i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,333 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 13:46:48 GMT





4 ic posts for canon characters:




  • CONSEQUENCES OF A DREAM[break][break]

    This plot came out of nowhere, but I am incredibly happy with its progress and ramifications over multiple characters. Nelle and I paired up and on a whim for Postdormitum, never expecting the two would click so well. After the events of PD, added his brother to the ROCKET hit list, and Barnaby took up the hunt after realizing Caleb was the same ranger that almost killed him in the Ultra Deep Sea.[break][break]

    Barnaby found his opportunity to capture Caleb for interrogation and eventual termination during Goodbye Galar. But first... they had to endure twenty long years together. An incredible amount of time to hold a vendetta against someone, especially when the structure and order of ROCKET had crumbled in the interim. Eventually, antagonism led to a unique sort of intimacy between the two men — a distraction from the poisoned Galar resented so much, and an escape from the pressures of nobility for .[break][break]

    After GG and Caleb's successful kidnapping, Barnaby brings his new captive to an isolated prison cell hidden beneath Sootopolis City. In several threads, Nelle and I explored our character's feelings of connection and loss while also fleshing out their dynamic post-GG. Barnaby refuses to acknowledge what they had in GG, rationalizing that it was only a dream, not their current reality. Caleb struggles with this denial and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future (stay tuned for that follow-up thread!). While imprisoned, Caleb also spills the beans about and ARTICUNO being on shaky ground and why his brother wanted him dead, among other things.[break][break]

    Of course, Caleb can't stay in Barnaby's dungeon forever, and eventually escapes with the help of a few friends.[break][break]

    What I really loved about this plot is how it springboarded other threads and character development, like 's defection from ROCKET (ORPHEUS, THE END OF THE BEGINNING, & IMMORTAL HATE), being the nail in the coffin for the end of and 's brotherhood (A HELL OF YOUR OWN MAKING), and allowing characters like to explore darker themes and situations.


    pertinent threads:[break]

    HIGHWAYMAN with [break]
    OH BROTHER MINE with [break]
    THE LONE KING with [break]
    TO BE ALONE WITH YOU with [break]
    PERFECT SHADOWS with [break]
    CRUCIFY with + [break]
    DISSEMINATE II with ROCKET CANONS[break][break][break]

  • any notes/comments: ty to all my thread partners (the ones listed here and the ones that aren't) ♡ y'all truly make hoenn such a fun and creative space!

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 13:57:12 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar




  • player/ooc name: Blue Star
  • character tags:

4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. Gym Leaderly Duties[break]
    As the new Gym Leader of Littleroot, Hideo's been a busy ribombee keeping up with his gym challenges. While the battles themselves are straightforward affairs (with the addition of psychic illusions to create fantastical environments to battle in), they're used to help teach the challengers to adapt to unconventional situations, and to learn from the ordeals they face so they may fare better in ordeals to come.

    Hideo has completed challenges for the following characters:[break][break]
    • - Danger Zone - A 2v2 between Hideo and a (pre-Gym-Leader) Navidson. The lesson taught was to never underestimate an opponent, and to better protect those that may be less able to fight, lest they face an ordeal that proves less merciful.
    • - The Red Knight - A 1v1 between Hideo and Thomas Benoit, serving as the public debut of Hideo's Shadow Alakazam. Its ability- (and attack-) stealing abilities served as a lesson that one may face foes that don't play by the normal rules, and that one may not always have access to all their resources when an ordeal arrives or may even see those resources turned against them; in both cases, one must adapt and overcome if they want to make it through to the end.
    • - Playground Brawl - A 2v2 between Hideo and Eris, the first time they've legitimately battled against each other. Despite Hideo's gym being a Psychic one, one of his Pokemon was purely Rock-type, which was to teach that the circumstance of an ordeal may prove unpredictable and not because his Lycanroc really wanted to battle her Luxray.
    • - Race To The Future - A 2v2 between Hideo and Aaron. One of Hideo's Pokemon was a Rabsca, a relatively new Pokemon to Hoenn, and one the challenger was unfamiliar with. This battle served to teach that one must never stop learning about the changes around them, and to be prepared to deal with anything from the unknown.

    The following challenges are still ongoing:[break][break]

    Apart from the challenges, Hideo's also been working to help the community, both in Littleroot and Hoenn as a whole, whether it be simply helping out a summer camp entertain its campers or helping boost the League's image during the Funtasia Carnival.

  • 2. The Hunt for Red October Blue Azelf[break]
    Ever since Uxie joined Hideo, Hideo's been trying to find the one missing member of the Lake Trio: Azelf. Him and have been trying to find any information they could about the missing member, without outing the fact they have members of the Lake Trio to the entirety of either Rocket or the League. It has not been an easy ordeal for either of them.[break][break]

    Hideo's attempts have mainly been in actively exploring Wilds areas, trying to find if Azelf is hidden within any of them. He initially started with the Mechanical Kingdom, mainly because of its proximity to where Uxie (and Mesprit) appeared. After 6 expeditions(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) without results, he moved on to exploring Lesser Megalopolis, which is currently ongoing its 2nd expedition. His initial expedition group consisted of , , and , but he later switched to exploring with , , , and (the latter 3 being the ones he explored with the most, with the latter 2 being who he's exploring Lesser Megalopolis with).[break][break]

    He even attempted to ask the memory!Calyrex about Azelf during Goodbye Galar (Right Here) - though that didn't get any results.[break][break]

    Hideo's been very careful about who he reveals Uxie to: so far, the only ones aware are , (Aftermath), (Poke Those Wrinkles), (Playing Sides), (Extraction: Navy & Hideo (Deep Blue)), (Show And Tell), and (Quiche and Questions). He still seeks out other people to confide in, but it's hard when he can never be sure of anyone's true allegiance - let alone if they're trustworthy.[break][break]

    Time will tell if Hideo will gain results from his Wilds expeditions - and if he's chosen to trust the right people to help him.

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. Uxie[break]
    While Hideo hasn't received any Avatar Powers™ from Uxie, that little pixie has been eating his food like it did.[break][break]

    Joking aside, Hideo has been influenced by Uxie to a good degree; Uxie has passively pushed Hideo to try out new things and explore new places, serving as a secondary reason for his Wilds explorations. His Gym is styled as a library, in part because of how they serve as a source of education, with a major theme being teaching people how to prepare for future ordeals.[break][break]

    The education aspect was exemplified during Goodbye Galar, where Hideo opted to create a school to teach people the skills needed to survive over a period of 20 years (here). Many characters benefited his help, and at least one character ( ) retained enough of their skills from this period that it's influenced how they go forward with their life.[break][break]

    In other words, Uxie is turning Hideo into a nerd.

