there. they had been subtle, rearing their head in times of stress and the appearance of sea hoennians (they're still coming, she swears!) peppered across recent years... but with newfound avatarship, she has found the waning of control, temperament, and sanity to be more pronounced. even in her threads with in haunted, in various storms and saints, in de selby, and in whetstone, she has found her white knuckled control slipping faster than she can hope to stop.


    the avatar studies are, in a way, also a foolish woman's hope of finding a way to stop the inevitable break before it comes. after all, she might be kind and attentive to her willing subjects, but there's an underlying selfishness permeating through all of her actions. using them as guinea pigs is, perhaps to her, the only way to know what will work on herself.


    as hoenn gets into a more tense and war-focused atmosphere, i hope to use these avatar studies and these subtle nods of her own struggles in relation to those around her as a means to push both conflict and interpersonal narrative forward in a way that feels natural and slow dawning - kind of like a lightbulb flickering on after being kept in the dark or a bolt of lightning suddenly striking full understanding into the body. it's a slow burn (my favorite), but it's honestly also just a lot of fun to see how each character has different answers when asked about their avatarship, shards, personal struggles, etc. i like seeing the variety and connecting the dots as they relate to each other and the world around them ♡


    RELATED THREADS |[break]
    FREE ft [break]
    DAFFODIL ft [break]
    ABSTRACT ft [break]
    DE SELBY ft [break]
    FIRST STEPS ft [break]
    LONG & LOST ft [break]
    WHETSTONE ft [break]
    HEAR THE CALLING ft [break]
    THE ALCHEMY ft [break]
    DUST TO DUST ft [break]
    ST JUDE ft [break]
    HAUNTED ft [break]
    I, CARRION ft [break]
    DEADLINES ft [break]

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. AVATARSHIP: PALKIA (pp head)[break]
    during and after the events of to sow dragon's teeth, illeana had found herself thrown into surprisingly new territory: another avatarship. she had lost her first, something that shaped her into the character she currently is today, but she had never quite truly believed she would be chosen again. it's one of those things where you have come to shaky terms with the inevitable acceptance of a dream never coming to fruition and not quite knowing how to handle it when it does, despite all odds, end of coming to pass.


    i've, honestly, peppered a bit of hints and nods along the way as her previous arc had developed and transformed over the years. there's always been this sense of fracturing self from back when her sea hoennian self had cut her down in aqua 2 to losing herself in the pursuit of lost power and, finally, to securing said power only to inevitably realize it will have cost her much more than she anticipated.


    while we have yet to truly see palkia's intentions, ideals, or goals, illeana herself has her own particular agenda that has persisted throughout the years: the one woman war against sea hoenn, the push for dimensional stability, and the warnings of multiversal war. it's difficult to say at the moment if these will fully align with palkia necessarily, but i believe the overall goal for a stable and whole universe is shared between avatar and patron. it is, after all, the only way to prevent the rest of her fears from coming to pass, isn't it?


    personally, though, there is a more personal plot i am slowly pushing through with this avatarship. i had selected one of her powers in particular to set up a particular arc i have been wanting to explore, which is the concept of "you've gotten the power, but what has it cost you?". inspiration for this has come from the scarlet witch, game of thrones, etc, but the slow burn of losing yourself and your mind because the power you sought had never been meant to fall into mortal hands is my overall goal. i admit it is a bit slow to come into full bloom yet, but it's not something i wish to rush.


    of note, there has been a peppering of slipping control, a fracturing mind, and the potential beginnings of a anti-hero (or villain, smirk) throughout most of my threads since receiving avatarship. the threads outlined below do a great job of highlighting the inner turmoil of the alchemist as she treads a careful line between keeping control and losing herself. she is still unaccustomed to her powers, sure, but does that make a difference? is it still fated, in the end, for her to succumb to the weight of the universe and its creation overwhelming her mind?


    and will it end with her as a villain or - worse - the origin point?