  • any notes/comments: Hideo's first big boy activity check let's goooooo (which also went on during a very busy season of work and life rip)

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 15:49:04 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar




  • player/ooc name: Nellethiel
  • character tags:

4 ic posts for canon characters:




  • THE FAMILY WE CHOOSE[break][break]

    One of the primary themes explored through Nomi's character is that of CHOSEN FAMILY. Having grown up without parents or siblings, only a grandmother who passed away when Nomi was still a young girl, Nomi has spent the majority of her life alone. The loneliness of her childhood coupled with an introverted, nerdy, shy personality meant she wasn't exactly the best at making friends. Traumatized by abandonment and convinced she would have to face life without love and companionship beyond what her Pokémon could provide, Nomi hardened her heart, moved to Hoenn to attend graduate school, and decided to focus on her scientific work above all else.[break][break]

    Perhaps ironically, it wasn't until she joined the Hoenn branch of TEAM ROCKET that she started to become close with people for the first time: first, former Head Scientist became her primary mentor and the older sister she'd never had. Lulu's trust in Nomi during the Meteno raid solidified their bond, and Nomi has been extremely loyal to her ever since. Her relationship with Lulu, coupled with Nomi's experience in the Ultra Deep Sea (during which Nomi found out via Cillian's memories of Kanto what happened to her parents), led her to become close with , as well (thinking of him like an older brother). After finding out Lulu had disappeared, Nomi and Cillian bonded over her loss, Cillian sharing with Nomi Lulu's real name. When Lulu returned, Nomi was overcome with emotion, relieved beyond belief to see the other woman alive and well.[break][break]

    Others in Rocket have also become like siblings/chosen family to Nomi: , notably, as well as , , , , and . Nomi tried to love , as well, but unfortunately, the other woman's heart was too far gone down the inevitable path of ruination...[break][break]

    And then there's , Nomi's best friend in the world, who has really helped her come out of her shell and come into her own personal power. Originally, she had a crush on him, but over time, came to realize their relationship was made much richer as a friendship than any sort of romantic bond - especially because someone else had started to capture Nomi's heart in a way she could never have expected.[break][break]

    Nomi's romance with has finally convinced her that she is worthy and capable of being loved. Strangely, she feels she knows Parker better than should be possible for a budding relationship...based on impressions from a time when they might have been...married? due to the strange dream-like events of the GOODBYE GALAR raid.[break][break]

    The events of GOODBYE GALAR - twenty years trapped in a memory of Galar - have also further complicated who Nomi considers her chosen family: vague, hazy memories of deepening bonds and growing close with League-aligned folks such as her thesis director and professor , as well as , , and (as well as collaborating scientifically with folks like ) have sufficiently jumbled up Nomi's understanding of "family". She is currently chasing the answers to why she feels connected to these folks despite being diametrically opposed due to faction loyalties...


    pertinent threads:[break]

    SKY FULL OF STARS with [break]
    CEMETERY WEATHER with [break]
    MANY DARK PLACES with [break]
    ONE FLESH, ONE END with [break]
    OUR ECHOES with [break]
    RADIANCE with [break]
    IL RISTORANTE DI WATSON with & [break]
    CROSS-EYED STRANGERS with [break]
    LIGHT UP THE WORLD with & [break]
    MY PRIVILEGE TO BE YOURS with [break]
    POLARIS with [break]


if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • THE EYES OF GOD[break][break]
    Nomi very recently became the THE VISIONARY, the AVATAR OF THE UNOWN. This is the culmination of a nearly year-long effort on her part to befriend the Unown, believing that doing so will be the key to finding Arceus and besting the DRK Triad, thereby saving Hoenn from its predicted doomsday as the ORIGIN POINT. The more Nomi studied and interacted with the Unown, the more she came to think of them as individuals with unique personalities, as opposed to mindless cogs in the universe's wheel. Whenever she acquired a new one, she would name it and spend quality time with it. She even spent time with Rocket's FULL SET OF UNOWN, abandoned in the wake of Underboss del Mar's leaving.[break][break]
    The search for Unown rallied several others to Nomi's cause: (pre-snail), , , , and even (despite her aversion to the floating eyeballs) have helped Nomi look for and understand the Unown. The creation of the RKS Machine further allowed Nomi to interact with the Unown via the UNOWN SIMULATION, transporting her to a version of the RUINS OF ALPH. Each time she entered the machine, Nomi couldn't help but feel as if the Unown sounded sad and lonely when they communicated with her...[break][break]
    It wasn't until her altercation with DR. NISA HOLO in the RKS Machine, in which she and were forced to fight the DRK Triad agent or be killed, that Nomi managed to finally convince the Unown (specifically, Holo's Unown-K, Kallistatus) that she loves them, sincerely wants to welcome them into her CHOSEN FAMILY (see plot above), and that she is worthy of their trust.[break][break]
    Nomi's relationship with the Unown CHALLENGE her beliefs about the universe, about the nature of Arceus, and about what's really going on with the DRK Triad and Hoenn's supposed "pre-destined" demise. As a staunch follower of the scientific method, Nomi has been forced to grapple with the supernatural and the spiritual as she has come closer and closer to finding Arceus. What does it mean to meet God? And what does it mean that their universe seems to be an anomaly, a deviation from the expected patterns of creation?[break][break]
    Nomi has so much more to learn and discover, as well as collaborate on with others, now that she has access to the UNOWN DIMENSION and a deeper bond with her beloved Unown...[break][break]

    pertinent threads:[break]

    TRACKING DADDY with [break]
    INTO THE UNOWN with [break]
    YEHIDA with @judicael[break]
    RKS SIMULATION with & [break]
    RKS SIMULATION with [break]
    RKS SIMULATION with [break]
    RKS SIMULATION with [break]
    OPHANIM with [break]

  • any notes/comments: Thank you so much for trusting me with a canon position and an avatarship! I love this community so much and the stories we're all telling together! Can't wait to keep writing with you all! <3

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,915 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 15:56:58 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar


august 2023 canon activity check

player/ooc name: RaikouRider
character tags:
canon position: Mauville Gym Leader

Weekly IC posts for character:

Week of April 30: A Glimpse of Avatarship with
Week of May 6: I Miss My Gym with
Week of May 13: Fly Away Home with
Week of May 20: Fun in the Sun with
Week of May 27: The Determined and the Austere, Act 1 with
Week of June 3: Sergei Dachev: League Arc, Pt. 1 with
Week of June 10: Consider with
Week of June 17: Mommy Stalker Day with
Week of June 24: Naturally Gassed with
Week of July 1: Fulgur with
Week of July 8: Status Report: The Wilds with
Week of July 15: Occupying a Bunch of Gremlins with
Week of July 22: A Nice Day Out with
Week of July 29: A Breakneck Tour with
Week of August 6: Achilles, Come Down with
Week of August 13: Extraction: Josh and Alexei #1 with
Week of August 20: One Final Ride with
Week of August 27: Horse Race with

summarize 2+ plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

1. Pursuit of Legendary Pokémon Raikou / Fallout

One of Josh's main plots from character creation has been working toward meeting, befriending, and riding on the back of the legendary Pokémon Raikou. Whether it be through a personal bond with Raikou, or friendship with the person Raikou ultimately chooses, he just wants to spend as much time as he can with the Johto Beast of his dreams. Through events covered in past Canon Activity Checks, Josh has learned just how dangerous idolizing a legendary Pokémon can be. After nearly killing last February ultimately over a desire to sit in Raikou's thundercloud saddle, he has taken a step back and realized, through many painful conversations, just how much a single aggressive action can ripple through Hoenn, including through his superiors.

Josh has spoken to many League canons regarding the full details of his altercation with Eris. Being separated from his Gym has given him a wonderful opportunity to have a true introspection, learning just what kind of person he is, where his shortcomings are, and what he can do to change them. In the thread Making Peace, featuring , Josh and the Peacekeeper have a short, but difficult and productive, conversation. Despite being from Rocket (at the time), Eris had many beloved contacts within the League. Josh wanted to shift the blame toward his growing enmity with . Eva, in the most civil and caring way possible, told him that he needed to let go of his hatred for Matias, and while not directly, his hatred for Rocket as a whole. Hatred would only stoke fires he later could not put out.

Eva also brought to Josh's attention how hard he was on himself. He had an empathetic, selfless, and forgiving personality toward almost everyone in the League. The one major exception was himself. He had a hard time forgiving himself... recognizing what he had accomplished as not only a Gym Leader and as an Elite Ranger, but as a person. Ultimately, Eva was able to bring to light the source of being unable to forgive himself: the demon that was his tendency to project others' opinions of himself, rather than listening to what others had to say about him. Through her great skill, empathy, and psychological understanding, she had salvaged a friendship with Josh. Perhaps one day they would get to ride Rayquaza together once more.