    RELATED THREADS |[break]
    ANTIGONE ft [break]
    COLLISION ft [break]
    WHETSTONE ft [break]
    THE ALCHEMY ft [break]
    THE SWIFT WARNING ft [break]

  • any notes/comments: ily all, happy to be here as long as you'll have me cuties ♡ ps i'm a slow lil plotter and apparently also a massive rambler :froggie_sob:

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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
739 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
Shred Zeppelin
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 21:42:58 GMT
Shred Zeppelin Avatar
[googlefont=Rubik Burned][nospaces]





4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

1. They Didn't Lie, That Chain Really Was Toxic[break]

The Toxic Chain is a threat. Not just to Hoenn, but to the entire world. And nobody is doing anything to stop it.[break][break]

Nobody, except you.[break][break]

With the League riddled by incompetence and the rest of Team Rocket distracted, the events of Route 119 went mostly unconsidered. Reported? Sure, but certainly not considered. The reveal of this apocalypse-in-the-waiting was witnessed, then quickly dismissed. Nobody seemed particularly concerned about it. And why would they be? They weren't there.[break][break]

But you? You were. You fought the Megalopolans, faced down the Toxic Chain, escaped upon the reflection of the Quaestor Lucis. And you're going to crush that apocalypse beneath his foot before it can ever hope to blossom.[break][break]

If there's one thing Shred Zeppelin hates, it's a chain.[break][break]

In the aftermath of the Route 119 incident, fuelled by his glimpse into a dark future, Shred investigates the mysterious Toxic Chain. In doing so, he forges a... Well, not quite a "relationship", but certainly a something with former head scientist and fellow survivor Lulu Flint. They take him far and wide, from examining Tera Crystals to begging Howard for money, and even a meeting with his own Megalopolan ally, the General Velmos. It's a difficult search, but perhaps not a fruitless one. After many distractions and much struggle, the Chain finally seems to rear its ugly head once more. Maybe, just maybe, this was the lead he needed?[break][break]

A tragedy? Sure. Avoidable? Yes. His fault? Maybe! But none of that mattered. As long as he could get to the bottom of this, as long as he could cut down this quickly growing weed before it grew any larger, then maybe he could still prevent the worst case scenario. He could prove himself. He could save the day. He could ensure that this pathogenic slavery was annihilated, and that it could never, ever control him again.[break][break]

And then, he woke up in prison, with a Toxic Chain around his neck.[break][break]


A story about stupid love, control and the loss of it, guilt over the unpreventable, and a Dogi that's pretty Oki. Stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion and also-thrilling aftermath!

2. Shred is Burnt, Part B[break]

Getting hit by that Mind Blown was the second worst thing to ever happen to you. The first? Getting hit by the Hyper Beam a few seconds later.[break][break]

It feels like a sick joke, doesn't it? Things were going well for you. With your promotion to Rocket Beast, everything was finally going your way. You had a nice house in Sootopolis, you had a fair mortgage, and you had money to spare. You were happy! You were... Well, maybe not "content", per say, but pretty damn close to it![break][break]

And then, they took it all away from you. Just like they always do.[break][break]

The League[break][break]

They're gonna pay.[break][break]

They're ALL gonna pay...[break][break]

After suffering horrible wounds in his foolish stand against Palkia and the League, Shred Zeppelin is a shell of his former self. Physically, but also mentally and spiritually, too. It's left him a husk of his former self, hollowed out and left to fester. Given the circumstances, how else could he fill the holes but with contempt for those that did this to him?[break][break]

Not that it's the first time. For Shred, the League represents all the things that have haunted him throughout his life: His "betters", their corruption, the laws they enforce and break at their discretion, the holier-than-thou attitude that makes them "right", and the authority that puts them beyond reproach. Once, he might've been content to simply hide himself from them, to scuttle away from notice and try to live his life as best he can.[break][break]

Now, though?[break][break]

He'll burnt the whole thing down to the goddamn ground.[break][break]

A story about hate; For your enemies and your friends and yourself, for your successes and your failures and your wounds, for the envy and the space and the modest soups. Very longingly ongoing!

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

Shred can summon the sun, but since he's Galarian, he doesn't know how to feel about that yet.

  • any notes/comments: Feeling like WorrySleep the way I'm very tired. Going to probably stick to a lower threadcount for the foreseeable future in an attempt to maintain more consistent posting rates and also stave off burnout (I will probably fail but alas).