In the thread Beyond the Passing Storm featuring , he spoke with one of his best friends and the Dewford Gym Leader-elect about how his obsession with Raikou had nearly destroyed his life and his reputation. He demonstrated his understanding of the difference between Rocket the people and Rocket the organization. It wasn't Rocket as a whole that he needed to direct his anger toward. It was the bigwigs running Rocket, the ones responsible for Raikou's supposed death. The vast majority of those in Rocket weren't criminals for motive to rebel against the League. They were there by circumstances out of their control. Those people did not deserve to be condemned with the rest, in their eyes.

was one of the biggest helps to Josh in getting him to understand that he needed to focus on what he could do without Raikou. What he had already done without Raikou. He helped Josh realize what was truly valuable to him. By making his life revolve around the hunt for Raikou, he had forgotten what was truly important to him: his Gym. Only by having his Gym taken from him made him truly understand he didn't need a legendary Pokémon to make a difference. He was already making a difference in the day-to-day lives of Mauville's citizens, and in the life of every single challenger his Gym got. He didn't have to completely give up his dream... but it had to remain a dream. Not a passion. Not an obsession. As harsh as his words were, they were impactful, bringing to light just how much he needed to change if he truly wanted to lead Mauville and be the best League representative he could be.

Other threads of this nature include Heart to Heart, featuring , Thundercloud Parting, featuring , The Truth Unraveled, featuring , and Thunderstep, featuring . Josh is also confronting about Eris directly in the thread Volcanic Fallout.

Ultimately, his conversations took him to the occupants of two of the highest offices in the land: and . In the threads Conniving Conundrum and The Trurh Hurts, Josh, , and had a lengthy discussion about his suspension, about his former self's unhealthy passion for Raikou, and what he can do to make things right with Eris. There was, unfortunately, no way to repair his relationship with her as things stood. She was scarred from the traumatic encounter, perhaps for the rest of her life. What was perhaps more damning, was the Councilman's assessment that any legend, let alone Raikou, would not choose Josh as an Avatar the way he currently was. The Silph's view was consistent with other Avatars he had spoken to. If he wanted to attract Raikou's attention, he first had to prove he could do great things without Raikou.

At the end of his conversation with Dahlia, Josh learned that the Beast's death had indeed not been confirmed, contrary to what he had initially thought. Hearing that gave him a glimmer of hope that he could still be the superhero he dreamed of. Not that he wasn't doing that already; his retrospective made him realize he was already going above and beyond the expectations set upon a Gym Leader!

Josh has also been spending an increased amount of time with to get help weaning him off his obsession with Raikou. In the thread King's Knight, they reminisce on the events of GOODBYE, GALAR while attempting to track Zacian and Zamazenta. Eventually, the Top Champion and Gym Leader spur the Sacred Ash Raikou and Suicune to high speeds, Josh realizing just how much of an improvement he had made in his riding skills since the last time he was astride the Beast. Each ride on the electric tiger's back helped him bottle his obsession back up into the healthy dream he had prior to CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM.

Avatarship was also not as rosy as Josh first believed. In the thread Cthonic Gods, , the Scorned, showed him just how toxic an Avatarship could be. Even if he were to bond with Raikou, would it be a true partnership? Or would Josh wind up a slave to the one he had once idolized above all else?

A large amount of his potential was lost to losing control of his emotions. The first step not to getting back on the trail of Raikou, but making a difference as a League representative, was getting control of his emotions. It would be a big step, but a rewarding one. Perhaps if Eris saw the changes in Josh, she would be willing to give him a second chance...

2. The Ultra Wilds

At the request of Head Scientist , Josh has taken the initiative to use his SYGNA SUIT for exploration and research of the Ultra Wilds. While this plot has been slow-moving due to the nature of Ultra Wilds threads, Josh has been to Ultra Desert, Ultra Sea, and The Border, collecting atmospheric, biospheric, geographic, and even dimensional data about each of the realms. He is in the process of delivering his report in the thread Status Report: The Wilds, which is a summary of the events of all of his Wilds threads.

In Josh's Exhibit, he and saw the dangers of following the Type: Full recipes to create Aleph, his Type: Null. The procedure for creating the synthetic Pokémon was excruciating and came with great cost. Some of Josh's Pokémon suffered irreversible harm as a result of having their stem cells extracted according to the manual's instructions, and two even died. The repeated harm proved to be too much for even the empathetic scientist to handle, abandoning Josh and forcing him to find another professional to extract the final stem cell culture needed to create Aleph. In the pursuit of power, Josh had lost sight of what was important. Two Pokémon, both important to him, had lost their lives in the mad quest to make a difference in the war of League and Rocket.

3. Ranger Duties

In the absence of Captain , Josh has had to pick up many duties as the Mauville Rangers' second-in-command. As Director of Rescue Operations for Mauville, Josh oversees Search-and-Rescue efforts for people and Pokémon from the Mauville area, and assists Rangers from other cities in rescue efforts when needed. A list of Ranger jobs Josh has completed or are ongoing within the Canon Activity Check period is below.

- In the thread Twister with , Josh is responsible for helping Slateport Rangers and Law Enforcement recover from a tornado that ravaged a commercial district.

- In the thread Consider, featuring , Josh saves a large swarm of Ledian from aerial predators while they perform their mating ritual.

- In the thread Gorge in Distress, featuring , Josh saves a family trapped in Chimney Canyon, but with a level of violence outside acceptable limits. It was a reminder of the balancing act between Ranger and Gym Leader he had to constantly juggle, with one embracing Pokémon violence and the other trying to stop it.

- In the thread Faster!, featuring , Josh and the Peacemaker team up with their very fastest Pokémon to corral, capture, and release a pack of Varoom wreaking havoc on Rustboro City. The two use their expertise in high speed to relocate the speedy poison-types with relative ease.

- In the thread Rope Bridge Rumble featuring , Josh rescues a middle-aged female that was stranded within Meteor Falls after a bridge collapsed behind her. This was also Rookie Ever's first mission, showcasing Josh's willingness to pass his skills onto the next generation of Rangers.

In the thread A License to Kill, featuring , Josh is responsible for rescuing missing Rangers after a failed attempt to quell a giant, Notorious Hisuian Avalugg by the name of Deep Freeze.

In the thread Historic Heat, featuring , Josh is responsible for rescuing and returning beached Pokémon from Petalburg's beaches to the West Hoennian seas in the wake of a historic heat wave threatening the lives of many of the area's aquatic Pokémon.

- In the thread Five-Alarm Fire, featuring , Josh uses his water Pokémon to put out a wildfire started by Rocket operatives with Magmortar equipped to handle Water-types.

4. Gym Leader Duties / Pokémon Racing Federation

Josh's primary job is still Mauville Gym Leader. While his duties have been significantly complicated thanks to his suspension, he had brought on an interim Gym Leader, SHAWN RICHARDS, to handle challenges in his absence. Shawn had kept things running smoothly... until as a direct consequence of the altercation, laid siege to Mauville Gym, taking the substitute's life before Josh's very eyes. He was forced to assign the position to JACKIE MYERS, one of the top remaining Gym Trainers there... and it did not go well at all. The second interim's inability to lead was shown in the Gym Challenge threads High Voltage featuring , where Josh's Absol, Twilight, suffered a major injury under her care, and Ride On!, featuring , where her inability to control Josh's Jolteon's blistering speed was on full display.

As a result of these inadequacies, commuted the part of Josh's restitution preventing him from setting foot on his Gym, due to a combination of factors both in and out of his control. He has returned to the office of Gym Leader in full capacity, and is taking challenges as well as helping Mauville in other ways.

As part of a way to promote the Pokémon Racing Federation, Josh has independently registered Mauville Racing Grounds as a business, in the event that he must step down as Gym Leader. He routinely gives up-and-coming trainers riding lessons, both there, and off-site. Threads where he does so include Fun in the Sun, with , Enjoy the Little Things with , Start your...Engines? with , and A Breakneck Tour, featuring . He has also reworked this exercise into a carnival attraction for 's Magnificent Funtasia. Threads where he has done so include Fireworks, featuring , and And They're Off!, featuring .

Josh is also passing his skills as a Gym Leader down to , who opened a Minor League Gym of her own. The two set expectations and brainstorm ideas in the thread From Student to Teacher, and Josh becomes Elise's first challenger in the thread Steel and Snare.

Gym Challenges completed since the last Activity Check period include:
- The Beginning of the End featuring
- High Voltage, featuring
- Fly Away Home, featuring
- My Turn Now, featuring
- Ride On!, featuring
- Sergei Dachev: League Arc - Act 1, featuring

Ongoing Gym Challenges include:
- The Quick and the Dead, featuring
- Lettuce Soar Into the Clouds!, featuring
- Make the Dream Work, featuring
- Beanbean the Musical Fruit, featuring
- Surf & Turf, featuring
- Adrenaline, feat.
- Horse Race, feat.

5. Road to Champion Rank / Josh's Restitution

Josh's road to Champion Rank has been full of hardship and introspection of what the title truly means. Being a Champion, as he discovered, is more than having world-class combat prowess. It is about being a true leader, one Hoenn's citizens can look up to. While perfection is not expected, the title required a higher level of responsibility, emotional control, and combat prowess than the Gym Leader had shown thus far.

In the thread The Determined and the Volatile, Act 1, Josh squared off against Elite Four , the Groudon Avatar seemingly toying with him the entire time to keep the battle close. The purpose of the battle was not for Josh to win or lose. It was to help teach the young man what he needed to do to become a Champion. A Champion could not hide. That meant facing his fears and sharing with Matias what he had been afraid to share: that he could not, in fact, blame him for what he did. He had to accept that Matias was not even a catalyst in the heinous act he committed against . The only person responsible for those actions was himself. This is explored in the thread Volcanic Fallout.

In the thread The Determined and the Austere, Act 1, Josh does battle with superstar , the Elite Four member scoring a PERFECT battle against him. A rare total defeat, Josh did not so much as inflict a scratch on any of Callan's Pokémon. In order to be a Champion, Josh had to toss aside his prejudice of those around him. Toss aside any preconceived notions. Toss aside any assumptions. Evaluate based on hard evidence, not on conjecture. For it was conjecture fueling the strength of his desire, shaping the world around him into exactly what he did not want it to be. The lesson Josh learned from this battle was there was nothing black and white about the world. If he wanted to be a Champion, he had to understand that every situation had complexities and nuances that could not be appreciated right away.

In the thread The Determined and the Unwavering, Act 1, Josh applies the knowledge he had gained from his battles with Callan and Matias to make the match against close, though he ultimately fell just short of the victory. Melody brought up the idea of Josh diversifying his battle strategy. There were so many Pokémon that surely Josh could find a ride Pokémon that wasn't quite so fast, but had extreme toughness. Surely he could find a ride Pokémon that spread debilitating ailments at blistering speed. With the size of his menagerie being close to a hundred Pokémon, there was surely a solution out there. He just had to find it.

In the events of the thread The Determined and the Sentinel, Act 1, featuring , Josh will be doing battle with the same team he had used against the other Elites. This match has been pre-plotted to be a loss for Josh, but will be a key turning point in his approach to not only the combat aspect of his bid to be a Champion, but the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the journey, as well. This, combined with the weight of his restitution making him unable to claim that title until March 2025, would at last beat into his skull just the potential he was capable of without Raikou. It was a Sign of what he could do if he properly applied all aspects of himself to not just battle, but anything. In his eyes, Determined was no longer the title he wanted to be called by the Johto Beast. Whether it be in his own fantasy world or in the real world, he tossed aside his title of The Determined.

In his own world, he was now The Signer.

In the thread The Signer and the Austere, Act 2, the transformed Josh would bring a totally new team to his re-challenge with . This thread is ongoing.

6. Duo Wilds

While not a strict plot point, I would like to highlight that I routinely use Josh to jumpstart the plots of new members through Duo Wilds. I make an effort to start a Duo Wild with every single new member that drops in, helping them take their first steps to getting established in Hoenn. Duo wilds complete or in progress with new members include:

- A Little(root) Getaway with @elliot

- A Visit in the Dark with

- A Nice Day Out with

- Some Sort of Ride? with

- Speed and Power with

- Just Deserts with

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

Josh does not own a legendary Pokémon yet.


I can't believe it's been a little over a year since joining Hoenn. I feel I've accomplished so much in my first year here, both ICly and OOCly. Hoenn has really made me step up my writing game, and I feel I've not only become a better writer, but a better person as a result of writing with all of you. I still have a lot to learn from all of the skilled writers here. As much as I'd love to pursue a higher League canon position like Head Ranger, Elite Four or Council, I love my Gym too much to give it up.

One of my greatest resolutions in my second year is to get better at spotlighting other characters in threads, and going as far as to have Josh take a supporting role in other characters' stories. I would like to have more productive threads that advance not only the plots of my own characters, but also the plots of my partners. This is something that I did not realize I was struggling with until late in my first year, and the community has been so willing to help resolve this and point me in the correct direction. I'd like to especially shoutout Toppa, Scarlet, and Gunsmile for their help in this matter. They have made me realize the need to construct less self-contained plots that truly collaborate with other members. That is my single biggest (controllable) goal in year two.

A second thing I would like to do going forward reflects the notion that one of the purposes of canons is to promote faction conflict. While I do not believe this is explicitly stated anywhere in the rules on running canons, I feel it is important for canons to do so. I would really like to throw Josh into the faction conflict a lot more and show that I am willing to take on a greater role that is in line with site plot.

Another thanks goes out to for permitting me to do the levels of worldbuilding I do within Hoenn, both on my canon and on Shalin. One day, when the time is right, I may consider pursuing a Head Ranger seat on Shalin once she's been in her Captain seat a while. Perhaps next year. Again, the work you do is immense, and preparing for the Nariya Expeditions mini-raid has really opened my eyes to just how much work goes into running events for this place, let alone the day-to-day work.

now where's my thundercat I KID SHIV I KID LOOOOOOOOOOL
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 16:54:52 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    as the dimensional stability of the universe slowly crumbles around them, illeana has found herself with a gargantuan task: mending deep wounds of the universe - some of which, she has personally contributed to.[break][break]

    initially, she had been pursuing the spatial god for her own selfish concepts and a growing urge to replace what had been lost. at this point, following the events of mt. pyre's meteor raid and the reveal of sea hoenn's survival, she has begun a crucial pivot. hoenn's in danger, ultra space is decaying, and she cannot chase her tail around in circles any longer.[break][break]

    by asking some known explorers and/or curious minds ( , , , ) to aid her in studying the rifts of ultra space's wilds, she is beginning to put together a plan for completely closing the bleeding wounds we call the rifts. she voices this plan in aqua assembly pt. 4 as a hypothetical she has been giving thought into. megalopolan technology is a blessing and a curse, one she is happy to exploit if it means dimensional stability for hoenn.[break][break]

    in that same vein, she has been looking into further information surrounding sea hoenn's survival and ways to defeat them. a trip to the silver spire ruins in the dimensional pocket beneath rustboro with has provided some intel (it is still ongoing) and with the proposed attack of sootopolis in aqua assembly pt. 4, illeana plans to use everything within sootopolis to find answers. she is hoping to form a working relationship with , in particular, to learn the workings of her bond with kyogre and apply that logic to sea hoenn's queen. preparing for the inevitable return of sea hoenn as well as equipping hoenn with the means to enter a period of dimensional stability are her main focus at the moment, though aqua assembly pt. 4 has shown another plotline coming into play: dynamaxing and natural power spots within hoenn. i plan to explore those further once aqua assembly pt. 4 has concluded, utilizing former events like the ruins of regirock, excursions, the root of the matter, and primal point locations to begin investigating these new sources of power.[break][break]