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,672 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 21:50:15 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. TIME FOR CRIME (WAR VER.)[break]
    Temp's main objective for ooc stays the same as usual, which is him causing as many problems as he can for the League. With the beast of proper war starting to open it's eyes and peer onto Hoenn, Tempest hasn't been slacking![break][break]

    Tempest has been assisting Rocket in the war efforts, as is expected, as well as helping to train up new recruits. Recent examples of this is assisting Tempest in securing supplies from a secret bunker, then Tempest helping to sort those same supplies with . His STRIKE FORCE goals has saw him start to test to see if she's worthy; I also have have plans with and in the works.[break][break]

    He's not just having happy fun times with Rocket, though! Tempest is also causing problems for the League. He had a clash with and in TSDT (Left) in order to assist and , which left him with some permeant burn scars from his encounter with Penny. During the discovery of Area Zero, Tempest clashed with and with . He's grabbing Voltorb right now with and also is harassing a Ranger by the name of . One could argue he helped bring in recently, but there are some fuzzy lines going on in Temp's mind with that one...[break][break]

    This plot, even if not War flavored, is one I will probably keep pushing. I really want Temp to be both a hero to Rocket and a villain to League for the long haul.

    Tempest hasn't stopped his research into Avatars and Infinity Energy. His long term goal is to find a serum that cuts off their powers, even if temporarily, and IC he feels like he is so close...[break][break]

    Tempest is still conducting interviews with a few of Rocket's Avatars. He's managed to finish quite a few of them, but there were a lot so I'm still trucking along! His most recent pick up is the big man himself. Outside of the Avatars themselves, Tempest has met up with a few other figures who I'm hoping he can make some connections with for this plot - like , , and . He's also interviewed , despite him not being an Avatar, to field what some of the differences are.[break][break]

    Tempest has presented all his past research to 's Project Infinity as a ways to support Rocket. The thread with is pulling double duty, since Tempest is not only harassing a Ranger but also trying to pull some more of Kyogre's blood for his own studies.[break][break]

    On a more personal matter, he and recently had a fight about Avatarship and some of the side effects (as well as some other things). Tempest ended up meeting with and admitted some of the marital troubles they were having because of it. However, they have made up and seem to be doing better.[break][break]

    I have a few ideas where I want to take this plotline further but right now I'm still in the planning stages and am having fun with Temp throwing himself against the wall of Infinity Energy over and over.

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

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  • any notes/comments: my lowered activity from the very sudden death and all the aftermath of that made this canon ac a bit harder for me. i'm very grateful for everyone who is patient and understanding as i come out of the other side from that. i'm hoping to forge a lot of cool plots in the future and finish off a lot of my current threads before the next canon ac! i have a lot of fun on hoenn and i love seeing everyone's plots push forward; this place is basically my fave soap opera LOL i love you all <3

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
you gon' be
addicted to my eyes
5'6" height
5'6" height
✨ I'm addicted to shining and glowing
2,680 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 21:53:27 GMT
mint frost Avatar




  • player/ooc name: kimmy
  • character tags:

4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. AD ASTRA PER ASPERA [break]

    Since the events of Father Winter 2, Mint has, under the approval of , , and , developed a new initiative known as PROJECT INFINITY. Through it Mint has been reaching out to other members of Team Rocket in an effort to collect data on various lege3ndaries, as well as study various energy phenomenons. The purpose of the current project's phase 1 has been to create a legendary database in order to help identify legendaries. [break][break]

    Throughout the past months, Mint has made great efforts to track and identify legendary signatures of both League avatars as well as roaming ones, leading eventually to the tracking of not only Kyogre but also two of the Legendary Galarian Birds, Moltres and Articuno respectively. [break][break]

    While successful icly, with multiple avatars on both factions analyzed, the project has been and continues to be an open avenue to assist in pushing rockets down an intelligence or scientific path. In the coming months, PROJECT INIFNITY will begin its second phase in order to assist with an excursion into the DISTORTION WORLD. [break][break]