    relevant threads |[break]
    fate is upon us[break]
    an aqua assembly pt. 4[break]
    expedition log: the wilds[break]
    status report: the wilds[break]
    casualty of your dreams[break]
    anywhere door[break]
    on the trail of space & time[break]
    personal space[break]
    portal hijax

    in her time existing on hoenn, illeana reyes is no stranger to loss, failure, or consequences. she has faced monsters, threats, and herself - coming out stronger than before in the aftermath of each instance... yet, that concept can take a toll on a person.[break][break]

    her fall from grace had been subtle at first: fissures in interpersonal relationships, mistakes made under pressure, and a lofty dream crafted up from nothing of substance. it had begun, first, upon my return to hoenn and since then, it has grown to weave into each thread i have done since. sometimes, it is subtle and lingering in the background. other times, it is a screaming monster that must be center stage.[break][break]

    the demotion of her position from head professor to head scientist was not taken lightly. in part, it is a main reason why she has a newfound focus in hoenn's survival and safety - not only to get back within the good graces of , but also to mend what she has already broken. the consequences of her selfishness are vast, sure, but feeling ostracized by those closest to her stung more than the loss of title. having to fight for people - those she holds in such high esteem - to even believe her regarding sea hoenn's survival or instances where her experiments involving palkia/dimensions were mildly successful is something she despises. it has caused her to begin to road to redemption, salvation, and climbing back onto that pedestal she once clung to. the road is long, painful, and not without any difficulty. this is still a bit of a work in progress as she works through finding new ways to prove her loyalty to the league and to hoenn.[break][break]

    her past transgressions and the enemy she has made out of sea hoenn will not go down without a fight. right now, she is in a good place to continue mending what she has broken by trying to place hoenn before herself (terribly hard for her, i must say...) but there is a fine line she toes between what's good for hoenn and what's good for her own lingering motives. sometimes, they go hand in hand and i look forward to seeing what toeing that line brings for her as we get further into these dimensional threats coming back into play. in particular, the consequences of her actions against sea hoenn have yet to fully drop so i am very excited to see if that will come to truly bite her in the ass.[break][break]

    relevant threads |[break]
    would've, could've, should've[break]
    the great war[break]
    lab rats[break]
    long live[break]
    an aqua assembly pt. 3[break]
    running buddies[break]
    a broken home

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]
the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

    illeana is the former avatar of tapu lele and in the island deity's absence, i believe she has flourished. she is a prime example of avatarship not making the character as well as the concept of what a taste of power can do to a person. while still having some minor powers, i utilize the loss of avatarship as a narrative device to push an introspective study on the mind and what a person will do to have that sense of power back in their grasp.

  • any notes/comments: hiiiii ily all ♡ thank you for writing with me & becoming the best friends a girlie could ask for. it's been a long 4 years (almost hehe) and i'm excited to see what ya'll continue to do. thank you for having me, hoenn!
[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 18:00:52 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
player OOC name: Snoobie Boobie[break][break]
character tag: [break][break]
four IC posts:[break][break]

summarize two plot points that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • TWO PLOT POINTS[break][break]

    League Duties
    [break]Being a member of the League's Elite Four means he's expected to handle Team Rocket threats. This was explored heavily in the last PvP event, Postdormitum, as well as a heavy influence into his thinking during the latest AQUA Assembly. This opens up future interactions between characters down the line, or allows leveraging of these old opportunities in impactful threads (e.g. Greyson recommending to utilize a grudge between characters during AA4). These repeated interactions have hardened Greyson, as show by his 'attack first, ask questions later' mindset vs Ashley Shepard, where upon the Team Rocket's Pokemon was brutally killed.


    Furthermore, in the performance of his duties and beyond, he's taken to expand his outreach with other League members, as well as offer advice for those seeking it. The list below cover this, and his general Elite Four/League duties.


    Annalise's Kidnapping
    [break]The kidnapping of his girlfriend brought forth a number of interesting plot events, with the largest of them, Greyson's first bout of antagonism with prominent members of the League. Below covers a few of those threads, as well as the intended thread to rescue Annalise. This will likely result in further threads as we explore the 'damage' done to her.



if u saw urself get double tagged no u didnt



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[newclass=".greyson .notes"] margin:25px 30px -15px 30px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; border-top:1px solid #222; font:11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=".greyson .notes"] margin:25px 30px -15px 30px; text-align:center; padding-top:10px; border-top:1px solid #222; font:11px 'Poppins'; text-transform:uppercase; [/newclass][newclass=".greyson11 img"] border-radius: 3px; width: 400px; border: 1px solid #232323; background: #2b2b2b; padding: 9px; [/newclass]
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 18:18:56 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","milkyac jayjay"]





4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • BORN TO BE A MONSTER[break][break]

    all pokemon exist for the glory of team rocket. for kanto and people like jayden's father, humans too.

    [break][break] jayden was raised to be nothing but a tool for rocket. a weapon, if you will. hoenn rocket supports this when they first make him a beast after his selfless desire to protect his underbossses in the SOOTOPOLIS RAID, and to make him admin of offense and recruitment. his fate has been decided for him, as is his birthright talked about with in PRISMACOLOR.

    [break][break] nothing jayden ever does matters, which is the exact opposite of what people like and try to teach him.


    his humanization manifests - weakness - in his arc with and . when he finds a traitorous in I SEE RED, he spares him. this runs parallels to and 's story, where does not exercise restraint against his best friend, resulting in the lost of his eye.

    [break][break] that hurt tumbles into fresh new ones, each time a member of rocket defects to the league. first (even though he ended up coming back), then , , , , ... the list goes on and on.

    [break][break] initially, because jayden was not built to be human, these things don't seem to effect him on the outside. his loyalty to rocket reigns true. but a trip to the borders with in WOLVES WITHOUT TEETH reveal his true feelings regarding these defections, these betrayals, revealing that even a thousand tiny cuts can create an ever deepening crater of hurt.

    [break][break] a hatred burns a hole in his chest, one that he doesn't even recognize until later, starting with and his killing of in APRES MOI. then later, when he learns of 's deceit in CATASTROPHIC. he shares his feelings with in under the same sun, which culminates in PREY where he punches in broad daylight. an impulsive gesture, something that he would have never done prior, without all those emotions from the border effecting him.

    [break][break] HEY BESTIE highlights the true reunion between and , exploring jayden's hurt for rocket traitors even further.

    [break][break] in EVERY TRUTH, he sees . this is the capstone of their arc, where jayden and finally can talk about their feelings, and the feelings that were never spoken about. in a former thread, WHAT WE DESERVE, implied it but jayden couldn't believe it. hearing it straight out of the ex-underboss' is a shock that rocks him from where he stands, rippling into an argument with in DEJA VU. jayden's exploration of his feelings of love is pivotal to him as a character — because he never had it growing up.

    [break][break] but that thread also highlights another, catastrophic mistake jayden makes. he allows to go, just like he let go, only for him to return to rocket.

    [break][break] the climax comes in BURY ME LOW, where punishes him for his mistakes, giving him a permanent wound in the form of a darkrai branding. walsh reminds him, just like his father would have reminded him, and just like will later remind him of his duty to rocket. of his inhumanity. of his failure.

    [break][break] jayden was always vicious — it's what people like are afraid of, and why he became beast — but it's easy to forget. many people mistake him for nonthreatening, thanks to his blank slate of a personality. but these small hurts erode at his slate overtime, revealing the monster that lies within.

    [break][break] in postdormitum, he dramatically attacks many members of the league, highlighting his hatred for them and boldening his loyalty for rocket.