  • 2. AMOR CAUCUS EST [break]
    Mint has had a storied past with Father Winter, finding Dionysus fascinating as a man as well as a member of th4e DRK Triad. At first identified as an one of the members easiest to exploit for information form the DRK Triad, Mint has grown to have a strong romantic interest with the man. Despite their visits and meeting being brief, Mint has been trying to scrounge for any lick of information on the DRK Triad as well as how to manipulate Dionysus' penchant for gambling to help Rocket avoid utter destruction by Arceus. [break][break]

    The relationship between Father Winter and Mint is far from solidified, with Mint possibly becoming more of a liability to Winter as well as an apt test subject to manipulate as seen in the events of his Father Winter 2 thread. [break][break]

    I want to continue pushing for Mint x Father Winter 2 not just because I find the ship interesting but also because I do believe it is a genuine avenue to try to get information from a group as elusive as the DRK Triad. But I also like the character plot it puts Mint in. As a soon to be avatar, there's bound to be contention between himself and Dionysus as DRK Triad assassins are still known to crop up.

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:



    Mint's avatar thread is still ongoing, but moving steadily into its finale as I shift y focus with him solely towards it in order to finish it. As per usual, I bite off more than I can chew and tend to lag when it comes to big solo story threads with my characters. However, I am very pleased to continue my work with the help of multiple talented and caring writers to help flesh out what I envision for Mint's ascendancy into avatarship. [break][break]

    I've been very excited to work with the premise of Mint being 'haunted' by his past just as he's about to, unknowingly, change in a more dramatic way than when Michaelis Fisk died. I'm excited to showcase Mint's lingering insecurities about his status as Rocket, his self destructive habits, the choices he makes to ensure his seat amongst an organization that could, in theory, discard him at any moment avatar or not. [break][break]

  • any notes/comments: shiv said mint x father winter cyber counts for my ac

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may 7th
hau’oli city, alola
rooksexual (demi)
lilycove gym leader
gym leader
dinner in bed, and korean food, say ‘i love you’ just a little bit too soon.
1,544 posts
lam logan DOLLARS
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lam logan
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 22:01:01 GMT
lam logan Avatar




  • player/ooc name: lou
  • character tags:

4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 2. the ultimate gym battle: healthy work-life balance[break]

    and then the less upbeat side! lam genuinely loves the sport of battling, and using his job as an educational tool. however, he continues to war with the idea of obligation to the league and what that fully entails.[break][break]

    as conflict continues to rise, he finds himself torn between what he thinks is expected of him in participation level and what he is actually capable of. this, of course, is also marred by the internalized idea that he is not as capable as others seem to think he is. he has seen more than one of his friends tilt toward more extreme ideals as their lives are profoundly affected by the conflict. regardless, he stubbornly maintains a grounded footing when it comes to assisting those friends, while fighting internal self-deprecation.[break][break]

    this is notably explored in primeval, as matters with come to a head. lam finds himself in co-partnership with virizion - something that he still struggles to accept himself as worthy of, even as he attempts to better acquaint himself and bond with the sword of justice.[break][break]

    through it all is the grounding that his partner, provides. and as the two get engaged, and attempt to build a life together that is as untouched by the region's tumult as they can manage, lam finds himself more anchored by the separation he keeps in his personal life as a safe haven for his own mental sanity. through this, he seeks the advice, perspective, and confidence of others he trusts, such as & .[break][break]

    even then, though, he still finds himself embroiled in the league's affairs. whether this is through his participation in various endeavors, his AQUA-oriented mentorship by , and his interactions with league-affiliated deities via and , and the search for those who went missing for those two days in april.

    relevant threads:

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:


  • any notes/comments: Meowy kazOWIE

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
2,892 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 22:03:45 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar





4 ic posts for avatar character:

summarize how you've utilized[break]the avatarship for collaborative narrative:

    Subject: 'Dr.' John D. Sullivan (No MD, no PHD, all vibes).
    John D. Sullivan has continued his savage guerilla campaign against Hoenn's healthcare industry. By way of indiscriminate free services, an absolute disregard for any 'real' doctor or hospital personnel trying to stop him, and utilizing his AQUA membership and high military rank to more or less martial law his way into any hospital, he has continuously forced hospital personel into allowing him to heal people for free, the barbarian. Well documented cases of such criminal acts include the likes of , , , , amongst others.
    The public has been fooled into believing that free, results guaranteed, cavalier treatment that dismisses the shareholde— er, hoenn's health economy is somehow justified just because some may be unable to afford healthcare. The public, a mob as ever, does not consider the possibility that perhaps some may be undeserving of treatment. Er, moving on—.
    I can't keep this bit going, I'm too lazy.
    Tl;dr Doug continues to menace hoenn hospitals by doing their job, but the hospital staff likes him for the most part since surprise surprise, people who go into nursing tend to be good folk. (actual doctors may disagree)
    Doug essentially breaking and entering into any hospital he wishes to offer his services in is mostly something he's adopted from Tapu Lele. A 'do as you please, when you please' approach to helping others based of her own 'do whatever, whenever, because it's funny' approach.
    Doug would be offended if you pointed out any similarities in personality between him and Tapu Lele, though.
    Even skittish, hopeless folk like have turned up at to his doorstep... Petalburg General's, really. & Chomper benefited from his 'healing first, ask for money never' policies as well. And put aside her... understandable doubts regarding Tapu Lele to try and help bring her oldest Salamence to full health.
    I need to make an exhibit or HNN article about how Doug said fuck the healthcare industry on poketweeter and all the ritchie ritches are upset about it.

  • any notes/comments:

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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
creatures of habit, carrion flowers, growing from repeated crimes.
7,989 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 22:11:50 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. TOXIC TAKEOVER[break]
    After stepping on one of his Roserade's DARK SPIKES in an excursion with , Cillian's questionable judgement leads him to dosing himself in an attempt to gain immunity. (This thread falls outside of the AC window, but I included it to highlight what kicked off this plot.)[break][break]

    Though he involved his fellow underbosses and familiar faces (, ) in WITHERING and CHOKE, he also reached out to a new face in , whom he'd learned has a past with ethically questionable studies surrounding CORROSION. Different toxins are utilized/alluded to in all three threads, from Nihilego and Naganadel to his own Shadow Breloom's CORROSIVE toxins. What little resistance he's built up from years of Avatarship is showcased in DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD, as he manages to shake off a dart of Ultra Beast poison to turn and fight .[break][break]

    He also argued with his husband about his reckless decisions, but they worked it out.

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

    I've had a lot of fun with the TOXIC TAKEOVER plot written above and how it ties into Lugia's influence over him. He was once an overly cautious character who wouldn't dream of willingly subjecting himself to things like corrosive poisons, but just as the Nihilego toxins have shadowed Lugia, so too has her blessing begun to corrupt him. Throughout it all, he remains devoted to her even as his friends and loved ones, particularly and , express their concerns over how far it'll go.

  • any notes/comments: I tried to think of something witty but I'm braindead so I'll go sappy instead. Love you Hoenn, thanks for helping me get through a rough time. Also honorable mention to DUTY-BOUND with ; it's been a blast to write! Honoured to have been invited to this thread!

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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
980 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 22:21:46 GMT
fern delaney Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. MY HEAD IS AN ANIMAL[break]

    the tumult in their nature has continually pushed fern in the last several months to behave more recklessly - even as they fulfill typical admin tasks, as seen in the way they begin to openly provoke members of the league whether for rocket purposes, or for their own. there is an air of erratic unreliability and burgeoning distrust as they begin to rely more on themself and tapu koko - something that is keenly starting to show itself in the widening gap that is growing between themself and their partner, .[break][break]

    though imperfect, their relationship to their fellow admin has been one of the most consistent things in fern's life to date, but in recent months they've grown wary of the bond between them. this kicked into high gear after they were pulled into the alternate world presented to by father winter 2. the distrust and conflict that rose between them in this dreamscape impacted fern in a significant way, and the aftershocks continue to linger in the waking world of reality: from what occurred, for 's connection to chien pao, and from the influence of their own patron.[break][break]

    this wariness has marred their interactions going forward. during their excursion into the great chasm after kyurem's attack, and in their personal interactions. jayden's flip toward excess adoration in the wake of father winter 2's influence is not something fern knows if they can believe. the hatred they witness whenever chien pao appears tinges all of that sweetness, even as fern works as a steadying influence to the other admin.[break][break]

    in prismatic penitentiary, there is a reprieve, but even this becomes tainted by the end of their time in imprisonment. as resentment and confusion build and conflict with fern's internal desire for control, expect them to lash out more and more - with the aim of them becoming more of a traditionally antagonistic and unpredictable villain for others to either align themselves with or work against.