    [break][break] he fights against in CONFLICT, calling back to their fight in littleroot. he accuses her for nepotism in the league, even convincing her of it himself. the end scene is a prelude to the untethered state of his mind — you can see it in the way mint reaches for him, only to pull away, in the burning icy landscape that articuno left behind.

    [break][break] he fights ruthlessly against in CAVE, and attacks point-blank in GATEKEEP, accusing her of her uselessness in the sootopolis raid of letting it fall. all this impulsive and ruthless aggression, which is only pushed because of his punishment with , culminates in ALL THINGS END, when he makes the drastic mistake of going against 's order. later, he's punished for it in BLACKHOLE.

    [break][break] these feelings only continue forth in GOODBYE GALAR where, despite years of peace, jayden cannot know it. he feels unsettled and experiences night terrors all throughout those twenty years, the influence of his father within him still. in DISSEMINATE II, he's strongly vocal about his hate for the league and , believing him to be the true threat to rocket's power with their poisonous, foolish ideals.

    [break][break] when he goes into the RKS, and sees the fake WALSH, jayden's reaction to him is immediate, strengthened by the reminder of his punishment. with both and , he flees away from the hologram. even though he knows better, even though normally he would have been professional and held his feelings at bay, the emotions he feels are too strong. and getting stronger still.

    [break] as jayden's frayed mind spirals further, you see him become blind with rage and hatred in CRUCIFY. at 's request, he tortures their prisoner . although caleb and jayden do not have much of a history, jayden is vicious in his treatment of the ranger — using him as an example of all the other traitorous rockets that he cannot take his feelings out on.

    [break][break] the control rocket has on jayden is imminent.

    [break][break] the push and pull of his two sides — the side that made people like fall in love with him and the impossible birthright of being dmitri's son — will continue to be in flux until they all but tear him apart.

    [break][break] which side will win?

    [break][break] or will, one day, he tip over completely into the other?

    [break][break] does he have a choice?



    RELEVANT THREAD [break][break]

    APRES MOI [break]
    I SEE RED [break]
    CHOKE & SWALLOW [break] [break]

    CATASTROPHIC [break]
    PREY [break]
    HEY BESTIE [break]
    WOLVES WITHOUT TEETH [break] [break]

    EVERY TRUTH [break]
    DEJA VU [break]
    BURY ME LOW [break][break]

    WHAT WE DESERVE [break]
    CONFLICT [break]
    GATEKEEP [break]
    CAVE [break]
    ALL THINGS END [break][break]

    BLACKHOLE [break]
    DISSEMINATE II [break]
    RKS: BARNABY & JAYDEN [break]
    RKS: PRIAM & JAYDEN [break]

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. LEGENDARY[break]
    i eat avatars for dinner

  • any notes/comments: THANK YOU #MYADMIN1 AND #MYADMIN2. as always, i have so much fun rping on hoenn and spending time with all of you!!! it is a truly an amazing place to be. thank you everyone who threads with me and im excited to thread with more people soon!! <3

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; } .jayjay i { color:#736176; letter-spacing:0.2px; border-bottom:1px dotted; [/newclass]
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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,663 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 18:20:47 GMT
ollie morales Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • N/A

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; } .milkyac .indent { padding:0px 70px 0px 50px; [/newclass]
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 18:57:07 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:


summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    “Time really has a way with messing your perception of reality, doesn’t it?”[break][break]

    Ever since the ‘incident’ that involved him and a lot of other people being warped to an ‘alternate’ version of Galar, he’d returned with… with much more than he could really emotionally handle. Twenty years apart from the person he deeply cares about, in an alternate reality? It can sure do things to you.[break][break]

    Along the way while trapped in Hammerlocke, he’d rekindled old friendships such as the ones with (in the dark of the night) and (a lost queendom, besieged) and found new ones along the way with Miss (two decades in an instant).[break][break]

    Though he wasn’t sure if what happened there did happen, fact of the matter is that he has all the notes to prove it (as seen here between him and in i’m coming home) upon return, and all the mental… anguish that came along with it.[break][break]

    In an effort to get himself back to some semblance of normalcy, Miss pays him a visit (as shown in trauma central) where they have a deep dive discussion about what really happened between themselves in the alternate universe—how some missing things can never be filled (did the kids they adopted along the way really exist) but new friendships have been forged in their place.[break][break]

    During the Funtasia Carnival, he also finds time to reconnect with people he hadn’t heard from in a good while: (them just being idiots in boys just being boys) and (hanging out at the fairgrounds in step right up). Previous friendships are also revisited, like the one with Miss (old friends having a picnic with their Pokémon companions).

    Until now, he hasn’t found a single shred of any information as to how he can make the Wandering Stormbringer, a.k.a. Tornadus change from his current humanoid form to the one that he saw in the mirror (last seen in journey), so he’s been bringing him along almost everywhere now, especially straight into the heart of League-related business.[break][break]

    Regardless, though, his search for answers continue—even if he has to face one of his most deep-seated fears head on while looking for information on the League’s behalf into the Ultra Deep Sea:

    So far, though, he hasn’t a clue… maybe it has something to do with the feathers? Or are there other conditions that have to be met for him to find answers?

  • any notes/comments: As the see-saw swings from one end to the other, so does the content. Either way, I’m prepared for what’s coming next… bring it on, Hoenn!

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,953 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 22:36:25 GMT
Navy Avatar



  • player/ooc name: Teddie
  • character tags:
4 ic posts for canon characters:
summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:
  • 1. THE WARRIOR'S ROAD // BAPTISM OF FIRE[break]Before the battle for the Seal Stone in Dewford, Navy was content to be a fence-sitter. Everyone in Hoenn who cares to have a part in the region’s fate undergoes baptism of fire. His was in the granite under the town he would come to defend in the coming months. Through battle with , , and most importantly , he came to understand who he really is. For better or worse, the Battle of Dewford helped kindle Navy’s fighting spirit. [break][break]
    In the days that followed, at the recommendation of Councilwoman , Navy took up post as Dewford’s sheriff and gym leader. Deputizing , he resolved to defend the town from the wider world. The fight between Rocket and League should be of little consequence to the hipsters that live in his little town. In the span of four short months, he’s come to thoroughly enjoy living in the small town.
  • 2. SHEPHERD OF LOST CHILDREN // HIS BROTHER'S KEEPER[break]Navy’s always had a weak spot for children. It started with his brother. witnessed his shortcomings as an older brother firsthand when Navy told an innocent lie to Gabe. Instead of letting his brother live and have the opportunity for reckless mistakes, he sheltered him. Coddled him. Some might say Navy killed his brother with kindness.[break][break]
    Fate delivered him a second chance with a call from ’s father. The girl’s father called in an old favor to procure Navy’s help smuggling Tsubaki out of Kanto. Most of the work was already done, all Navy had to do was take a cruise, pick her up, and help her settle into her new life. Things did not go as planned. After helping clear her name of murder, Navy took this new younger sister under his wing.[break][break]
    Tsubaki and have both been foundational for Navy as a character. Through the guidance, friendship, and camaraderie he’s shared with these girls, across multiple threads, he’s found the strength to keep fighting. Whether it’s watching a movie with Tsubaki, playing arcade games with Eris, or being there for them at a difficult time in their life, he’s always got their back.[break][break]
    He also made two promises. One to that he will try and persuade to move somewhere safer. Failing that, he will look after him. The second promise was to himself, that he would look after while she searches for her father.[break][break]
    One can only hope he does not repeat the same mistakes…
  • 3. THE WARRIOR'S ROAD // PATH OF CHAMPIONS[break]Navy makes no secret of his aspirations to be a Champion rank trainer, and even make a bid for ’s spot as Top Champion. Ironically, Kyle is Navy’s best friend. They grew up together in Slateport. Their circumstances in life are not so different from one another. Ironic that the chronically lazy Kyle should soar to such heights while the workaholic Navy was content to remain out of the spotlight.[break][break]
    Many of their threads explore what it means to be champion. Navy’s answer is that Hoenn’s champion must be a warrior, ready at a moment’s notice to rise up and defend their homeland. Kyle has picked up on how Navy’s ideals might lead him to an early grave in his battle at the Dewford gym.[break][break]
    Hoenn is also a land rife with strife. The theme of Navy’s gym is warfare. Rocket does not play fair. In an attempt to show the trainers of Hoenn the realities of the battlefield, his augmented gym challenge is designed to be unfair.[break][break]
    He tried to teach that you can’t always rely on your preferred format in his challenge thread.[break][break]
    and Navy fought in a battle of wills and ideals over whether it was morally correct to support the League in his challenge.[break][break]
    , perhaps the girl who needed this lesson more than anyone else, is shown that not every Pokemon battle plays out like it does on TV.[break][break]
    was given the opportunity to showcase his resolve and how far he has come as a trainer in his explosive challenge.[break][break]
    He prays that, through helping others walk the path of champions, it will help him along his own journey. They’re all in this together.
if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:
  • The Warrior’s Road // Path of Legends[break]Michael Navidson is not an avatar. Through his friendships with avatars past, present, and future, he has come to believe that might be for the best. Navy knew Kyle before he was blessed by Ho-oh. He has seen how avatarship has changed Kyle and awakened a hero complex in his favorite slacker.[break][break]
    The way both and talk about her avatarship with tapu lele and his with yveltel frighten him. He describes avatars as “heroin addicts” to Kyle.[break][break]
    He has seen ’s parasocial relationship warp his perspective. He hears the desire in Illeana’s voice when she speaks of Palkia. Everyone wants to be someone in Hoenn. If you court a legendary, your wildest dreams can come true.[break][break]
    He fears the toll they demand is too high. It is a price he would not pay lightly. Kyle thinks that he will inevitably catch something’s eye. Navy wants to be enough without a legendary. Time will tell where the Path of Legends takes him. For now, he is content to be a bystander. Life’s better without a monkey on your back.
  • any notes/comments: is getting the free gym badge for this canon AC period. They conducted a successful attack on Navy's gym that was eventually repelled.
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the ascendant
November 03
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 0:46:25 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar



4 ic posts for canon characters:
summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:
  • 1. SHED SKIN[break]freya has been on the council before. six months ago, she would have bared her teeth and laughed in your face if you told her she'd willingly take this position again. but then, with the lingering memories of galar fresh in mind and a crown cradled in her hands, she saw her bristling defenses as nothing more than an excuse - she's been running from the truth. follow-up discussion threads with , , , and more have made her realize she is not looked at only for the mistakes that she's made. that she is (though some would disagree) at her core, a good person. [break][break]that being said, she is not without skeletons in her closet. she hates with every fiber of her being. her relationship with is complicated (though he might argue nonexistent) and she knows she has an uphill battle with doing right by the people of hoenn. sometimes that means stepping away from untangling the intricacies of corruption in the league and instead focusing on those directly affected by their pencil pushing actions, which she's currently exploring with .

treacherous waves[break]
role model [break]
sorry about sima [break]
simmer [break]

  • 2. UNSUNDER[break]freya has always loved monsters. before it was , it was . in the past couple of years, while she's been a rogue agent, she's fancied herself on the edges of it all, painfully and blissfully away from faction wars. she found companionship in the likes of , knowing full well who she works for. after learning her true identity, she solved a riddle with . this sympathy is a side to her that her companions, nevermind her colleagues, know about her.[break][break]she thought for a while she'd gone soft. to have her rage at the evil of all rockets tempered by a few surface-level kinships (and twenty years of nearly forgotten memories, but i degress), it's only steeled her resolve against what really matters: protecting their home and its people.[break][break]she admires the likes of and for their work ethic. she considers an ally and has plans to help with his and 's rehabilitation program for defecting rockets.

we knew each other once[break]
monsters [break]
rising water [break]

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:
  • 1. LEGENDARY[break]N/A
  • any notes/comments: would love to do a small mini-thread series that i take on with league characters who want to express something important to them to a member of the council. make their voice heard. that kinda thing. idk, dm me or @ me in plotting if ur into that. councilwoman freya is here for U. 
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July 9
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 2:31:16 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar





4 ic posts for avatar character:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • Pokemon Home.[break]
    Melody has officially recruited someone to assist her with moving the plot along a bit as they work on taking care of some of the pokemon they've already brought to the island thanks to 's effort's! In addition to having Navy take on a more direct hand in the assistance of developing the island. Me and crow have also been discussing having become more involved in the development of project home as well since it is right up the council woman's alley! Thread pending tho hehe. [break][break]

    To recap: The goal of Pokémon home the acronym that stands for for Homeless, Orphaned, Mistreated, Emancipated. This project is meant to rescue and rehabilitate Pokémon who have suffered from the actions of humans and are in need of care. Currently, Pokemon Home is located on the mirage island north of FORETREE city and is an island that is very underdeveloped due to a lack of resources which is why Melody wants to rope in Freya and is going to look to have join so they can have someone who can treat the injuries of the pokemon there.[break][break]

    Star power is melody and navy's interactions while carrying out Pokémon home duties and also talking about their personal aspirations. Skull and bones is about them gaining more Pokémon they've rescued.

Some relevant threads:[break]
Star power[break]
Skull and bones[break]

  • 2. I think therefore I am [break]
    Now that Melody has gotten used to living with not knowing who she was and this new found freedom of hers, she's having doubts on this. She thinks about trying to go back to how it was when she was under madeleine's influence in wanna be her as she found life a lot easier back then in the thread named Wanna be her, where she confronts and the conversation he and had during the christmas party that made Ollie distance himself from Melody. [break][break]

    Then in the thread where Melody and Dahlia go on a nice little private walk together, Melody shares her insecurities with Dahlia. They talk about their shared trauma of dealing with Nihilego Neurotoxin where Melody reveals more personal insecurities to the commissioner which ties back into a thread an old thread with pointing out her past failed actions. [break][break]

    Lastly, post Goodbye Galar event. , , and Melody all go to the silent icelands for a little trip. Once they set up camp and get cozy in, the three begin to talk a bit about their past upbringings and the conversation shifts over to the subject of GG. Melody shares with the group some insecurities and things she can remember about the dream. Mostly that her insecurity with Cobalion was confirmed and that she was happily married and with kids. However the piece that bothers her is not being able to remember how she got over her current problems which they try to help with.[break][break]

Relevant Threads:[break]
Wanna be her[break]
Dahlia and Melody go on a lil itty bitty date[break]
Summer time fun[break]

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. LEGENDARY[break]

  • any notes/comments: Aside from the stuff listed above! Melody is also currently doing a league interview with .

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
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637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 2:31:54 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • 1. Old Habits die hard [break]

    Bryan has begun to take a different approach when it comes to garnering influence in rocket. Instead of just using fear and aggression against people in the past to get them to fall in line. He has begun to employ a different variety of methods to get people to fall to his desires and expand his social circles to types of characters he wouldn't normally interact with. Such examples would be like the recent threads with , , and . [break][break]

    Bryan used his status as an avatar to gain favor with both and to have them studying his blood with the promise of Liquor, booze, and information. The information piece I think will be the most interesting piece as Bryan wants to understand more about the nature of his avatarship to see if there is anything he can do to defend himself against necrozma coming to feast upon the new tree of life. [break][break]

    In terms of , Bryan had used mint to satisfy his own carnal desires and me and kimmy are currently still threading out what happen in GG (cause of me in school sadge) but it's going to expand over a long period of time that slowly starts to affect his relationships with other characters such as Bryan and 's eventual break up due to a fight with priam being ok with his actions.[break][break]

    All in all it's a fun lil plot of bryan re-learning how to manipulate others into getting what he wants without being obvious and expanding his social circles a bit.