    relevant threads:
    to keep an eye on:

  • 2. TAPU MANIA[break]
    Since their interaction with , in which her connection to Tapu Fini was revealed several months ago, Fern has borne a curiosity directly pertaining to their patron’s connection to other Tapus. While there was an obvious disconnect between the Tapu Fini of Hoenn to their own shiny Koko, the two island deities still regarded one another with interest. This led to a later pursuit in confronting its direct counterpart in Hoenn’s Tapu Koko, along with and –though this interaction was far more contentious, as provoked by the shared, intentional aggressing from both shiny Tapu Koko and Fern.[break][break]
    Both interactions, however, have spurred the innate desire to return to Lesser Megalopolis not only for the sake of finding out how Tapu Koko came to be in the destroyed city in the first place, but also in search of other Tapus that are its true counterparts. There is almost a strange sort of clashing independence and longing for that connection (as Fern noted in Tapu Koko’s interaction with Tapu Fini,) and it resonates with Fern’s own conflicting emotions as they struggle with their stubborn autonomy and developing infallible trust with others, within Rocket, and with their indecision to reconnect with a father they have intentionally distanced themself from (and struggle to discuss, as noted in discussion with .)[break][break]
    To this point, more than one trek into the ultra city has proven fruitless, even as reports of Shiny Tapu Bulu sightings appear, not just within Lesser Megalopolis, but the Ultra Crater as well. But after the events of Prismatic Penitentiary, their determination to pursue the Tapus is renewed–now with the caveat of uncovering how exactly Tapu Koko also connects them to and Necrozma, thanks to biting words imparted by Cyllora.

    relevant threads:

    to keep an eye on:

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. AVATARSHIP: ✨ TAPU KOKO[break]
    never separate fern from their patron son. but for real, it's been interesting to develop the co-existence that now seems to have developed between fern and their patron. while fern was initially resentful of their connection that came with their avatarship as an attack on their autonomy, it has become more uncommon to see them without the presence of the tapu koko - whether physically or in continued mention.[break][break]

    from prismatic penitentiary:[break]
    the problem with fern delaney is that they never really do know what it is they want.[break][break]

    they are a liar and a fraud and an actor on a grand stage in an empty auditorium. they spin worlds where they ascend to power, and ones where they walk away from rocket altogether.[break][break]

    the only one there to hear their soliloquy of want and desire and the spew of conflicting whims and wants is themself.[break][break]

    in every world they hold their leash. in every world they make the choice.[break][break]

    they are multitudinous.[break]

    and they do not know what it is they want—a frustrating thing as calm clashes with the chaos their soul reflects. they are on an empty stage in an empty auditorium, but they are in a hall of mirrors that reflects every version that they are and that they aren’t and what they could be and what they never will be.

    as the charlatan, fern is a bundle of contrasting traits, and tapu koko is a tool to draw that out and exacerbate it, and it varies from thread which fern i will get...which is a fun ride to embark on as the writer. in allowing myself this layer of unpredictability, it really presents the opportunity to paint fern as fickle, mercurial, an actor, and a falsity. as the pair clashes in their independent nature[break][break]

    but collide in co-dependence and shared mischief and chaos (something that is continually enabled,) we propel ourselves into a looming war with poking and prodding of the league in antagonistic endeavors, and a reliance on each other rather than the organization they are committed to, and how that affects the relationships that fern has built up to this point.

  • any notes/comments: sobs, I’ve been lagging a bit more on Fern (I took two grad school classes this last semester and let me tell u that will NOT be happening again..) but I’m hoping that with wartimes on the horizon and a few things taking an impending turn that there will be a swift uptick incoming. 🙏 I hope that the slow burn is acceptable

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 22:45:33 GMT
howard slayte Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. PRESSURE MOUNTS [break]
    Howard Slayte is a coward. Unfortunately for him, he’s a coward with a desk job with one of the most dangerous organizations on the planet. As the admin in charge of finances and logistics, his job is to ensure that Rocket’s coffers are full of gold and their hands are full of steel as they march off to war.


    A war that Howard has no part in, for an organization that does not trust him. For good reason, admittedly, given the admin’s frequency of complaints and his lack of commitment to the cause.


    As Howard moves to Dewford to keep an eye on Eternatus per ’s requests in House Call, Rocket begins to take a notice as ponders the admin’s loyalty in Infernal Question while twists his arm in To Usher an Era.


    Wary of the suspicion of his colleagues, Howard enlists Nebula member to gather information on Dewford as well as run counterintelligence for the admin. To appease Cillian, the admin leads him and into the bowels of the Ultra Deep Sea in Dark Mitochondria.


    As Rocket’s grip tightens on the admin, Howard panics and prepares an assault on Dewford to prove his loyalty to the cause, striving to replicate and learn from 's success in Sun That Set. This is further enhanced by a discussion with in Cooperation, in which the admin determines that a ceasefire to deal with Eternatus is likely impossible. This is further enhanced by the death of Kyle and the distant behavior of Navy, along with the transition of Tsubaki as Dewford's Gym Leader.


    He recruits in Set Sail and Contract to ferry a small detachment of Rockets to Dewford. At the same time, he prepares and strongarms to join them, convincing him that fighting with Rocket is better than risking Eternatus’s awakening.


    is enlisted in Move Your Body, Then Your Heart. is taken along to lead the battle as a Rocket Beast. As the battle begins in Hyperborea, Howard’s dream turns into a nightmare.

  • 2. MINING AWAY[break]
    At the end of Resurfaced Treasures, Howard was bestowed by Regice as he ascended to the role of Rocket Admin. While this was a logical move, as Howard’s knowledge of archaeology, history, and languages is infamous within Rocket, it also saddled Howard with a great burden.


    Unlock the secrets of Regice. Use it for the benefits of Rocket.


    Unfortunately, the Regice Howard owns and the one from Resurfaced Treasures are very different. One is a colossal titan, and the other is unceremoniously stuffed into an industrial freezer at Rocket HQ.


    Having lost the Power Spot to the League during Resurfaced Treasures, the admin begins to extract Wishing Stars from the earth for research, and in an attempt to find a high quality Wishing Star to power Regice. From sending into the Ancient Tomb (mostly to watch him overdose on Dynergy) in Sup Upon Divine Poison to excavating ore with in Split the Earth, Suck the Marrow.


    As people delve into the Power Spots for ore, Howard explains to the purpose of his search in Extraction: Howard and Lulu.


    With Regirock’s appearance in the Giant Chasm and Area Zero, Howard is ordered to capture Regirock by . After several (hi ) fights with Regirock (hi ), the admin deduces that his golem is lacking in power. Without it, it cannot defeat its fellow constructs.


    In a routine field test with Navy and in the Ultra Deep Sea, Howard finds a potential core for the construct. His goals become clear:


    Obtain it. Insert it. Use Regice to overwhelm Regirock and the Regieleki in Ultra Plant. Find the other two. Complete 's dream, which is a mission he plans to complete with the help of 's Odd Regi Statue.


    Then Hoenn will be safe. All lines point to Dewford.

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:


  • any notes/comments: Looking for VCT threads

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,476 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 22:53:26 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar




  • player/ooc name: Blue Star
  • character tags:

4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. #JustGymLeaderThings[break]
    This may come as a surprise, but Hideo is still the Gym Leader over at Littleroot. Crazy to think it's been a whole year since he got the role! He's done well in his role, even managing to find out he's gotten a fan in over in Prismatic Penitentiary!...and it's also attracted the attention of Rocket, who've finally sent to try and assassinate him over in Wolf In The Woods.[break][break]

    Just the pros and cons of fame baybeeeee![break][break]

    In regards to challenges: they've been slow-going. Only one has finished since the last CAC, but since then, more slots have opened for the non-traditional - with many ongoing (and nearing completion).[break][break]

    Of the completed:[break]
    • - Smoke and Ribbons - a Traditional 2v2 between Hideo and Lam Logan. The lesson here was on team synergy, as Hideo's team was able to give Lam's a good fight despite overall being weaker and having a typing disadvantage. Preparation is half the battle - with the other half being a good-old-fashion slugfest.[break][break]

    Of the ongoing:[break]

  • 2. Ay yo check out this pixie I got[break]
    Hideo had been keeping Uxie a secret for quite a while - but upon learning revealed Mesprit during Kyurem and Hoopa's attack, he resolved himself to doing the same - although in a more private setting with an audience he could trust.[break][break]

    And the Gym Jam proved to be a perfect opportunity for this, with Hideo revealing the pizza-inhaling pixie to his fellow Gym Leaders - as well as to ( as well, though she's now counted among Gym Leaders). People within the League that are privy to more sensitive information are now aware that he possesses Uxie, and there's no way he can take back the reveal.[break][break]

    It's already led to a few one-on-one conversations with League higher-ups: a friendly interview with Head Professor over in Free, a somewhat-stern-but-also-sympathetic conversation with over in the RKS simulation, and a considerably more stern (and somewhat threatening) scolding from during an Excursion in the Great Chasm. He also got to discuss the reveal with fellow-legendary-revealer down in Area Zero.[break][break]

    His search for Azelf has finally come to a head, with the pixie popping up in Prismatic Penitentiary. Hideo's since been focused on trying to recover Azelf, his goal ever since him and Eris were joined by Uxie and Mesprit. Though as this is an ongoing event, we'll have to wait and see where this takes him…

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. Uxie[break]
    According to all known laws of physics, there is no way Uxie should be able to eat so much.[break]
    Its tummy is too small to fit all that pizza in its chunky body.[break]
    Uxie, however, eats anyway. Because Uxie doesn't care what humans think is impossible.

  • any notes/comments: Gonna be giving a canon AC badge to as thanks for trying to assassinate a child in the middle of the night! And more importantly, giving Hideo what he needed to upgrade his sygna suit.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
I'd go through hell
to hold your hand
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,357 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
Michael Navidson
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 22:54:31 GMT
Michael Navidson Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    "I have one enemy, and His name is Eternatus."[break][break]

    And while they bicker, unseen foes in the heaven smile. Eternatus slumbers in the heart of a black sea. Dewford, and Hoenn, must be ready. He recruits in Waymore's Blues as a deputy and as a gym trainer in Call to Arms. He makes aware of the dangers facing the town in House Call.[break][break]
    But it is not just Eternatus that threatens the region. has explained the danger of the Dark Triad to Navy, giving him clarity on the bigger picture. He takes what most of his peers would call a foolish leap of faith and chooses to place his trust in her ideals in The Division Bell. They meet again under strenuous circumstances in Unavoidable Battle involving Navy, Nomi, , and . Forced to fight, it is the intervention of the Dark Triad in an attempt to assassinate three avatars that breaks the fight apart.[break][break]
    All the while, poison seeps into the warrior. He seeks answers from concerning the toxic chain in I Walk a Rocky Road and poisons himself by fighting the chains again and again. Ultimately, these chains cement his downfall, causing him to collapse while fighting in Stormbringer. Taken to a Sootopolis hospital, it is only the intervention of the mysterious forces at work in Prismatic Penitentiary that spares him from being captured by Rocket.[break][break]
    With war, must come ruin. Mankind's enemies stir.

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

    Navy is not an avatar.[break][break]
    Bottom text.

  • any notes/comments: I am awarding Navy's final canon AC gym badge to for stepping up to the plate across Navy's training, To Sow Dragon's Teeth, and Prismatic Penitentiary.

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November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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freya morningstar
POSTED ON May 20, 2024 22:59:29 GMT
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4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • any notes/comments[break]
    draconids RISE. ty all u all rock.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]


it's a long life full of long nights