    Relevent threads:[break]
    Xerneaussy (Nomi thread)[break]
    PC BF (priam thread)[break]
    Flower for Xerneas(Amor thread)[break]

  • 2. Necrozma[break]
    Bryan was always terrified of Necrozma since he discovered what it had done to his good friend and how it made him into an evil creature. In an attempt to say from his fate like he had promised him way back when (in a thread that I cant fuckin find, yams lmk if u can find it) Bryan accidentally unleashes Necrozma from Chu-e's body and the parasite finds a new suitable host. One that is perfectly health and able bodied to handle it's abnormal nature. [break][break]

    Since then bryan has been rather stand off-ish and avoidant of but has slowly grown to understand that this situation is different compared to when Choi was the host for Necrozma and he seems to exercise better control over it. He pushes Zev a bit during a sparing match just to see how well Zev could control the creature and despite the numerous close calls bryan encountered, it wasn't enough for the fellow beast to feast upon him for his energy. [break][break]

    Not only has he begun to feel comfortable, but he's starting to drop his guard around zev and see him as a friend? Pog?

    Relevent threads:[break]
    Shields up[break]
    Piratical defense

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. LEGENDARY[break]
    Since becoming the avatar of Xerneas, Bryan quickly became someone who was fearless due to his fear of death being effectively staved off and feeling like he was a god amongst men which was explored in a very old thread with . Since then, Bryan has learned he is not as powerful as he though as such things being able to work around his regenerative abilities such as ultra deep sea adapting to him and creating poisons that can tear into him faster than he can heal, Necrozma's presence returning to Hoenn via , and possibly posing a new threat with her ability to absorb the life of nearby fauna. Such feelings were shown briefly in dissmeninate 2 as Bryan tells walsh he wants to stay as far as possible away from Necrozma but is told by walsh he is expected to assist if it is asked of him. Bryan going forward now I think is going to become selfish in a different way where he is more likely to run away from situations he might actually die in now going forward in an effort to preserve his own life with these new threats.

  • any notes/comments:

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dog boy
october 24
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Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 3:44:35 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar





4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

  • ex challenges[break]
    kyle continues to be the ever so curious person who starts to get excited as his dreams of being isekai'd to a fantasy world is starting to become reality. as such, he will still be active in poking dangerous areas of the region despite the lack of necessity to do so.
    he joins in hunting for the dogs, exploring caverns of the previous site of the galar adventures with his coincidental rendezvous with , and attempts to understand glaciate ice with and among others. he writes it off as champion duties, but they are, before anything else, personal indulges.
    more experiments concerning the ultra space, such as attempts to play with megalopolan items with and other things concerning zygarde cell they found on mechanical kingdom are to come.

  • sync pair scout[break]
    when assigns kyle and the opportunity to scout for potential members of aqua, kyle doesn't seem to take it seriously at first, though the reason lies with his standards.
    enter , who is willing to die for the cause and be a body in front of him. over the span of multiple threads, kyle probes the ex-private investigator's motives, witnessing the transformation he took. he goes to understand that he teeters on the line of dumb enough to risk consequences but smart enough know those consequences.
    the assessment ends with their gym challenge, where the challenger becomes the tester. recruitment comes late since kyle is too lazy to acquire the form in time.

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • sync grid[break]
    goodbye galar has given kyle an excuse to familiarize himself with the extent of his abilities off-screen. although they still come off as natural reflex for him, nostalgic familiarity makes for a good reason to use it without breaking the narrative of kyle being uncertain of their usage. this will hopefully allow him to use them more liberally on future events, with the dagger memento from goodbye galar that can be utilized as a means to activate the aftermath ability more liberally.
    the free use of sacred ash beasts makes things easy for kyle to display strength and versatility as an avatar, making it a cheap tool to use when needed. examples of the showcase includes aqua assessment for and weaning from his obsession.
    ho-oh remains estranged to kyle, although their bond remains unconditionally strong from blind faith. purity remains to be the value upheld by the legend, and as long as kyle remains true to his heart, there was no need for guidance to be given by the patron.

  • any notes/comments:

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november 14th
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i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2023 7:53:16 GMT





4 ic posts for canon characters:

summarize 2 plots that are in-progress and being threaded:

    matias retains most of his memories from his time spent in galar which means he has had to navigate new(?) waters after returning to hoenn.[break][break]

    this has mostly revolved around his relationship with . in galar, matias found stability, understanding, and love. to have those aspects now missing has made it difficult for him, further contributing to the unraveling of his mind (he going bonkers again).[break][break]

    he has to now cope with the loss of a life he loves, of the kyle he knows, and of their son.[break][break]

    in the same vein, his bond with both groudon and virizion have started to unravel as well. more is detailed in the legendary section.[break][break]

    tl;dr sane matias is not sane for much longer :catto:[break][break]

    relevant threads:[break]
    - MONSTERS (sane) ft. [break]
    - SOMETHING IN THE SEA (sane) ft. [break]
    - VICTORIOUS (sane) ft. [break][break]

    MATYLE DAY threads:[break]
    - PARADISE FOUND ft. [break]
    - MY KING ft.

  • 2. TEAM FLARE[break]
    matias has had a complicated history with . what started out as hiring her to be provide flowers for his wedding has spiraled into something far more toxic that involves attempts at each other's lives.[break][break]

    but things are looking different for the future. whether it's brighter or bleaker is still up for debate. ill-met by moonlight covers an interaction where they come to find common ground to build their partnership(?) upon. they talk goals, loyalties, and love, potentially setting up future betrayal on either side.[break][break]

    or both?[break][break]

    TEAM FLARE[break][break]

    TEAM FLARE threads:[break]
    - BLEED RED ft. [break]
    - ELISADEAD ft. & [break]
    - THE WITCH & THE MONSTER ft. [break]

if an avatar, summarize how you've utilized[break]the legendary/avatarship for collaborative narrative:

  • 1. GROUDON[break]
    before goodbye galar, as referenced in the last activity check, groudon's presence weighed heavy on matias' mind. it tugged him in a particular direction and influenced a lot of his decisions, most of which aligned with his own, but at times not. an example of this is in a thread with where groudon pushed for a fight against rayquaza.[break][break]

    during goodbye galar, with groudon's main driving force seemingly put on halt, it became less obsessive and reliant on matias. this allowed for them to have more of a partnership which consequently freed up his mind. this, along with virizion's help, allowed matias to heal.[break][break]

    after goodbye galar, now back in the familiar realm of hoenn, groudon has easily returned to what it once sought (primal energy) and has started to forget all of galar. the fractures in matias' mind have started to crack once more under the weight of groudon's presence and desires.[break][break]

    this is no partnership. groudon's volatility lives through matias as they both search for power, never to be satisfied.[break][break]

    relevant threads:[break]
    - VICTORIOUS ft. [break]
    - THE GREATER GOOD ft. [break]
    - GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SHIELD ft. [break][break]
  • 2. VIRIZION[break]
    before goodbye galar, virizion departed from matias during postdormitum as it no longer felt safe fighting alongside him. his volatility and desire to win proved too much for the sword of justice. still, virizion watched from afar, providing pipivotal aid in PARADISE LOST ft. to free matias from a state of PARALYSIS.[break][break]

    during goodbye galar, virizion and matias rekindled their bond as seen in this post.[break][break]

    after goodbye galar, as matias spirals back to his fragile state of mind, will virizion choose to stay?[break][break]

    relevant threads:[break]
    - ILL-MET BY MOONLIGHT ft. [break]

  • any notes/comments: HE'S BACK

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 0px 5px; } .milkyac b { font-family:Poppins; } .milkyac a { font-family: Poppins!important; [/newclass]
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing